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<br /> 13. All future udv�na:s from l.,cndcr lo Grnntor or othcr futurc obli�ations af Grnntur ta l,cndcr under mTy promissary �;,-:_
<br /> naic,contract.gunrnnty,ur nther ovidence ot debt executed by�rtintor in fnvor of i.ender executed aiter this
<br /> Sccurily Instrumcnt whcthcr ar not this Security Instrumcnt is spccifically rcfcrenced. If morc than onc persan --
<br /> eign9 this Sc:curity InstrumenD,cach Cirantor nsrecs thnt this Security Instrument will secure nll future advunccs nnd
<br /> tuturc obti�ations that tirc�Ivcn to or incurrcd by nny onc or mare G:nntor,or ar,y onc or morc Ciruntor nnd �_
<br /> athcrs.All tuturc advnnres u�id utl��;��futurc ubiigaiions are securcd by this Security(nstrument cvcn thou�l�all or c
<br /> p�rt may not yct lx udvnnccci.Illi iulu[c:ttuvauu:�n�lu'ui,iC;fifiif�:.O�Jl:^��S�4P.s s�e��^_!!rn�t na if madc on thc datc `_
<br /> of this Sccu�ity Instrument.Nothing in this Security lnstrument shnll consti�uee n commitmcnt to makc additional
<br /> or futurc loans or advanccs in uny amount.Any such commltmcnt must bc agrccd to in a separatc writing.
<br /> C. AU obligations Grnntor owes to Lender,which rriny latcr arise,to the extent not prohibited by law,including,but �
<br /> not limited to,liabilities for overdrafts�elating to any deposit accoun�agreemcnt betwecn Grantor und LR;nder.
<br /> D. All udditional sums advanced and expenses incurred by L.endcr for insurinfi,preserving or othenvise protccting
<br /> th�Property and its valuc and any other s�uns advance�i and cxpcnses incurrcd by I.ender under the tcrms of _—
<br /> this Security Instcument.
<br /> This Security Instrument will not sc;cure any other debt if Lender fails to�ive sny required notice of the riglit of rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYMENTS.Grantor�grees that all payments under thc Secured Debt will be paid when due snd in accordance
<br /> with the terms of the Secured Debt and this Security Instcument.
<br /> Cr. WARRANTY UF ITTLE.Grantor�varrants that Grantor is or will b�la�vfully seized of the estate conveyed by diis
<br /> Security lnstrument and has tht rigiU to irrevac��biy grant,convey, and sell thc Pr�perty to Trustee,in trust, with
<br /> power of sale.Gelntor also warrants that the Yroperty is unencuinbered,exc�:pt for encumbrances of recard.
<br /> '7. PRIiDR 3ECilIdi'1"Y INTCRGSI'S.Witli rcgard to any other tnortgage,deed of trust.security agreement or othet lien
<br /> document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Grnntor ageccs:
<br /> A. To make ull payments when ciue and to perform or comply with all covenants.
<br /> B. To promptly deliver to I.cnder any notices that Grantor reccives from the lioldcr.
<br /> C. Not to allow any modificntion or extension of,nor to request any tuture advances under uny note or a�reement
<br /> secured by the licn dceumcnt without Lendcr's priar writtcn consent.
<br /> 8. CLAiMS AGAINST 77TLE. Grnntor�vill p�y all taxes,asse�sments,liens,encumbrances,lcnse payments,ground
<br /> rcnts,utllities,and ather chargcs rcinting to the Property when due.L.ender mny rcc�uire Grantor to provide to I.ender
<br /> copies of all notices thnt suct�nmount3 are due nnd thc receipts evidencins Grnntor's�ayment.Cirantor will defend
<br /> t�ti�;:.t":.P.r.�:..:l�:asir.s!��;cf:�im��i�n�would imnau•thc lien uf this Security Instrument.Cirnntor agrecs to assign
<br /> to L.cndcr,��s rcquc�tcd by[.cr,der,nny rights,clnims ar dr,fcstses Cirantor mny liave agalnst partics wrtu suppiy iab�r
<br /> or matcrinls to mnintain ox itnprovc thc Proporty.
<br /> 9. DUF ON SAL�OR�NCl3MBRANC�:.L.ender may,at its aptiai,dcclnrc the entirc bulance of thc Securcd Debt to
<br /> be immedintely due and payabfe u}�on tha creation of,or contruct for the crcation of,any Gen,encumbrance,transfer
<br /> or sale of Ihc Property.This right is suhject to the restrictions imposcd by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicablo.
<br /> This covenant shall run with the Pruperty and shall remain in etfect unid the Secured Debt is paid in full and ti�is
<br /> Security Instrument is relcased.
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CONDIT[ON,AL'1'ERATIONS AND INSPECTAON.Grantor will kcep the Property in �oad
<br /> condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall not cummit or altow t�ny waste,
<br /> impairment,or deterioration of tlic Property. Grantor will keep thc Property trce of noxious wceds and grasscs.
<br /> Grantor agrces that thc nature of thc ocxupancy and use wi11 not substentially changc without Lcndcr's prior written
<br /> consent.Grantor will not permit any change in any license,resirictive covenant or casemen4�vithout Lender's prior
<br /> writtcn cons�nt.Grnntor will notify I.ender of all demunds,proceedings,claims.nnd actions ngainsY Grantor,and of
<br /> any loss or damage to.thc Propeny.
<br /> L.cndcr or Lcnder's agents mny,at Lender's option,cntcr thc Property �t any rcasonaUle time for ihe purpose of
<br /> inspccting the Property.Lender shall givc Grantor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying e
<br /> reasonnble purpose for the inspection. Any inspcction of the Property shall be entirely f�r Lender's benefit and
<br /> Grantor will in no�yay rety on Le�der's inspcction.
<br /> 11. di'iJiritriiu'i"Ti�l�l C�d�l�'l�/�Ct!•lIf Grantcr flils to perform any duty or Any of the cover.?nts�nntain�d iei this
<br /> Security Instrument,�.ender may,�ti•ithout notice,perfonn or cause them to be performed.Grantor appoints Lender
<br /> as attorney in fact to sign Ctrantor's name or pay any amount necessary for performance.Lerder's right to perform for
<br /> Granto�shail not create un obligetion lo perform, and Lcndcr's failure to perform wtll not preclude Lender from
<br /> excrcisin�any of Lcnder's other rights under thc Inw or this Sccurity Instrumcnt.If c�ny construction on thc Property is
<br /> discontinued or not carricd on in a reasonablc manner,I.e:nder may tuke all steps necessary to protect Lender's
<br /> security intcr�st in the Properry,including completion of the construction. _
<br /> — IB. ASSIGNMENT O�'�.I:�45G5 AND REN7'S.Grantor irrcvoc��tbly gr�nts,conveys and sclls to Trustce,in tns!.'or the
<br /> beneGt of I.ender,as�dditional security all U►e right,titic and intcrest in and to any and all existing or future lcases,
<br />