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<br /> � �'` �� periodti thm l.ender reyuir�,. The inyur+,nce currier pmvidinK�he insurunce.hull be rhuwn hy B��m�wer.uNjeci to l.ender�+ —"�
<br /> ` �'> -�t�f `:.;. appraval which sholl not l+e unreusonuhly withheld. If Bortowcr fuilx to muintuin cover�gc dc.cri6ed abc►vc,Lenckr may,u� �°-'�_
<br /> • a ,�.�,:�„� Lrnder's option.uMLin cavemge lo protect l.ender's right�in the Prupeny in nccordunce witb paragroph 7. � __
<br /> � •• . ' ,, All insurrnce�c+licicti and renewul�whull be ucceptuble ai Lender und,holl inrlude u z�undard mongage cluu.e. LenJer �
<br /> �� ' shull have therigl�to hold the pi�licirti und rcnewalti. If Lendcr reyuins,soROwer.hull prompQy give to l.ender uU rercip�ti � �•,�,q;;:-
<br /> �.r°u.r—
<br /> ` , .: • af paid prerniumti and renewal natices. In the evenl��1'loss, B��rr��wer+hull give prompt n���ice In�he imurunce currier unJ �' •
<br /> �.—.�-..- -
<br /> ' " Lender. Lenrkr may muke praof af lo�ti ii'nut mude promplly by Bormwer. �_ _-
<br /> . Unte+ti LenJer unJ BoRUwrr oth�nvi.c agre�in«•ritin�.imuran�r pnxrrd,.hull f�r u�q�lied to re.tar.�tion or rcpair of
<br /> � .. the Property dumaged, if the retitorution or mpair is ecc�nornKUlly feu+ible und LenJ�r: +ecu�i�y i.nut IesKncd. If the ���'� -
<br /> ' restoration or repai� is not economicully fea�ible ar LenJer:+ecuriry would Ix Ie.+ened, �he imurance praceed�rhall be �.:—
<br /> ,.. ,, , .. applied to the sums cecured by thiti Security Imaument,whe�her or n�H then dur, with uny exces.puid �u Borrower. If ,'.�t�;;��-_
<br /> �',�F,.Y�•�.-_,
<br />° Banowcr nbancions the Propcny.ar doe� nrn answer wiihin 30 duys u notirc from l..ender thut�he insurunce cunicr hux -, ,.;.�.:
<br /> ° offered to tieule a cluim,then Lender may coltec��hc in,urance prcxecd+. Lender muy u�e�he pr�x:eed.lo npair or mstare • '._�'<
<br /> -;�a,.,ti u�
<br /> � the Propenyor topuy�um+secured by this Security Instrument,whe�he�or n�N then due. The;O•duy{►ericxl will heRin when �fi..�'�r"�_-_--
<br /> thc notice ix given. ��
<br /> • -;, �• Unksti I.ender and Borrower othcrwitie ugree in writing.:u►y upplicution of prcKecds�o prinripal �hull not extenJ ar •;.;,;,�:�-=..''ry" `
<br /> 4�...�� u:Y.,._,_
<br /> � postpone the duc dute oi'the manthly puyment,rcferrcd to in para�raphy I und 2 or chun�te ihe umouni of thc puymcnt+. If ,;,��:,...�.�
<br /> �_. : • t, . under pumg�aph 21 t he Propeny ix acyuire d by Le n d e r, fl�rt o w e r:ri g h l t o u n y i o s u r u n c e�xi l ir ies und proceeds resuhin g „�-
<br /> `'.��; � - from damuge to Ih� Propeny prior to the ucqui.r•�tion shall paxs la Lender to the exlent nf the xums secured by this 5erurily ��.1:�,.._-�:�:
<br /> �,.-,�;;:°' , lnstrument imm��diutely prior�o the ucyui+ition. �=°=°=`'- ___
<br /> . " 6. Occupancy, Preservadon. Maintenance and Protection oP the Prnperty: Borrower's l.oan Applfcatlan; '="�w�--
<br /> ' �• ��%'., Ixasehaldv. BoROwer shall occupy.estnblish,und usr the Pmpeny uy Bo�rower:principal re.idence within sixty duyx after .
<br /> '..��.:...:K � ;y..... .;a�:�v
<br /> �. .� the execution of�his Security Imwment und tihull c�m�inue io occupy the Property u� aorrower:prinripul residenre for at �4�,,,
<br /> . ";;;;� . „ ' leus� one yenr after the dute of cxcupuncy, unless Lender otherwi,e ugreen in writing, which canxen� shall nut be ,, , ,-
<br /> . unrcusonably wilhhelJ,or unlr.�extenuating circum+tuncex exis�which are lx�yond Burmwer's cantrol. Borrower shnll nat ':;;;��
<br /> destroy,damage ar impair thr Propeny.uU��w Ihe I'ropehy ta deteriorute.or rnmmi[wustc on ihe Prapen�•. Bonower shull . ;_
<br /> • be in defauU if uny farfeiture uction or praceeding,whether civil ur criminul,is begun ihat in Lender's gaxi fuith judgmem ,::��;:_,' �
<br /> could rexuli it► forfei�ure of the Property or othenvi�e materiiilly impuir thc lien creu�ed by �his Security Instrumem or . _.
<br /> Lender�security interest. Borrowrr muy cure such u defuult uncl reinstu�e,u.provided in pn�ag�uph 18,by causing�he ne�iun
<br /> ar procecd ing to M:di,mi��cd with u ruling thut,in Lrnderk Fa�d fuilh detcrminution,prcrludes k�rfeilure of Ihe BorrowerE ::' "�;
<br /> intcreti� in tl� Proparly ar other muteriul impuirtneM of the licn creuled by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry `�;,�_--�- `
<br /> intere.t. Burrower +hall ultio lie in def'uuU if Born�wer, durin� thr loan upplicution pnx:etis, €uvc matcriully Pake or �,„'��;'-_
<br /> inuccurute information or,�atement�to Lender lor fuiled�o pn�vide Lender with uny muterial infartnution)in connection wi�h ;: ,____
<br /> � . Ihe loun evidenced by the Not�, including, but not limiled to, re�m�entalionx canceming Borrower's occupunry of the . '-�•��:`;:',
<br /> - -__- --- !'raperty ara a psincipal rr�idence. !f thi�Srrority In.trument iti on a Icusehold,Borrowrr xhnll camply with all�he provisions ,, ,� ,.,'
<br /> of the Icay�.If Borrower acyuires fee�itic to the Pro�+erty.the leuxchnld und the fee litle tihall not merge unless Lendcr ugrees �Ar-°��..��..,__`
<br /> • lo Ihc mer�cr in writing.
<br /> 7. ProtecUon oP l.ender'x RiRhts in the Property. If Hi�rruwer fail+ to perti�rm the covenums und ugreememti .•,
<br /> conwined in thi�Sccurity Intitrumrn�, i�r therc i+ i� tegal pr�xeeJing Ihu� muy zigniticundy uffect l.ender's rights in the ,' .; ��iry,�� .�-
<br /> ° Property I�u�h a�u prixecdinti in hankruptcy.prohate, fiirca�ndemmni�m or forfei�um or to enforce luw.or regulutionsl.thcn �;;�,,..�,��._
<br /> ,, • LrnJcr muy d�and puy for whuievcr i� ncce�si�ry to pru�r�l Ihe vulur ui'the Properly und Lender+rights in thc Pmpeny. ��_r�.__,
<br /> Lender.uctions muy includr paying uny wmti urured by:t lien which hu+priorily over Ihis Serurity Insln,ment,appeuring �,z�� �--
<br /> in coun,p•rying re�isonuble uuo►•neys'(rrs und enterin�on �he Prc�ny to make npairx. Although Lender may tuke uc�ion ��'� v
<br /> urnier this parugrrph 7.Lender docs noi have��►da.o. �y�'�:y'"—_-
<br /> %�rr.:..-._
<br /> Any amoum� di.buroed by Lendcr urnler �hi�puragruph 7 .hall Ixcomc udJi�ionul dcbt oi Borrowcr hecurcd by this ��`.-.•-•-��`��
<br /> Serurity Inxwment. Unlc..Bormwcr unJ l.�ndcr uErrr w uthcr t�mn ul pz�ymrnt,ihe�r umaunt�+hall beur interex�fmm�he ��'71�:���.-
<br /> t"s:�.`::�.�_
<br /> dute of Jitilwrxemem a� the Ni►tc rutr und �hnll hr payahk. with inlcretit. u�m nolice from Lender lo Borrower reyuesting . ,�+:.•:,.�,,�.:.
<br /> puyment.
<br /> R. MortgaRe Insurunrc. II'Lrnder reyuircd nuntg:�g�in.urunre a.u rondi�iun uf muking the loan ticcurcd by thix ,;,.,,,.- Y .`
<br /> ' Security In.lrument.Barrowrr�hull pay thc prcmium� r«�uirrJ tu main�i�in�hr mi�rt�ugr in,uruncc in cffccl. li', for uny -},_Y,,���
<br /> reuzon. ihe mon�.�gc in+urancc r��verngc rcyuind by Le�x1cr I:�p�r, ur rca�r. tu ix in eflccl. Borrower +hull puy thr �=---
<br /> ;sur
<br /> premium� rcyuind to ahtuin rovrrage +uh.luntially ryuivalenl to ihr nu�n�a�c imuranre �reviiw.ly in effer4 AI A l'Oti� riaqtJ4:- �
<br /> �� sub.tumiulty eyuivulem tu the ros� �o B��rruwrr�,t'�hc mnnEagr imur:mce pre�•iuu+l�� in rll'ect.frum un ultemate munFage -';.�s_,��_
<br /> r„t►
<br /> inxurcr approvcJ hy Lender. !f suh�tamially eyui�•:drn�nn�nEa�e in.uranrc rovrra�c i.nut uvailahlr.B�irci�w�r�hull pay to � ..
<br /> ,-,-,'.-
<br /> Lendrr euch m�x��h u.um ryual�o unr-iwrlf�h uf thr�earh•murtga�:r in�uranre premium I�ing paid by Borrowcr wlx:n�he :
<br /> in,uranc. rovrruge lapsed i,r rr:ued lo Ix in el'1'rrl. l.rndrr vill�icrepl.u,e and retain thr,r payment�a.u lu.ti re�ervr in lieu , ;�.;k�K;i:._
<br /> ' of mongagc in�uruncc. Loti,rr+rrvr paymcn��ms�)• nu I�►ngcr Ix rryuirrJ.ut thc option ��f Lcndcr,if iuongugc insurunrc :.,"'s�%:�1�..e -
<br /> c�werugc tin ttx unwunt and ti�r thc�xrii�J�hat LcnJrr rcyuir..l �xu�•idcd hy:m in+urer:�pprurcJ ny Lrnd�r again tkromcs ���,., =
<br /> uvailubk unJ i�oMlainrd.Burn�w�r�hall pay Ihe pnmium. nyuircd iu m:iintaim m�n�:agr insurance in el'fccL ur to provide a �
<br /> los+re,crvc,umil Ilx rcyuir��mnt li�r mnrtEa�:r in�urnnrc c�xl,in arrordanre���ith any��•rinen+igrccmcn�Ixlwcrn N��rrowrr �
<br /> � and L�i�l�rnr a�licahlr lu��•. ,
<br /> 9. Inspectiun. Lrndrr ur ih a�:rnt ma� mutir rc:i.�,nahk �n�rir,u�,un�md in.�krtiun�uf ih�Pro�nny. Lcndcr�hall
<br /> Eivc Borru�vrr nutir.at thc unu al�rr prior t��an inyx rlion ��kC1I YIIIL fl`f1�UIlaM�r.iu.r fur ihr m,�krtiun.
<br /> 10. Cundemnution. 1'hr pr�xredr��I am .i��:n��t��rcl:um I��rJ:un:��:r..d�rr.•t��r<<,n..��uenu:�l.in ranncrtion��•i�h uny �
<br /> �
<br /> � timFlrl,uud� Punnlc�luc'FnY1dIeNi�c1\IFIIR�11\�'IRI��IF:\f -Imt�mnt'u��•n:mi. 4.•411 y��i¢rr,��n�,�ierv
<br /> i.n�al I.dr.Hu.iwv hnnn.In� �
<br /> I���m4•r�all 1 WM�.'i.lu!1:1'1.1 kA\�i1���7v611.11
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