-.ilt" 1' y�`.���iY"� ��� �RI v ,(�?b�FT� ��1'" . t 4:n.�� :�� '.S� � �T�e.'.., _� _. .r.Zr'�"��-_ ,--'._.. ":-�4 i� �j =-
<br /> . ��� t�� � �f�1:�� ��.'� `" , •'~• Bii� �a S.� _ �� i1�_ �. " --
<br /> I � �.} �aiik..,.�...._. . � _ — *' .._..
<br /> . ,.,_
<br /> . . _ . .� . •r"'. �'r' -.�_-_ _.
<br /> , . . -
<br /> --
<br /> . . ., ...brr+• • - • �
<br /> � --"--- � .....i—= `-
<br /> � .:G. .` J�r1o254'7 ----
<br /> � . . �: -
<br /> '�. ,�,�=`� �,+-S,k,,W,�, ^' candemnutiexi��c c►tiwr tukin�af uny purt uf ihr I'ru�ny.cK f'or cnmeyuncr in lieu uf cundemn•rtion.um herehy a�+ignrd und --_
<br /> i �huli I+�p•rid to Lendcr.
<br /> •"' � " In Itk cvent oi u to�al �akiag of thc Pru�x:rty. ihc pnxecdx �hull lk upplicd io ihc �umti .rcurcd hy thi. Srcurily
<br /> ' ' Inti�rumr.nt.wh�th�:�or no��hcn dur.wilh uny rxcr,+puid w Borrowrr. In �hc ev�nt af u paniul iul.ing��f ihr Pru�xrty in
<br /> .. which thc 1'air markc�vuluc uf thc Pro�xny immcdiatcly hc(urc Ibr�aking i,cqual tu ur grcul�r�hun thc mnuun�ul�hc+um� _-
<br /> �,., .., .
<br /> • ticcurcd by�hir Sccuriry In+trumrnt imm�diu�cly hcli�rc dx wkin�,unlcti�Hom�wcr uixl l.cnder olhcrwiw agrcc in writing.
<br /> --: --.•__- - _>-.- the tium� ,cr.ured hy ihi, Srcurity Intiwmcnt ahull bc redurcd by thr am��unl uf�hr pnxreJ. multiplicJ hy �h�foUuwing �
<br /> �.'._.-.-,�.......... ..."'.,
<br /> fru�:tion: IA)thc tarrl umoun���f the wmx+rcured immediutcly hcti�r�thc wking.dividrJ hy Ihl�hr luir murMct valuc uf� e _
<br /> � � . Prope.qy imimdiately beforr�hc takinK. Any bulunce tihall ix puid u+ BaRi�wcr. In the rvent nf u puniul tuking of�hc
<br /> Pmpeny m which Uw foir market vuluc uf�he ProExny immcJiutrly Ixfore�he �uking i+Ic+,than�he aniount cif thc+umti
<br /> ' securcd immcJis►tely�twfcre Ih� tuking, unle;ti Sorrowcr;u�d Lcndcr athcrwi�e ugrec in wriling ur unlcti+upplkutdc law
<br />�"�� � ` ; �ithcrwi.r pmvide.r.tlw pracced�.hull hr up{+lied�u the+umti ticrured hy Ihix Seruriry In+trumcnt whrllxr ur nrn the tium�are
<br /> " then duc.
<br /> � •• � If thr Pro�x:n�•i+ub;uidonrd hy Rnrn�wcr,or if.ufter n��tice by Lcn�kr In NoROwcr Ihut thr can�.kmn�x iif'ten ta mal.c _
<br /> • -� un uwurcl or scttk: •r cluim for dumuge..B�ttrnwer fuil+u�rc�pcmJ to L�nder wi�hin�0 Juy.ufter the dak the naticc i�given, _-_
<br /> ` � LenJer i�uu�horircd to collect und apply ihr pr�xrcd+,ut itx option,either to rc�lorulion ur rcp:►ir nf Ilx 1'ropcny or lo the _.f Y
<br /> • .umw•ticcured by thiti Sccurity Ins�rumcnt,whcthcr��r not then duc. __
<br /> Unlex+ l.ender and Bonowcr�Hhcrwi+c u�!rec in wriiing,uny upplication��I'prix�rJ+to priacipal�hall n��i extr�xi or �___
<br /> . ' poxtpmc thc duc du�c of lhc munthly puymcnt�rcfr�red t�►in parugruph� I und?or ch;uigr ihr umuunt of wch puyment+. �,_-
<br /> ' ' 11. sarrower Nat Releasedt Forbes�rance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exten,inn ui' �hr iimu fo� p•ryment or �_;.�
<br /> maclificution of umoniru�ion ai the+um�+ecured by Ihis Serurity Inx�rumrnt�runted by Leixler ta uny tiucce..ur in inien:�t �;;�
<br /> . ��f liorrower�hall nM o�xralc lo rclra.� Ihc liuhility of Ihc cttiginal Bnrro�vrr i�r Bi�nower:�ucce.s��n� in intcrc�t. l.ender ��:-.'--_- �_. .__.
<br /> ,, � xh•rll not tx� reyuireJ lu c��mmrncr pnxeeJing+u�ain�t uny +uccr,.or in interexi�ir ret'u.o tu rxtrnJ lime fi�r payment ��r �"
<br /> othenvisc mcxlif�•umortiranion oi'Ihc,um�urured by Ihi+Scruriry In,lrumem by reuzon of any dcmandmaJe b��Ihc original �,:�f�---
<br /> Borri�wer ar B��rrnwcr+�uccestior.in in�en�t. Any fnrheurunce by Lrnder in exercising uny ri�ht i�r mmedy�hall n�N he u �
<br /> waivcr of or prccluJc thr excrci+c uf any right ur rcmcdy. �`-`r��=��
<br /> ' �• 12. Succes.sors And As.gi�nx R��und:J��int and tiN�•erul I.iability;C��xiqners. Thc covenunt.unJ agmement.of thi� �v-�
<br /> " Securitp In.lrumcnt.hall hind unJ tknrtit thr +uccc��ur�anJ astiigns ui Lcndcr unJ Burn�wcr. .uhjrcl t��thc pruvi.i��n.of �--,..,a.,..
<br /> p•rr�graph 17. Rorn►wcr:rnvrnun�� and aErrcnxntx xhall lx X�int i�nd�vcral. Any Rorrowcr whu co-.igns �his Sccuriry ":�=�;�.-_ _�°
<br /> In+lrumcnt hw d�x+ncit cxccutc�hc Nutr: lal i,co-rigning thic Srcuriry Instrumrm only�o m��ngag�.grunl und ranvcy thnl :....�:>•.�. -
<br /> Borruwcr±inlcrr.t in�hc Pn,�xny undcr dk temr of thi.Scruriiy In�trumrnt: Ibl i�not Exrsnnully obligutcJ to pay Ihr,ums , �r+,„;�.
<br /> sccumJ by ihi.r S�curity Inswmrnt:and Icl��.ncs Ihal Lcndcr und any othcr Burri►wcr may u�!rec lo exlcnJ.muJil'y.lirctxar �,;�.., � ��.
<br /> c,r mahe uny ncrummalatian� with Rgurd �o IIk �crn�.ol' this Serurity In.�rumenl ur thz Nate withoul Ihut Borrowrr. L
<br /> con�enl. �
<br /> _- - _= 13. Loyn CharRes. If thr I��an ,ecurrd ny ihu Security imaumenl i. ,ul�jr�i i��.i I:►� u�hich�:ct�.�:iaxin�usn!oa» ��^�*�!^�,:
<br /> -��•- -�-�
<br /> � rhurge.,anJ thu� law i�finally imrrpretcJ���that the inten+t ar o�her I��an rh:�rgex collcc�ed ix to Ix cull�ckd in connectiun •;���-
<br /> aith Ihr loun cxreed�hr�xrniiued limit,.�hen: 1:�1 any �uch luan charge xhall Ix reduced by thr amuum nrcesrary to reducr
<br /> � the chargc�o the�xrmitteJ limii:anJ Ihl any.wn.uhcad�•cuUcr�eJ fr��m Bonower which rxcecded pem�itted limi�.will Ix . �. ,;.
<br /> refundcd to Burcower. Len�kr m•ry rh�w,�to mawc ihi.refund h��reducinF Ihe principal uwcJ under the N ate or hy making a �}' �', ,
<br /> direr�puymrm to Borcu�crr. If u rei'und reJu�c�prirkipal.lhe rcduclion will hr Iru•rt�ti!u�a purtiul pr�paymrnt wilh�,ut wi}• 'i;�ti?�`'�
<br /> ,:•.,, ..�
<br /> prcpayn�rnt chargr undrr Ihc Notr. '::�`�.�?'',. �.
<br /> • 14. Notkes. Any n�,tirc to Burru��cr provid�J tia in ihi, Scrurily (n,lrument•nhall Ik �ivcn hy deli�•cring il or h�• ..
<br /> mailing i�h�•tir,�clu.�mail unlr..:���i���ni� law rcyuirr�ux uf:mu�hcr mc�h�xl.71x noticc.hull Ik dircrted to thc Pruprny "�`�`
<br /> AdJre.���r uny utlkr aJJr�,.K�xru�v�r Jc,ign:urti h� nulir�to Lrixlrr. An� no�icc a►Lrndcr .hull hc �ivcn hy 1'ir.�rlu„ � :�1�
<br /> ,�.,K :;;��•._�
<br /> mail lo l.cnJrr;uddreti.+Iutcd h�rcin ur,m�uthcr:iddre,�(.rndcr de,i�na�r.hy nutirc to Burcuw�r. Any� n�dirr pn►viJcd li�r .
<br /> , in thi. tircurity M.Irumcnt.hall Ik d�rmrd w h:wc Ikci� givrn a� Rnm►wrr ar Lrnder whrn giren c�.prcn•iJrJ in thi. � _-
<br /> .t�t'r_
<br /> �1:I�L�lf:l�lh. ' _....1 -�-
<br /> IS. GuvcrninR l.aw: tie�crubility. Thi. tieruri�y In.�rumrnt •,hull 1.� �„�cmcJ hy tcJ�r,�l la�� and Ihe lu�� ot' Ilx ' F_..�'_
<br /> juri.Jirlion in�vhich ih¢{'ru�xny i.I�k:urJ. In ihr cvrni ihat any pr���i,ion ur rlau.r uf thi+Srcurily In,t nmicnt or tlx Notr C . . --�_=;�,-
<br /> rantlict,wilh uppliruMc It�w.,urh runllirl.hall n.a all�ci��thcr provi.iun�ul thi,Sccuri�y In,trununi ur the Nute whinc�an � -_--_ _
<br /> Ik �!i�•cn�flcri withuut�hr runtlictin� pro�i,iun. Ti� �hi,�nd�h� pru���ian.��f thi, tirrurii}• In,�rumen�anJ thc N�Nr nrc ` .�y4�=—
<br /> declurrd lo t+�.cvcrahk. ���-
<br /> 16. Barrowr�ti('op�. 13urmw��r,hall Ix�icrn�mer�mti�nncd c��p���I ihr Nutc and��(ihi,tircuri�y In.trum�nl. � •�.�"""��::_
<br /> 17. 7Yunsfer oP the Nropert�or a lieneticiul Inter�ht in Borru��cr. If:�II ur:u�� p:in al thr 1'r��rty or anr in�crc,t in .
<br /> i1 i,.uW��r Iran,lcrrrd�ur d a Ixneticial inlrre.t in Rurtu��er �,,uld ur tran,trrreJ:�nd Rurr�,�<<r i,na�t a n.dur.d �xr,uiu � -_--
<br /> ' without LenJrr:priur��riucn run.�nt. I.cndcr ma�.a� ii,�,piiun.rcyuirc�mmrdialc p:i�mcnl m lull ol':dl.uni,.rcurcd hy � :._..;�_,y,�yr,:;•
<br /> . Ihi,Securily In�lrumrnl. Ho��evrr.�h�.��liun,hall ni��t+�rrerci,ed hy�I.crnkr il rr�rri.e i.pr��hihilcJ h}frdrral lau•a.��( � ��,::;
<br /> ' the Jut�ul'�hi+tircurity In,lnim�nt. i .
<br /> It'L�nder r�cni,e,thi.op�ion.L�•mkr.hall g��e liurm��rr nuticc i�l arreler.mun. 'I�he n�,ur�.hall pruridc a�xriixi��f �.
<br /> nat Ic�..than;0 da�,lr�nn�hr da�e ihc nuurr i,drli�rrcd nr m;ulyd��ithin��hirh Kurrn��er rou.t pa� all.um,,crurrd hy �hi. :
<br /> Sccuril�� In.trwnrnl. 11 I;nrru��rr t:iil. in �,a� ih�,r .um. pni,r t�� ihr rtpiratiun ul �hi. pcn�Kl. Lrndrr ma�• inroAc uny �
<br /> rcnxdir��xrniiurJ h� �hi.ti�curit�•hi.uun�enl��ithuu� tunhrr nuti.c ur�l��man�l un liurru�.�i.
<br /> IS. RurroHCr's Itft'.ht to itrimtale. II Rurn���er mc�1. renam r�mdihnn.. li�ttm��cr .hall have ihr right I�� h;rvr
<br /> rnturrctnent��I'Ihi�Sr�urit�•In.irumrnl di.rununucd ai an� hm�•pru�r w ihr�•cuhri ��1: iai 5.la�• ��x .uch uthtr rcn�xl i�.
<br /> timi�lr 1.uud� funnli��I�e Frtvldir�luc 1\IFIIR�I I\�1 RI�IF.\1 1 m�„un i.��rnew. Y'M� ,�,��c�1„�,�p�ie�,�
<br /> t
<br /> � '
<br /> I
<br />