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<br /> �`�`"'����' NON-UNIFURMCnVF.NANTS. HaROwcrandl.cndcrfunhcrcavenunt undugrccusti�lluw,:
<br /> �- • -.s10�'�". • 17. Foreclacure Pracedure. If l.endcr rcyuirc+imm.Jiutc puymcnt in full undcr pura�ruph�),Lrnd�r muy�n��ukc thc c-_-
<br /> ..i ;��...:".,1..... r � }n
<br /> � a;•.. {x�wc�af Kulc und uny othcr rcmcdic.p�.rmiurJ My upplicuhk l uw. l.cndcr shull Ix entidcd tu cullcc�ul l cz�x n+r+mruRrd
<br /> ' �`����+� '- in pa�suing lhc remcdicY pmvided in tfii.�purugruph 17.inrluding.hut nut Iimi�rJ�u.rcuumuMc uu��mcy�I'r�.unJ ru.��ul�
<br /> � �`:�°.;Y»�� . '• ti�lc cvidcncc. _
<br /> : ..
<br /> if the pnwer oP sale i�invoked.'Iruslee sholl rcti�urd o natice ut defaull in euch couoty fn which uny pvrl ut the
<br /> '� � � ° Property is locatcd und shall mall coples oP+�uch notice in thc muoncr prescribed by app licuble luw to Rurrower und
<br /> ,,.. ..�:.., lf 71�ustce KNull Ive
<br /> ; to the other persons prescrfbed by apPIicAble law. After lhe time required by app ceble Iww.
<br /> ` publlc nodce ot sute to the persnn+�end in the manner prrscribed by applicuble law. TruKlee,witbuul demwn on �_�,..._
<br /> .. , • � Borrower.shwll sell lhe PrapeMy et pubNc auctlon tu the hish�nt bidder at Ihe lime and pluce und under the terms ` _ v -
<br /> deRignated in the natice of sate in one o�more pArce4c aad in any arder Truslee determiocs. 7Yu.r•tee moy piwtpone t
<br /> � ,. �le of a11 or any parcel oP the Properly by pu6lic annoxncemeM at the time and plwce uf s�ny prrviously scheduled __ -_-
<br /> -- � � sole. l.ender or i�v designee may purchase Ihe Property rt»n sale. �`':w;r_-__
<br /> � ° Upon recelpt oP paymenl oF the price bid,7lrustee shal�deli�er tn Ihe purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveylnQ the �.,,,,,;:
<br /> -�' �; . ' � Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee s deed shall be prlma facie evidence of t�uth uf the stulements made therein. _4� •.T
<br /> - 7Fuslee RhaN apply the proceeds of the sak in Ihe fullnwlnR order: lal to ull c��stc und expenses oi exercising the
<br /> • power oP sale.aod the sale.including the payment of tbe'11�u�lee's fees aMually incurred nut to exceed f i ve `/ ��`��=�•-
<br /> �-;��-_----�.__,
<br />^`ti �' � � ''�� of the principal amount aP the nole at Ihe time af the decluralian of defguU. and reasanable altornevv' Pees as ��,`,;..�_��_�-------
<br /> 1 ; .,,. , � . � ___..
<br /> '' ������ `. �• �`� permilted 6y law;lbl to s�ll sums secured by thfs Securlly Instrument;and Icl a�y exces.�to the person or per��ns ��,�, „ ___
<br /> •' ,; '��'�',� , le�allp enNtled to il. �
<br /> � ' ' „ '" 18. Reconveyance. Upon puyment af ull .r•um�Kcurcd by thi�Sccuriiy Imtniment.Lend�rshull rcNuc.t.'li'ustcc t�� i��Hi.�e �-
<br /> �•, . ' reconvey the Propcny and shull sumnder Ihis Security Murument und ull note.evidencing debt ucurrd hy Ibs Security � : ,q� ,,�.,.�,
<br /> .`��:,ti " In.tniment to 7tuslce. irustec.hull rccom•cy thc Property withnut u•arruniy •rnd withou�churgc ia�ha:�xr,on o�penon. _-_ -�u.,..-°
<br /> . ... :
<br /> �' • Iegully entiUed to it. Such person nr personti shall puy any rccorduucxi cosls.
<br />: ..,a...�......,
<br /> 19. SubsNlute'Ilrustee. Lendcr,ut it�uption, muy fmm umc io iimc rcmove 7Pu.lcc und u int a+ucce+s�x tru+tcc
<br /> to any 7Yu�tce upEx�intcd hcrcundcr by an in.tnimcnt rc«�rded In the caunty in whirh thix Scruri pPln+trumrnt i� rcrarJed. �Y°°'�'"'�—
<br /> � . Withnut c:onveyuncc uf thc I'�opcny,Uxr sucr�xsur tru�ICr shall+ucccrJ u�idl thr iiUe.pow�r:md du�ic+ ronlcRCJ u�►n . __ -1
<br /> Tru.�ec hcrcin und hy upplicublc law. 'i.'`—-
<br /> � 20. Reyuesl fiir Noticex. liurr��wcr r��uctit� �hut rnp�c���1'the nuiicc.nl'dcluul� and .ulc Ix Knt io H��m�wer; ,...,,,q,,,� . -.
<br /> uJdnrw which i+ihc l'ro�Ny Addn�.. .•.�t.-,� '
<br /> Rlder�to Ihi�S��urily Intilrumeat. II unc or niur�nd�•iti��rr r�r.•utcd h� N��rruurr;iml�raHd�•�I in�rthrr wi�h Ihn �;;y;�a;.:.
<br /> tircurily In�irumrnl. Ilx� r�w.�n:ml, ut r:�rl► ,uch ndr� �hall fx iuc�x���r.urd nUu ;md .hidl i111kINI :wd ,��r�i.•mrm du p"'�"_�`
<br /> i�,_..,4 _..»..
<br /> covcnwn.and s�Ercrounl���I Ihi,tirrunly In,U�ou��•��n,il�tlir ridrrl.i wrn in u p;u1 ul thi.tiecunly In.�nmxnl. ; .:_ �:;.
<br /> . .x .-
<br /> �Check upplic:�hlr M►xl�.l�. �:��,r,�,,j.-
<br /> ' ..._•. �-�: �--
<br /> nC�n�►miniumRi�kr L_,(iraeiwiudl'uynkn�Ridcr �--,(iruveinpliyuiiy Itidcr =---
<br /> �.a�a�; -
<br /> _- -_ -- � ��.:..r. __
<br /> :: .��---
<br /> �PlunncdUniilkvclapmrnlRidrr LX,�Hh�r�S�rify� ADJUSTABLE RATE R[OER ��;_'��,�:-�;_
<br /> ���•
<br /> BY SIGNING B�l.OW. Borruwrr arccp�+and ugr���to thr �enn,ronlainrJ in pu�rs 1 thrnu�h�1 0l'�hi.r 5ccurity ��:<y,.; �;�:;:�_'''`
<br /> Intitrumeni and in uny ridcrl•1 ex�c�Ued by B�►rrower unJ r�w�►rdcd wiih it. .,,- �v.;;
<br /> �� '�'
<br /> �r�t-�.-
<br /> t ,sc�: - .. '. __:�.-_
<br /> . � � � ,. �-�:�: _
<br /> � --- - i.�.� �sca�► � _.'
<br /> Bum�wcr � xA•--
<br /> � � — -- GREG�ICKEY , ''�'-j':--
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<br /> — - �"�;�'�'Q�, � _r .l��t IScal) .:.
<br /> �urmw¢r . '`'
<br /> ANGEl.i4 E DICKEY ^"� ' ' �•'��'�a
<br /> �� ,.
<br /> . , ._(Scal)
<br /> � • ---� Hnmiwcr = -
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<br /> -------- ISr�ll � sc1-�,;�
<br /> Hom�wcr .. . . ---
<br /> +�h'��
<br /> , . . _.y-.,a�_._
<br /> . ►.
<br /> � S'i'ATE()F N�BRASKA. HALL �1101��"� i
<br /> . On�hi. p �I:"�•� March� 1997 . �Inre mr. Ihc unJcr.i�ncd.a Nii�ar�• �
<br /> � Puhlic July cummizxi�mell�n 1 yuc�lifird I��r,aid coum�. �hr.unall�ramr ,
<br /> .to nx I.nu�on li� 1x th�
<br /> idcntical prrum�,�ahu�c namr�,�c�rr,�sh•.riitxrd I��ih�t'ax��amig in.lru�rnnt:ind.ic6nu��IrJ�rJ dx c��culion ihcrcol'li�Ixt
<br /> their �•��lunlar�•url :indd�rJ.
<br /> Witncti�tm h:�nd anil iuHana),ral .d GRAND I SLFIND in �aiJ �i�unly�, lhr
<br /> � (�LIC:111)fl`�UI(�. .
<br /> . �, �l� ,C�� �l � '`CC�� �
<br /> MV��Ullltlll\�I1111 C%�IIRti _^�� . � \��Ln)Pul.li�
<br /> J.
<br /> GN Il M SI�Il01 N,;Ai�u4 i<wr_R�n � Ri:cu
<br /> �1� ROBERTA L REED
<br /> � ",�N�Comm.E�D•1u430.1994 RIiVt'fitill•cNtllfc'c)YV1:1'ANC'li
<br /> The undenign�d i�thr huldrr„I thr nulr ul'�tulc� �i'�u1tJ h� Ihi� I)eril ul'Ifll�l. S;u�l nul�ut Iti�IC+, tuErthrr�sqh.11)
<br /> nthcr inJcMrdn�+,,ccurcJ hy ihi.t)ecd ul'1'ru,l. ha�� Ix��i P���d m I�ull. Yau :irc hcrrh� dirr.•ICd u��anrrl .:ud not. i�r
<br /> n�HC.:md ihi,bcrd�,f 1Yu.t.�vhirh arc drinrrrJ hrrch�.,m�l�n rr.un�r�.��nhuu���:uiant�..ill ih�r,�:ur no« hrlJ 1,� ���u
<br /> U11c1Cf Ihls I)CCJ u��fUtil Iti Ihi prr.�m�,r pertiun.Ir�alh rmi�I�J thcrci��.
<br /> . I�atc: _
<br /> �p.�cr� „ra����r�,�
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