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�����t�t'_ v�i .�• ��..,� ,:t,���,_ _ _ .�_ . -� . _�-w:..�.�.�...�—�--g�.__��- <br /> �� ; � rwi�.�M'' i '�._�:� . y. . . , .,:.�:r:w..,.�,..�.____-�_-____ .,-v�,�.L_ <br /> -��f�'�1►»ti� ��• .�- '_ - t <br /> r - -.r,..++.-�.a , <br /> � ���f�wC'-'�.��'� . ...l�d.''iF'Jt.�". -., „' r � <br /> ._ _... .. a�- <br /> � �.w.., �..._.. .__.___--___.�- 9�� � �. : �==-=- <br /> dD���4 �:.�::`��'�'��--= <br /> . .,t;.. _. - <br /> �:,. � �- — <br /> �� , r . . <br /> , 12. !iucce.c.carn And Arsipa� Il�und: Juint und tieversd I.iobiUt : C�M51 ncrF. "Thc rovenuntti uiul a rccmrn�+ul' thiti S',``''`:=... <br /> � , y R E• �..�.=::_`:�. <br /> �.,r�•.� ��-�>:��;� �� Securlry Inctrument rhall bind a�W t►enetit the r�ucce.urc,unJ+u:tii�tnx ol' IAnJer u�xl Hur�ower. �uhjrr� Iu Ihr provi,i�m� i�f �'f�:�+-_ <br /> L,� . . . parogr.�ph 9.h. &�rrawer's ci+vcnants uixl ugreemcnts shull Im juint unc! u�veral. Any Qorraw�r a�h�� r��-�i�toti thi. kwurity �_._____ <br /> ° .. . Inslrument but J�xw nrn execu�e the Nwe: Iu1 i.r�ari�ning Ihi� Serurity In�trunxm�mly ��� murlguge. gruni unJ cunvey thut �r.-=--_ <br /> " &►rcuwcr'�interest in thc Pr�perty under tlk tcrn�.af lhi�Sccuri�y In.uunkm: Ihl i+nut �xrtiunully ubliEidcd��►puy il� +ums {.�a�°.� ,___.__ <br /> �� . . ��,;�:�. , k ��uccJ by this Security Instrument:unJ lr1 ogre�s that I..cnd�r ond uny olher&�rr��wcr muy ugrcc tu rrteixl. nuKiil'q.tiirlx�ur ur ` ,�; -- <br /> �.__f__� "-� -- <br /> muke uny accommndatinns with regard �o Ihr term+�►f thiti Sccuri�y Inm�rument ur the Note without ihui &irrower'ti con�cnt. ______� _ <br /> .� "� �""-,', . <br /> -�� - l a.N a d c e s.A n y n o t i c e t o Borrow'er proviJed tiir in thi+Securit y�Inx�rumem.hull lx given hy drli�-ering it ur by muiling ;-::�'''�`,__..—_,�, <br /> ""i �" : it by first clusc muil unless Applirable law reyuires urr��f uno�her meth�xl. The mitirc+hall Ix Jir�tited t�i the Pruperly Add►c+, ' �" <br /> � .. .. or uny othcr addretis &�ROwer J�wignutes hy notice to l.cnJer. A�y notice tn LenJer +hull be given hy first clu+.muil tn ��--,..=__^_— <br /> � . Lendcr', address s�uted hercin or any uddress L.cnde�Jesignutes by notice t��&irrowcr. Any n��tice providcJ fi►r in�hiy Securhy `-'••��'=''' _ `-`- <br /> .,��_,�—�-__: <br /> •' Inr�rumenl shull be deemed ta have heen given a�Borrower o�l.cndcr when giv�n u�pravided in thiz pu�ugruph. ��_`•�_°__-�-ti=— <br /> ;,i,� �.. ._-__ <br /> � ;'.: f�4fh4,�i'IY�[•n•-:-� <br /> 14. Governln� Law; tieverabillly. Thiti Sccurity Intitn�ment xhull hc gu�•rrncJ hy fcdcral luw a�xl d�e luw nf �hc ----'�'i'-�"�-°." <br /> , * <br /> . Juriutictic�n in which thr P�openy iti likat�d. In the evcnt that any pn,vi�ion i�r.lau�e af Ihi. Scrurity In.trunwnt u� �hr Note � . <br /> � c�nflic�s with upplicuhk I;�u•. .unc�untlirt.hull m�t uFf'ect othcr pr�»•i, thi.Scru�ity In�trunirnt nr thr Nutc��hi�h run i+c '••�;�,=�,. _a_: � <br /> . given eifict ai�huut �he wntliciing p�ovi�i��n. To th+:enJ the pr��vi,iun+ut'ihi.S�ru�ity Instrument und thr Note ura derlureJ .�,•";;Y�;s---- <br /> �'�::.- --- <br /> . to be�evrmble. •'.=�"���:-•°------ <br /> . . 1L�a�t.�"--_=°— <br /> :,, , ,�:•', ' ' IS. Bormw�c�'s Cap�. &�rn�wcr shull he given one conformed copy of this Seruriry Inslrumem. ��:d"'.`�,-��..- <br /> : ;`,;% , , ; . , r+�� [+.�., <br /> , .<;!;�.':' 16. Asvl�nment oP Rentr. Borrnwer unconJitionally u�+i�m and transfen t�� I.enJer ull �hc rent+ und r�venuc��►f �he +�� i�:�-' - <br /> �'�� �'��!° � . •''"' Propeny. BoRUwer uuthorizes lxnJcr��r l.�nder's�gcnts tn collecl thc rent.unJ nvenuc,and hereby direct,carh tenam��I'lin: �`.':'•=�`-- <br /> '��� �_ Pn�peny to pay thc rents�n Lcnder or I.cnder'ti agents. Howcvcr, prior to l.endcr's nnticc to Bi�rrowrr�N't3nrrowcr'� hreurh nf ��„�.��'�=— <br /> any rovenurn nr ugreemen�in�he 5ecurit} lnstrumcnt. Bnrmwer shall cnllect und rcceiv�ull rent,•rnJ revenucs��f the Preipeny `•,�:���' <br /> ' �:._..7i�`� <br /> As Irust�c for Ihe henefil of lxnder und Borrower. This uti+ignmen� of' rent.r• conr�itu[eti an ub�olute ua.rigmnent anJ ncH an ',,.�. r..,•�Y-�= <br /> , assignment fix udditionul security only. `-��;:.'r <br /> , .,a <br /> . . , ` �'l: ,:4� <br /> If Lcndcr givcs nntice of hrcuch to Borrowcr: lul uU renh rc�eiv��i by &>rrower xhull Ix hcld by Bnrr��wer u.t ru+tcc for , <br /> _,__ ___ henefi��►t'l.eixirr unty, to he upplicJ tu the tium�xecured by �he Securily In+trument:(b)Lrnder.h:dl bc entitlecf tu rullect und �' '�� <br /> ° •��� '�• recrivc uU ��f thc rents uf thr Pr�iperty: unJ Ic) esxh tenant of the Propeny tihnll puy ull rcnts due und unpuid �o ixnde�or �,.�_�,;;•�, - �y <br /> .: ,�;'� '• Lcnder'x u�em on l.cnder'+wriuen demand�o thc teimnt. ��'• •`' .. �` <br /> .� - •:". � .M1; 4.�'.-� <br /> :il.�• : •�dt./i::J•-..I ` <br /> '`�.�ti�,i ;�' � &�rr�►wer har�nut executed any priar a.xignm�nt of tlk rentti and huti rnn a�xl will no�pc�ii�rni uny uc� that would prevent '•� � a <br /> ''�;�' i...:�•,. ; ' <br /> �!^^��,�r;��..'..:. L�:ndrr I'mm cxcr�ixing its rights undcr thi,puragraph Ib. �.'•'':`. •? � <br /> _ .t;,��;. .,... . <br /> "�'�;:;, • Lendcr shull not bc rcyuireJ w enlcr upnn.takc r�mtr�►1 ��I'��r muintain thc Pmrxny beti►re ur attcr givinp nutirc ��f hrcach ; <br /> ' to Barrnwer.Howevcr. Lender ar u,juJicinlly appoinicJ re�eiver may Jo �u ut any timr therr i+a hrcuch. Any appl iratiun ol' <br /> r�nt, �haU n�x curc ��r w•uivc any defuult ur invuliJutc am� „tlrcr righ�ur rcmcJy uf l_cnJcr. This a�.ignmm�t of rcnt�of�hc �.,. , __:: ``� <br /> .. . •-�`�,=- <br /> . � Pro�xny .hall trrminutc N•hen ihc Jcbt xcurcJ h�•tlx Srcurit}•In�lrumrnl i�paiJ in full. , ��� <br /> , ��' <br /> ;�: <br /> • NON-UNIFORM('OVF.NANTS. &�rrawcr and l.rndrr I'urthcrru�rnant unJ ugrec a,Ii�Uu�c,: -';,.-'` <br /> • 17. Monrinsure 1'r�KCdurc. If Lendcr myuiriw immcdialc pu�mcnt io Pull undcr puruuruph 9, Lendcr m��•im•okc the ' . �� <br /> pnw•er oP wle und u�n• other remedi�w �xnnitled In• upplicuble lu���. Lcnder ,hull be cntiNrd to colle�t ull erpen�ex • .." '. ;.:,:_ <br /> . incurrcd in punuin�;thc remedirs under this pa��u�ruph 17,includinµ, but not Ii�nHed to. reaxonuble attorneys'fees and , ��.�4��-•-' <br /> corts of NNe evidence. j':"' ':,; <br /> ., .`: ,% <br /> �� � � Ic i�in��oked. 7'ru�tcc +hull nYUrd u unticc of dcfuull in euch cuunl� Bi which��m pan of'thc � .- <br /> If thc W���r ►P u .. •. <br /> • PropeM�• h U�cut�d und,hull muil c��pi�w ot'.uch noticc iu the munncr pnuril�ed M uppliruMc la�� ��� Rnrro��•ar and t�� r. .'r.��.Y::;+ <br /> • the other penon+prexrihrd b}•uppli��ublc In�►. �UTcr thc tinu• rcyuinYl 1►� upplkuble lua.'I'ru+t�K�luill Rivc puhllc notice �` ��`'•%�` �' <br /> oP x�le lo the�xnonz und in Ihe numner pr�hrrilxd b} up�licublc laa.'1'ru.tce. ��ithoul dcmund uii R�►rroeer. +huU sell <br /> tlK Proprrty ut public uuction tu the hi�h�hl biddcr ut tl�e linu und placc��od undcr d�c term.d�hi�;nutcd in the nutice ut' <br /> wle in��ne or more purcel� und In um order'1'ru,tce d�termin�y. Trutilee mu� �w�t�Hrne+ide of ull or un�� pnrcel of the <br /> Propert�• N� publir unnounccmcnt ut �hc timc und plucc ol'am prc�iou�lc �rlmdulcd �ulc. Lcndcr ur ih A�wi�;n�� nw} <br /> . purchasc Ihc Prnpert}�at un}•tiale. <br /> �-4RINE1 „ ,` <br /> _� <br /> 1 <br /> ! <br /> f I <br /> • � � - I - <br />