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<br /> : > (B) Any lnllure on tha part of the Truator to meet the repeymei�t teri�n�In rospect to the Loun greoment wnd ony �
<br />, • .; � other eidvance�under thl� �ead oY Truoi Itereby e�cured;end� _.
<br /> �����.'!'�� (C) Any�atlon by ths Truato► prohibfiad by the terma of the L�an Agreement or thie Deed of Truet or eny fallure of
<br /> 1-. ., ; th�Tru�tor to aot a�rayulred by the Loan AgreemerYc or thle Deed o4 Truat,eech af which Truetor hareby apreea .t�
<br /> have sn adver�e effsct on the Beneilclary'� eecurity for the Ilne of credit establlehed end the rlehto of the
<br /> -� ��noflcicry In cuch aec��ritv. �
<br /> ���� and upon ths heppsning of eny auah even4 oi deleult, Beneficiery m�y doclare nIi sums eecured heroby immediatoly
<br /> t���
<br /> dus�nd payabls by deliver to Truatae of uNrltten der,laratlon of dafault. The Truatee ehell have tha power of sala of
<br /> �"';� -.t�� the Propsrty, and if Bene4lciary deslies the Praperty to be sotd, it sheil deposit with Truatee thia Oeed oi Truat and ell
<br /> promluory notes and documents evtdencing expenditurea eeaured hereb�end shelt deliver to Trustee A writte�notice
<br /> . 04 defeult end eleetton to ceuae the Property to be eold, and the Truetee In turn shell prepare e notiee in the form '
<br /> ''��''� requlred by lAw, whlch ehall be du4y filed for�ecord by Truatee.
<br /> "•'-'T
<br /> =::°:,�Yi�C (A) Atter the lapee of such tirne am may bu requlred by lew followinp the recordetton of seld rtotice of defeult� and
<br /> � ��� notice of defeutt end notice of eate havine been given aa required by law� Tr�stee, without demend on Truator,
<br /> :�-, —
<br /> • •� shell eell the Property on�he tlat�f+nd ittltiq time and plece dealgneted In eeid notice of sele, et public euction to
<br />_�`�;�• the hlphsst biddsr, the purci��ts'p�iCa pBybble•in iAwful mor�ey af the United Stetea et the time of sale. The
<br /> �� parson conductinp the sde may, for e�y ceusa he dserna expedie�t,postpons the sate from time to tims until It
<br /> .�iy:�i��
<br />�•������� sh�ll ba aomptsted and,iii evePy euch aas�, notica of pu.tporeom�nt ahcll D�given by pubtic declaration thereof �
<br /> a��-'�"-�-� by wch person at the time and plece taat eppqinted tor the eete,prnvided,{f the eele Is poatponed tor longer then
<br />`-�-���+T� one11)day beiyond the dey ciealpneted in the notice of eele, nutice thereof shell ba Qiven In the same ma�ner ea
<br /> M!=���:b�� ths orlginal notice of eale. Trustee shail execute end deliver to tha purchaser its Deed conveylnp the Nroperty ao
<br /> ;'�� gold, but without endy covenent or worrsnty,express ar Implied. The recitele in the dead of dny metters Qr ects _,
<br />''-�` • shall be conclu�ive proof of the truthiulnese thereof. Any person,including Beneficlery, mny purchaae at tho sete.
<br />_; ��0� (B) When TrusYee selle pu►sunnt to the powere heroln�the Trustee ehail epply the proce�ede of tha sale to peyment
<br />;_;-�, ;.� of the coste and expenses of exercising the power of aele end of the sale,Includinp the peyment of the 7rwtee'e
<br /> - - feei actually incurred, which Trustee'a fees shall not in the apgregete excend the tollowlnp amount besad upon
<br /> ==- the emount secursd hereby and remalning unpaid;6 percentum on the first 41,000 theroof, 1 percentum on tho
<br /> �� balence thereof end then to the Itame in subparegraph (C) In the order there atated.
<br />-_'Y'�� �i.i ATief payin�ii�v�ie�Tio eNOi.�t��:!�: ss�p.::��:.pl: !S)!!Ltss:e!_Is�;Ts�_•t..,^i t�g n�nnw�r.n���t�nd nthnr eosts
<br /> � — of torectosure and sele If tha sele la pureuant to judicial foreclosure,the procse�da of sels ahall be applied In the order
<br /> -
<br />