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<br /> - r � ��° condcmnuiion ur cKhcr taking of�ny p•rrt�►t thr F'n�perty.or tix runvcyuncc in li�u ol'cuinicmnution,un;Ixrcby ati.igncd uod
<br /> '-�. .� � � xhall t�. uid tu Lendcr. -'-
<br /> `��T� ���~ In ,hc rvcnt af'a tanl Iuking oi thc Pmpcny, Ihc pr�xeed+ shall I+r applied to the xumw kcured hy �hiv Serurity __
<br /> .� _-
<br /> • „�:,'. . In+trumcnt.wtiether��r nut thcn duc. wi�h uny cxce,v puid to Borrowcr. In�he evcnt of u partiul luking��f the Propeny n
<br /> which Ihc fuir murke�value of the Pro�xtty immcdiulcly imfi�rc thr tuking iti equul�u or greuter�hun the nmount of�hc xums -
<br /> , . �•a ,crund hy�bis Securily Inti�n�mcnl immcdiuicly t+rti�rc�hc tukin�,unle.+Burrowcr und LcnJrr o�hcrwi,c ugrec in wri�ing, ��_
<br /> � • • �•� �hc+um�+ccurcd by�hi.Secu�iry In,trum�m ,hAll be rcduceJ hy the umaunt af�hc prcxced�mul�iplied by ihc fi►Ilawing
<br /> .'� - - -�� •• frnr�i�m: �u►�!x m�nl onu�uni M'�hc�ums xcured imm��liutely l�fore Ihe tuking,diviJrd by Ihl the fui�murkel value af the .,_
<br /> ^ ,s�d,. Pn�peny immrdiutrly tufi�rc�he�uking. Any bulunce xholl bc puid to Hortuwer. In tlx rv�nt ol a panial taking uf thr f-`-'°.
<br /> "�,: PraExny in which the 1'nir rnorkct vulue of the Pro�xny immcdiately hef��re�h�tuking i� ks� thun Ihr umount c�t�the tium+ -
<br /> ���, ' , .ccured immeJiutcly hefor�Ih� Isd;ing. unlec. B�+rn�wer und Lender uthenvi�e agrcc in writing ur unlr�. nppliruble law _ _
<br />,�,� alherwi�e pn�vlde+,lhe pnx�eed,shall Ix applied a►�he,um�+ecured by thi+Securiry Inxtrumrm whe�hrr or not�he sumx are c
<br /> ,, .. �hen duc. -
<br /> • "' If the Pn�perty i�.ah•rndan�d hy Barr��wer.��r ii',uf�cr nuiice by l.erxler�a Barrower �hat the c�ndemn��r eiffen to make _
<br /> • • . � un u�v;ud or,�idr u rluim ii�rdumag�+.eorrowcr fuilti to re+pnnd to I.cndcr within;Oduy.uftcr the dutc thc noticc i.given, _
<br /> �• Lend�r i+uu�hnriied w callect und upply thr pnxred,.ut its aption.rither ta rewtaraiion cu rcpui���f th� Prapeny or ta the `__
<br /> � rum�.ecured by thie Srcurity In.�rumcnt,wlxthcr or not then due.
<br /> � � ' Unlc�. Lender und NoRO�•cr uthcnvi�ugrce in wri�ing,uny applicati�m of pracecdt to principal shull nnt extend or
<br /> . : ° �xis�pi►ne�h4 duc Jatc oP ihc munthly puymcnt+reicrmd ta in pa�ugruph. 1 unJ 2 ur chung�tlie umuunt of+uch payment�. �_
<br /> 11. Horrow•er Not ReleaSed� Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver. Ezten+ion of �he time for paymcnt or __
<br /> madifirutian uf amuni•ru�ii�n of thc�um+�ecur��J by thix Security Ins�rum�nt��aMed by Lendcr to any�uccessor ia Mterest
<br /> ' of Borcower�hull nat aperu�c to relense the liubili�y�(thc originul BaROwer or Sarrower's xuccessun m intere+t. Lender _
<br /> .hull no� Ix n�yuired to commence pr�xeeciings uguinxt any ruccessar in intere�t or ref ase to extend time for payment ar _
<br /> wherwi.e mcxiify umarti�at ion of ihc sum.�crured by thiti Securiry In+�rument by rcusan of any demund mude by the originul _
<br /> � � liorrowcr��r Barrowcr:�ucce�sor.in imcrex�. Any i'orbeurnncc by Lender in exerrisinb any right ar semedy shall�al be a
<br /> wuivcr of or pRrlude the cxrrri.r uf uny right or Rmedy.
<br /> ° " 12. Succes.W►rs and A�si�ns Bound:Joinl end Several Liebilily;Co-signers. The cov..nuntti and agreemenls af Ihix ----
<br /> " �� Security Inztrumrnt+h•rll bind und hrncli� �he succe,snn und ussigns of Lendcr and Borrower,subject to the provisians of
<br /> •• � paru�ruph t7.Burrower+covrnunt. und agreemem. .hull Ne joint and severul.Any Borrower a�ho co-signs this Security
<br /> � In+trumrnt but dcxx n��t cx�cule tfk N��te: lul i.co-�igning this Securiry Instrument only to mortgoge,grant nnd convey that
<br /> � � Bom�w�cr:in�crest in thc Prnp�:ny unJcr thc icrmr:of this Security Inti�nement: (bl is na personally obliguted to pny the aums =
<br /> s��ured hy�his Seruri�y Intiln�mem;und Ic 1 a�;rccs that l.cnder und uny other Bormwer may agree to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> or male any uccomm��iution�. with regurd li� thr te�m�of Ihis Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrowerk
<br /> comem.
<br /> li. I.osin Ch�r�es. If thr loan rerureJ by thi. S.curity Instniment is subject to a law which xets maximum loan .
<br /> —,.--^-' - churgeti.•rnd �hal law is tinully miemr�ted so thu��hr iutr�r,t�x oiher loan ch�sges coAected or�o hc c�llecred in connection
<br /> with�he loan exreed thc prm�itted limit+,then: la)uny+urh I�u�n churge�hull be reduced by the amount necesgury to reduce
<br /> Ihe churgr ti�ihr pr►miaed Iimi1:and Ih1 any�um+ulrruJy callrrted from Borcower which exceeded pertni�ted limi�s will be
<br /> refumkd lo Borr��aer. Lrnckr muy chane w mukr�hi+rcfund by rcducing the principul owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> dircct paymr�x�a Borr��w��, li'a mtunJ rrducrs principul, thc rcdurlion wfll t�e treu�ed as u pnniul ptepayment without any
<br /> pmpaYment rharge under the NiHe.
<br /> li. NMlces. Any nutice ia Burrowcr pruvided liir in�hi. Security Inxtrumem shall be given by delive�ing It or by
<br /> muilin�it by fir,t clasx mail unl�s.upplicuMr I.�w rcyuim+uu oi'unolher mrthcxl.The notice tihull be direrted to the Property
<br /> r AdJm..or:►ny olhrr uddrr.• Borrowcr Jr,ign+�tcs hy nolire tu Lender. Any naticc to Lender+hull be given by first class
<br /> ,;',;;; '� muil to Lrndcr's i�ddre,..r.ncJ herrin ur any o�her uddre..Lendrr Jr,i�nut�+by notice to Borr.�wer. Any notice provided for
<br /> ',�`t,;'� in this Sccuriry In.trunxnl tihull Ix Jrcmed u� huvr heen givcn to Borr��wcr or Lender when given ax provided in Ihis �-
<br /> • � purvgruph. •o ..rncJ b fcderul law anJ �he luw of'the -
<br /> � �+ IS. Gu�•ernin� Law•:tie��erubiUt�. Thi.Security In.irumcn� .hall Ix �, , • y --
<br /> ' , � jurisdirliun in which�he Pro�n��i+kxaicJ. ln thc rvrnt thw any pnx•i.inn�►r�luu.e oi'thi,Srcurity In+trument or the Note _
<br /> �,:,�`'.. ... cunllictti withapplicuhle lau.su�h runllirt.hall nu�aft'ert���her pnn•i.ian+of thi+Sccuri�y In�trumrnt��r the Note whinc�un �:,,
<br /> .,� � Ix given efl'cct will��w Ihe cuntlirting pru�•i.ion. To Ihi. enJ �he provi.ion, ol'Ihi.S�rurity In�trument und the Note are i�:.__
<br /> .� declured a�tx xrveranl�.
<br /> 16. Borro��•er's l'opy. Rurrowrr,h:dl Fx givcn unr r��id'urmrd r��p� uf t h�Ni�lc and��t'thi,Srrurily Instrumen�. r--
<br /> 17. Trpnsfer of the Propert�•or u Heneficiul lntcresl In Norrower. U:dl ur any pan ui�hr Prn�xny nr uny intcrest in �;.,
<br /> '.t•�'�• it i,suld or Iran.frrrrd(��r il' •r Ixnclirial intrrctil in Horn,��cr i,.old �x tran.tcn�rd:ind Burtower i�no1 a nulurul Fxr�onl
<br /> .:,�>
<br /> ' ' �', withuut Lrn�kr:pri�,r wriucn r�m.rn�.Lrixler may.a� n. ��p�i�m,rcyuirc immeJi:uc paym�nl in t'ull ot'all.um�.rrurcJ hy
<br /> '.:s;.: „ �hi,Srcurit� In�trumrm. Huw�r�•er.thi.optiun,hull nut hr�trrci,cd b�•Lrndrr if�xerci.r i.pruhihitrJ by f'rck ral luw c�+ol' � _
<br /> : • thC date of Ihic Serurity In�lrutnent. � ,
<br /> . II'L�ndcr cxcrri.c�thi��►ptiun.L�ndrr,hall giv�Hurro���r nu�irr of ar�elrrati�xi. Thr nulicc,hall pruvidr u{xri�xl i�f
<br /> � ?•'.:'�:. . nul le�ti lhuil 1D tluy+fmnt IIk d;Ue thc nolicr i�Jeli�•rred i�r nr.�ilcd«•ithin which linrrow rr ntu�l puy all�um�x rurrJ hy thi. �
<br /> • Srrurity Instrumeni. II'Borrrwer tciil, lu p:rv�hc�e ,►un,priur�u thc rrpii:ni„n ul'thi, {xriud. LenJer nmy invnkr um I�
<br /> � � remcJir.�xnnittrJ M•dii�tie�uri�� In.Irumm�l withuul furthcr n��lirr ur drmu��d un Nurnn�e�. ��
<br /> ' 18. liorruwer's Ri�hl to Rcinslutc. II N��rn���rr mcrlr �.•rtain r�,nd�liun.. B��rmwrr .h:d) havr Ihe right lu huec
<br /> ent'��ncmcnt ui'thi.ti�rurilq Inti�rum�nt di,r�nuinurd al am limr pn��r 10 Ihr rarhrr��I: la� 5 Ja}••I��r.urh uthrr�xri�xl:�. �
<br /> �
<br /> 1m�lcl�anul� FunoM•\Iue-Frcddk�llucl\IFIIR\11\�1RI1fE�f l ud��rml'���cuaw. 4,911 �pd�ra��f��p��t�•�i �.
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