� � •�''/.t�, :._.� �' � " ��,w•�:�lM'r•''.•�Y� .�.^ r ..i. L' P' . , . ' r:_ .. . ,I�, _�r � �DMr � -'_
<br /> I� � y Y.�� !� '��.Y�l+y^ �k%! - i c_.__-
<br /> � ''�� :raaawrr±ir�►+a. yf�cut � 1i�7�.'.�F�.iK4�b"�� _. . ' . � , rH.,o�+-•��rs,...-.+-� . .---•---
<br /> �..' ill...�I�.r. _
<br /> , � �,�. , :�_
<br /> _ ".:�..,��s-,� _
<br /> , ,, , r::r---�---
<br /> ,,. . .
<br /> ... .
<br /> � • -
<br /> � . '
<br /> yt.:iFwG+�. � . , n ,. . .. ' __
<br /> ' ..� ' �..._.�. ....���.--�._�.�_.�'_�..._ .. . r
<br /> . 92- �U25� _��, ��_:,-��-�`-.
<br /> I' . °" . �_A�� _
<br /> . . �=; - -.._ -
<br /> ,�, . . , paymcnls.which are nfcrrcd ���in P,uugruPh 2.or chungc Ihc umuunt of,uch p��ymcnl+. Any rxrr,+ pr�wcedti�wrr un I�J•�.,.,�;-��,s,,,,,�
<br /> o � nmount required���puy all out�tunding indeMtedne.rx unJcr�hc N�Nc und ihir Security Inxtrumen�xhall be puW io�he endty ��`°" "
<br /> ��_
<br /> .. .' IegaUy entilled themto. —
<br /> • B. Mees. I.ender muy cuUect fre�und churge.r umhuriied hy�he Srrrewry. ��;--°-----
<br /> � 9. Grounds for Acceleratbn oP Ihbl. ���..:-.�.=-s��f���
<br /> Iwl Defwulb Lendcr muy.cxccpt uz Ifmitcd by rcgulati��n+iY�ued by thc Srrrclury in thN r:�se nf p.�ymcnt�kf'auU�. �����:=�=--�--
<br /> ., require immrdiute puyment in Full of ull xumx securcd by thi+Srcuriry In.�rument d': �� � �'4`r�' "�����.-�;
<br /> � (i)Bonuwer J�fuula by(uilin�e�o pay in full uny munUily puymcn�rcyuircd hy thir Srruriry In.tn�mrm p�inr
<br /> ro or on the due dute of the next monthly puymem,or
<br /> • . (ii)Borrower defnult,by i'uiling,for a penrni of thiny duys,lo pertimn uny uthrr oblikuli��m ranlained in thiti „� �
<br /> � �` � �� Securiiy lnstrument.
<br /> " (b)Sale Wlthaut Credlt ApprmAl. Lender tih�ll,if perniiucd hy upplirublc luw und wiih�he pri�ir uppruval af tlx .
<br /> SecretAry,reyuirc immediutc puym�n�in full of ull�he tium�+ecun�d by this Srcuriry Instrumeni it': ,
<br /> , (i)All ar purt of�hc Propeny,or u lxneticial intere�t in u trust nwning uU or pun of the Property, i.sold or • «
<br /> otherwise lrunsferred(olher thun by devisc or de.cenU hy the Rorrower.unJ '"4�"_�
<br /> • lii)The Property is not occupied by the purchuser or gruntee.�+hi�un c�r principul retiiJencc.or tlk'putchascr �
<br /> •,. ar grantce does �a cxcupy Ihe Pruperty 6ut hiti cx her crcdit has not hren appmved in accordance �;;��• �
<br /> r .•.,;..:•
<br /> • with the rcquirements of�he Secretary. "'_.�i•, _
<br /> (cl`��Wafver. !f circumstancex�xcur that would permit I.cnder p�reyuire immediate paymrnt in 1'ull,hut I.enckr � •�:�•».•��
<br /> ' .� . docs uat reyuire�uch payments,Lender dc�s nat wuwe ilti right�with Rxpect to tiub�equem event.. `.-�':'�..�`
<br /> (d)Regulations af NUU Secretary. Im m�ny circum,tancex rcgulu[ions issued by the Sccretury will limit Lender� '�'�`�''"'^"� �
<br /> ,: .,; . . , ..,.,,�,• �
<br /> rights, in the case af payment dafuults, to reNuire immediute payment in full and foreclrne if not puid. Thi.r• ; ,�,,�}:•;:.,;�.,
<br /> - ' Security Instrument doex nut authorize acreleriW�m or foreclosure it'not permiued by regulation�af Ihe Secretury. �! •'• � �' �`� _ - _
<br /> 7_!^'.:!_..
<br /> , � lel Mortgege Not Insured. BoRawc�ugrees thut tihould�hi�Security In.trumen�und the nnte ticcured therehy not � ,.;
<br /> +•�'� ' be eligible for intiurunce under Ihe Nationul Hou�ing Act within 8 mont hs from the �, ` ���� ._.�"
<br /> ,.
<br /> •• . � date hcreof,L.enJer may,at iiti option und notwith�tanding unythinE in Paragruph 9.rcquirr immedia�c pt�ymrn�in � . _ _-
<br /> full of all sums secured by ihi+Srcuriry Instrumem. A writtcn s�atcmrn�of uny uuihoriicd agcnt of the Sccrctury ; �•� '�.�Y:-
<br /> �� , ' duted.ubccquent to 8 IAOt1thS I'rum thc�lalc hcrcat:declinin�:to in.rurc thi.Scrurily ' `," _
<br /> Instniment und�he no�c srrured thcrcby,shull Ix:�kenxJ conclu.ivr pnM►f uf�urh incli�ihility. Notwith.tanding . ,"
<br /> thr tiirc�uing.ihi.uptian may not Ix cxcrcixJ by Lcixlrr whcn Ih� unuvt�ili�Niliiy af in,uruncc i, ,nl�ly Jur to E - -
<br /> l.enJer',failum to mmit u munµ�tir in�urunrr premiwn�u ihr ticrrr�ury. � .•w,'`-�
<br /> 10. RelnstAlemenl. Rnrrawcr hei.u nght to tx nm.�:ucd if Lrndcn c��ti r�quircJ imiurd�lu� p:iyment in lidl luruu+c ` .
<br /> af fii►rrowcr± i'uilurc �u ray un unuKrol duc undcr 1hc N�nr or �hi, tiecurity In.tnun�m. 'I'hi. n�M :q,i,lic, rvcn uttcr �
<br /> fureclo.urr pr�xrcdingr un m,til�ned. Ti� rein�tate �he tirruri�y In��rumam. Harruwrr ,h�dl tender in n lamp tium ull �1 �
<br /> _-- --- atn��uni+rcyw�cd kr in��iF ii��rrow�r;a::r�uni�urrcni including,tc:thr rxtriu !liey arr t+hlitalitm�t►!!3!!rrnwer t��nk'r thi. � - �`�i
<br /> ' Securily In,uumrm. li�nclu.urc r��,l,:utd ren�unuhk vnd�u����mary utlomcy�'Irr�:md�r�xn,r�pro�xrly ati+�ki:ncd u•ilb �' � �
<br /> �hc li►rccli►.rurr pnkccdinµ. U�m Rin,iutrmrn� by I�um�wer.�hi.Securi�y Inti�nunrut und�hr ohli�:ution+ �hut it tirrurc, � ,
<br /> � tihull remuin in rl'tcct a.it'I.rndcr had nut rc uircd immcJia�r paymcnt in 1'ull. Ilowcve�.L�ndcr�,not rryuircd u��+c�rniii . � `�
<br /> rcin.r�utemcm if: li1 l.rndcr h•rti uecrptcd r�in.ia�cmenl uflrr �hc rummrnccment ��I ti�rrr losurc pr�Kecdin�+wi l hm Iwu ! .. ��
<br /> . yrar. immeJiut�ly prccrdin�! �hc cammrncrmrnt ut�a currcnt tirrrcluwrc pnxcrding. liil rein,wicmrm will pr��cludc '
<br /> forcclusurc on dif'fcr�nt�rounJti in Ihr lutur�.ur liii)rrin�latrment w•ill•rdvrr,cly aflcrt thc priority of�hc licn rrc•rtcd hq �
<br /> this Sccurity Imtrumcnl. F � �
<br /> Il. Borrower Not Released: Fort�earuncc bv Lendrr Not u Walver. Fixirn�ion uf thr �imr ��i'�ay�m ur ..,i.;, -
<br /> modificution of umuniiutiim�il'�hr.um+.rcurcd hy thi.ti�ruriiy Imirumrnt Eran1�J hy Lcndcr to uny wrrcti.ur m mtrrest �
<br /> � uf Borniwcr xhull not o�xralc to rrlca.r Ih� liability ol�hr uri�mul Butruwcr ur HoROwcri wcceti,or in intrrcu. Lcndrr ,
<br /> shull not Lx rryuirc4 to romm�ncr prcxrrJinE+ a�;ain.� any tiurrr..nr in intcrc.l or rel'uu to extrnJ timc lur paymcnt or -
<br /> , • oihcrwisc mcxlify umoniiati�m of tlk +um� �rcureJ b�- �hi+ Scrurity In�lnuncnt hy rca,nn nf any drrnaiKi madc b� Ihr •
<br /> , , original Barruweror Borruwcr',�uccc�tion in intrrr��. Any li�rh�anmr.b�� LcnJcr in cxrrri.in�!uny right nr Rmcdy shull � � �
<br /> not lx:u wuiver of or prerludc the rxercitie ul an��ri�M irr rrmcdv. ' .
<br /> 12. Succeswrs and A�.viRns Hound;Joinl und tie�rrul I.iubllity: l'o-tii};ner+. Tlx r��venunt� and agrecmcot.of . .
<br /> Ihis Security b�,truirnnt,hall hind:md txncl'ii Ihr.ucccs.un und+n+i�:n,of Lrnikr and Hurru�v�r. �uhject to�he provi.ion.
<br /> of Purugruph y.h. fiorc�►wrr'. cuvenunt. unJ a�:rcemem. +hall Ix j�iint and tir�•rr:d. Any Bnrrower whu cii-�igos thi+ •
<br /> Security In+lrument hut dik�not rserutr thr N��ic: 1al i,cu-,ignin�:thi.tircurity In.irununt only lo munEage. �rrnt anJ
<br /> cexrvcy that Borrower's inteR.t in the 1'rn�xrt��undrr Ihr trrmti of thi�tirruriiy In,trument:�h►i.n����xr��aially obligatcd to ,
<br /> , p•ry thc swm tircurcd by thi.Srcuril�� In.lrumrnl:unJ Ic i:�Errr��ha� I.cndrr:�nd an�u�hrr Nc�rmwrr may aEnc tu extcnJ.
<br /> mudify.forbr:rr�tt makc uny accumm�xlutiun.wi�h rr�;ard�o Ihr Icmt,��(Ihi.Srrurity htsln�nnnl ��r ihc Nnte wi�hout that ,
<br /> Borrowrr ti runticnt.
<br /> 13. Notices. Any n�nicc to Ilorruwrr providrd ti�r m�hi,ticrurii� In�trumrn�.hall Ix givcn h�• d�livcring it or by •
<br /> mailing it by t'irsl cla.+ mail unlr„applirablr law r•quirr, u,r ��I'anulhrr�nrlh�xl. 1'Ix n��ucr .hull Ix�limctrJ lo thr
<br /> � Pro�xny A�k1rc�,or anp �Hhrr aJdrrs, B�irruurr Jr.iEnate.h� nn�irr tn Lrndrr. :\m n�uirr to l.rnd�r.hull Ix� Eivrn h�.
<br /> ' tirst rl:i++ muil lo Lrixlcr', a�IJrrti�.talrJ h�rrin��r ;m�• addrr•, Lcndrr Je.i�.nai�•. I,� nnu�•.•i�► liurruwcr. Any nuticc
<br /> providcd for in thi�S�curily In.UUmcnl,hall Ix�k�nmd lo ha�r hrrn gi�•�n tu liarr����cr„r L�ndcr��hrn�iv�n a,proviJed
<br /> %�;;. in thi,paraEraph.
<br /> ti 14. Govrrnin�;I.uw: tie�crstbUitv. 'I'hi, tirrurny In.u•umrnl tihall h�g���rnt�d h� 1•rdcral L•n� and Ihc I:►�� �►1'Ihc
<br /> juri�dic�ion in whirh thr Pro�xn�• i.I�ir:urJ. In�hc c�crn ih:u:m� ��ru�i,i�m �n clau.r �d thi,S.•cunly In.trumcnt ur tlx
<br /> Nutc rontlich wilh appli�uhlr la��.�uch runtlict.hall n�H:dlict ulhrr pruvi,wn,nf Ihi.tirrurn� In�lnuucm ur Ihc Nutc
<br /> which ran Ix�ivcn rffcct���i�huut �hr �onthehng pr���i.i„n. 'I„Iln,rnJ ihr pr���i.um���f Ihi. ticruril� In+irum�nl and�hr
<br /> No1C arr Jrrlarrd I��Ix+e�craMr.
<br /> I5. Burroaer'ti('op�•. liurru��rr.halllx•�iarn�mrwnl��un��d.up� otthi.tir:wit}In.trumrnl.
<br /> l6. A,.�i�nmenl of Rentti. 13urcuarr uni�mJniun.dl�.�.•iFn,;in�1 ir.m,lrr.lu I rn�l�•r.ill Ihr rrrnti:md r.��enuc,nl Ihc
<br /> Pn►Fxrty. Horniwcr ainhuriir.Lrndrr ur I.rndrrl a�rnh in r��ll���1 thr irni,,uid ir�rnur.,md hcrrh�J�rcri.r;�i h irn:uu u(
<br /> Ihc I'ro�xttl}•lo pat� lhc rrnt.lu L�nJ�•r��r L��ndir'� a�rnt�. Iln��r�rr.pnut 1�� I rni1�•r'. nnl�r�lu liurn,wrr ol liurn�wcr'.
<br /> brrach uf any ruvenant ur a�rrrntenl�n d�r tiriunl� In.li umrnt.R�m�,��ri .hall:�,Ilrcl.�nJ rrc��i�r:ill renl�;�nJ rr�inur,�d
<br /> �
<br /> Ihr Pro�xny a�Iru.lrr lur Ilir Ixnrtii��I I.rnJrr:md liun����ri. fhi�.�..itnnrcnl nt irm.run.mwr.:m:�h�ulul�a��iEnmrnl
<br /> . unJ not an a+�i�nmrnl Ii�r:idJiUun:d,rcurn� „nl�
<br /> �r� i �. . . • . �. .w.-::::..... ..::' ..1 1.. ��.... .l..�ll 1...L..1.1 1.. Il..rr. u�.r•.�ru.l.�.•
<br /> u a.CuuiT Eii:i..u..7::�:.. . .... _. ... ..... ... ..... ....... - � ...
<br /> ti�r Ixlxfil of Leixlrr unl�•,tu Ix••:ipplicd lu�lhr`�um.�.rcinril I,�`Ihr Srriinl� In,lrumrnt:Ihl Lrnd��r .h:dl Ik rnlnleJ t��
<br /> collccl und rcccivr.�U ot'Ihc rrnt, „I Ihr 1'ra�xMy::�nJ t.•1 r:irh Irn.u�t �,I Ihr 1'r��prrl� .hall p:�� ;dl rrnl.du�and unpaid t��
<br /> Lender or Lendrr,a�:rm �ai I.enJrr�..riurn drm:ind a�ihe i.•n:in�.
<br /> � Borrowcr ha� nol r�crutcd any priur:i..i�:nmrnl ��I thr rcn��:�nJ h:�.nu� and �►ill n��� prHurni :im ;irl that ��uulJ
<br /> preven�Lrnder 1'n�m exrrri.in�.ii,ri�:hl.undrr ihi.1'a�;igraph I h.
<br /> Lrndcr�h�ll nul tk rcyuirc.l lu cntrr upon,i:�hr cimtr„I ul„r mair::::s: :!:: !'ruprrt� Ix I�nr ur:dicr H��m�, nuurr��t
<br /> brcarh tu Horruwcr. Huwev�r.Lrndcr or a judiriall}• +ip��intrd iecci�rr nr,�� do ti��u� .m� umr�hcrr�.:�hrc:�ch. :1m
<br /> :�pplicatiun ul'rcnh .hall niN curc ur�vaivr:mv Jcfauh��r m�•:�IiJ;itr:uq ��Ihrr n�ht ur�rmc�l� uf LroJcr. I'hi,a.�ignmriit
<br /> uf rent�of�hr I'r�qx r1y.hall trrminatr whrn�hr deM ururcd h�•Ihr tircurilr In,tnunent i,paid in lull.
<br /> qa,e��+„�r�,.rer,i
<br /> I I
<br /> . � ,
<br />