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<br /> . ,�;,�.�. . -
<br /> � '�fi , THIS ADIUSTASL�RATE RIDER ir made thi� Ot h day of �__--- -
<br /> - .. - ' and i,incorporuled in�o and shull hc decmed to amend und supplement -"'�. ___
<br /> �- __ .._ _ .___. _
<br /> I�ar�. 1992 -�- --_ -__
<br /> � u � � i e ongagc. Dced of 'Itu�t or Scrurny Decd ("Securi�y Instrument') of �hc sumc datc givcn by �he undersigned -�-
<br /> . ("Bortower")ta secure Barrower?+Notc l"Notc"1 tu —
<br /> • :._--
<br /> ;•?j� �`
<br /> � ,,�a;:,,,.:, COLUMBUS FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK --°
<br /> .,�;` � '' Ithe"Lendar"1 oi'thc came J�tc and covcnng�hc propcny describcd in the Security Inx�rumcn�und lau�cd at: �..�`�`"
<br /> .., �: . ,. -
<br /> .. . 2314 STAROUST �ANE �
<br /> � " �• GRAND I SLAND. NE 68803
<br /> _.. �IT�+.nyAdJn�..� �--- ,__ _
<br /> . 'I'IIF: NU'1'F. l'lIN'I'A1 N% 1'R<)VIti1Q1�S AI.1.()WIN(i M'l)R ('HANIiM:ti IN TIIE � 'z
<br /> . I N'1'M:I t M:ti l' RA'I'1? ,1N1)7'IIP: 11()Nl'ti1N PAl'MkN'1: 7'llh: NA'1't: I.IMITti 7'IIM: _
<br /> AMIII�N'1"1'HE HI1RBl 11VM.R:ti IN'1'ERh:tiT ItA1'b:CAN('HANI:E A7' ANY ONM:7'1111H: s:
<br /> ANU'1'HF:MAXIMI�M RA'I'li'1'Hls HIIRItOW1:R Mllti'1'1'AY. - -„�,.0
<br /> �',�'�:��"-
<br /> ��'4
<br />..� ��Jd. �a _�__
<br /> '�IA�,Y; s;
<br />- -: . . i-•.�:.... :. ;=
<br /> - --.----- - ADDITIO":AL Cf?1�EPl:�NTS. In atklitii�n tn thc roven�nls und ��grecmen�• m•rdc m �hc Securily Instrumen4 _ �,�
<br /> • � • Bartower und l.endcr I'unhcr covcnunt and uprec•r.r• fiilMwti: -
<br /> r���
<br /> r,
<br /> • �.�,,�._•' .
<br /> " IA1 ('haoAe Date .. • „
<br /> The interctit rutr may ch:�ng�un�hc fir��day ol' �u 1 y 1 . 1993 ,und�hat day of euch succeeding year. -
<br /> . "Chunge Uu�c"mcanx each dulc on which tFu intcretit rule could rhan�e. �� " -
<br /> �
<br /> • IBI The Index �. . .��°""` -
<br /> ��:� .. .,
<br /> � • . Reginning with ihe tint Chun�c Ualc,ihr inlrrc��ratc will br ha.eJ on an Indcx. "Index"meam thc wcckly uvcrage � � "'.• .
<br /> � yicld on Unitcd 5�atr. Tnu.ury Sccuriiic� aJju,iccl io u c��i,tam muiurit�• of onc ycur, a.madc uvailablc by the Fedcrnl ; �:
<br /> Re+ervc Bus�rd. "Cumnl Indrx"mcan.ihr m��.t recrm In�kx tiEure uvailublr�0 dayx lkl'orc thc Changc Dalc. If the Index ! �i�
<br /> (as dcfined uM�vel is no longer uvailuMe.I.ender w ill u,e ati a ne« Indrx uny index prc.crihcd hy Ihe Scrretury. A+u,ed in
<br /> this Ridcr. "Scrreiary" mcun.thr 5ccrcirry ol'HousinE und Urhun Urvclopment or hi�or her de:tignee. Lender wUl give � _.�..._
<br /> .".Vi�4��.
<br /> Borrowcr nMicr of thc ncw Indrt. � �it,v�°_"
<br /> , � • _„
<br /> ;g���.:'—�-
<br /> (('1 Calculation nf Interext Rute ChLn�es �"'
<br /> Bclorc cuch Chungr Datc.L�iuk r wiU culrulutr�i nrw int�rc.t nnr b�•udding a mxr�!in ol `v�'-`��
<br /> ��
<br /> Two percen�agc � --.-z---_°;-
<br /> points l 2.0000 `/J lo Ihc rurtenl Index und nKmdin� the ,um lo thc nram�� onv-ci�hth of one perccntv�t� point
<br /> � ((1.125'/,1. 5ubjcrt Iu Ihc limil��tatcd in I'uragraph IU�i�f Ihi,Riclrr,thiti rnurxlyd nm�wnt will�h�ihe n�w intercrl rutr until
<br /> the next Chunge Uutc. '
<br /> I
<br /> 1pf Limittion Intrre+t Ratc l'hup�es �
<br /> Thc intcrra ru�r��iU nc�cr i nrrraw��r drrrcx,c hy nwrr than unr��rrr�nta�c puinl 1 I.U�: �un��n�•tiin�le CfiunFs D�tr: ,�
<br /> 7'hc inlrrc.t rsur��•ill nr��r hr mi�rc th:m live prrc•c��ta�c fx�int.i 5.11�;i hi�:hcr or lu�►�r Ihan Ihc imliul inlcrc.l rute. . .
<br /> IM:1 ('alculalion of I'a�mcnt l'han�!e
<br /> If Ihr int�rc+� ralr rhun�c,�,n:i (leinEr U;nr.I.cn.lrr��ill.:diul:ur Ih: .imount uf munlld� payntciu uf prinripal und
<br /> intcrc�t whirh µ�utdd Ix ncc�..:u•� N� rcp;�� ihr un��:iNl��nnri��al h;il:uirc m lull al Ihr mulurit� dulr iu thr n��� inlrrc�t r.nc
<br /> Ihn�ugh wh�lunliadlr cyu:d p:i�•mi m�. In nial,ing.uch rulrulatiun. l.rnJrr a ill u.r Ihr un�r,uJ��rinripal hal:llll'l'N"I11CI1 N'UUI/I
<br /> Ix uwcJ un Ihr('hanEr U:ue il�h�•ir had hrrn nu drl,n�h m p;��mrni un thr tiui..r.durcd h�Ihr am�Kim ul:m� prcpa�•mrnt.
<br /> _ . tn nrinrinnl l'hr rrwll UI Illl\l':IICUI:IU�MI NIII F1l'(Ill'JtllllUlll 1/I IBC Ill'N I11UIl1�1�� P:ICllll'�II U��l1'llll'I�l:l�:Illl�Illll'�l`\I.
<br /> "�""' �
<br /> IFI Nnticc ol'l'hLn�c�
<br /> Lrndrr will gire nutirr w F3�wri����r ul an� rhangr in Ihe m1�•rc,l r;ue and munlhh� pa�nunl umounl. Thr nulirr mu.t
<br /> tx givcn ul lea�l ?5 day. ixlittr dk� new• minuhl� pa�mm�l amuunl i� duc. and mu,l ,r�ti,nh Ii� th� datr uf Ihr nalirr.
<br /> (iil thr('h�m�:c Da�r. 1�ii► Ihc old uitrn�t railr.u�i thr nc�� mtrrr,� ru1r. ��i Ihr nr�c monthly p;i}•mcnt :unuunl. ��ii �hr
<br /> Currcnt Index :md thc datr ii�v:�.puhfi.hrJ. ��ii► tlk• nmih�,d��f r:drululin�:thr chanEr m numihh pa�ment amount. :uid
<br /> � � <viii 1 uny oihrr hifomia�iiro whirh nr.��•Ix rcyuired h}la��frum ii�nc to�imc.
<br /> :9+
<br /> �arat I.�►�r Hu.m�v f�mn+Iro �
<br /> iITEU 658P 191011 'I'��L'�•I^�'P�rl•�'�� fo lhdrt r,lll 114N�9.M44:1'1:1�•FA\UI��.1111 I1.11
<br /> , . i'
<br /> i
<br />