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<br /> Unless uth�rwisc agrced in wriling,all insurancc�r�ceeds Ehnll be Appficd to dzc restoratibn or ra�air of the Peoperty =
<br /> �r to the Seca�rcd Dcbt,whethcr or nnt tl�en due,at l..ender's optic�n.Any nppltcation af procecds to princip:+l ehall not
<br /> extend nr�tpone the due date of the schedulcd payment nor ciinngc t1�e nrnount of nny paymcnt.Any exccss will fx
<br /> paid to the Grantor.if the Prope�ly is acc�uired by Lender. Grantar's eight to uny insutance policics and proceeds _
<br /> zcsul¢ing f`om damagc to tlte�ro�rarty bcforc thc acquisition sliall pass to Lcndcr to thc ex4cnt of thc Sccursd Ucbt
<br /> lminaAiatwiv kfp!fn�C tI18 eC4lllSlIlOQ.
<br /> ?A, �SC�tOW FOR TAXES.�►ND INSURANCE.Unless otl�erwiso prov3dcd in n separnte agreement,tirantor wiii noi
<br /> bc required to pay to Lender funds for twccs nnd iusurnnce in cscrow.
<br /> 21� FfiVANC[AL REP�IRTS A1VD ADDIT[ONAL DdC1[JMENTS.Grnrs�tor will providc tu Lender upon rcqucst,Any
<br /> Cinanciai statement or informuoion TJender mAy dcem reasonabjy necessary.Grantor ngrecs to sign,dcliver�and filo
<br /> any additionnl documents or certificAtions that Lender may consider necessary to perfect.continue, nnd preserve _
<br /> oruntar's abllgations ur•der thes Security Instrument uad Lender's licn status on tlie Propeety.
<br /> under this Security Ynstrument are jotnt and individual. If Grantor signs this Sccurity Instrumcnt but does not sign an
<br /> evidcnce of debt,orantor does so only to morigage Csrantor's interest in thc I'roperty eo secitre payment of the
<br /> Secured Debt nnd GrP.ntor dces riat agree to be personally liaule on the Secured Debt. If th�s Securdy Instrument
<br /> sccuees a guaranty betwcen I,endcr und Grantor, Grantor agees to wnive Any rlghts thut mey pxevcnt L.ender froni
<br /> hrin�ing any action ar claim ag3inst Gr�ntor�r any party indebted under the obligation.Thcsc nghtc may include,but
<br /> are not limited to,any anti•de�ciency or one-actian laws.Grantvr agrec,�s ll�ai L.endor und any party to th►s Serii�ity
<br /> Inshvment may exte�d,modify or make any change in the tsrms of this Security Inslcument or any evidcnce of debt
<br /> without Crantor's conser�z.Such a change will nat release Grantor from the t�rms of this Security Instrument.The
<br /> duties��t��bLnofits of this Security Insinunent shait bin3 and bene�it the successors and assigns of Grantar and I.ender.
<br /> 23. APPI.f�C.Ft+fP�lL.'�I.AW;�EVERABI�.3'i[�!;INTERPR�E�'AT[ON+f.�is Secusity Inptrument as gaverned by tbe laws oi
<br /> ihc jurlsdiction in which l.ender is located,exce�t to t'he extep9 othenvise requited by tDie laws of tt�e jurlsdiction
<br /> where the Property is loc�ted.'T'his Security Instrurncn:is eomplete and fully integratcd.This Security Iush•umont ma�.
<br /> not be amended or madified by oral agreernent.An�y section in this Security Instrument;nEtaeI�ments.or any
<br /> agreement related to the Secured Debt tUat conflicta wlth applicable law will not be effective,unless that 14w expressly
<br /> ar impGedly permits Ihc variations by wrltten agreement.If any sectlon of this 3ecurity Instrument cannot be enforced
<br /> accord�ng to its terms,that section will be severed and wip not affect the enforc,�:ability of tli�remainder of this
<br /> Cr.r.►iritv Instrumcnt.Whencver used,tlie singular shull inclusie thc plural and the plural thc singular.'The captions and
<br /> fiesding,s of the seatians of this Securiry Instrument ar�for convenience oniy anci a�c���i�u�L�_�:rt=m'-'`-'!n�
<br /> deGne the terms uf this�ccurity Insirument.Time is of the essence in this Security Instrument.
<br /> 1Q. SUCCESSOR Ti�USTEE. Lender, at Lender's option, muy trom tim�to ttme remove Trustee and appoint a
<br /> successor trustee withc�ut arey other formality than thc d�.signation in writing. The successor trustce,without
<br /> wnvsyan^o of ttie Property,shall succeed to aU the title,power und duties conferrad upon Trustce by this Security
<br /> Instrument and applicable Isw.
<br /> 2S. NO'I10E.Unle�a othcrwla; rcquircd by law,any notice sl�all be givcn by dclivering it or�Sy mailing ft by Cirst clasa
<br /> mail to the uppropdate paRy's address on page i at this Secur�ty Instrument�ar to any other address dc�ignated in
<br /> wdtin�.Notice to oue grAntnr will be deemed to be notice ta all grantors.
<br /> �6. WA�IV�R9.Cx;,ept to the extrnt prohibitcd by iaw,arantor waives ell appratsement and homestead exemption rights
<br /> rolating tu the Pr�perty.
<br /> Z7'. p'I7�/�R TER�l�.If checkcd,the following are applics�bla to this Security Instrument:
<br /> �I,�/.i�ol CredBt.The Securcd Ocbt includes n revolving line a�£credtt provision.Although the Secured l�ebt
<br /> may be rcduced to a zeru balsnce,this Security Jnstrument will remnia�a�cifcct until released.
<br /> C.I COIMiCrNIOR IANN.Titiis Sccurity InsSrument secu.res nn obligation incurred for thc construction of an
<br /> improvemcnt on the 1'eoperty.
<br /> [] Ff:trre�lia�.Graator grants to I.c�nder a security interest in ali goods that Grnntor owns now or in tho
<br /> fiitur►: and that ure or wifl become Cuttures rclatcd to thc Progeriy.'This Security instrument sutfices as a
<br /> tinancing s¢atement and�ny e;urLuu,pliotographic or other repro3uct:�n m�3�be filed of rec4rc�?o*g��;�*�G
<br /> of Article 9 of tfie Unifor:n C;omrnexcial Ccrde.
<br /> [� Ride�n.Ti►e covenunts and e�recments of each��f the riders checked below are incorporated int� and
<br /> supplement and amend thc teams of this 5ccurity Instrumcnt.[Check all upplicablc boxesJ
<br /> ❑Condonunium Rider ❑Planned IJnit Devclopment Rider ❑Other..........................................................
<br /> L7 AdditM�wl Terme,
<br /> SIGN�TdJRLrS:I3y si��ing bclow,Grant�r agrecs to thc tcm�s and covcnants cuntuincd in this Sccurity instrumcnt and in
<br /> any nituchments.Grantor also ncknowledges receipt of a copy at this Security Instrument on ti�e date stated on page 1.
<br /> �l / !D i .� __ �nn�..r.�..� ��.-��-- �51.02196
<br /> .►.we�i�.....�...�!:!:h�"e....�....��►Jr.t+:Ci.ef.�..�]'3�.U"L.6�lA ...........�..sr:..:..................�:.............................----•--.......-•-��9ate)
<br /> (signiturc) (oatc) (S�gnaturc) ANITA J CORKLE
<br /> ACKF70WLEDGMEN'[:
<br /> - STATL OF.....NEBRA►SKA..................................COUNTY OF..........k1ALL..............................................�ss.
<br /> — p�a�aa�,q This instrumcnt was acknowlcdgcd beforc mc this......2.ND..........day of.........1/SAY..........................1.�.�.�........
<br /> � by.TYAYAS.J...CC�liLE.A014.A6t1TA.J..CORKLE,..NUSBAlID.alIU.,�dF.E.......................�.......'......�-........•...............................
<br />-- My eommission expires: ��
<br />, �� Q�-�"`��"L_"""_""_____. ""'�NotoryPubiic)... ....... .. ..................
<br />__ �NErt�1lNOTARr�St,►ed 11e6r:slu V _
<br /> bif�C�.Exp AWr 31.l99!
<br />-'� Otf1J�40snkcro6yatem�,�x..6�.C1ouO.MN(t-00.1;i77•23Ai1 FortnRE•OT�NE 6ri9a fpngo4olJ)
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