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<br /> �°_ ,_ �� TppETHER WITH nll the improvemeM�n�w 'A�I`repluccm n�s u J uddiuun+.hall ai�'be��vercd byP his�Scc:ud�Y �'� .cY,.-�-
<br /> -';��"•' ��� and fix�ures aow or hereaf�cr a pan af thc prapc y �':° :_°�'=='-�°':_`.-
<br /> _'i� �, Ms�rumenl. All of the foregoing is rcfcrrcd to in thi�Scrurity Insirument us�hc"Prc�peny." �� 3�
<br /> .� . ' ''�i'��1r BORROWER COVENANTS that Borc��wer is luwfully�cised of the e�tutc herchy convcycd und hu+�h� right �o gr;�n� -`yT '� Y -- —
<br /> und convcy thc f'�opcny and that thc Piruperty i+unencumtrcrcd,cxcrpt far cncumbrunccs oi record. Borrowcr wurrun��°°d T�
<br /> -- ' _ .. "'. will defend generally the tiqe io 1he ProPcrtY ugainw ull cl�ims uiul drmanJs,subject lu uny encumhrunces of rcrurd. �
<br /> � . ' ' THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT cumbinc� uniform covenants for nutionul uu anJ non•unifarm covenuni� with �,_�;.� -,,��'��
<br /> � . � .n �...a....,.:.'_'""'�-�_
<br /> . limiced vouiationx by jurisdicticx�to cumtitutc u unilnrm+�'curiry in+trum�nt covcring real pro�xny. ,
<br /> � ^ ' r� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr unJ Lcndcr c��vcnurn anJ ugrec us follow+: ..�s
<br /> — l. Payment at Principal and Interegt:Preps�yment pnd Late Chargea. Barrower.haU pramptly pay when due thc .,F,.:,^r',��.��,,��
<br /> °� Y P P Y �tl "�`'..ir.x�-.
<br />�: •� " � principul of und interest on the dcbt evidcnccd by th� Nntc�nJ u" re u ment und late churNc,due undcr�hc Note. , ,
<br /> ��.e.•.w�r
<br /> y, Funds ior'Ibxes and Insurance. Subject to applicuble law or la n written waivcr by Lendcr.Borrower zhall pay to '��a�„��,��.--- .
<br /> �� a k► !S��S%-���� w
<br /> . -• Lender�n the duy monthly payments arc duc under ihc Note, until �hr Notc i+paid in full.a.um("Fund+�curl� (Icaayi.ehnld ��',�'"�`��r.;;r. � _
<br /> �axes and astiessments which may attain prionty nver ihi�c SecuritY In+t�ument ux u lien on�he Property:(b1 y y .
<br /> � . payments or graund nems on thc PraPcn�y���''�insurxnyce pmm um�,if uny�und 1� uny�r�ums �yable�by Borm cr�to . .� ` ",,
<br /> insuronce premwms,if uny: 1�)yearly m g A p . . ;..�;a,�r�,....
<br /> � , s• ' , l.ender. in accordatice with the provision5�f p���me,alk t and„hold Fundy n:u��mount not to exceed themm�x mum 't,:�r„l ,..` ,;`y,,.., ,
<br /> iterns nre called"�scrow Item+.' Lender may. 9 , ' " '... ,;i�(��`;�,�+,,,::
<br /> �� � ,�, �, amounc u lendcr for u federally related mnngage Ic�n rn�y require for Bor�pwcr's cscrow uccount undcr the fedcrul Rca ; .. y, ,
<br /> ,�;:����,:r;' � . , .,::�..,.,,.r. � ,
<br /> Estate Setdement Pracedures Act af 1974 as umendcd fa�m timc to timc,12 U.S.C.§2601 i��.rey.("RESPA'7.unletix�nah�r �,`}�`�;`l+: ...
<br /> ,.,.,:., .
<br /> ��..•.. �.;;:•..x,.� .......
<br /> :;:-,:,.�. •• Inw that appliex to thc Funds setti u lesser omaunt. I f su.a..cnder may,at any time,calla:t and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> ,:..,,,.,.,,;.. . . . ';`t�e=•,.:.:,i-�.;�a_���,
<br /> exceed the les�er stmount. l.endcr may eslimatc thc umount of Fundti duc on the bawis of current data and �c�asau►b�c .�.,;� _•-_
<br /> � • ���•��. estimutesofexpendiwresof fuwre E+crow Itemsur otherwise inarcordanr.e withapplicuble law. .;,:�y;;.1�y;:�,�.��};,,____
<br /> � ,.;: .:: g y y. Y ,t,r.,:nr�.e,.
<br /> � The Funds shall be hcld in un in4titution whose deposits ure insured by a fedcrnl u enc , instrumentulit or entit �ry��?,',,,;,�'�; .�;su��
<br /> , � ' � (including Lender,if Lender iti ruch•rn in+ti�utionl or in :uiy Federul Hcxne Lunn Bunk. l.ender shall upply the Funds to puy , y,�,+`�T4_,_�
<br /> the Escrow ltems. Lender mry nut chargc BortoN�er for holding und applying the Funds,annually analyr.ing the escrow :.�.; r'
<br /> P Y,' s.',•�'q'>,'. ,.
<br /> ,,':�,;_' � account,or vcrifying the Euraw liem�, unlc�s Lendcr a � Borrawer intere�t on the Fundr and applicuble luw permi�� �',' . �
<br /> ' Lender w mrlce such a ch�rgc. However, Lendcr may rcyu�ra B�noWer to puy a onc-time ch:ugc for an independent reul ,.'.�, :.
<br /> estate tat reporting service used by l.ender in ronnection wi1h Ihis loan,unless upplicuble law provides otherwi�c. Unks+:an ;:c„u �. _ �
<br /> agraemenl•is made or upplic�ble law reyuires irnereyt to tie paid,Lender�hull not be reyuired to puy Burrowcr any inlerest��r f -'-. ��4,'
<br /> • • •• earnings on�he Funds. Borrowcr und l.ender may Ugrec in writing.however,thut intcre�t shall t►e puiJ on thc Fundti. Lender ,�. „
<br /> :.a..t�,:.;;�.
<br /> ' . shall give to Borrower,without charge,an unnual uccountin� af the Funds, showing creditr;and debits to the Fund�and the I.;',.�rRI '�+.Ye'
<br />' ����' purpose for which each debit ta�he Funds w�s mudc. The Funds sue plcdged os udditional r,ecurity for all+,um+ secured by ,.,,' :. ;��,
<br /> ��;;��;`;:�; ,. __ �h;.S�curiry Inswment. _��.ic;•,>td:t!:�.�,
<br /> -----:-�----r�. — -
<br /> �`';'„, If'Ihe Funds held by Lender exceed thc umounis pcm�ittCai to bc hcld by :spplicaNle l��W• Lender shu uccount o __
<br /> Bartower for the excesx Funds in uccordance wilh the rcquircmentx oi upplicable law. If tha umoun�of the Funds held by .;, , ,
<br /> . , � ' Lender nt uny time is nnt sufficient lo p•ry the E�crow Ilem. when due,Lendcr muy so notify SoROwcr in writing,and, in ,u:�'
<br /> ' •� � such case Borrower s hn l l pay to Lender the amuuM necessury to muke up the deficiency. BuROwer shnll muke up the �.':. }'
<br /> ��`'�`� defici.:ncy in no morc tha�twclvc monthly paymcnts,ut Lendcr's solc discrc�ion. • ;�;r:�•xr !
<br /> ; '' . Upon payment in full of all �ums xecurcJ hy ihi. Securi�y Instrumcnt,l.endar,hull prompUy refund to BoROwer :uiy :,, ;�-,...
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under parugrnph 21.Lcndcr +hnll ucyuire or scll ihe Ropeny.Lend�r,pnor to the acyuisition or ; '
<br /> ' salc of ihe Propeny. shull upply uny Funds hcld by Lrixler ut thc time of acquir:ition ar snle as a credi� aguinxt the sums � � � �.,
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. . ' , �r
<br /> 3. Application of Paymen��. Unle�� upplKablc law provide+otherwisc, all puyment, received by I.enJer undcr
<br /> • • � pnrogrnphs I und 2 shall lx applird:tir.t,tu uny prepaymcnt ch:�rgcti duc under thc No�e:sccond,to amountti payablc under �.s..�.-. ��
<br /> . psuagruph 2;third,to imrresl due:fourth.to principal Juc:and Ir�t,w any lute churge.r due under the Note, �
<br /> ' - ' ' � 4. Cha�es: Lkns. Borcowcr shall puy all taxes, :�s+c„mem., char�es, finc, and impositions •rttrihutublc to the . „-
<br /> ' • P r o p e rt y w h i c h mu y attuin prioriry ovcr�hiti Scwrity Inslrument, und Icaschold payments�x€round renl.,if any. Borrower '.��L`.�'_
<br /> sNall pay these obligations in the manncr provi de c f in p•rruFrap h 3,o r i t'n u t p a i J i n�h a t m u n n e r,B o rt o w e r�hall pa y Ihem on _ ,�
<br /> time dirccUy to the{►er�un owcd payment. Borrower shull prumptly turni,h w Lcnder all notic:ex of amounts to be paid under ... ry�__„�.,�
<br /> .,.� this pnragraph. If Bormwer makes thcse paymcnt+di�'ectlY. Borrowcr shall prompUy fumi+h tu Lender reccipts evidenrinF -
<br /> , the paymems. �
<br /> ' 8orrower shs�ll promptly di�churgc�ny lirn which ius pri��riry cwcr thi.S�curity In��rumcnt unlcss Borrowrr:(al agrcc� :��_
<br /> ��x�.
<br /> in writing to Ihe pnyment of the obli�:u�ion.ecurect hy tlx lien in u munner accrptaMe tu Lendrr:(bl contests in good faith the -v Y3 ry
<br /> .�;,:�_.
<br /> lien by,or defends uguinst enforrcmem of thc licn in.Icgal pnx�edinEx which in the L�nJer'+opinion operate to pnvent ihe �
<br /> ' �nforcement of the lien:or(cl xecun:�frum the holdec of Ihc hen un agrccmen�sati.facwry tu Lender subordinuting ihe lien _ , •
<br /> to this 5tcurity Inslrumem. If LenJcr determiix�thut uny part uf Uie Pru{xny iti�ubject to•r licn which muy auain priori�Y `
<br /> • over thi�Security Instrument,Lcnder muy give Barrowcr a naicr idcniifying tlx�lien. Bam�wcr shull wtisfy the licn or take �.
<br /> cme or more of the uc:tiam.et fonl►utxwr within 10 duy+of thc giving of notire.
<br /> • 5. Hay.ard or Property Insura�ce. Burruwer .ha�� AcrP thc improvrmentti naw exi,tinF��r hrreaftcr erected on the t
<br /> propcny inwred uguinsl Imti hy fire,hazurJti incluJed wiihin Ihe lenn"cxtendeJ ruvrragr"anJ any other h•rrards,including �
<br /> . . floods or flooding, far which Lcndcr reyuire+in+ur.►nce. Thi• in,urancr +hall he mainwineJ in thr umount. vnd for the �
<br /> Forml02N 9/90 �/N.xr=��In patrsi �
<br /> i
<br /> 1 1
<br /> • � _ _
<br />