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<br /> 13. All luturc ndv�u�ccs f'ruiy�l�;udcr tu(.lrnmor�rr othcr tuturc ubNgntluns ut Clrcmtur ta l�:ndcr undcr nny prunussory �,;,"
<br /> nutc,contrnct,guc�rnnty,or otiice cvidcncc c�f dcbt cxr,cutcd by Grcu�tor In favor of Lendc:r cxccutcd attcr liiis
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument whether ar��ol ti�in Securlry Instrument is speciGenlly reFerenced. If more than one peesoati
<br /> sions thia Sect�rfty Instrumcnt,cnch�rnntor ngrces tliat this Sccurit,y lnstrumcnt will sccurc all futurc advinccs cmd
<br /> future�bligndons thnt aro given to or incuered by nny one or morc Cirantor,or any one or marc Orantor and
<br /> othcrs.All futw�c advanccs and otlur faturc obli�ations are sr.cured hy this 5ecurity(nstrumcnt svcn though++II or ""•
<br /> Yµf��w�^�:��t���i.,a�::�w�1.°!�f�itLq�nrtynnrnc an�i nthr.r fi�h�m ohlioFltionx urc ScCUrCd us If mude UO[iIC datc �
<br /> of this Security instruinent.Nothing in this Security Instrument shap�unstitute u commitment to mAke udditional
<br /> or tuturc luune or ndvances in�ny nmount.Any such commitment must be a�reed to in a separate writing.
<br /> C. All o�ligations(3rantor�wcs to I.endcr,which may la►cr arisc,to the extent not prohibitcd by lavr,including,but
<br /> not limited to,liabilities for overdj•aits relatin�to any depasit account agrecmcnt between Grnntor and Lc:nder.
<br /> D. A 11 additionn!sums advnncc:d and expenses incarrecl by Lendcr for insuring,prescrvin�or othenvisc protcctin� c
<br /> the Proper►y And its value and any other sums advancecl and expenses incurred by Lender under the tcrms of
<br /> tliis Securtty Instivment.
<br /> Thls Security Instrument will nat secure any other ciebt if Lender Fails to give any required notice of the right of rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYM�N'TS. Grantor agrees that all puyments under the Secured Debt will be puid when due and in accordance
<br /> with the tcrms of the Secured Debt a�id this Security dastrument.
<br /> 6. WA�2RANTY OF 1TTLE.GrAntor warrants tha•i Grantor is or will bc lAwfully seized oi ihe estate ccnveyed by ti�is
<br /> �ecurity Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grunt,convey, end sell thc Yroperry to Trustee,in trust,with ._
<br /> powei of sale.Gra�ator also wurranis that the 4'roperty ts unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record.
<br /> 7. PRlOR SECUR�1'Y INTERFSTS.With regard to any other mortgugc,deed of trust,security agreement or otl�er lieu
<br /> dacumeut that creAted a pr[or security intcrest or encumbrance un the Property,orantor agrecs:
<br /> A. To make al1 payments when due and to perfo�m or comply with al1 covenan�ti.
<br /> B. To promptly deliver to Lc;nder any noticcs thAt Grnntor receives from the holder.
<br /> C. Not to allow any modlfication ar extensian of,nor to request any fiiture advances undcr any note or ugreenient
<br /> secured by the llen document withotat Lender's prior written consent.
<br /> 8. GLAIMS AGAIINST TITLE.Grantor will p:iy all taxes,ussessments,(icns,encumbrAnccs, lease payments,ground
<br /> rents,util;tics,and other charges relatin�to the Pruperty when due.Lender may require Grantor to provide to Lendcr
<br /> �:opies af ull notices that such�rnaunts ure due and the reccipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Cirantor will defend
<br /> tl:i�co thc Proaertv a¢sinst am claims that would impair the lien of this Sccu►ity Instrument.Grantc�r agrecs ta ussi�n
<br /> to Lcndcr,ris requested by Lender,any rights,claims or defenses Grantor may have against parties who suppty tabor
<br /> or mAte�ials to maintaln or improve tt►e Property.
<br /> 9. IA1J�ON SehLE Oit ENCUMBRANCE.Lender may,at its option,declarr,the entire balancA:of the Secured Debt to
<br /> • b::i;�nnediately duc tind pay�ble upon tlic crention of,or contrnct for the crcation of,any lien,encumbrancc,transfer
<br /> or sale of the Property.l'hIs right is subject to the restrictions imposed by Federnl law (12 C.F.R.591),as applicable. —
<br /> iii�w�i.ituiii "o�i&::ii.;i�:'�i;i t�;C DYU�CTtf�t2a S�t��!!�lft�!!!SS::ffeCt unti!t�g CP���mri nnh�ic nairl in f�dl anrl thiA
<br /> Security Instrument is released.
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CO[VQITI(DN,AI.TERATIONS AND 1NSPE�TION.C�rantur will kcep the Property in good
<br /> condition and mukc all repairs tl�at erc rcasonably uccessnry.drantor shall not commit or allow any wnstc,
<br /> impairment,or detcrioration of the Proporty,Grantor will kcep the Property f'ree of noxious wecds and grnsses.
<br /> Grintor agrecy thnt tt�c nature of the occttpancy nnd use vrill not substuntially cl�nnge vlithout i.�:ndcr's prtor wrltten
<br /> consent.Cirantor will not permit uny change in nny liccnsc,restrietive covcnnnt or enscmcnt without I.cnder's priar
<br /> written consent.Grantor will notify i.cnder of nll dcm�nds,procccd9ngs,clairns,and actions against Grantor.end of
<br /> any loss or dumage to the Property.
<br /> I..endcr ur Lcndcr's agents may,at Lcndcr's option,entcr thc Property nt 1ny cessonablc timc for thc purpose of
<br /> inspccting the Property. Lcndcr sl�all�ive Grantor notice nt the time of or before nn Inspection spccifying �t
<br /> rcasonablc purpose for the inspection.Any inspection of thc Property shall bc enticcly for Lcndcr's bcnefit und
<br /> Grantnr will in no wny rely on Lender's inspectiQn.
<br /> �1. AiJTH(iRITY 7'(1 PF.REARM. If Grentor fails to perform any duty or any of thc co�rcnants containesl in this
<br /> Security Instrut�ient,L,etider may,without noticc,perfnrm or cnuse thc�n to be performed. Grantor appoints L.cadcr
<br /> as nttarney in fact►o sign Grsntor's namc or pay any amo�.►nt ncccssnry for performunce.I.ender's ri�ht to perform for
<br /> GrAntor shall not crcate an obligation to perform,and Lendcr's failure to perform yvill not preclude L,cndcr from
<br /> exercising any of Lender's other ri�hts under tlie law or this Sccurity Inslrument.If any canstruction un thc Properiy is
<br /> discontinucd or not carried on tn a rcasonable manner, Lender may takc all steps necessary to protect Lender's
<br /> security intcrest in thc Property,including wmpletion of thc construction.
<br /> . 12. ASSIGNMEN'['OF LCASF,S AN�RFN75.Grantor irrevocably grxnts,convcys and sells to Trustce,in trus!for thc
<br /> henefit of Lender.as ndditional security all the right,titic and intcrest in and to any and all existing or futurc Icascs,
<br /> suble��ses,nnd nny other written or verbai agreements for thc use and o�:cupancy of any portiun of the Property,
<br /> including any extensions,renewals,modiCcat9ons or substitutions of such a�reements(all referced to as"Lcases")and
<br /> rents,issues and pro6ts (all refcrrcd to ns "Rents"). Grc�ntor will pramptty pcovicle Lender with truc nnd con�ect
<br /> cot�ies of atl existing�nd future Leases.Gruntor may cullect,rcct;ive,enjov nnd use tt�e Ttents so lon�as Grantar is not -
<br /> in defttult under the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> Grantor nckn�evledges thot this assignmcnt is perEected upon the record[ng of this Deed of Trust and that Lendcr is
<br /> cnciticd to notify any of Gxantor's tenants to makc payment of Rents duc or to become due to I..ender.Howcver,
<br /> Lendcr a�rcca that only on defuult will Lender notify Grantor and Grantor's tenants and makc demand that all futurc
<br /> Rcnts bc naid directiv to I.A;ndcr.On rcceivin�notice of default,Gruntor will cndorsc and dclivcr to Lendcr any
<br />_ payment of Rcnts in Grantor's posscssion and will rcccivc �►ny Rents in trust for Lender and will not comminglc the __
<br /> itents with any other funds. Any amounts collectcd will be�pplicd as provided in this Security Instrument.Grant�r =
<br />— �varrants that nu default exists undcr thc Lcascs or any applicable landlord/tenant law.Grantor also agrecs to mxintain
<br /> und requirc.�ny tcnant to comply with thc tcrms of thc Lcases and applicable law. _
<br /> 13. LCA5EHOLDS;CONDOMIMUMS;PLANNGD UN11'DEVGLOPMEN7'5.Grantor agrccs to comply wltli the -
<br /> provisions of any Icase if this Security Instrument is on a ler�schold.lf thc Propc:rty includes u unit in a candominium -
<br />= or a planncd unit development, Grantor will perfonn �11 0�'Grantor's duties «ndcr the covenants, by-In�vs, or =
<br /> regulntions of thc condominium or planncd unit dcvclapmcnt. _
<br />= 1�. UECAULI'.GranWr will bc in default if flny party obligated on tl�e Sccurcd Debt fails to make payment when due. �
<br />= Grantor will be in defnult if a brench occurs under the terms of this Sccurity Instrument or any other document _
<br /> (papo 2 of 4) -
<br />_ �tU94 DanAero Syctem7.lnc,SL qoud,MN(1�W0�97•2J41)Form RC•DT�l7C 6'6+04 — -
<br />