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<br /> cxect►tcd for ihc purposc af crcat[n�,sccurin�or guorantyin�ti�c Sccured Debt.A goad fnith bclict by Lendcr tkint _
<br /> li.cndcr nt nny dmc is insccurc�vith respect to any person oi•entiry obligntcd un Qtc Sccurcd Dcbt nr thnt Ihc prospcct
<br /> of nny paymcn9 nr dic vuluc of thc Praperty is impnircd shnll�Iso constitutc�m cvcnt af defntdt.
<br /> 1S. REME�IES ON QIGFAUL'I'.In samc instnnccs,fcdcrnl nnd stntc IWw will rcqulrc Lcndcr tu providc drtmtor with
<br /> noticc of ihc ri�ht t��curc or othcr notices��nd mny�stnblisl�timc schcdulcs for forcclosurc i�ctions. Subjcct to thcsc -
<br /> i�n,.rA��nna,if nny;I.ender mey accclerate thc Sccured Debt nnd forcclose this Security Instrument in a manner �
<br /> provided by I�w if(irantc�r is in dcfuul.t.
<br /> At th�op:ion of Lendcr, nll or nny part of thc�greed fccs and chnrgcs,accrucd intcrest and principal shall becomc
<br /> immcdiately due and payablc, attcr giving notice if rcquircd by law,upon the occurrence of a dcfault or anytime
<br /> tliereatter.In addition,L.ender shall be entitled to all thc rcmedies provided by law,the terms of the Secured Debt,
<br /> this Security lnstrument nnd any related documents,includin�without limitation,the power to scll the Yroperty.
<br /> If there is a dcfault,Trustec shall,in additian to atty other permitted remedy,at thc requcst of the Lc:ndec,udvcrtise -
<br /> and sell the Property as ��vhot�or in separate parcels at publ�c auction to the tughest bidder for cash and convey �
<br /> aUsplute title frce end clear of all right.title �nd intcrest of Grantor at such timc and placc as Tr�zstce dcs�gnates. �4;
<br /> Trustec shnll givz n�'lice of snle includin�the timc,tcrms and pi;ice of s�le and a descriptiax�of t4te praperty ta bc sald =
<br /> �s requiratl by Yhe applic�lblc law in effect at the time of the proposed sAle. -
<br /> Upon salE of thc property and to thc extent not prohibited by luw,Tn�stec�hap make and deliver a deed to thc Property
<br /> sold which conveys absolutc title to tlie.purchascr,and after Cirst paying all fees,charges und costs,shall pny to Lender nll
<br /> moncys advanced for rcpairs,taxes,insurnnce,licns,assessmcnts and prior cncumbram:c:s a��d intecest thercon,and thc �
<br /> prinGipal and intcrest on thc Secured Debt,payin�the surplus,if uny, to C.iran!ue.Lendcr may purchasc thc Property.
<br /> Thc rccitnls in nny deed of cc�nvcyance shall be prima facie evidence of 1he facts set farth therein.
<br /> All remedics nrc distinct.cumulntivc�nd not exclusivc,nnd the Lendcr is cntitled ta cill remedies provided�t law or
<br /> equity,whcther or not expressly set forlh.'I'he nccept,nee by 1,ender of nny sum in puyment cir pardul puyment on the
<br /> Sccurcd nct�t uftcr tiic balnncc iti duc ov is��cccicrntcd or��ftcr farcclosurc pr�xce�lirgx ni•c(ilcd�hnll nal a9nsUtutc u
<br /> wnivcs oF L.�ndcr's rigln to rc��ulrc c�impletc curc c►f nny cxistfn�dcfault,Iiy nut dxcrc►sin�t siny rcnudy un(lrimtor'is
<br /> dcfaull,l�:ndcr Q�xs not wnivu I.ender'y right tu lutcr cunsidcr thc cvcm o dcfnuU if it continuc4 ur I�uppeny ng�oin,
<br /> 16. �:XNM:NtiF:w;AI)VANI:M:S lDN CAVENAN'1:4� A'1"I'ORNM:V:�' Ml�:O�:�ls�:OI.I.t:C'17tDN (.:qS'1:�.C:xccpt wlicn
<br /> pruhfbitcd b�li�w,Ur�m¢or ogrccs tu pay+dl of I.�:ndcr'�:cxpcnscs If(imntur Brcnchcy nny euveni�nt in this Sccurlty�
<br /> bisu•�unem,Clrumar wlll nisu�n►y�m d�mnnQ n�ry nmount incurrcd hy I.cndcr fur insuring,ins�x:cting,prcurving ur
<br /> n�h�rwisr_.�tt�lecdn�lhC Piopc:ilV titid LCI1dCi�s tiCCUflty�qlC1'CSL'1'i►csc cxpcnsc�wiU hcnr intc�cst f'rom thc dnte o[
<br /> Uic payn�ent until pntd in full nt Qie highest intere,l rnte in ei[ect ns pruvidcd in Uie terms of the Secureq ucot.
<br /> drHntor t�grees to p��y ull costs m2d expenscs incurred by Lendei•in collecting,entorcin�or pratecttn�Lender's rights
<br /> and remcdies undcr this Sccurity Instrument.This amount may includc,but is not li�niicd to,�ttorncys'fces,oourt
<br /> costs,and other Icgal expenscs.Thls Security Instrument shall remain in effect until rcicased.C3rantor agrees to pay
<br /> for any recordution cosis of such relcasc.
<br /> l7. ENViRONMEIV'fAL LAWS AND IfA�:ARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As ased in this section,(1)Envir�nmentnl Law
<br /> means,without limitation,thc Comprehensive Environmentul Rcsponse,Compensation nnd I,i�bllily Act(GERCLA,
<br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et scq.). and a11 othcr fcderal,state and local laws, regulations, ordinances,court orders,lttorncy
<br /> general opinions or interpreai��e lctters conccrning thc public hcalth,safety,wclfarc,environment o�•a hazardous
<br /> substancc;and (7.) Hazardous Substancc mcans nny toxic,radioactivc or hazardous matcrial,wastc, pollutant or
<br /> conteminant which lias characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to tiie pub(ie
<br /> licalth,safcty,wclfarc or cnviror�ment.Thc tcrm includcs,without limitation,any substances defined as"hazarduus
<br /> materi�l;'"toxi�c substancc:s;'"hazurdous w�tste"or"har.ardous substanc:e"under any Environmcntal l.aw.
<br /> Orantor rcpresents,warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A. Exccpt as previously disclosed and ncknowledged in writing to Ler►der,no Hazardous Substance is o:r will be
<br /> locatcd, storeci or relcased on or in thc Property.Tiiis restriction does not appfy to small qunntities nf
<br /> Hazardaus Substances that arc gencrally rccogr►izcd tu bc appropriate for tlie nonnal usc und muintennncc of
<br /> tlic Property.
<br /> $. Exa:pt as p�cviutisiy uisclased a,nd acknati::cdgcd ia�:Cltfi!^�,t0 L:riS�Ci,Gxantor a��d av�ry tenant havc bccn.urc.
<br /> und shall rcanain in full rnmpliance�vith any applicablc Environmcntnl Law.
<br /> C. Grnntor shall immcciiatcly notify i.endar if a rcicase or thrcatcncd relensc of a F�a7ardous Sub�tuncc occurs on,
<br /> under or nbout thc Property or thcrc is a violation of any Envitonmcntall.��w conccrning th�Pro}xrly.In such
<br /> an cvent,Grc�ntor shall takc all nccessury remedial nction m accordance with any Environmcntal Luw.
<br /> D. Grnntor shnll immediately notity I.ender in writin�as soon as Grantor has reason to believc thcrc is 1ny
<br /> pending or threatcncd investigation,claim,or ptoceeJing relating to the aetease or threatened rele�sc of nny
<br /> Ha2nrdous Substancc or thc violation of any E�rvironmental Law.
<br />� 1R. CONDEMNA'I'tON.Grnntor will�ivc Lcndcr pranpt noticc ot uny pendmg or thrcatcncd•action, by privatc or
<br />° public entitics to purchasc cr takc �ny or all of thc Property thruubh condemnation,cmincnt domain, or nny othcr
<br /> ineans. Grantor autliorizes Lender to intervenc in Crtmtor's narrie in any of thc nbove descriUed actions or claims.
<br /> - Grantor assigns to i.cnder the procceds of any award or claim for damav,cs connccted with a cunsiemnation or other
<br />- taking of all or any part of the Prnperty.Such prc�ceeds shall be considcred payments nnd will be�pplied as prr�vided in
<br />= this Secu�ity Instrument.This assignment af procceds is subject to thc tcrans of any prior mortgagc,dccd of trust,
<br /> � security ngrreemcnt or other lien dcxu�ent.
<br /> 19. IN9URANCE.Gr7ntor sl�all kcc�Property insurcd against loss by firc,flood, theft and othcr hnzards and risks
<br /> = i�casonably ussoci�►ted with thc Properry due to its typc and location.This�nsurancc shall bc muintuine:d in th�:amounts
<br /> _�_.�_. r_..a�..� 7`N.. i�llno th.� incm•unrn chull hn rhn�+n hv C'�r:mtnr
<br /> � a(1U IVi iiic ��itwa wna u�.uea �MHYttM� .....::��:Q:::'.::.:::�:Y:.^.Y......t, ."- ..._-'�"-,_--^-- " ----.• -. -
<br /> ' subjcc4 to Lcndcr's approval,�vhich shall not bc unrcasonably witl�hcld. If Gruntor fads to maintE+in thc cuvcr��c
<br />_�1 descrii,ed above,Lc:nda•may,at L.ender's option,obt��in coverage to protect Lender's rights in thc Property accordinb
<br />•� to ttic tcrms of this Securiry Instrument.
<br />..� All insur�nee policies and renewnls slinll be acceptable to Le:nder�nd shall include n standard"mort6age cla�sc"and,
<br /> where applicable,"loss payce clause." Grantor shall immedintely notify Lendcr of cancellation or termination ot thc
<br /> '� insur�nce.Lender shall have thc ri�ht to hold the policics and renewals.if Lender requires.Gritntor shall immediately
<br />:� give to Len�ler all reccipts of puid premiums and rene�val notices.Upon Ioss,Grhntor sht�ll give immedi�te notice to
<br /> the insurnl►ce carrier tmd Lender.Lcnder muy m��kc proof of loss if not mude immediatcly by Grnntor.
<br /> .�
<br /> 7�
<br /> _ , (pago 3 0/4)
<br /> ' �1 . .l • .
<br /> C 10'17 Om�kor!6yutems,Lx.5i Cbud.AW(1�p00-39743H)Fonn RE•DT•NE 0l0784 -
<br />