� . . .`r ( t �i ,F � �ti 4' �� ::•:•.. ..r,• rri ftT .�','�Yr" a�r:aT:rvP . . _. . �a:_ .
<br /> a �i:a.lC.z�i)�b3A`ih r« �'' ;. i,ti��ir ,-'* ! ��;.. .. � ��ii�tl 9� __-
<br /> � r,; S ,.�..La� u� .. .
<br /> '���(!��Y�Y4�hilit`.b� .�..:u� I ^�;, � rr ,� . - -- ., _. -:. -
<br /> .�.�j�.. �a'd�. �.•_ ,, ' ,._.. __"""'�"'" - -
<br /> s
<br /> {t.cwr�ibx • .._. .�::'I:�.... ...
<br /> .
<br /> >
<br /> �
<br /> .,. , ... �i)'V . _�'X
<br /> �':. —-—---_— _
<br /> ' �- 92- 1 U2 54 7 ��`u�-� ___ -�--
<br /> . ��' u ,4'a 4.� ��ur —
<br /> •^1 t' ptriodr tlu�t l.erular tryuireti. Thc insuruo�'n'c:urkr.r pmviJin��hr intiuran.•�+hall bc rhuKn hy Notr�►wrr,uhjcr��a Lrn�kr; �.y �_-
<br /> ' s �'�'�`k`��`�:`.. o br. unrea+onubl withlMld. If Hi►m�wcr failti lo muin�uin covcru�[c dc,criheJ alxwc,l.rn�kr may.at �-����—- '''
<br /> , d� . u�►rc�val wbiuh nholl n t Y --
<br /> � �'+.:: , l.endari;upti�t.oMuin covrruge�a pnN�4�I.�rnJcr'.righa in the Pr�,perty in�rcunluncc wuh puruµruph 7. �-7-;,�_'
<br /> � ' Afl in:�uran�a(M���4�en and renawale:�f�all hc urrcptuMc tu l.ender und.hall inrlude+�.tand;ml mon�u�tc rluu�c. l.rndcr �.�„R,.,.�_
<br /> � ' shull huvo thu rigtu,t�,huld thc jx►Nui�►anJ rcnewul�. If't.en�lcr rcyuin�.Barmwer,hall prumpUp�ive lu Lrndcr atl nrciph �^:��.,,;
<br /> • ` • of paid premiumy ond rdnew��l nmices. In�hc cvcm�►i'Im.. Burrower hhall give pr��mpt nnlicc 1���hc in.urunrc ruRier und � ,,,._ ,�_.
<br /> ��::I�-:,',-.:,�_=_--
<br /> � ... .., .. ,. L.ender. L¢nder m:�y muke pnMii of lor.if nut made prumpdy by Soirnwer.
<br /> , : � �,. �• , Unler�+l.cndcr and&fROwcr��thrrv�i.c ugr��in N ritin�..in+uranrr pn►.ccd..hall t►c applird t��rctiu�rnti�m ur repuir�►f �-��_: --
<br /> � . . tlxs Pmperty damuged, if�ha rc+�orution ur n:puir i+ecunomicully fcusiMr und Lender: �ccuri�y �. nut Ic,ticnrJ. If�hc —
<br /> � . ' resroratic►n or��.wlr iti not ccomnnieully fea+ihle ur L�nder;ururuy wuuld he le�tirnrd,�hr in+u�uncr prcxerJ+ +hull tn —�_-.-.--
<br /> �r.�---
<br /> " � upplied to thc xum+securttd by Ihi. Security In�trumcnt, whethrr ur n�w thcn duc. wilh uny rxrc.+paid a� Bum►wcr. If ,„,:.-���
<br /> � ..n,_:....��„s�._
<br /> :� , Borrowcr ubur.Jon� �ha Prc►prny.ur J�x+n�n un.wcr wilhin �0 Juy.u n��ticr fnnn l.cndrr that�hr�nsutunrc currirr ha.r �- .-���v�^+�;..:.,,�_
<br /> . offerrd to setde u ctuim,�hen Lendrr may cullert tln in�uruncr pr�xrrJ.. l.ender muy use ihr pnweeJ�to repair��r re+lore �� ,"' - _
<br /> :����;, the Pmpeey or ta p:�y sum�securcJ by�hi+S��uri�y Inrtn�mrni,whc�hrr or not thcn duc. The�0-duy�xricxl will he�,in when �-_�__•`� f
<br /> thr noticc i��iven. ��.u=•---
<br /> , ..:+.• ' Unloss LcnJer nnd BoROwer�IhNrwi.e ugree in writin�;.uny upplicution of pr�xeed,a� principal tihall �x��ez�enJ ar .--
<br /> ^".SiR'Si2.Z2r..au�-
<br /> � ''' p��tp�me thc duc Jatc of the monthly puymcmti rel'erRd to in parugr,�ph, I tmd ?nr changr thc umoum ot'ihc puymcnt+. If f7r��..,.;;�._��
<br /> ' ,; � �' under p:u�agrapb 2l the Property is ucyuired hy Lender, &�rniwer; right to uny inwrunce Ewlirics and prcxceds rc.ulting
<br /> �s.,.,d,
<br /> ' '.'��� irom damuge to thc Property prior to tbr uryui�i�ion�hull pass to Lrnder to the extent of�he xum+�cureJ hy this Security —;�;.-_��--•�---
<br /> • • �'�'" Inntrum�nt immeJiately prior w�he�cyui+iti�m. '"
<br /> .'����' 6. (kcupancy. Preservation. Maintenance uod PrMection oP the Property: Borrower's l.owo Application: -- �-
<br /> ; � . l.eAaehold�. Burrower sha+ll�xcupy,estublish.und u.e the Praperty us Borcower:principul re+idence within sixly duys uf'ter —_��_ 4_�
<br /> � �' �� � �ha rxecution of ihis Security Inx�rument und�haU continue �u occup��the Propeny u�Burrowcr:pnncip•rl residenre for ut �--:-;:,
<br /> `��� !�•�' " least one yeur afier the date of cxrupanry. unletis LenJer atherwise ugrees in writing. which cunsent +hull nrn be : �.•
<br /> � ' unreusonably withheld,or unletis extenuating circum��uncex rxist which ure t►eyond Bnrrc�wer;rontrol. Bormwcr.hull not �•-��*� �'
<br /> d�stroy,dumuge or impair the Propeny.ullow the Property to dcteriurule,or commi� waste un �hr I'rnpeh�•. BoROwcr shull ` � ��__
<br /> -,, ——..::;....
<br /> 6e in def•rult if uny forf'eiture action or praeeJing.whether civil ar criminul.is NeEun that in Lend�r's good fuilh judgment V��V": `
<br /> cuuld resul� in farfeiture of the Pro�xny or otherwi�c muteriully impair the licn crcated by �his Security Instrumenl or ,,,, _.__
<br /> ' � �: Lender's securily interest. Borrower muy cure such udefuult and reimtule,a.provideJ in paragrapB 18,by cau.ing the uction �s���:t�-�: �'�
<br /> •• ' or pracecdin�to 6e dismi+sed wi�h u ruling that.in l.ender'x gaxi fui�h detemiination,precludes forfciture of ihe Bormwer+ " "
<br /> ' ` ,, , interest in Ihe Property or other mulcriul impairmen[ oF Ihr. lien crc•rted hy this Security Im�rument or l.enderti +ccuriry �•�T
<br /> �'�� :�•,•`': int�res�. Borrowcr rhall alsa hr in drfault iF BoROwer, during the loun upplication pnxex+, guve muterially ful�e or
<br /> �� inaccurate informution or swtement.lo Lender lor fuiled to providN Lrnder wi�h uny mu�eriul infixmutionl in conneruan with ' �
<br /> ' the laan evideaced by Ihe Note, includin�. but not limiied to, repre+entatians ronceming Borrowerti accupancy of the �,:�,� � z
<br /> ' =—__--- - Property u,a�rin.ipal residcncc. !f thi�:Sernrit3�lnstrament i�nn:�Ir:i.rh�ld.R�xrower,hull comply with ull Ihe provisionti ---_
<br /> of Ihe leuse. If Borcawer ucyuires fec IiQr to thc Pro�ny.Ihe kuschold and ihe fec ti11e shull not me�gc unless Lender u�erces anw�;����.�
<br /> to the merger in writinF. , . . �'�•
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender's Rishts in Ihe Properly. If Borrowrr (ail+to peNiirm the covenan�+ and agreementti �
<br /> • , cuntaineJ in thi� Serurity Instrumcnt, or thcre i� a Irgal pnxreding Ihut muy+i�mficamly affe�t Lender; rightti in thc �'
<br /> • Properly Iwrh as a pr�eeding in bankruptry.prohule. For cc�nJrmnu�ion or ii�rfenure��r to eni'orce laws or regulutiun�l,�hrn '�, .
<br /> l.ender m•ry do und pay fur whutever i.nrccscury in �xutect Ihe vs►lur��f lhc Pir�erly vnd Lcnder's rights in tlk Propeny. � �. _j�
<br /> L e n d e r+a c i i o n,m a y i n c l uik p•r yin g an y+unr,crumd b y�� licn which ha,priariry�wer Ihi.Security In+�rument.ap�aring
<br /> • in coun,paying rc•rsonuble anumry.'1'cr.und rmcring on tlx Prn�xny to mukc npuin. AlthouFh Lender muy tuke�tion �. •,, �;,�
<br /> undcr Ihis purugr:�ph 7,I.endrr d�x.not huvr lo Ja a�. '��'"• Y:
<br /> _ Any umoum+di�buned hy Lender under Ihi�pur,►�raph 7 .hull Ixcomr aJditional deM of Bormwer�ecured by thi, ' • •�'
<br /> Seruriry Inslrument. Unlr.s BuROwcr anJ Lcndrr:��!rrr to��th�r ternu of p.�ymrN.the.c umounl+�hull beur interest fmm the I
<br /> Jute oi'di,hur.emcnt ut�hc No�e ratr unJ +h•rll t+c payaMc, with imen�t,up�m noticc tYom Lender to Borrowrr nyues�ing ' _•.;.�
<br /> puytmnt. � . —_
<br /> S. Murtga�e Imurunce. If Lrnder r�quirrd mortg:�gr in.uraix•r as u condition at'muking thr lo•rn .ecured by �his •-- Y
<br /> Securily In�lrument. Borruwrr+hull puy Ihe prcmium� rcquirrd io maimain the murtguge iuwranrc in rffcct. If, fnr�ny f • � ��
<br /> • � rcason. Ihe mongugr in�urance ruverugc rcyuirrd hy Lcndcr lap•c� or cca,c. ��� hr in effect. Borrower +hull pay the �
<br /> � „ prcmiums required lo ubtuin cavera�;r +uh.lantially ryui��alent �a Ihe m��rt�:age in.urance pre��inusly in cl'fect. ut u co�t �
<br /> � � substantiully eyuivalrnt to thr c�►,t tu Ri�rroK•er ul Ihr murt�agr inwrancr pr��•iuu�ly in cfi'rrt.frum un ulternate monguge � ,
<br /> insurer upproved by Lrnd�r. If�uh��antiall� eyuivukn�m�►nEa�r in.urance a,cer.��r i,n�H available.Borrower shull pay tu f y;•..•���ir.
<br /> ;,����s_,��.�
<br /> .. Lender each mon�h a.um �quul�o unc-��vrl�ih ui�h. �•carh munEagr in,uranre prcmium Ikin�paid hy Borrower when�he � �l;�,;
<br /> insurancr rovrragc lap.ed ar craxd w tx in effrrt. Lrnder��ill arrrp�.uu an�l re�ain�tk,r paynunts u+a lu�.rc+rrve in lieu ' --
<br /> � of mortgage inyurunrc. Lu.. re.crvr pa}•mrnt. nw} no longer ix rryuir.d. at thc �,p�iun uf l.�ndrr.il'mongage inwr:u�ce Y.- ---��
<br /> cnvrra�c lin thc umounl unJ fi�r Ihr{xn��J that LcnJrr rryuire�l pruviJed h� an in�urrr appmveJ by Lender again t�erome� ;. ������ u
<br /> . uvailable+mJ i.ubluined. Burcowrr,hull pa�•�hc prcmium, reyuircJ tu m:�irnain m�m�aEr in�urancc in rftcrL ur to pro�•idr a
<br /> li�s.rc�erve.until thr requircmrnt titt mang:ige in,uranrc rnd��n arrordanrr��iih any wnllrn a�rrrmrnt ix�wern Burn�wer ,
<br /> unJ LrnJer ur applicaBlc IaN•.
<br /> 9. Inspection. LrnJe�ur it,;►g�n� m.�� mal.e rra�un:iM�entrir,u�,�,n :md�n.prrtiom uf thr Pru�xn}•. LenJer,hall
<br /> . give Hurruw•rr nutice u�the time i�f ur priar tu;m in.�.•uun ��rif�ing r.a.�maMe rau.r fc,r�hr im�xrtiun.
<br /> lU. ('ondrmnatiun. Thc pnkrrd.uf am a�.ard„r rlaun I��i d:nna�r�.�hreri ��r.•�ai.eyuennal.in rannrrtiun�cith any
<br /> Sw�:lr I.uml� •Fonnic\1ur�F'nddic\lur 1\ItI1N\I I\�fNl�IF:\1' 1 nd�nm Co�rnrm. 4411 �����cr t,q r,��,�i,.�
<br /> �m•.d I.ir.Hn.�m..t�i�n. Im � �
<br /> �
<br /> In IMIrt�JI/ I WN�i.NI!1.1!1.1. t\\b�1.T'll�l I 11
<br /> • �• ---- � •_•-_-�-�-�—�-_— _-__ —_
<br />