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<br /> cxccutcd f�r thc purposc�f crcntiny,sccuring ar p,uurf�ntying thc Sccurc�l Debt. A ac►c�d f��ith bclicf hy l.c:ndcr thnt —_
<br /> L,�ndcr nt any timc is insecurc�ith respect ta any person or cntity abligcztcd on thc Sccurcd�cbt or thi�t thc prospcct
<br /> af�ny pnymcnt or thc vnluc of thc Property is impf�irccE shnll also con5titutc nn evcnt of dcfault. _
<br /> 15. RGMED�ES OlV DEFAULT.In somc instnnces,fcd.rnl uEid stat�Inw will rcquirc I.c�idcr to pravidc(3rmuor with
<br /> notice of thc ri�;ht to cure or othcr notices nnd may estnb!ish time echedules fae forccic�sure uctinns.Suhject to th�ae
<br /> limitt�tiu,is,i€i►uy, Le�idee r��uy ucculoratc thc �ccured Dcbt and foreclasc th(s Scenriry Ins�rument in i� m�inner �_
<br /> provideu uy iaw ii.^,�auioi is ii�u�`at;�t.
<br /> At thc optlon oF l..c:ndcr,nll ur:►ny pnrt of thc ngrccd fces nnd chnr�cs,�ccrucd intcrest i►nd principnl sh�ll hcum�c _
<br /> immcdistcly duc and paynhlc,t�Rcr giving noticc if ccquircd by Inw,upan thc occurrcncc of n dc(nult �r.inytimr,
<br /> thcrcnitcr.In addition, Lcndcr shall he cntiticd to zdl thc r,.mcdics provided by luw,thc tcrms of the Sccured Dcbt,
<br /> this Security Instr�unent nnd�ny relnted documents,includia�g withuut Ilmitntion,the power to scll the Praperty.
<br /> If thcrc is�default,Trustce shaU,in addidon to any othcr permitted remcdy,n�tlic requcst of the Lender,ndvcrtise
<br /> and seU the Prc,perty ns a whole or in separate�arcels at public nuction to thc higl�est biddsr for c�ish and canvey
<br /> t►bsolute title free and cicar of aU rigtu,title and interest of Grantar tst such time and place as Trustec designates.
<br /> Trust�r sliall givc noticc of salc including thc time,tcrms and plucc of salc And 1 dcscription of thc progcrty to bc sold
<br /> es required tsy thc applicnblc law in effect at th�time of thc proposcd salc.
<br /> Upon sale of the property and to thc extent not prahihitcd by law,Trustee shsll make und dclivcr A decd to thc Prnperty
<br /> sold which conveys absofutc titic to the purchaser,nnd atter[irst paying all fces,chargcs and costs.shal!pay to I.ender nil
<br /> maneys advanced for repairs,taxes,ins��r.�+nce,licns,assessments and prior encumbrances and interest thcrcon,and thc
<br /> principal and interest c�n the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if eny,to oruntor.Lender may purchase the PropeRy.
<br /> The rec3tals in any deed of conveyance shall ba prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein.
<br /> All remcdies arc distinct,cumulative and not exclusive,and thc I.ender:s e�titled ta c,p rcmedics provided at I�w or
<br /> equity,w6�ether ar nut expressly sct forih.The acceptancc by Lender of ariy sum in payment or partial payment on thc
<br />� Secur�c�:Debt atter the balanee is clue or ls acerlerated or after foreclosure proceedings nre filed shaU not constitute a
<br />" waiver oF Lender's rigtat ta require complete cure of any existing defaul�By not exersising any remedy oii Grantor's
<br /> default,Lender docs not waive Lcnder's right to�atcr�onsider the event a deFr�ult if it continues or happens again. R.;
<br /> proi�ibitcd by law,prantor ngrccs to pay alt of Lender's expenses if Grantor breaches any covenant in this Security �
<br /> Instrumcnt.Grantor�vill nlso pay on demand any amount in4urred by'Lender for insuring,inspecting,preserving or
<br /> othenvise pratecting thc Propeily and Lendcr's security inierest.'Chesc e:cpcnscs will bear mtcrest from tlie dete of
<br /> iit�vaytticfit iiitii jruiu iP�iuti at 2�i:.i21��iCS: i&:�f�S: l8::: ir.af!'��: °..c i myi�nrl in t�P tFrmc��f the Secured Debt.
<br /> Grantur agrees to pay all cosis ond expenses incuned by Lender in collecting,enforcing or protecting I.ender's rights
<br /> and remedies under this Security Instrumcnt.This emount may include,but is not Iimlted to.attorneys' fees,court
<br /> costs,and oiher legal expenses.This Securlty Instrument shell remain in effcct unlil reteased.Grantor agrces t�pAy
<br /> for any rscordation costs of such rcicase.
<br /> 17. E[UVIRONMENTAI.4AWS AND HAZARUQUS SIJBSTANCES.As uscd in this section,(1)Enviromncntn!Lnw
<br /> meaus,without limitation,thc Comprcticnsivc�nvironmental Rcsponsc,Compensatiou and Liability Act(CL?RCLA,
<br /> 42 U.S.G.9601 ct seq.),und�II othcr fedcrnl,statc and loca�laws,t�cgulnlions, ordinanccs,court ordcrs,t►ttorncy
<br /> gencral opinia�s or interpretivc Icttcrs conccrning thc public hcalth,safety,wclfurc,cnvironment nr a I�a�.ardaus
<br /> substuncc;nnd(2)Her.Ardous Substencc mc�ns eny taxic,radioactive or tia•r.ardous matcrial,wustc,pollutant or
<br /> contaminant which hns chernctcristi�s which rcndcr thc substuncc dangcrous or potcntially dang�rous to thc public
<br /> hcnith,safcty,wclfare or environment.Tlic tcrm Inc�:udcs,without limitntion,any substanc.c:s dcGncd as"hu��arclous
<br /> matcrinl;"'toxic substances,""hezardous waste"or"hazardous substanoc"under any Environmental Luw.
<br /> Grantor rcprescnts,wartants and agrccs thuG
<br /> A. Except as previously disclosed and ecknowlcdgcd in writing to lsmder,no HUi��rdous Substaince is or will bc
<br /> located,stored or relcased on or in the Proper/y.Tliis restricti�n docs not Apply to small q�antities of
<br /> Haiardous SuUstunces thut are generally rccognized to be appropri�te for the n�rmal use and maintennnce of
<br /> the Property. -
<br /> 8. Except as previously disclosed and acknowted�ed in writing to Lender,Grantor and every tennnt I�ave been,arc,
<br /> and shail rcmain in fuil a�mplisnu:wici�uuy npplicable�nviranmcnta!lau.
<br /> C. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender if:+r�lease or thrcatencd relcasc of a Hazardous Sufxtance occurs on,
<br /> under or uUaut the Prnpeny or the�c is a violation of any Environmcntll L;►w conccrning the Property.In such
<br /> an event,Grantor shall tnkc all necessary remedial action in accordance with any P.nvironmenlal Law.
<br /> D. Grar�tor shnll immcdiately notify I.cnder in writing us soon as Grantor has rcuson to bclicvc tlicre is any
<br /> pending or tlucatened investigation,claim,or proceeding n:lating to the release or threatened relcase of�ny
<br /> Haz�rdous Substancc or the violation of any F.nvironmental L�w.
<br /> 18. CONAEMNA7'ION.Grantor will givc Lendcr prompt noticc of any pcnding or thrcatened nction,by privatc nr
<br /> public entitics to purchasc or take nny or all of the Property thraugh condemnation,eminent'domain,or any othcr
<br /> me�ins.Grantor authori•r.cs Lcnder to intecvene in Grantor's name in any of the �bove described actions or claims.
<br />- Grantor essigns to Lender the procceds of any award or claim for damages cannectcd with a condemnati�n or otlier
<br /> taking of�11 or nny part nf thc Nroperty.Sucl►pro^.,ccds shall be considered payments ancf will be Fipplied as provided in
<br />- tl�is Sccurity Instrument.This assignment of procceds is subject to the terms of any prinr mortgaae,deed of trust,
<br />_ security ngrc�ment or othcr licn document.
<br />' 19. IN5URAIVCE.Grantor shall keep Property insured 1g�inst luss by fire,flood, thcft and other hazards und risks
<br />= reasonably�ssociatcd with thc Praperty due t�its type und location.'This�nsurance shall be maintained in thc amuunts
<br />= and for the periods thnt Lender eequires.Tlic insurancs Garricr providin6 the insurance shall be c}toscn by Grantor
<br />° subjcct to Lcndcr's approval,�vhich shall not bc unrcascmaBly wttunettt. tt urantor iaiis co maincain inc covcm�c
<br />� dcscribcd f►bovc,C.endcr may,at C.ender's option,obtain covcragc to protcct Letidcr's rights in thc Propeny according _
<br /> � to tl�e tcrms of this 3ccurity Insirument.
<br />� All insurancc poYicics ttnd renc�vt�ls sh,dl he ncceptablc;to Lcndcr und shull include a standard"mortg�gc clause":�nd,
<br /> - wherc applic.lbte,"loss paycc clausc."Grantor shall immcdi�tcly notify I,cndcr of cunccllation or tcrminatiun of thc =
<br /> � insurance.Lendcr shall have the right to hold tl�e policies And rene�vals.If Lender rcquires,Grantor shall immcdiatcly
<br /> : give to L.ender al!recc�ipis of paid premiums und renewal notices.Upon loss,Grantor shall g9ve immcdiatc noticc to
<br /> '_ the insurancc carrier and i.endcr.Lender may rr�ukc proof of loss if not madc immediately by Grnntor.
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> . _
<br /> �
<br /> •�_ :o' : '• (pago3of4)
<br /> O 1867 Dankunf•ytltm�,Inc.S�Cloud.MN(1�OOP�97•2J6f)Fortn NEDT•NE 01(Y9A --- -- _
<br /> � a. . . ._._. •
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