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,.�Itq , ..,.;��� ,,�+��,�.~: !�` '','�. c�"3:i�n �Y . - � . � � `_�.;,W:.:., <br /> .., . . ,..� . <br /> � •,4 � <br /> , . <br /> •- } ', •- :.a _ <br /> � � . _ . ... ..�.,... .�.� �` `._z-- - - . -� _ <br /> . .s���.�. ---_. >__. --_ -. - <br /> T <br /> � �`� f� - �� 'i � •-•._., <br /> . '•'Y ��. . �LY.'�! _ . " <br /> .. .i'::1.l.J�'`sh� . ...+.IaM� � - " <br /> ��r, � . <br /> � 92— in�56a � <br /> .�o , . ,...�..�:.�. �. <br /> r . . ,. ::'�..::,. <br /> .,•:,�- " rcfcrracl w in aru rn h 2. ur chungc thc umuunt��f�uch p•rynkntti, Any rxcc��pnkc�til�ovrr an unwunt rcyui���l tu paY+�11 <br /> :�:._�. '�t`,w�.�..' .•. p B P - <br /> wau���,���' ouuwndin� indeMeJness ur�der lhc Note und this Securily Instrumcnt*hull ho puid t�►1{��rmi�y Icgully cn�idul ihercw. <br /> ?�-.':6",:...,. <br /> ' "'�'� � g,Fees,l.cnder moy collect feey anJ rhar�ex uWhuriud by thc Secr�tury. <br /> ..Y, .. <br /> , •b .. . � . . 9.Groundr i'ar Accelention of�bt. <br /> , .:. _. ... <br /> •• ,� <r; .. <br /> . . ..' ::.,... _ , . <br /> r ... <br /> .: �,-�",;:.'---.t (a) IkYAUIt. Lender may. exc�pt ur Iimi�cJ hy rcgulation�i,tiacYl hy �hr ti��.rrwry in the cu+r of payment Jeluu ts. � � ._ <br /> S..,. .. , <br /> , � • � require immediute puyn�en�in 1'ull of ull+ums u�ura!hy�hi,S�;curity In��runxnt il': <br /> -�: �� •�''• �i►Borrawer defauUs by failing to pay in 1'ull •rny monthly puymem reyuind by thi�Security Instrununt prior iu��r — <br /> �,': w ' • on tMe duc date af the next rm►nthlY p;►Yn�m.c�� — <br /> x••, (iil Be�nuwcr defaults by failin�. 1'or a p�ri�� ol'thirty duys, tu pe�fi�rm uny other ut+liguti��n+cuntuin�x! in lhis <br />. , •-��,.1.r.L. .�<a• Security Instrument. <br /> i:.-• •. ��_ . - <br /> :r • ,��. (b)Sale Witlwut Credlt Apprn:al. L.ender shall, if permiltcJ by applicublc law und wiUi the prior s�pprovul of the �Y _ <br /> . ° • ,;, Secretary. ��eyuire immcdiute puyment in full of ull sums recured by ihix Security In+tniment if: <br /> �.�'. � n li1 All or pan of the Propeny. ��r a tmneficiul interest in �trust uwning all or pan �,f'the Pmpcny, ic u�ld or -- <br /> � othenvise trunsferrullother Ihan by dcvise or dcsccnq by the Bc�rmwer,And �� <br /> � j � ,� �• lii) The Propeny is not occupied by the purcluuer ar gruntee u+ hi+ un c�r principal re+idence, or the �i.,^�� <br /> °•�' ''; purchaser or grantee d�xa so occupy Ihe Propeny bW his ar her creJit hus not been apProveci in uccordunce with the <br /> ,. • rcquireme�Kc nf�he Secretary. �"4 " <br /> • :s�'��',:,.,•� ' f circumtitances occur that would permit Lender u� reyuire immediate puyment in full, but Lender� i <br /> . (c)Na Ws�iver.I ` <br /> „. _ , � `��"'•'��'• not reyuire such puyments,I.ernkr daes not waive i�s rights with respect lo subtiequent events. <br /> • . .i' �+ <br /> . . ��H,�,_. <br /> . � • • ; �� (d)Regulalions ot HUD Secretary. In many rircum�turxcs regulutions irsucd by �he Secretary will limit L.etwlc�'ti �,�,,�_;: <br /> �,>.-.,ti• <br /> • ' ribhts in �he cusc af payment defaults to reyuire immediate puyment in full and ti�rerlose if not paid. This Securiry ___- <br /> " Inururnem daes not uwhorize acceleration or foreclosure ii'nnt peruiitt�d by regulatians of lhe Secretary. <br /> � �� <br /> (e)Mort�;age Not Insured.HoROwer agree�that should this Security In,trumen�und the Nate secured thereby n�u be '°"°�T� •;_- <br /> � � eligible f'�r imurance under the Nutionul Hautiing Act within GO day� 1'n�m the Jate herei�f, Lender muy. at itx option ��---�.- <br /> .. . ' . �......, <br /> �_- <br /> . , unJ notwiihstunding anything m purug�uph 9. reNuirc iwuu�iiate paymcni in!'u!!«f a!! sum••e�•����d by thi�Sc�ur�ty _5:_`�.:: <br /> In+trumenl. A written statcmcnt nf uny authorir.ed •rgent uf thc SccreWry Jated�ub.cqucnt to 60 day�frum the dvtc _ <br /> � ° hercof,declinin�► to insurc this Security Inxtrument und Ihe Nutc uwreJ thcreby, rhull ix:d��cmed c�mrlusive pnM�f of ��:';:' : _,+ <br /> , �uch incligihiliry. Notwith.tunding the ti►re�uing. thi�option muy iwt hc cxerci�ed by l.ender when thc unuvuilability '��.�,.:._' <br /> of insuruncc is xulely duc«�L.cixler's i'ailure to remi�a murlFu�te in,urunce premium to the Secretury. ;. W`-t-- <br /> ���: <br /> ,�.:..°�-- <br /> • 10. Relns�tatement. &�rr��wrr hu�a right ta Ix rcin+tut��l it'I.rnJcr ha+ reyuired immeJiutc puyment in full t,�rausc uf <br /> ,..ti...•�_��n <br /> ' " B�muwer'+failurc iu pay an am��unt duc unJcr the Nutc ur thi� Security Instrument. This right upplie,evcn after f��reclntiure _ <br /> .�, .-_-'��` , <br /> pnxe��ling,ure in+iitu�c�. Ta r�in,tutc thc Security In�trumcnt. H��rruwcr shull tcnJcr in a lump�wn all amount+ reyuired tu � <br /> '" , brin� &�rrowcr'+ urcnunt �urrcnt inrluJin�. iu thc cxtcnt thry arc obligati�m+ nl' &�rrowcr under thi+ S��uriry In.trument. �T1`� �-- <br /> ' tiireclosure ����t.r •rnJ reaW�n•rblr unJ ru.tamary au�irney,' I'ce. �nJ rx�xn�c, properly ati.�xiutcd with the tiireck�sure ,�:,.�__=. <br /> pr�keeJing.Up►n n:in+tutcmcnt My e�irmw�r. thi+Scrurity In.irunxnt and �hr uhligutiun.thut it,ccurc..h�U remuin in effcct w�;�` •:_--_ <br /> us if Lender h�rl n�d reyuiral immcJiutc pu}•mcnt in iull. How•r�•rr.Lrnder i.n��t rcquireJ tu permit reinstutcmcnt if: li/ l.ender <br /> � • iw� uccepted reinstutem�nt uiicr thc ci�mnuncetn�nt of ti�rcrlu.ure pnkccding, ��•i�hin twu yean imnuJiutcly preccding the i <br /> �� � commencement uf u �urrent tirrcclusurc pnkccJinE. �ii1 rrin�tatemrnt will prcrludc forrrlu,urc un Jil'fcrent graunJ+ in the :- - ___ <br /> � " ' 1'ulurc,or liiil rcinslulemrnt will udvrr.cly altcrt�hc priuri�y uf�hr lirn rrcuted hy thi.Scruri�y lnstrument. •, - .. <br /> .,• . <br /> � ' , `:��:: <br /> .. � ��� . F.rtemiun��I thr tinm of aymcnt or muJitiru�ion of ,�.�_ „�;:,° . <br /> .��d•ForlMUra <br /> ncc B��Lcndcr <br /> \�N u 11's�i �r P • <br /> 11. Wirrower Not Rekau . ow�r tih•rll <br /> ••. � ' interc�l��f Burr � • <br /> " vnk�niu�ti�m af thc+umti +c�ured hy thi. S�ruruy h�.irumcnt gr�ntcJ h�•l.�ndcr a�any.uc«..�r m r:,.�:_ -.. <br /> � ' � nnt��peratc tu rcic•rtic thc li•rhility��I'thc�+riginal Burrawer ur B�xn�wrr'. .ucrc..ur in imcrc.l. Lcndcr�hull nut he rcyuir�•al tu �,.-.� :'�.--.. <br /> commcn�c pr�xc�-�linga uguin,t any.urcr.,or in int.r�+t �,r rcfu,c lu rxt�n�l linm t��r paymrnt�,r��thenvi.c m�xiify anHntitation <br /> �. - af the �um� ,«ur�� ny� �i,�, S�curit) In.In�nxnl hy rra,�m ��I anr dcmand maJr In thc ��riginal &�rc��wcr ur &►rniw�r'. i. <br /> .. ,u�cc.+ur,in int�rc.t. Any ti�rlxaranrc h�• Lrndrr in�� un� riEht ��r rcnu�) •h:dl n�n iu a ��ai�rr nt'��r prccludr ih� F <br /> cxrrciu��I'any right ur rcnkJy�. � <br /> . �•4RINE1 � ., � ,� � <br /> J <br /> . ( <br /> � <br /> . . r � <br />