� `.'t � ��. .1 �F,,�W7�'Y 'Pw� �•..n"'� . {,f�}�r�i� �� ,�7i�f '+21C71 � r . rA -.11 - –
<br /> ,�d�:l�iv' W11i _�. ��,r. '� , � S;!Y17f' � �fi�'�.`�11164i�{,a'Si__-� -..�.._�4►*A�'.�'rri_ _ _-------
<br /> ��-w�. ..v. ..� ,--,�...... ._... _ —
<br /> w�a' ' ' . _..� �.'u,'.:w�... --
<br /> , .�t,er..�:yn%i/b{.... __p-_ -
<br /> .. 'i. . . _. .--..___�__.___ _... __'_.
<br /> �� .,. _.� 92�10256�� -- --�- -
<br /> _#�:��� �:��� ..�
<br /> �'-.�1:Y - ,S• . .'�.. �r..r=-
<br /> .�'p�:�•;�°efK'�±4r..+�-^��, —..._-
<br /> ,�„ 4. Firc,Fl�d and Othcr 11wx�rd lnrur�nce• B�R��"'���hull imure+di intpruvcmcntr un�hc Pn�perty, whrther nc►w in
<br /> �r��'.�`.�''� • • � exi�knce nr �uhscyuendy erect�vl, uguimt uny Iwz:�rdr, cu�uultiec, und cnminH:nrir�, incituling tim, li�r whirh l.rtxlcr r�yuire.r
<br /> �`��`'`'' '�`� in�uruncc. Thi� in+urunrc rhall Ik muintuinrd in �hc unu�um+ and li►r thc �xri�xl� that lxrxtrr r►yuirc,. N��rr��wrr +hall alw► _
<br /> inwrc all hnpru�•emems un thc Pru�ny. whethcr nuw in cxititrnce ur whuyucndy crerlrJ. aguin.t lu��hy tliwKi,tu�hc cxt�nt __--
<br /> � ��._� __..: re�,uircJ hy Ihe Secretuq�. All insurancc .Iwll he carrieJ with rumpanir,appio�cd hy L�iKlrr. Tlk in.urunrr�x►lirir,unJ uny �
<br /> • �.�
<br /> - � ...�"'� � rencwals ahull bc held hy l.ender and shall incluJe los.p�yablc rluu+ex in fuvur ol.and in u ti�rn��ureptahlc�o.l.cndrr _____.
<br /> . :: � . C�' — --,- ,
<br /> , ;, ...+ ' In the evcnt uf lu,s. &�ra�wer �hull givs l.e�uler imm�Yliu�e �x,tirc hy n�ail. Lrixlcr may make pr�wf��i lu,. if n�n msNic
<br /> - ' prumptly by Barrawer. Euch imurunre r�►mpany cnnrcrned is herehy authori«YI uncl Jintit��i t��malc paymcnt fiu yuch lu+ti —°
<br /> L • dirctitly ta Lender. ins�ead af�o Borr�iwCf A1riI(0 Lender juintly. All��r uny pan ui'�hc imuru�uc pnkcw�l, muy lx upplicd by �;� _
<br />�'`°.� " ' . I.cnder. ai i�+�,pii�m. eithcr(a► to�he reduction eif thc in�lcbt��lne"under the Nutc aixl thi.Sc�uri�y Instrumenl. fint t�� any -
<br /> �{ •. " �� +. � delinyuem um��unts upplicd in thr order in parusruph 3. and then to prcp•ryment uf p�incip•rl.or Ih► tn thc reatorution ur rcprir �'_�-�
<br /> ° � nt' the damaged Pry�peny. Auy :�plir+tiun of Ihe pnxec�ls tc► the prinripal �hall no� extcnJ ur p�n�pan� thc duc Ja��� cif thc �;,__ _
<br /> �?
<br /> ° �. � manthly paymrnta which w�:Rfern�i tu in pan+gruph 2. or chunge thr sun<x�nt of,urh paymcnt+. Any cxcc�,in+uranrc prikc�Yl. �:_
<br /> •� � .��•�r an amount myuin�i tv�ay :ill ou��tanJing irnlebtednes� uncl�r tNe Note und thir� Sccurity Inrtrument shull be p;ud w the �_____
<br /> • :!., . .. en�i�Y legally enti[led thrcetu. --_��
<br /> •� �r:.., �"
<br /> . . �;:;t i',,;•..,.,-� �, ��:u:_
<br /> .. .....F:�,r� " la �he event i�f forecla,ure of [hi. Security Instrum�nt ��r uthcr trrnsfer of tide u� the Pruperty Ihut extinguishcs thc �:a..�
<br /> �.,,f �,a...�
<br /> ' ° . ' Y..�r' indebtedne+s.all right.title und intere�t uf Rc�rn►wer in und to inwrunce pcili�i��in force�hull pu+s t��thc purch�.tier. _^.
<br /> _ .�_ ..��� „�� __..�-�
<br /> � , 3. Occupancy. Preservwtbn. M11afntenance nnd Protection oY the Property: Bom�µcr's I.aan Application; ��.• -
<br /> l.easeholds. 8orrowcr tihnll cxcupy.estabflgh.and u�e Ihe Proper[y a;8orrowcr's prinripul mtiiJencr within �ixry J•ryr aRer �� g,�
<br /> � ��, the executian of thiti S�tiurity In+trument atkl shal l cantinue to�xcupy thr Propert}•a.Barrower'.principul retiiJencr for ut Iraxt
<br /> �..,��,.
<br /> , . , , ,. ,'
<br /> " .",�„.,, one yeur ut'ter the dute of�xcup3ncy. unless the Secretury determine+thi�reyuirement will cauk unduc hardtihip fiir&�rrower, ���_ :
<br /> � • �'.,�';r r�� ur unless extenuuting circumstan�tis exis� whi�h ure I►ey�md Bnrrower'ti canlml. &�rraN•er shull notifq L�nden of any , �� _."'.'�
<br /> •,:,,�� '�. '�,;;�!,;•i :,,.,
<br /> �, •;,;�. ' ��.;;, i.� extrnuutin�e cireum.tanoes. Bc�ROw•er shAll nnt commit wu.�te or de�tri►y,dumuge�x xubrtantially chungc the Prapeny or ullnw .�;�y
<br /> ;:,.;}'�.;', , Ihe Pmperty to de�eri�xat�. rea,onable wear and tear excepteJ. Lendcr muy inhpect �he Property if thc Propeny iy vacant or
<br /> fb�.�
<br /> ubanJoneJ �x the loan is in drfuult. l.ender muy �uk� rcutiun•rblc uction tu prutect anJ pr«crvr such vacam ur ahuixluned ,
<br /> . Prc►perty.B�xrow�r�hall ulso be in defuult it'&►�mwer.Juring Ihe luun applic•rti�m pr<xe�ti.gave matrriaU��faltir nr inuccuratr , ��•
<br /> " infi�nnation or statcment�to lxrxler lor fuiled tc�proviJc l.�nJrr wi�h �ny mate�iul intiinnutiunl in cunnech�►n wilh thc li�un
<br /> ;r.
<br /> -- � - - evidenced by the N�ite, including. but n�� iimited to. mprc,eidutiou. c�mc�rnin� �rrciwcr'; cxcup•r�ic3• t�!the Pro�xny ai• �� _—'_?:'=�:•;---=t�'
<br /> ,. principul r�sidence. If this Seruriry Instrumem iti un u Ieu,ch�dJ. &►rrowcr,hall romply with ihe pravisiun� uf the Ir�.�e. If ' . *
<br /> � Bc�ROw�er�cquires fer tidc u�Uk Propeny,the le�.+elwld anJ f'ee tide�hull n�x lx merbc�f unleti,l.ender ugree+to the merger in � r►�c�� '
<br /> wriling. '�='��' �
<br /> . �uvcrnntental or �.��. �
<br /> • •� � 6. l'Baryqes to BnrroK•er and Protection of l.ender� RiRhGc in the 1'rv�peMy. Borrowcr.hall puy ull �, f'�. :�r,:�
<br /> � '. muniripul chnrEr+. iine, nnJ impu,itions thut urc nut includ��l in p•rragraph l. Borc��wcr ,hall pay thcu obligutium �,n time �'4 - �
<br /> �� ' JinYtly li� thr entiry whirh i+rnveJ the p:�yment. II'I'ailurc to pay would uJvcr�cl� ufieci l.endcr's interest in the Pruperty,upun • • •
<br /> '�:�.r�._.
<br /> ' Lender's rc�yu��t&�irower shull pmmptly furnish to l.rmier rrrcipt�evidcrKing the,e paymeMx. �-,,��,,
<br /> .,�i•r.
<br /> ., " • ; '°,,•�__�:
<br /> ' It'&.rrower fnil�tu make these puymcnt+��r ihe puynxnt.rcyuired h�•purugrs�ph?ur 1'ail.�o perti�rn�any athrr c�wcnant, . • :;;y:;,�-;..
<br /> � ., unJ agreemcntc rcmtaiix:d in�hi.Securiry In,trw►icnt.��r thcrc i+u Icg:d pnxccJing�hut muy,ignitiwntly at'fcrt l.rnJcr'�right. �,;.„i�..,,��rcz;i•,.�..
<br /> in�he Pro{xrty I,uch u�r pr�kecJing in brnkrurtc�•. liirrandemnali�m„r t�i cnG�rcc law�ur rcgulalinn�l. thrn Lendrr muy d�i ,,,;�;'�: __
<br /> , anJ pay H•halever i. ncre,+ary tu prutcct Ihc��aluc of tlk Pru�xrty :mJ Lender's right+ in thc Pa�peny, inrluding puyment of ', � '��`�rr:,,;.;_
<br /> ,�.. A
<br /> taxes,h�curd in.rurunrc und othcr itcm.nxnlioneaJ in purugraph_'• ,:'•':"�
<br /> .`..
<br /> � � Any amuunt.Ji.bur.rd by Lrndcr undcr thi�para�r�ph�hall hrromr an aJJitiunal .1cM ol Burru�►•cr nnd hc,crurrJ hy • ' '
<br /> ' �' this S�curity Imtrumrnt. 7'hr�e amc,unt�.hall Ik:u intere�t fr�im thr datc��I Ji,hunrmrm, at the Nute rute. and u�thc option i,f i _ •f; �- �--
<br /> L.enJer..hall bc immcdiutely Jue anJ puyaMc. '�.;�;.,- _--_ ._
<br /> • .., _ -;•�,:raT:,
<br /> � � � 7. Cnpdentnution. Thr prixr��J� uf uny uH•ard ur claim ti�r duma�c�. dircrt ur runxqucntial, in runncrtion with any •!:;..
<br /> :.., . • runJ�mnution ur uthcr tuking ot'rny part uf thc Pm�xrt?•.ur t��r cumc�•unre in pla:�uf rund�miu�i�m. ar� hcrchy a+tiigncd and {��.,
<br /> �hall i►c paid u�I.cnJer tu thc rxt�nt of the 1'ull:�rn��unt o(thr inJchtcdnr+.that rrmaim wiroiJ unJ�r the M1ote aixl thi.Seruriry ,
<br /> ',� Instrumcnt.LcnJcr�h•rll apply ,uch pr��rc¢d>1�� thc rrdurtii,n ul'dir inJrMrJnr,+unJrr thc N�m and thi, Srrurit�• In.trunknt.
<br /> tint ti�uny dclinyu�nt amnunt� �r�i�«� ��, �ik nrdrr pr„�iJrd in p:�raEraph 3. and �hcn h� ���ra�mcnl ��I' primipal. Any
<br /> uPPlirati��n��t'Ih. pnK•ecd, �u 1hc r��„���:�i •h:�ll nnt cttrnJ ur p��,���u. thr duc dalr ��I ihr nwnthh pa}�nurn.. �vhirh arc
<br /> ���4NINE1 r.�,i..,.,�� s
<br /> . .
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> (
<br /> t
<br /> , 1
<br /> . . . �
<br />