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<br /> ' ?�:'�_�� ��,:,.+
<br /> —'.'.,.�'•5_._it:�.__ � �.�_,
<br /> ��.,,.�,���r_Y� 4. Fire. Flood ond(llher Hwxwrd incuranee. i�rruwc�►hull in�ure ull impruvcmemti�m thc Pro�xny. whethcr nuw in
<br /> .�
<br /> _ _ _ .,,,n,.�:-• . eai�lencc or sub�cquemly enYt��l, uguinri uny hui.urda,ru+uullic�, unJ cunting.ncieti, iiuluJinti lire, ti�r whirb lAnder reyuire+ _` -_
<br /> -- :��, �.�..•„�•�.., . insurunrc.Thi. intiuru�kr ,hull f+r nwim•rineJ in �hc umuum+and li►r thr �xri�xl. �I�ot l.ciklcr myuirc,. ti���ruwcr�h�l)u1M�
<br /> _ :.�',1BS���' insurc ull improvcmrm.r un ih� Pru�xrty.whclhcr nuw in cxi�icn�c nr ,ubticyucndy rr�cicd.i1�;AIQ�I Iltti�Il�' I�IM1lIS��I(Ill'l'NIl'IN
<br /> ;� : �,,.:r .�••.a rcyuire�f by thc �rrciary. All inwrunrc�hull Mc curricd widi rumpanic,appr�wrJ by I.ciulrr. Thc intiva�ncc �diric�:mJ uny o-
<br /> . —
<br /> �__ ' � � ; :.,,;.:,� .� nnewul+�Iwll Ix hcld by L.cnJcr unii r�hall inrluJe loss payublc clAUaeti in luw�r ul�.und in u ti�rrn�cepwhl�to. lan�lcr.
<br /> � ;<.. �.
<br /> �:. �a,.:s..,w:� • ,
<br /> - °�"- - In thc rve�i�of luhx. li��rruwrr .hull givc txn�lcr inmu�liu�c noticc hy nu►il. IAnJ�r muy mukc pr�wrt'uf lu„ if nut mvJe `��`
<br /> � :�:M;:vi�:�i��-n " prumplly by &�ROwer. Earli in+uruncc c�►mpuny cunrerned iti hemh,y authnrind aixl dircc�ed w nwkc puymenl lirr�uch lo�s
<br /> —� �`� Jir�titly U�Lcixlrr, in.rtcaJ uf tu&�rruwcr uixl to landcr j��intly. All ur uny pun uf thr in.uranr�pr�kc�J+muy I+c uppli��J hy
<br /> ' :�R'.'�..., . ."' Lciulcr. a�its upti�m.cilh�r Ia1�o thr r��luctian of thc inJcht��Jnc+s undcr thc N�►�c anJ �hi. Scrurity In.trum�m. lin� �n uny
<br />� �.� �, • dclinyucm umuunty uppli�l in �hc arJcr in purugruph 3, un�l�hen tu prepaynknt�►1'principal,ur Ib1 to�hc rc.rt�ira�iun�.r rcpuir
<br /> of the damugeJ Pmpeny. Any upplicution of�hr proceeds io ihc primipul tihsill not extcnJ or p�►,qxme the duc dut�al thc
<br />�,,,� „ ^b y monthly paymen�.whirh ure referreJ tu in purngroph 2,ur chunge Ihe amount ot�urh paymentti. Any exeetis intiurunce prcxec�ls _ �
<br />��' ...._ over an umnwu rcyuired to pay all outslunding indebtednetiw unJcr thc Nute und this Sccurily Im�runxnt .hull be paid�n the
<br /> : o .. • entity legully entided thereto.
<br /> �
<br /> • •� In the cvenl of fi�reclosure of thi. S�.�urity Inslrument nr olhc� tranrl'er ui' title to thc Propcny thnt exlingui�hes the
<br /> ",. � indebtedne�ti,al l right,tiUr unJ imcr�t uf Born►wer in unJ a�in�uruncc pulicic,in I'orcr shull p•rr,to thc purchu�er. _
<br /> . ' • ' S. Occupency� Preservatinn� Mointenance and PrutecHon oP the Pruperty: Barrnwer's I.oun Application;
<br /> .. " I.eA.ceholds. Barruwer shuU�xcupy, e,wBlish,and usc the Property u�&�ROwer'x principul resiJence within sixty duys AI'tcr -_
<br /> thc cxcrutiun of thi+Scruri�y Imtrument und tihall rontinur to�xrupy the Propcny a�&irrower's prinrip•rl resiJence G�r ut Icu+� �.;�'-
<br /> - , on�yrar after the Jute of ixcupancy,unless tlx:Secretury determincs thiti rryuirement will cau,e undue hurd,hip frn•Be�rrower, �
<br /> " ., or unletis extenuuting rircwnxtAnrrs exirt which vre NeyonJ Bonuwcr'ti cuntn�l. &�rruwcr +hull n��tify Lenden of uny -
<br /> a'.'�"'•'`"''� extenuating cirrumtitunces. B��rrower.hull not a�mmit wuste�r des�ruy,dumuge or subxtuntiully chunge the Propeny or nllow �V�_
<br /> thc Propen�� to Jeterionitr,reuu�nuhle wra�r �nd teur cxcepted. Lendcr muy inspect the Prnpeny it'the Propeny ix vucunt ar =—��,
<br /> " ubunJoned ur the lu•rn is in Jrl'uult. I..enJer may tukr muu►nablr action io proirc[ •rnd pre,crv� such ��nrunt or �l+undoneJ f�4
<br /> � Propeny.Borr��wer.hull ul.r•o lx in dcfuult it&ircower,during ihe I��an upplicution pr�xes..guvc mutcriully I'ul�or inaccurmc —.-._____
<br /> ':,% infiirmati�m or �tutements ro Lender lur f�iled�o provide Lender with any mutcriul inlormuti�m) in connerti�m wi�h thc Icr,m ���`�'
<br /> �M!.� w J'"-`"
<br /> -_ �videnced hy the Note. incluJinn. hut not IimiteJ w. represeMUtions con�:eming &irrower's cxcupancy of the Pmperly us a —_ _
<br /> ':''� ' principul residcnrr. lf this Sccuriry Ins�rument i� un u Ieukhold, Borrowrr.hall romply with the provitiion� of the Ica+e. If �
<br /> ' � Borrower acyuires fce tide tu thc Propcny, the I��asehold ancl 1'ee tide shall noi be nx�rgcrl unless l.ender agrecs to thc mcrger in �,__,,
<br /> writing. ��
<br /> � 6. Ckarges to Burrowrr�nd Protectiun oP Lender'ti R(ghts in the Property. Burruwcr +h•rll pay ull guvernmemul or — _
<br /> �� �, munici ul chur�c.. linc+ unJ im.►tiiti�m, thu� arc n�,i includeJ in .►ra ra h �. B�►rr��wer+hull a thac ubli atiuns on lime �°`�``
<br /> . P � f`� P' !� P P'Y F' °'i'°�'"s-n
<br /> ' Jirectly tu thc entily whirh i.uweJ Ih�puym�m. If f'ailurc tn puy woulJ uJv�n�ly aff�cl l.enJer'�intere�t in�he Propercy,upon �•^ ~ -
<br /> � Ixnder's requc�t Borruwcr shull pr��mpUy furni+h a�IAndcr rcccip�.cvidcncing the+e puynurxs. �'�
<br /> ��;4^�r:^°.:-
<br /> �����`•n'--
<br /> II'Borruwcr f•ril.���mukc thc.r puymrnl.ur the puymriN.rcyuirod hy pura�ruph?,ar lail.tu�xrtircm uny o�her�uvenunt� � �"� � ;:`"
<br /> o and agreenxm�cnntainrJ in thi.Sccuriiy In,trumcn�.ur therc i�a Ic�al prucceJin��hut ma��tiigniticanlly ail'er� LenJer'�ri�tht� --
<br /> . in the Pmpehy I+uch u.u pru�ceding in bankrup�ry.liir u►�xlemnatiun or to cnli,rrr lawti�ir regulution.l. then LcnJcr nwy Jn i� -
<br /> vnd pay whutcvcr i+nccc„ary u►pr�i�cct thr vrlur al thr Pm�xrty anJ l.cnJrr'. riEh�, in thc Pmp.n��. including payment �t' -..�s«:�u'.�
<br /> ,� `-'`` �, wxes.h:uard insur•rncc rnd�►thcr it�m�ro�nti�m��l in puragr:�ph?. ..•�'" -'—
<br /> �� Any am��unt+ Ji.hurxJ My LenJrr unJcr 1hi� para�raph �h:►II hrcumr an aJJi�i„nul drh�ul't3un•ua•�r anJ hr urur��l by . '
<br /> � ' .. this Serurity Intitrumeot. The,r�imwnt.+hall hcur iincr�,i t'nnn�he Julr ul Ji.buncnnnt.at the Note rute.unJ u�the uption of �,:, _-•.�,_
<br /> L.ender, xlwll lx:immcJiutely due urxl puyublc. �� :?��.
<br /> . ::n,'�.•; . _
<br /> , „ ,.•��.-- -,.
<br /> ' , 7. Condemnallon. The pr�xreJti ul' any awarJ �ir rlain� t.0 ,lamage.. Jircr� ur cunxyucntiul. in runnectiun with any , •
<br /> cunJemnrtiun�,r othrr rrking af any pan�,I�he Pn,�xny.�►r I��r rum•ryanrc in plarr uf ranJrnu►a�iun.arn c�rehy:uu�:ncJ anJ ; .
<br /> .. sh•rll bc p�id ai LcnJcr t��d�r cxi�nt at'ihc lull am��unl ul Ih�inJ�htcdn:,.that rrnuiin.unpaiJ unJcr Ihc N��tc uixl thi. Sccurily ,
<br /> . Imtrument. Lc�xkr,hall apply +uch pr�xe�d�lo Ihc rcducliuu uf Ih� indrhtcJnr„undcr UK Nulr anJ thi. S�ruriiy Instrument. ,
<br /> tirtil k� any Jrlinyuco� amnunl+ applirJ u� Ihr ��rdrr pn��•i�cJ m rara�:i:�ph 3. and ihcn tu prrp:i�m�nt ul prinripal. Any
<br /> . appli�ution uf thc pr�krrJ, a� �hc principal .hall nul ���enJ ur pn.t�xmr thr du� da�r ul �hr nwnrhl� pa�mint.. u•hidi arc , .
<br /> .. . ��4RIN61 N„„��.,.,,
<br /> ,'°
<br /> ; , ., '
<br /> i
<br /> I
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<br /> ' �. ---
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