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<br /> .. ,., 12. Succe�sor� and A�siQna B+�und=Jolnl pnd 5ievcml I,iwbililys C��,-SI{{ncrc. Thc mvenunt� und ugr��ement� al'thi+ ��,..
<br /> f , a � Securfty Ins�niment shall hinJ unJ t+encfit thc +urre�W�r+ and uti�igm ��f I.�nJcr anJ &�rruwcr. +uhject ta thc pruvisiuns of —�-
<br /> `,St3°";:.:T'-• ,. �-
<br /> ,�., �„° .•��" parugrupb 9.h. Born�wer'F rnvetwntr. und a�trccmem� +�hull ix juint unJ kvervl. A�y &�m�wcr wh�� ra-rign� thi+Security _�
<br /> � ' " Instrun�enl Mut d��e� n�n ezccutc the Nrne: lu1 is ru•�iKning ihi. S�rurity Imtrument only u�m�►nguge, grum unJ a►nvcy that
<br /> � Bnrr��wcr'ti inlerc�t in the Prupeny unJer the tcrn�.uf thi.S�wuriry In,►rument:lhl i.nut penunully�ihligul�d lo puy ihc�wm
<br /> � !;,,�•,t�•� �;ecur�d by lhi�Security Inctrument: und(c)uurex.Ihut Lendcr unJ any��thcr Burruwer may agree to rxtend.m�xlil'y. furlxur ur =-
<br /> make any u�c��mmaiutions with regLrd tu Ihe lem�.ot'�hi, Security Inztrumenl or thc Nnte withnut thut ��rrowrr'ti cunwnt.
<br /> , _ , _. a �------�--.-=°_
<br /> • la. NMices.Any noticc�o Bnrruwcr provided far in thi► Sccuri�y Instrunxnt .hull hr givcn by dolivrring il ur hy ntailing _
<br /> , , it by fint clas.mail unle,s upplicublc low ceyuirc�ux�►t'unatlxr meth�xl.Thc notirc+holl bc directcd to�he Propt:ny AdJress -
<br /> � � h
<br />-� ar uny �nhcr udJress &�rrower derignute� hy nutire ti� l.�:ndcr. Any nuticc to Lernler tihall bc given by fir�t clus� m•ril t�i _-
<br /> ' Lender'ti uddreti�stated hcrein or uny uddrrs.Lendcr dc+ign•r�c�by nu�irc to Rorcuwcr. Any nnticr providcd fiir in thia Security �_ _
<br /> ' I�vtrument�hall be deemeJ ta huve lx�n given ta&�rrowcr or l.ender when given us pruviJ�l in�his puru�sruph.
<br /> .a.
<br /> ` �.;_ :
<br /> �+*1i1M
<br /> ,., l4. Gaverning l.aw: tieverabilky. Thi� Scruriry Imtnimcnt rhull bc guv�rned hy fcJerul lan� un�i �hc luw �if the =
<br /> ' , juriuiicti�•n in which the Propert��i. lixatcal. In the even� th•rt uny provitiion ar rluuzc uf Ihis Security Imtru�txm ur the N��te _.
<br /> • ' contlicts wi�h upplicable law.tiuch con0ict shull nut affert�nher pr��visii�n+uf this Security In�trum�nt ur the Nole which can be �V_=.-�
<br /> given effc��t wi�hout�he conilicting provi;ian. To thi,end the pravisions of this Security Ins�rument und the Note ure declared �
<br /> . ta be scveruble. �--_,
<br /> „ „ �.;=-•- ..
<br /> ., 15.Borrower's Copy.Bc�rruwer shull he given one ranfomx�l capy nf�his Secu�ity Instrument, �:..-__-_
<br /> �:�,�....`-
<br /> 16. Ac.signmcnt of Rents. Barrawcr uncnnJitiunally u�+ign.r anJ trunsPers to Lendcr ull Ihc rents und revenuc, af the }�1�1R,��`
<br /> , Propcny. &►rrnwcr uuth��riic+ I.eMler or LAnJcr'�a@�nts to cuUect the rents und revcnuc+unJ hcrcby direct+c:�ch tenunt ��f the „ -
<br /> ' Propcny to puy thc rent�ta LenJcr ur I.enJcr'�ugcnts. Howcvcr,priix a�LenJcr's notire to Borrowcr of Borcawer'�brruch of • �.�:=�_+-`
<br /> ,�.c ".• any cavenant or ogreement in�he Scruri�y Instrument, Burruwer�hull rcdlect and rcreive uU r�nts and nvenue�af the Pri�rty ._ ��n'
<br /> ,;��;•:
<br /> us lruylcc fur (Itc Ixnafil of Lcndcr anci &�rro���cr. This ustiignmenl c�f renl+rnnti�i�utes an ubyolut� uasignrnent and nW un s�:�:�:��n-�-
<br /> ' assignment far udditionul tiecurity only. '. `.''=�
<br /> ' If I.cnJer givc�notice of brearh U� Borruµcr. la)ull rents reccivcd hy Borrower shull be held by Bnrtawcr us�rutia�e ti>r 'r;y3�.:..� �
<br /> benefit ot'Lender�mly, to lx upplieJ lo the�unu,ecur�tii by thr Sccurity Instrumrnr,Ibl L�nder+hall Ik emiUcJ to culkct And � 3��
<br /> ' r�civc uU uf tix rrnt�i�f thc Prr��xrty: •rnJ (c1 cuch �enum ot the Prupeny shaii pay uli rrut. �lu� un:i unpaid ta Lcnclrr vr 4- � t` � -
<br /> �.i".VWkl:'' z;
<br /> • l.ender'z ugent un LenJer'.written drmunJ tu the tenunt. ' ' � • -
<br /> . �.
<br /> �� �
<br /> ' B��rrowcr hua not excrutrd any priur•r.,igronrnt of�he rent�und hus n��t anJ will nin pertiirm uny uct Ihut would prcveot '�'��y�:..� -
<br /> � Lender irum rxercising it�rights unJcr thi,puragruph 16. , • s
<br /> LenJcr shull not hc rcyuirrd lu cMrr u{x►n.take r�mtrol i►f ur nwinlain thc Proprrty b�liirc or•rtier giving n�nicc of brcurh . „ �{ ,,
<br /> � io Borruwcr. Howevcr. l.rixlcr .�r a juJiciaUy ap�xiinteJ r�ccivcr muy do ui at any timc thcrc i�a brcach. Any uppliruti��n i�f ��
<br /> rcnt�+hall nat cur�ar wuivc any Jcl';xilt ur invaliJ•rtr any athcr riEht ur renk�ly oi Lcnder. This u+�i�nn�ent�►t'rem+ ��1'the ;;;,:, _ � --�
<br /> ,. ` Prupcny shall trnninatc whrn thc Jrhl,ccurrd hy Ihc tirrurily In.trunknt i.paiJ in full. � •. �.--.
<br /> ;�-..
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVFiNANTS.Burruwcr�nd I.aiJrr 1'unh�r ru�•rnarn and u�rrr a�tiiUi�w.: -_
<br /> • 17. Fnrecloxure Pr��cedure.lf'Lendcr rcyuir�w immcdiutc pa�mcnt hi Pull undcr purukruph 9. Lender mu��inveske ti�e _
<br /> pnNrr of xale und am• other mux�di�w permiued b� upplicuble lux. Lcnder +hull Ix entilled to colktil all expen.r•cs , `
<br /> incurred in puruin�ti►e remrdleR under this puruuEtruph 17. including.but not limik�d to. reuennable uttomeys'P�s and ___ __ --
<br /> .. cos4R of title e��idcncc. --�
<br /> ' , '' IP the p�►��rr nf +ulc i. inroked. Trustec tihall r�YOrd u noUce of dePuult in cunc��►unt} in �••hich am• part oi'the � ` '-��F
<br /> ' Propert�•fs I�KUI��d und shall muil cnpi�w oP,uch nutice in thc munrmr pn�urilxd li� applicablc Ipa�ta Borroacr and to ;=-__
<br /> the other pervon+pr�ribed M appUcs�ble lu���. Aftcr thc limc requir��l 1»•upplicable lax�.Trtnt�ti shal)�;i�e publi���ntice . .
<br /> ��::��--
<br /> oF�ulc tothc penan��+nd in thc manncr pn�crilud b� upplicublc Is�e. Tru.t�w. ��ithaW demund oo Rnrn�wer,shu0���II ������
<br /> ' • . ' the Propert� ut puhlic aurUon to thc hiuh�ht biddcr ut thc timc and plure und�mder thc terms dcsi�;nuted in thc notkc ��' i
<br /> . �ulc in oix� or morn purccl.und in uu� ordcr'I'ru�t�r detcrminc�.'I'ru+t�w mu� po,tp�mr �ulc uP all or um parccl of tNe `
<br /> .. Property b�• puBlic unnouncement ut the tin�e und pls�ce ni' um pre�iou,l� +cheduled+rle. Lender or it+d�wiRn�ma� �,
<br /> . pnrchuu the 1'mpeM��ut an� sale. .
<br /> ��4RINE1 "�'.,`• .','. ,
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