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..��, ., _ . . ��rt :w <br /> . . , • . _ <br /> . ' •;.. � Y �R' _ _ <br /> . _ <br /> � ...a _ ' _ _'.-__- _ _ <br /> 'M1� . . ... <br /> .. .., � <br /> . � � <br /> ..' ,"_..� <br /> . �iN�l�� �.wa., . brN � . __r-�� <br /> � � 1'i.nl3� . . ..---- <br /> � � -- - .� ' � -��r- <br /> -.�.— __ ' _. . .._.::`4°."'_ <br /> . � Gi.rri��_ —_ <br /> 6 �02�s o ��----=- <br /> Y1--e ... -'' �i�. —". <br /> 1 <br /> ; fi...��,„.,,a„�„�. TOQETHER WITN ull thc impravementa ru►w an c�rcaftcr crcY��n�thc propcny, and all ca�cmcm.. rights. �_- -- <br /> ��-0.. ,,.,,.; � e P p u r t e n a n c c s,R:m a,ro y a lti ct. miner�l,ail u�i ga�ri ghts an�prufits.wutcr righlti�nJ �Uxk arxl ul l fixturc��N�w��r hrrcufler a �"�F`�=';";•, <br /> *Jk: . .:� �' �' <br /> ° "�°4� r pan af the property. Ail replucementy unJ Lddi�ionc shall alr��t+e mvered by �hi�S�uri�y Inst�um�nt. All of the tiKeQuin�is �___ <br /> .� . ° .=�'�. rofenal to in�hi�Security inurument ar�hc "Pmpeny..• - <br /> � • . BORROWER COVENANTS thut Burrower is lawfully sciseJ��t'the��tute hcreby umvey�Yl unJ bu.Ihr right tu grLnt�nd �,';W� <br /> ' ' � � convey the Pmperty anJ�hot the PrupeAy i+unencumbered,except fur eixumbrvixes af r��urd. Burr��wer warcLnt� unJ will �-_'_°"' <br /> : ... delend aenerally the�iUe�o the Pa�peny nQ�inst LII rlaims wxl JenuuKl.,subjctit tu uny r�kwnbraixc+ul rccurd. ,�;,Q ° <br /> ¢ � ==— <br /> _ .� ' a_ �,�•_ ._ 1. Pnyment of Principal. Inlenxt ond ClwrRe. &irrowcr shall p;►y when due thr priik ipal uf, cuK! int�rest on, thr "� . <br /> :� ,,'�:�.;; o debt evidenced by the Nwe nnd lotc cFwr�cs Jue un�ier the Note. = <br /> �,s. e - - <br /> . . 2. Monthly PAymentx at Tpxev. Insurance and Qther Cbwry�es. &�rruwrr �hull incluJe in carh numihly puymcnt, � � <br /> togelher with�he principal uni interest as tiet forth in the Note urnl uny ILt�clwrgr+,an in+tullment of�ny la1 tuxe�and tipcciul „-.v <br /> ,. ' . assessments levied or to bc levicd aguin�t the Propeny, lb1 lea.�ehold puymcnts ur �ruutul rent� on ihe Pmperty, uncl Ir) �"- � <br /> premiums for insu�ance required hy puragraph 4. `�- -- _ _ <br /> Euch monthly inatullment fur i�ems 1u1,lb),and Ic)shall eyuul onc-twelfth nf thc unnuul umnunt., as reaumably estitrwted _-- _ <br /> .. ` � � by Lender,plus an am�unt �ufficient to maintain nn udditional buWnre oF nrn morc�hun anc-zixth�►f�Ik etitinwleJ um��untti.The -�r''� <br /> ' . full unnual amount for earh item shall he uccumulated by l.ender wi�hin o periid ending unr muntb befi�re un i�em would �- <br /> become delinquent. Lender shall hold the amounts collocted in trust ta puy items lal. Ibl, unJ Icl before they be�ame <br /> . . delinquent. - <br /> � . ?.. <br /> • � ,�:ar.�..--- <br /> If at any time the totul of the payments helJ by Lender fix items Iu1. Ib), unJ Icl. togeiher with thc future monthly �..T.,�-- <br /> .ls��....,.. <br /> '. puyments for w�h i�ems payuble ta l.ender pri��r ai the due duter of such items,excced,by m��rc thun unc-+ixth the etitimated °;,�,�,..,;` <br /> � ��.-;-, <br /> ' ' umount uf puyments required to puy such itemc when due. �nd if puyments on thc Natc ure cuRent, then 1.cnJcr tihall cithcr ,,;.:•,•z_�.. <br /> '� • • refund the exceti�over une-sixth af the estimuted puyments or credit�hr excexs over one-sizth of the c.timuted paymentti to �•=`�'�?—'- <br /> '�� • subsequent payments by BoRawer,ut the option of Borrower. If the total af the payments mude by &irrower for itcm 1u1, lb), ��-'_ <br /> '�' ° or (c) is insufficient to puy the item when duc, then Bc�rrower xhall pay to l.ender any amuunt necessary to nurke up the �•:�N�-±���'���-� <br /> � • . - deficiency on or before the date the item becames due. =°-����= <br />- �lA _—. <br /> _� .f _L`_;'!,!��L�•�-��i_.";: -- <br /> �' � ^ � As used in this Security Instrument, "Secretary" mean�the Secretary of Housing und Urb•rn Uevel�ipmem or hi�or her �,�F•,. �;. . <br /> .. E;•,�,.�.�- --- <br /> „ designee. In uuy yenr in which the Lender must pay a mongu�e insurunce premium ai the Secret:�ry. earh monthly payment c1>,;;.. __ <br /> �� __ <br /> shull aIM�include either:li)un installn�ent c�f Ihe unnual mortgage insurnncc premium t��be paid by I.enJer to the S�retury,or '�-ya,�,;,:, .."="' <br /> ie <br /> •r"�' (ii) � mont h ly c hurge ins tca d o f U mi�r tga�e inxurLnce {xe m i w n i f t h i� S ec u r i l y I n s t r u m e n t i+h e l J b y t h e S e r r e t a r y. E,�c h �.'�'��'`'• � � <br /> '�';'•%� ••� monthly instullment of the nH�rtguge imurrnce premium shall l� in un um��unt +ufficient to•rccwnula�e thc full unnual mortgage � _'';,,:t.:;, �l�' <br /> ,,::',:;� ,.;t,a,-:. ,,- <br /> � ,;;,},,,.;, �. insurance premium with I.enJer one month prior to the Jute the full unnual m�ingage imurance premium i�Juc to the S��ret;�ry. •- <br /> ' � ,,. or il'thi, S�wurity Imtrument is held by tFx� Secrewry, e•rch nwixhly chargc shell t►e in un umuunt eyuul w�me-tweli'th of ,��:,�y,� _ <br /> ';.�i.' une-hulf percem�if the��watundin�prinrip�l balancc due on the Nute. . ; . °=_ <br /> . "+= <br /> ; �' If&xrower�cndrn t��Lendcr the full payment ot'ull sum� ,�tureJ by Ihis Scrurity Instrumenl.B��rrowcr'�acmunt tihall ,,,,:. - - <br /> � '�) � t►c crcditcd with the hulancc remuining liir ul) imtalhnrnl. fi�r itcm�lul. Ih), unJ Ir1 und an� mortgagc in.ur�nc� prcmium . _ . <br /> • ' instullment thut L�;nder hus n�►t hecomc abli�ated U� pay to thr Sccretary, and Lcndrr.hall prumpdy retunJ am• rxrc.+ fundx to ��� _ <br /> &�rrowcr. Imm�Kliatcly pri�ir t�i a tiirecloxure sulc uf thr Proper�y� ��r it.��u hy l.cnd�r. Bnrruwcr'�account shull be .. _�" <br /> . credited with uny hulanrc r�muining fiir ull ins�alln�ems for item�lul. Ih►. wxl�r1. ..,•.��_'`"`= <br /> . � •'�,�_ ,�.,= <br /> • d.AppBcatlon of 1'�yptents.All payments under purugraph�I uixl 2 xhall hr upplicJ hy Lrnd�r a�ti►Ilciws: :. • � <br /> . :,: ��: <br /> • '. .: <br /> � „ , Fint, ta th�mort�!aE�imurunrr prcmium tu hc pnid b�� l.enJer ti�the S�cretary or to the mi�nthly churge by the Secretary � '"'""; -- <br /> imteud of thc munthly murtgage insur�ncc prcmium: ,�•� � . ' -�=- <br /> 3econd.�o •rny tvxes. �xcial ustiexsmem+. leasehold puym�n��ur gruunJ r�nt..anJ lir�. II�MKI unJ udkr huzard insurance '�. �; :. -- <br /> �. premium.,aa rcyuircJ: � . . -. <br /> � ThirJ, ti�inleretit duc under the Note: <br /> Fuurth.�„amnrtiratiun�►f the principul uf the i�ule: � <br /> � Filih. ta lu�r rhar�tr+Juc wxkr thc Nulc. ' <br /> i <br /> ��4RINE1 .,n„�_ ,��� � <br /> r <br /> t <br /> �� 1. <br /> i <br /> . � <br /> • � - <br />