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--.{�' �t�'.f ...W. � . ... . ,a»� :..Li��e:...t�y�R�u �. .\�' �,.p t1�3��,�t1���f�� .r � �,� i •�r�i ! �(°_Si�2Y�-s __—_ __ _ -�-. <br /> 5 .. - i �'�'�s 7rt6R�''F..S_Y � t <br /> - �� ` .-�1'a a ,tc"� � (,fb�d' tr'J. r �. . . : � _ � <br /> ��: �.���'a�`,;;u. �1�4�k,hs�.�»±wu ` � ' � lil;ni+ '�,.,f x4� ��� — <br /> �� h, ID asd �.� �'.. ...�i.i.,�,,.._�w.a�.�..........�.`.�..,:.... . - - ___ ._ . .—. <br /> ��:�:.'t.• - .. <br /> N�.:C:•+'�� I � .. . A�'�S�'0�'uV ' <br /> .r ti <br /> �� .. <br /> .,.�.•T.r.+vr�r;•. � i � .. <br /> # .... . .��; � _. 92_ i o258� - - <br /> .;. <: <br /> . v L.'; <br /> �� � ^ refcrred lo in purugrnph 3.or changc thc uox�un��+f tiuch paymcnt�. Any cxcc+�pr�x�tiKi.ovcr un umuum rcyuired to pay �11 — _ <br /> ':'�`"'�'`""�"'"'� °., owwanding InJebtod�sx under the Nnte und this Security In�ru�imm xhull he paiJ a�the rntity Ic�ally cntiU��f�hcretu. <br /> ,:, <br /> - S�A�. ..�.. <br /> , . . � S.F�.lxn�lcr nmy caUect fcc.r uncl charges uulharizeii by�he Sccniuq�. <br /> , .-.1' � •�. �::� <br /> �� - 9.Gruund�c for AccelerwtMn of Qebt. � <br /> . , • �- <br /> > � U . or_=-��_ <br /> ,. ----- .�_.. <br /> r- - - <br /> ' (A� I1C�AUIL l.cndcr may. CXl'l'Pl Lti limitcd by regulauun�. i.,ucd by thc Sc�retary in Ux cu+c c�l'pvynic�t defaulls. ��_- <br /> ' ' . • n reyuire imm��liute payment in full of ull.umti utiural hy Ihi+Srcu�iq�b�,uun�n[ if: ��.°- <br /> i . �',°- <br /> Iil&ttrawer Jefuull+�by fuiling�i�pa�� in full uny tm�nthly puymeM reyuir�d by thi,Securiry Instrument pn�►r tu or <br /> ' , .:, � . �� on the due datc��f'the next monthlY payment.ur S"' <br /> liil BoR�,wc�def.�ults by fuiling. far a {►erial at' thirty duy�. ta perform uny ��tlxr obligut�on�a►ntuin�l in this <br /> �:.�- <br /> �. <br /> , Sccu�ity InYtrument. <br /> ��_� <br /> ��- <br /> .• (b) Sale N'ithuut Credit Approval. l.r.nder.hull. if permiiial by upplicublc luw anJ with �hc prior uppr�wul uf tlr; —__ <br /> ' Sccrctury,rcyuirc immcdiutc paymcnt in full of ull tiums��cur��l hy thi.Sccurily Instrumcnt if: �n-_�- - <br /> �.1'=a:,_._ <br /> � lil AU ��r pun ni' the Propeny. ��r a t►cneficiul interest in u tru�l awning ull �►r part ul�Ihe Property- i�x�k1 or �,,,.- <br /> �•.�.-�- <br /> '" �' • - cwhenvixe trumfcrred(othrr than by devi�e or desrentl by thc&mnwrr.AnJ e: <br /> � ' 1ii) The Pruperty iz nut cxcupied by the purchas�r ��r grantee uti his ��r her priixip,►t te�iJence. ur the �'-�.--.�°'� <br /> , s,�-=- <br /> . ,. „ •• purchaticr or grrntee doc.,o ixcupy �hc Pru�rly hut his nn c�r cre�iit has mit lx�n upprvwcc!in accc►rdnnce with the =- .-�.-- <br /> � . �„ �ryuirementti oi the Secrelury. . 'T°--- <br /> . �;:• _ -_ <br /> ,� . (c)No Waiver. If circum,tancc.�xcur thut wauld Fx rniii I.enJcr tu rcyuirc imnudiutc puym�nt ui 1'ull. hut I.cnder dix� :.;�•�,�:-F• ' �„ '�.- <br /> �� nat require�uch p•ryment�. l.ender d��eti nnt wuive i�s rights with rexpect�o subseyuent event.. .n�„. <br /> ^';•�*�,�_ <br /> •.t-�r-- <br /> . � ��, <br /> (d) ReRulatbnz of NUI) S�arctary. In mvny rircum�tunres regulatinn. is�ued by dx Scrr�tan ���ill limi� l.endcr'ti . �:f':��;��" <br /> •,.,,,.�•1�- <br /> righ�s in thr cu�c nl' p•rymcnt default. to rcyuirc imnxdiute payment in 1'ull und fi�recluse iP nat paid. Thi,Security . ;1�:;::�:'`';'`'"�' <br /> � lmtrument doc,not uuthoriic sxccleruti�m ar tiircclo�ure il'n�it�xrmiued by regulations of ihr S�wrr�an. s;,�;,,;;,;r, <br /> , ..i� <br /> le)hlortgoRe Not Insured. &►rrowcr agrceti�ha� .rhuuld thi� Scruri�y In+trument unJ thc N��tr.ecurrd thereby not t+c .:�2^: � � •.� <br /> - _—.-.-.. • , - ciigihic fur imuruucr wtJ�i th� �vational 1lou�ing Art n•ithin fiU day+ ![�tnt !hr�.lutc M�r�d', I.emier nwy. at i�s op�ion �.: b" <br /> . und notwithswnJin�! unything in parugraph 9, r�yuire imnu�Jiute puyment in full nt�all +um+secur�d b}•�hi�Security �.;;;�..�-1� <br /> ° In,trument. A wriucn�tutenunt ol'any authuriceJ ugrnt uf thc Secretary JuteJ sub.eyuent �0 60 day,frum ihe Jute _ <br /> �r,,;., <br /> hrrcal'.Jerlining lo imurc thi.Security Instrumenl amJ thc Note tiecured Ihrrcby..hull tk d�c�md e�•nclu.ire pr�H+f uf , •�� � E <br /> such inclikihiliiy. Natwith.tanJin� �hc li►rcguing.�hi.option nwy n�n hc rxcrci,cJ by�l�r e•hrn�he unu�ailubilin .., . <br /> af in�urimce iz�olely due to Leixler'ti ti�ilure lo remit a miirl�eugc in+urunce premium to the Secrelan•. �,a��,�:�a,� <br /> �.�:•;a„•�� - <br /> ' ' 10. Relnstatement. B��rrutccr hu� a right to hc rcin.uucJ if I.rnder h•r. rcquircd imm��lia�e paynknt in 1'ull hecuu�r of �.•• �� <br /> &rrrowcr', failure to pay •rn um��um dur undcr�hc Nutc ur thi+ Securi�y In+trumcnt.This right applic��wen aticr forecli»urc . <br /> � pr�xc�Ylintiti are instituted. Tu rcin.�utc the Seruriry histrumem. Burruwrr �hull tcndcr in a luntp�um ull anxwnl� rcyuircd tu ' •,:�*;:"� <br /> bring Borr�iwcr', urrount rurrent inrluJin�. t�► Ihr ex�ent thc�• ur< <�bliEali�ms ut' B��rruwcr widrr Ihir Security Instrument. �� s,_ <br /> .,.,, .., torcrinzure ro.tti anJ rcusanuhlr and cu.�onwry auurnry�' I'r�. aixl rx��i+�, properly •r.,�xiu�cd with thr fi�mrl�►wre f . <br /> , '>';Y.� '. pracee�ling. UFxm rrin�latcmcnt by Borri�wcr.thi, Scrurit�•In.ln�mrnl und Ihe ��hligiili�ms thut i1.ccurc�shall renwin in�t't'ert �o. ._�. T <br /> u+ii'Lendcr huJ n��t rcyuired immrdiatc paymcnt in Iiill. Hnwr�rr. I.�ndcr�rryuirrd t���xrmit roin,lutemrnl il': fil Lcndrr �� j'�`".`...._ <br /> � � ., hu, accept�J rcinstut�mrnt :d'trr thr cummrnrrmein ol' ti�reclu,ure rracceJin�!> �vithin tw•„ y�ar. imnkdiutely precedinE the ,:.�,4:�. <br /> ' commcmcment ol' a rurrent li�rcclu.urc priuredin}:. �ii1 rcin+iutcment �eill pr�rluJc li�rcrluwre �m Jiflrrcnt graunJs in the i -ti'�. <br />