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. � ., ..,:- �ji,�w.�..�,..i.�•„ys�'; � � • � . . - yi.-. <br /> �, ., _.. ' .�� f ..._ ...�_..;.._.."'. '.. . _ r al�.-- — _ <br /> �.. .. <br /> ._ . .. .�.•-�� <br /> r:• <br /> , .••, � ".d:BVS�'dYax.t�►l94JN�ihL'`.'�i.. - . , y,.. <br /> 'r�' _ _ <br /> .. - ��� •tK'��_M . .� 31�viu �Ile*tn;�'C�YrnM+.n�•iswe•.�n.W-'.. �� ..... ���'�- _�.r. . . .e...,s.s..WY/au+MlJ«f�ri�'�6�a n7r�_ ., _.. <br /> � a t� . . �_ .... ..rN.11L .— - . —. _ <br /> �IZ , �ti �C,��{A �'�h,j•aliryrtrws�-'+�.,..sw-u�.e (,'_ . . _ <br /> , —_ <br /> ,.. ' . :a�s rmo�rC�,g_ ._.,...�..�,,,_ -' ----'='- <br /> .._�_A.�_._ .._.'...�_. L'• �r_ � <br /> a�.� <br /> � , 92�- i n 2 5�5 �:-�=_--_ <br /> .� . � <br /> : ,,: �::�=:_.-- <br /> . 1. PAyment of Principui.inlrr�wl und I.ate I'hrrqe. t3uRUw•.•r.hull p:�y when dur�Ar pnnripal ut:und intcn.�on. �_J•�:�___ <br /> � Ihc Jeht evidrnccd My the Nule and lutu rhurge+duc under the Nute. —:�*. <br /> ' 2. Munthly puymenirt��f 7uxew lasu�uace und Oihe�('hur�ey. N��m�wrr+hall inrludc in ri�rh munlhly puymcnl. „--•- <br /> '- �ugrthcr wi�h tlu pnnripul und imerc+,�o.ut fonh in thr N�,tr�md :my lauc rhargc+. un in,iulb�i�nl uf uny�ul tuxc.und ��=_i_-=-- <br /> ,�xcij�l u„c++mcnt.kvied ur�o ix Icvird �ignin+i�he Pra�xhy.ibl Iru�eh�d�t puymrm,�+r gn►und rent�un�hc I'rn�ny.and �, <br /> - ., --.. !c)prrnt4un��f��r inuirn�Nr rrquirrd h�•Purnurupl�d. �•° -,Y~�------- <br /> l F.uch mumhly in.�allmrnt fur i�cm. lal. Ih) :mJ Icl +hull ryual an�-twrlfih uf�hc unnwd anuKmh. si+ rcuwnubly � "�`-- <br /> ctinm�,icd by Lci�dri. P�u+ :in .�muunl .u1li�icnl tu maintain an ;�ddni„n:d h�d:inrr „t' nal mnn Ih;m onr-,ixlh uf thc �•���'-_ <br /> c,timuted umountti. 17�c 1'ull annuul amuunt for ri�rh itcm +hidl Ik ucctnnulul.d hy Lendcr within ai �x�ial enJin�:unc _-_ ��-_---=-- <br /> " . m�mth tx�li�re un item wuulJ Ixcomr dulinqucm. l.rnJrr.hull hulJ�hr umi�unt.coUccicJ in tru.t lu p;iy ticmx Iu1,Ibl und � � <br /> Irl t+cforc thcy Ix�i�mc drlinyucnt. .,:;.;..--__�_ <br />' „ If u� any �imc�hr total ul'thr puymrms hcld hy l.rndcr lor i�rm�1u1.lh►und Ic►,togrth�r u•ith�hr futun� mamhly ����„�._�-�� <br /> .. puymcnt+ fur tiuch itcm+ puynhk u� l.cnd�r priiir tu the dur Juic, of,urh i�cm+.rxcccJ. hy m��re �bun onc-tiixth �hc y:�:.. <br /> extimulcd umoum oi'paymcnt.r reyuircd lu puy+urh iicm+whcn Jur.unJ if pnymrntti on thr Notc urc currem.thrn l.cnder -�:-=-- :- <br /> shall cithcr refund�hr excc„uvcr one-+ixl l i��t�hr r.limiu�J paynknt.i,r rr�dil thc exrr,.uvcr onc-,ixth oi'thc etilimutcd �,.-;;,,�,„w,,� - <br /> . „ puymcm,to sub.cyucnt puymcm�hy Sorr��wcr,ut the up�ion ol 8urc�,acr. If thc total��f thr paynxnt,muJr hy t3uRUwrr �i11_�=L,'_;:s=:,----- <br /> for uem lu).Ibl.or lcl i.intiufficicnt to pay the item wh�n duc.�han Bamiwer shall pry ta l.�nder any umuunt neccssury to �r_,�_. <br /> �;��:` <br /> mukc up ihr deficiency on ur ixfurc the Jute the item t►erame.due. - --�:��—� <br /> As in this Sccuri�y In��rument, "Secmli►ry"mran.thr Serrr�ary al'Ft��u�iug und Urhun lhhvclopment ur hix iir hrr ,. . ______ <br /> dcsigncc. In uny ycur in which thc Lrixlc�mutii pay u n�ohga��in.ur.ux:c premium t��thr Sccrrlary,cach monthly paymem ;, r.��:=-.-'� <br /> yhall ulso includc ci�hcr. li1 an inr.tullment of �he unnuul mon�!�gc imurunre prcmium I�� tx paid by Lender lo the ,•,.�.,.' •.�: =•-- <br /> , � Secrclury, or (iil u m�►nthly ch:+rge imte:iA i�f+i mnngaFc in,uranrr premium if Ihi� Security In+�rument iti held by thr , ��.:��;,:,;, <br /> •��--=-- <br /> % Secretary. Fa+ch mnn�hly ins�allmrm uf the monFi► e in�ur•rmc remium shall lx in un umaun�.ufiicient to urcumulute thr ,?.7.1�.�:. <br /> : K'• -�.::�..:•: <br /> : �;, full annual mortgugr imurancc premium with Lendcr onc m�nth prior ti�Ihc date thr full annuul m�xtgugc insuruncr ; . <br /> premium iti due to thc Serrclary:ur if�hi,Security Instrumcn� i+hcld b�Ihc Serrctary.e��rh munihly churge xhull hc in un .��`,- <br /> ' � . ' umnunt equul to one-twrlilh of ime•hulf percenl uf thc out.t:mdinF prinripal halance dur un the N�NC. �' �. . 1 ' <br /> � • • If Borrower iender.ta l.ender Ihe t'ull paymem ot'ull tium+�ecured hy thiti Securiiy In+trumrnt. Nurrowerti arc„unt <br /> ." � • � shull Fx crediteJ with thc halancc rami�inin� fnr ull intiiallment. far itcros(u1. (hl und Ic1 :uid any mohguge insurunce � 4 <br /> ,, ' • prrmium instullment Ihul l.cndcr� Ixr.�mc ohliEutcd u�pay t��Ihc Scrrrlary.und l.cndcr sh;�ll prompUy rcfund uny <br /> . exce�s funds to Bonower. Immediuwly priar lo u liircclo,ur��ule of�he Pro�xny�tt ih ucyuixiti�x�by I.encler,Borrower� 4, . <br /> uccount+hall bc cr�dilcd with uny bulunrc rcmaining for�dl in,tullmcniti for item.lul.lbl and(cl. i . — <br /> � 3, Application oP Payment�. All puymcnt�unJer winigraph.I :md 2,hull Br applicJ by Lendcr u�fulluw.: � <br /> FIRST to Ihc morlFutic inwrnncc pnnoum i��Im puid by l.rndrr to Ihr Secrclary��r tu 1hr mumhly churgc hy thc � <br /> � Secrctury inztcuJ ol'�hc monl h ly mungo�;c in.urancc pmmimn: ' <br /> SF.CON D,lu uny�uxeti.+�xriul us�r�.mcn�r.Icu,chuld puymcnt.or gr�wnd rcnl+.und lir�.Il•N�I und�Nhcr hatarJ � �; <br /> insurunrc prcmium..n,rrquiRd: t �.„ <br /> _ �'HIRD.lo inlcrc�t tlu�undrr Ihc N��Ic; � - - <br /> • 'q I ,io�ununiiutiun of thc pnncip:d ot lhc N�HC; <br /> F'Ih'I'H.tu lutr cls�r���•dur under Ihr N�►�c. _ <br /> a. Fire.Flond uud OIhcr Huiurd In�u�uncc. B��rc��urr.h:dl �n,urr all improvcm�nt,un�IK{'ra�xi�y.��hcllkr nuH _ <br /> in�xi+k�ncc ui +uh��yurnlly crcrlyd.uEuin�l any hai;u-d�. r.iru:dl�r.. �md r��ntin�:rncic..inrluding tirr. li�r which Lendrr ; ' <br /> rcquuc.intiur:mrr. 1 hi�in.urnnrc,h:dl Ix ntuinl:iincd w tlir am�wnl.und li��thc �xriud,Ihu�Lcndrr rcyuirr,. liurcu��er , <br /> �I�ull ul+o in.urc a►II impn»•cmrnl�un�hr Prn�xny. ��li�tlirr n���v in rx�,lcncr��r.ui�+.yu�nd�•rrccirJ.uga�n,l IliKxl� . <br /> I lu Ihc exlrnt r�quind by thc ticrrct��ry. All in+ur.�nrc.h;dl hr r;irrirJ«ilh companie,appnrvcd hy L�nJrr. Thr intiur:uirr <br /> �xilicics und uny r�ncwal+ tih:dl Ix• hcld hy l.rndrr anJ ,hull inrludc lu�. payuhl� clau�rti in luvor of. anJ in a liimi i ., 1 <br /> uccrptuMr hi.Lrndrr. � <br /> � " In thc cvent of lo+ti. Burr��a•cr +h:iU Fivr Lrnder immediu�r n��tirr hy mail. Lendrr m:�y mukr pnN�f of I�i., if m,i : <br /> muJc prompUy by Horro�►•cr. l:arh in+ur:m�•�c�nnpany r�rocrmcJ i. hcrrh�•aulhnriird anJ dirrrlyd lo makr puymcnl fur . <br /> • such lorti dir�rlly to,truJ of U� Rurr����rr and Io l.ender juintl��. All„r:uiy pun nl'Ih�imurunrr proceed>may Ix <br /> applicJ by LenJer.71 It�U�lU�lp.cilhcr lu1 w Ih�r�ducliun ul thr inJrhlcJn�,�undrr ihe•Nu�c and Ihis Security Instrumcnt. <br /> � fint to any dclinyucnl amaunl� applicd in tltc urdcr in P;va�r:�ph �.and Ih�n a, ���raym.m of principaL ur Ihl tu Ihc .- <br /> resl��riilion or repair ul Ih.dama►grd proprny. Any,���r�,�u�,►,„i�i,�pnxccd,i„th�prinripal,hall nol rxtend ur�xi.l�xmc <br /> the due J,ne af th�munthly paymrm,which are rcterr�d lu in 1'�ua�r:iph 'or rh:mgc Ilx amiwrn of�urh paymems. Any <br /> � excesx insuratxe prurred+uerr an uronwii r�yuirrd t�� pa�� ull i�ut.l:md�n�indehledne�.unJrr the Nute unJ this Securi�y <br /> . Instrumcnt tihall Fx p�iid to thr cmity le�ully rnliOcJ ihrrru�. <br /> In thc cvcm ot'forcrlu.urr ol' ihi, S�curity lu+lrunt�nt�tt ulhrr Iran,(cr �,I titl��tu Ihe PruE,cny �hu� extinFuishc.�hr <br /> indrhtcJnc`�.all right.titlr:md intrrr,i ul R��rru��•er in unJ w in.ur:inrr pulicir�in lurrr,h:�ll pas,lu tlx purcha,cr. <br /> ' S. Orcupancy, Prexer�ution, Mulntenunce und PrulccNun oP the 1'roperty: Horro�ver'+ l.�>un Applicatiun; <br /> Lcasehulds. Burtowcr ,h:dl�w•rup�•.c,tahl�tih.anJ u.c �he Prn�xny:i, liorruwrr;prin►ip:d re+idrncr w•i►hin,�xly Jay, <br /> uf�cr thc rxrcu�ion uf�hi.ticrurity In,�runh�rn amd,hall r�,nlmur a,„rru�,) Uir I'ru�xn� ai. N��rruwrr'+priihip:d�nrc <br /> for ul leu+l onc yc:►r utirr Ihr d;ne ut'ixrupanr),unlc�,Ih�5ccrrtan drtrrrninr.thu re��uirrmrnt «ill rau��unJur h:�rJ+h�p <br /> ti�r Bnrn�wcr. ur unl�., cxlcnuu�in� rrrcuni.i:mce,r�i.� ��lurh :n•r Ik�und R��rr�,��rr', ronir��l. Nurruwrr ,h:dl nuul'y <br /> Lcndcr�ol an�•rxlrnu:itin�rircum,tanrr.. liun'�►���r .hall nut commil �� nr dr.irrn.d:unagc��r,uh.lanli:dh rhangr <br /> �:� Ihc Pru�x hy or c�lluu•thc Pr���xny iu dc�criurat�.rca.unahlc��rar and tc:u.��.•rptr�l. Lrndrr m:i� imp.c�thr I'raprm•if thr <br /> � Pro�xny i+vacanl��r uhandnrnd�,r Ihr lann i,in Jclault. Lrndrr ma} la6c rr:nun.ihk .irtiun In pn,tcrl and��r�xnr wrh <br /> vacam or ahunJi�ncJ 1'ro�xny. B„rr����cr,hall al,n hr u�drl:uih i1 Nurr„��•m�: tlir I�,:ui ,ip��lirauon prurc...�:avc <br /> miucrially I:d,� ur inarrur:ur inf��rnialiun ur �t:ilrmrul. b� I.�•ndr� �„i I:ulr�l w �,r���idr�lrr ��•ilh am ma�cnal <br /> ,� intunnuliunl in r�mn��riiun ailh Ihr I�r,in rcid.nrcd I,� Ihr\nlr.mcluJin�.hui n��l hnutcJ �u. rrprr,rntauum cunrrmin� <br /> 43urruwrr'.�krupanry�,I�h�Pr�ryxrt�a. :�prinrq�.d rr,idrnrr. If ihi.tir.urn� In.munrm�.�m:�Ic:i,rhuld.B�xn���rr,h:ill <br /> contply wilh thr prrni�unt.ul Ihr Ic:�.��. II liun�•��rr:�.ywrr. I��r IiU�i�� ihr I'u,�,rri�. dir Ira.rhulil:md Irr ullr .hall itul <br /> ' Ix�ntcr�;rd unlc..Lrndrr a�rrr,ln ili�•mripri in�.nt�u,� <br /> ' 6. ('hurue+lu Burru��cr und Pr�Nccliun of'Lcndcr'.Iti�! Ihe I'rupert�. I;�nr„��rr.hall�aiy all�„�rnuncm:d <br /> ' ur munirip:d cliargr.. Imr..mJ inq�,m th.ii.�rr n„1 inrlwlyd m I'.u:iLi,q,h '. Burm��ri .hall pc�� ihr.r�,hli�.inun.on <br /> ' timc dinrlly tu Ihr�nlu� ��hi.•h i. a��rd ihr�r,��mrnl. II t:ulwr ���p,i� ���nd�l .id�rr,:l� +illr.•i I.rnJr�', mlrn••1 in Ihr <br /> ! Pro�xny.u�Hm Lrndcr',rci�ur,l Hunm�r��liall�a�nnpll� lumi.h d�I.rnJrr i�•rript.r�alrnrin�.thr.r pa�num�. <br /> � If liurr�,urr I:ul. tu mal.r thr.r ��acmrul, ��i Ihr ��:nmcm, reyunrd 1,� I:ir:i�.r:y�h �. �,r lail. tu p�rtunn :►m ulhrr <br /> cuvcnunl.:md:i}�rcrinrnl�r�mt:�mr�l iu Ihi,tiriunN In.trumrnL�n Ihrir i•.� Ir�al pmirrdinE thal ma� •iEmfii:inlh all'rrt <br /> t. .�.. <br /> �.l'11J1'C�� fl�:�ll�111 1�1C ��tU�hl'1\� I�U�h J. d�1f�hiiilttlE Itl tL1111.f11��IC�. liir �untll'mn:ni�,n��i i�•c�iiu��i �.i.i,.Si -.�:n.d:::;Y,;. <br /> thrn Lendrr may du and p:►) ivhalr�rr��nr�.•.ar) h��,rntrr� tlx��:ilu<<�I thr I'ru�xrt� .md Lrn�lrr',nghl,in Ihr Pru�xm. <br /> includinE paymcnt ot tatr�.Ir.varJ �n, uihrr iirm,mrnu��ncd in I'ar.i�:r.iph_'. <br /> Any amounh Ji.hur.rJ h� LcnJrr und�r Ihi,Paragr:iph .h:dl hrrumr an:i�lJiiion:d drhl�,I li�,rr����rr.►nd hc.rrurrJ <br /> hy 1hi.Srrurily In.trumcm. '1'hr.r am„unt� �hall Ix:ir inlrrr.t R„m ihr J:i�r ��f di,hurcmcnt.:n ih�Nutc rate.:md;it �hr <br />� ophon ol'I.rndcr.tihall Ik immrdiat�l��lur.ukl p;�yahlr. <br /> 7. Condemnalion. Thr pr�xecJ� u(:�m•a�rarJ ur claim lur d:�ma�r,,d�rcrl nr r„n.r�pirnlial. m iunnertiun w ilh nm <br /> runJcmna�iun ur whrr lal�in�:of:uiy part ul tli�I'ro�x�r��.ur tur ron�c�an.��in pl:rc�•nl rundrmnan�m.:�rc hrnh� :i..i�ned <br /> and+hall Ix paid tu Lrndcr tu Ihr cxtrnt uf Ihc lull anu�unl uf Ihr mdcMrdix..thai rrm:un,�mpaid�mJrr Ih�• Nulc:inJ thi, <br /> Sccuri�y In��rumrnt. l.rnJrr�hall:�ppl�' �urh pro�i�i�h tu thr rrduili.m ul Il�r indi•hl�Jlte�ti undcr Ihr No� Uti.ti�ruril� <br /> Intitrununt. fint to ;in)• drlinyucnt :um�unts ;ip��hcJ in Ih�• ardcr pru�•idrd in P:ira�.r:iph �. anJ Ihen lu prcpa�nunl ol <br /> � prin�ip;�i. ,���y :�rri������,n �,r ��,. pru���d� lu thr priniipal �hall n��l rt�cnd i,r pn,l�xm�� thr duc d:�lr ul �hi• monlhl� <br /> � ,�h,e,�,p���,,��•,� <br /> � <br /> . '� I � _ _ -- <br />