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<br /> Unless oth�rw+se csgreed in wdling,all insurance procecds shnU l�e appli�d to the restorntion oe repair of the Prope�ty
<br /> or to tiic Secured f�eUt,whether pr not then ciuc,at L,ender's option.Any applicntia�a�praceeds to principal sliall not
<br /> extend or pc�z�ne the duc date of the scheduled payment nor change the nmount af Any�ayment.Any excess will Ue
<br /> pnid to the Grantor. If the Property is ucquired by Le�tder,C3rantar's tigt►t to any insurance policies and prceeeds
<br /> resuitinE from damage to tha I'ra{x+rty before the acquisiti�n s{eall pas�to l.cndcr to the extent of tha Secured Dcbi
<br /> immediaeely before tlic ecquls9tion. ,
<br /> 2(i. ESCRUW F�OR TAXk S A1VIy 1NSURAIV4�.Unless otherwisc prov�tiGd m n separate agrcemcnt,Cirantor will not
<br /> be required to pay to l.endcr(unds for taxes and insuranr,e in escrow. —
<br /> 21. FINANCIAI.RCP�R7'3 ANU ADUT[TONAL DOCUMEi�'I'S.Grantor wil!providc to L.endcr upon rcqucst,any
<br /> fin3ncial statement or inPormuttan Lendcr m�y dcem reasnnably necessary.Grantor agrees to sign,doli�er,and filc
<br /> any additional documents or ccrtificetions th�t�.4nder may consider necessary to perfect,continue,�nd preserve _.
<br /> Grantor's obllgations tmdcr this Security Instrument nnd L.endcr's licn status�n the Property.
<br /> undcr this 5ccurity lnstrumcnt ure joint and individuul.If Cur�ntor cigns this Security Instrument but dacs not sign nn
<br /> cvidcnce of debt,Grantor docs so only to mortgage Gra►uor's interest in the Property to sccure payment of the
<br /> Securcd Debt and Grantor does not agree to be personally liable on the Sccured Debt.If this Security Tnstrument
<br /> secures n gu�rnnty betwecn I.ender and(3rantor,Crantor agrees to waive nny rights thut may prevent Lendcr from
<br /> bringing any action ar claim�+guinst Grnntor or eny party indebtcd under thc obligation.Thesc right�may include,but
<br /> are not limitcd ta,ni�y nnti-deficiency or one-action lnws.Cirantcv ngrees that I.cnder and any purty to this Security
<br /> Instrument may cxtend,mai�ty ar make any changc fn tl�c tcrms of this�ecurlty jnstnrmcnt or nny cvidcncc of dcbt
<br /> without Gran�or's cons:nt.Such a changc wfll not relcasc t3rantur trom thc tcrms of this Security Inslrumcnt.The
<br /> dutics i�nct bcncfits of th(s Sccurtty Instrumcnt shull biiid and bcncCit thc suc�cssurv n�id essigns of Cirantar and Lcndcr.
<br /> 2.i. APPI.ICABL�:LAW;3�V�RAB11,17'Yi INTH;Iti�R�TATI�IV.'i'his Sccurity I��strument!s govicencd by thc law�uf
<br /> the jur{sdictfon in which I.endef:is locnted,except tn the cxtent othcrwlgc required by the laws of tho jurisdiction
<br /> whcrc thc Pra�scrty Is lnctued.This 5ccurity Instrumcnt is complete►�nd fully Integrcitcd.This Security lustrument may
<br /> ns�t be i�mended or maditied by orel agrcement. Any section in this Sccurity Instrvmout,ettachments,or any
<br /> agr�eme;nt reluted to the Secured Deb�that conflicts with applicable law will not be etfectfve,unless that law expressly
<br /> or impliedly pemtite tho variations by wcitten agrecment.IF nny scctia�of ttiis Sccurity Instrument cannot be enforred
<br /> accnr�ling to its tcrms,that section will be severed and will not atfect tlic cnforceability of the remaindcr of this
<br /> Security Instrument.Whenever used,tlie singulai•sl�all incl�de ttic plural nn�tl�e plurul tlie singulnr.'Tt�e�;aptions a�►d
<br /> hcadings of the sections of this Security Instrument ure for convenience only and ure not to be used tu interpret or
<br /> define the ternis of this"security Instrument.Time is of the esscnce in this Security Instrument.
<br /> 24. 9iJCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Lender,at Lender's option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a
<br /> succcssor trnstec without any other formality tliun the designation� in writing.Tlie succcssar trustce, without
<br /> canveyHnce of the Property,shRli suce�cd to all the titie,p�wer and duties confened upon Trustee by this Security
<br /> Instrument and a�plicable law.
<br /> Z5. 1v101iCE.Untess othcnvisc required by law,any notice shall bc givcn by delivering it or by mailing it by�rst class
<br /> mail to thc appropriate party's address a�page 1 of this Security Instrumont,or to eny other address slesignated in
<br /> writing.Notice to one grantor will be deemed to be notice to aU grantors..
<br /> 26. WAIVERS.Exccpt to the cxtent prohibited by luw,Grantor waives all appraiscmant and homestead exemption eig�t�
<br /> relating to the Pruperty. �
<br /> �7. OTNE;Iit T�RMS.If checked,the following are applicable to this Security Instrument:
<br /> ❑ Li�e oi Credit.i he Secured Debt includss a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secured Debt
<br /> may be reduced to a zero balancc,this Security Insu�unent will remain in effect until reloased.
<br /> Cl Gantrretio���.fhis Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an
<br /> amprovement on the Property.
<br /> L7 Fi:ture FiNai�. Gr�ntor gr�nts to Lcnder a security intcrest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> tuture �nd that are or will become fixtures related to thc Properiy,This Security Ynstrument suf(ices as a
<br />_ [iu�u�cu�g staten�ent t�nd any carUon,photogrnpliic or otb.er reproductIon may be C�led of recurd for purposes
<br /> of Article 9 of tha Uniform Cnmmcrcial Codc.
<br /> Cl Riden�.The cuvcnants and agcccments of each o�f the ridcrs checkcd bclow nre incorporated into and
<br /> su�plemcnt and t�mend the terms of this Sccurity Instrument.[Check all applic.9blc boxes]
<br /> ❑Condominiu►n Rtder ❑Planned Unit Developmen�t Rider ❑Otlier..........................................................
<br /> ❑ AddHioe�l Terms.
<br /> SIGNATUR�S:By signu�g belntiv,Grantor agrces to the terms uncl �venants containcd in this Security Instrument and in
<br /> nny attc►chments.Grantor Also acknow�edges rcc;cipt of n copy of ehis Sec�urity Instrumcnt on dic datc statcd on puge 1.
<br /> G r��.� � !�
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<br /> - ,°��mo; PATHiL'R O PUM1EFi5 •i`•::�, ,���.�°,°, c���.m r, �AS ��,�;
<br /> ACKNOWi.EDGl4I�N'I: �
<br /> STATB OF. NEBNASKA. COUNTY OF ........Ht�4l�.................................................�ss.
<br /> ........ ................................. .
<br /> ii�a�,�a�m� 'y'�iLS insin�mcnt was acknowled ed bofore mc this.....��'.�...........day of...........H�Y...................1...�...'................
<br /> by...P�;trACk„D Powers t�n� Geralxn,C,Pa.. .�.�...ti..H!l�b... ..�I�d..Wnfe.............................................. -
<br /> ...................... ......
<br /> My commission cxpir�� ' G` �
<br /> Ifl�MAAIMOTAIlY�4t�eMM�k� ..... ..�1d.t�,l.. .f.!...`.............................................................
<br /> ��H� (Notory Pubitc)
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<br /> O�ew o.�w.sy.xms,u,c..si.ao�e�UN(�-0OP{1Q7.2JN)Fortn(�E-0T•NE 8fNB1 (Pa9a�0l1)
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