.. .�1�� '3*�flf�. .�� .r: J^r r, ���''rj�.� . _ . .. ii 7 , •"'i. ���Iu�ALi:•9�.��...--—.
<br /> nc .1:. _
<br /> � '�r'�i��A� r! � �M";(�'-n�•���r.._�=._..��.--.��•- . _-� �.. _....-.,,__ �._-_
<br /> .w. i :�t., •, n��
<br /> �. ��i�yy� ' . .
<br /> ,�"`„i1�►�cY 'tlr. ,_u`-�
<br /> -..��rr�r�.a+" " ' " _ M�Y�__ . _ - __ ..
<br /> ' . . _ . . a �. � 9�-� �f�256� -�-=-� _
<br /> . a.r . , .
<br /> .. • TOO�THER WITH ull thc iropruvrnxnl� n��w ��r Ikrcu4cr enrlc�l �m �hc prupeny, and ull eakmentr, righlr, sti_,-„�„-
<br /> - �,,,. ,,; ,�.,,,,.,;.. uppuncnuiuc�. rcnlr.r�+yahic�,minerul,ail aixl ga,right.and prufi��.wutcr�igM�uiul ,��kl vnJ all fixmrer n��w��r hereaflar u �A`_�� �,,; ,
<br /> , p�n��f thc pn�peny. All npl:kemen�s ond wWitionw+hull Alsa !+e rovenil hy Ihir SccuMly In.�lrunxnt. AU af 1he fiueYuinY ia
<br /> ^, .. �� � refrrrcJ tc�in thix S�xurity Inrwment ar ti�"Propeny." ��"y-.
<br /> " BURROWER COV�NANTS�hu�&urawcr i.luwl�ully ��K�1��1�IM.��utc herchy c�mveycd •ri�l hu�tho righl tu grunt and J
<br /> ' � " � runvcy �hc Prupeny an�l �hut �hc Prapcny i+uncncumlxrcd,cxrr�x li�r akunihranrc. uf i�wurJ. &►�roNCr wu�ru��t�u�ui will �•=' ,y��:.:
<br /> . , . , Jefen�l genr�uliy ti�utlr ta�he Pn�ny��uin.t ull rl�im.rnJ d�nwiKl�..ubjrc�tu�oy c�kumbr•rnce.�tif recurd. °'-`°` - -
<br /> ,<� • �.. 1.P ay men t o f P r l n c l p s�l, l a t e r e s t �n d I.a l e C I w r R c. &�rn�w e r�F w U p u y w h�n d u c�I�:p r i�x i p:d n l'. �i�l i n�e r�h t u n.t h c �;�y•`v� .: '�
<br />,,,�- ° , de bt evi d e�k e d by I h c N���e a n d I�tc c h•rrge!�due u n�ie r I hc Na we. �
<br /> , 2. INonthly Payneent� of Toxes. Insu�nce And Qther Chary�ex. &mnw��r ,hull inrludr in earB m��mhly puymrm, �.�
<br /> , . tugether w•ith the principal arul in�crc,1 u.�et fuhli in thr N•ue un�1;�ny latc rhar�:r..an in.tallnum��t'any �a��uxc>anJ�prrial �.=„d;:--
<br /> n.tise..ment, IcvieJ ��r to he le�•ieJ ugain.t ihc Pmprny. lbl le:►�eluild paymema �►r ga�und rem+ �m�hc Pmprrty. oixl (c►
<br /> � " premiums icK insu�wu�c�eyuirai by p:uugruph d. �""`
<br /> .. [i:ifiQ��.= ��._�.�_
<br /> — �,wc�!r�
<br /> • " Euch nx�nthly in5tallment fi�r items lul,lh),arxl lrl�hall eyuul une-twcllih of the�nnuul amauntr.ua rea�unubly c�tinwted �y -"'�-
<br /> - � � . I�;G:�.s�viL.�o..�_-
<br /> � , � by Lrr�:r,plu�an Amount suffirient ta nuimain vn:xiditi�,ns�l halancr nf na�n�xe than an�-xix�h��(the e�tinmted um��un�r..The ,•. .•,,•.�:-�.-�_y.
<br /> . '� . � Yull ;inrx�;►1 ;unount for each item tihall he arcumuluted by I.ender wi�hin u peri�xl cnJing one nxnuh heti�re �n i�em w�iuld i ; . �. '
<br /> � berome drlinyucm. LcnJcr shull hotd Ihe umoums rollectal in tnrst to pay items lul. lbl. and Ic► t+eli�re �hcy become k �, r f_: �__._..__.
<br /> I t�� .',.. -
<br /> ,t .�; 'r;�
<br /> dClinyuenl. �� . tsr. .��`_"��
<br /> � » ., ��.
<br /> ' If at any time tFk u,tal nf the paymem. held by Lender li�r item� lu). Ih1, and Icl. together with �he 1'uwrr mumhly =
<br /> payment� tix uu�h i�mti payuhlc ta I.rader prio�to the due Jut�h of+urh itcm+,excc��l.by nHire thun nne-�ixth�hc c,timat��i ;._,�.�-
<br /> iuncwnt of payrn�tus reyuired w pay �uch item+ when due, an�i if payments .m�he Notc•rrc eunent, Iheo I.endrr �huU ei�hcr , �
<br /> refund tf�e exa•++o�er onc•+ixth of thc estimatc�J puymcntti or cr�Klit thr cxcc+ti��ver unc-+ix�h uf the e+timut�J puynk�it� to ".��
<br /> 5 : � ' subsequent payment.r by Borrower,ut�he��ption o(Bom�wcr. II'�hr unul ��f the puymcnl+maJe ny Borrowcr li�r it�nt lal. Ihl.
<br /> ' + �•��� , ` � or Icl is in�ufficient to pay the ilem when due. then &►rrowcr shull puy w txnder any •rmuunt n��ceswry tii make up the _ . �:
<br /> ' defici�ncy on ur bafore the dAte the item t�ecomes duc. c ��'; �-
<br /> - - — -- - :`�:�
<br /> „ .. �..4
<br /> - -------= °
<br /> Ati used in thf�Serunly Intitrununt, "Secretury" nxan.the Serrctury of Hou+ing un i� an eve opmen�or i,�ir er • �- • -
<br /> Je,ign��e. In uny yeur in which tlk I..ender mu�t puy a murt�a�e in+urance premium to th.e Secrewry.carh mumhly p•ryment � "'�' , %
<br /> " '� shull ulsu include either: lil un imlullment uf�hr unnual nH�rtgage intiumnce premiwn ti�lk puiJ by I.enJe�ti�thc Srcre�ary,ur � �
<br /> , _`�� (ii) u munthly charg� in�ieaci uf� mongage in.urunrr premium if thiti S�curiry In.lrument i+ held hy the Scrretary. Earh ' < �
<br /> � monthly inslallmem uf them�mguge insurunre prcmium tih•rl l t►�in an amuunt wflicicnt u�accumulatc the f'ull annual monguge � ; , '
<br /> � � insuruncc prcmium with I.cndcr unc month pri�►r to thr datc the 1'ull annual munga�:c in,ur•rnce pr�mium i,Juc t�i thc S�wrrwry, ; . ���
<br /> ur if thi. Sctiurity In.trunxnt i. Ikld b}� the Serretary, ea�h rnun�hly rhur�c shall be in un umount cyuul t�i une-twelf'th uf ,. , �tu,��i:
<br />, , one-hulf percem oCthe�iutstanJing priikipul halunce due on the Nate. ti;•��
<br /> I . ,e�,,_*,
<br /> If Bormwer Icndrrs�u l.cnJcr �hc full paymrnt��I'all wm�+crureJ hy thi.Scruri�y In.trumcm. Borruwer's�rrnune .hull _
<br /> hc crcditcd with thc bulan�c remaining I��r all in,lallmcnt� ti►r iicm, lal. �h►. anJ 1�1 and an�• nH�rtgagr imuran�e prcmium f .
<br />' � in,wllnunt that I..enJcr hu�n�,t bcc�,nx ubligateJ tu pay n,the ticrr�lary, and [.end�r,hall pruinptly r�fund am• rxrr,.funJ�h�
<br /> . ' Born,w�r. ImmcJialel}• prinr w a liircrlu.urr .al¢ ul'th�Proprn� ur it, acyui,iiiuo by LenJcr. B��rruwcr',uccuunt shall be E .;�._; -
<br /> . . cr�liteJ wi�h vny hulunce mm•rinin�C lix ull in.tullnknt.ti►r it�nn lal.�h�. anJ �ci. _ ��'�-
<br /> r�:L,.�__..
<br /> .. -=�:�
<br /> �� 3.Applicution of f'a��ments.All puynknt�undcr para�rnrh, I unJ 3,hull hr upplieJ bv I.enJer •r+lidluws: • •�-_=---
<br /> ':.y]e�Sas�
<br /> • First. l0 1hc mortgugc in.uranrc prrmimn tu hr paiJ hy LriKlcr ta thc S�rrcian•ur�a thr m�wthl�diurgc by�hr S��cre�ary �Q-�=;�,Q�,�
<br /> � , imtcad of'the mon�hly m�mEugc in+urancr prcmium: ` '.�+,.�-:;
<br /> �+'�:..Y:
<br /> ScamJ. to tmy tuxcs..��tiiul as,estimem.. IcaxM�IJ puynuM.�►r gruunJ rent+.anJ lir�. Ilu�xl a�iJ u�hcr huiard insurance � :..
<br /> premiumx,us rcyuired:
<br /> Third.to intcrc+t�ucunJcr�hc N���r: �
<br /> Fuurth.tu am��rtiiatN,n ui thc principal ul Ihr N��tc: '
<br /> Fitih.to latc rhurg�.Ju�unJ�r Uir N���c. .
<br /> �-4RINE1 ''.��..;,�,�
<br /> m
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> . � -- —
<br />