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<br /> .����- • .�i.l`� ,�1g. i�L�;SiSi .T� i;r Lwtii. ��y _. _s•,• .' .. _ - - --
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<br /> + ^ appliceblc law may �pccify for minstutcmcntl I+efun: sulc af thc Hv�erty pur+uunl to uny puwer uf rulc cc►nlained in this �
<br /> ,�'•='f �- � Secudty Inatniment:or(b>en�ry of u judgment enforcing�hfs S��:urity Mxttument. Tha+�c wndilionx ore lhut Bonuwer. lu) -
<br /> " "���'V pays Lender all sums which Ihen wauld be duc under thix Secudty Insuumenl and the Nute u� ff no acceletation had
<br /> ',,,�:.;�,.•T.+.:�''r• accurred;(b►cu�cw any defuuh of any other covenunls or agreement�:<cl pay�ull expen�ew iikurred in enfurcing thiK Securfly �
<br /> Instrumem. includiog, but �a limited to. rr.as�nablc uuomcys'fceti; and Idl wkc�wch ucliun us l.cndrr muy mu�.unably
<br /> �-__:-
<br /> � ,. requirc to asaure�hat thc licn nf Ihiti Scrurity Inslrumcnt,L.�rodr�w�igt�r in ihr Prapcny and B��rrowcr;ub{igal+on w puy�hc ____
<br /> ` - � gums secured by thi� Seruriiy Instrument chall continu� unchunged. Upnn reinxtatemen� by Borcowcr. Ihiw Securily —
<br /> - -- ', -" Instrument und the obligations serured herehy�hull remuin fully rff�ciivc u.�f nu uccelerAtion tud excaRed. However,thi� ___ _ - __�� --.
<br /> �. �� • � right to reinstate shall na apply in Ihe cutir nf uccelerotian under pxrogroph 17. 4""'
<br /> � 19. Sale of Notei Lh�age ot l.oan Se�vker. Thc Notc or u paniul inlcrc�t in �he Not��Itu�xciher wi�h�hix Securily �=��' _
<br /> --�, � ` '° � . wi houl rlor noticc to Bnrr�wcr. A wle muy rr,ult in u rhungc in ihc cntiiy �-
<br /> � Instrument)may bc�Id one or m�re�imeti t p
<br />* : (known as the"Loun Servlrer")�hut colleclx monthl�'paymentc dur under the N�►tc anJ thir Sccuriry Inti�rument. Thrre ul��� f y.±.��_��-
<br /> � ��.•:--
<br /> � .; ^�'•�• may be one or more changc�of the Loan ServicFrlSnreluted ia u tiule af�hr Note. U�hcrc i�u chunge i►f�hc l.oan Scrviccr, _..
<br /> ' BoROwer wfll be givcn wriucn notice�f thc changc in uccarduncc with parugruph 14 uMwc and upplkuMc luw. Thc noticc � � , -_,_�
<br /> '� wfll siute the name And addre��of the new Lann Servicer and the addresc to which puymcni.should tx mudc. Thc nnticc will ,.�..,�. _
<br /> ,a,,.;.+t� �..,.. ._,....- • °�------
<br /> �'�,,.���«�T� ulso contain any other infortnalion reyuired by applicable luw. ___ -' ''
<br /> • 29. Haznrdous Subslaaces. Borrower shull not cuu�c ur permitthc prescncr.usc,di�poaul..toragc,or releaac of uny `;�-�•.±w��..
<br /> ` , � Hauardous Subxtnnccs on or in the Propeny. Bnnowcr tihull nut do,nor�liow anyonc el+c to du.unything affccting thc (":;y:�;�.- __-
<br /> ' � Propeny that ir in violuiion of uny Environmentul Lu�v. The preccding two scntences sball nat upply to the presrnre,u+c,or ;;��_____
<br /> � .. s�orage on the Property of timall yuuntitirs of Haz�rdaus Substuncc+�hat nrc genc�aA}recognized to be uppropriutc�o narmul ,�,;��;_.__-_
<br /> � � � residentiul uses und to maintenunce of the Piropeny. 's';��.:°-
<br /> , Borrowcr shull promptly givc l.enJer wrincn noti�r�f any invetiligation.daim,dem;�td. lawzuii or o�hcr uctfan by any , °"`-~-
<br /> ' governmental or rcgulalory asency or privu�c pany invulving thc Property and uny H:�arduuti Subslance ar Envirunmemal } �'!`�'t'-^='ti��
<br /> ',..,.� Law of which Bonr�wer has ucluvl knowledge. If Borrower Iearns, or is notified by •rny g��vrmmemul o� regulutory �'+ . . ,
<br /> , aWhurily,thal uny removal or cnher remediution of uny Hs�zardou+Sub�tunce uffec�ing the Proprrty ix necr.wry.Borrower
<br /> •• • � shAll pn�mplly mke nll neccti.ary remediul uclion+in uccordunce with Environmentul l.uw. ' � � "�
<br /> ' As used in Ihis ara ru �ll."Hnzardous 5ub.tances"ure those subtituncc�Jefined as lox ic�x hui•rrJous sub,tuoces by •°`"'''`�—
<br /> , � . p• g ph� .::.;.�;,.::..;;:-_,:.
<br /> � ' � Environmenlul Low und thr fallowing�uh�tunceti: gusnlinc. hero.cnc,othcr tlammuble or tor�c prtrolcum prcxiuctti.toxic �• r.• ?: �;,;,-,
<br /> ," � � pcsti�ides und Ix:rbicidcs, vi�lutile ,olv�nl�, matcrial.containing uxhc+�ati or forrnaldehydc, and rudioartivc mutcriul+. A+ i' . ;°'r•"�•
<br /> �ti>� " uscd in thic purugraph 20."Environmcntal Law"mcans fcdcrul law.und luwx ot'the juri.rdic�ion whcre Ihc Pn�perty iti I�xutcd . „"������-
<br /> � � thut rclutc to heuUh.sufcry orcnvironmentul proleclion. � �'' "
<br /> • � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and l.endcr t'unher covcnunt and•rgree us follow�: � �i�
<br /> . 21. Acceleralion;Rerpedies. [.ender shall give notice to Bwruwer prior lo accelerution PuUowins 1lnrrower's "-����:,:;�
<br /> ' breach of any covenant or v�reement in this Securfty Inctrument Ibut not prior tu acceleration under parusraph 17 '' ��' _ .�
<br /> .�...��a�_�_= unlessapplkable luw pruvides otherwise►. The notice rhull speclfy: lal lhe dePault:lbl lhr uctiun reyuired lo cure Ihe � '�_
<br /> • defs�ult: Ic1 o date,not less Ihan 30 days from the date Ibe notice is�i�•en to Norrower.b�•���hich ibe deiauii mu+i 8r �-'.--
<br /> �"-:J• •1
<br /> ' cured;and 101 thal fr�ilure to cure the dePault on�ir before the date+perified in Ihe nudce may rexull in accelerntiun uf • ��
<br /> , Ihe Sums secured by this.�►ecu�ity Instrument and salr oP the Property�. Thr notice sholl further inPorm Borroe•er uP ,. .,� � . :�.
<br /> , Ihe rlght to reinstate af�er acceleration and Ibe�i�ht t�►brinR a court aclion to assert Ihr non•existence oP a default or �•
<br /> ' • any alher dePense of Rorroxer to acceleration aod s�►te. If Ihe default is�ot cured on or befi�re the dale sperlfled in ,
<br /> !!�e �otice.l.ender at its opth�n may require immediate puymenl in full uf all sum+secured by thls tiecurity� In�lrumrnl s .
<br /> • without Purther demand aad may invoke thr power ai'sule und unv other remediec permilled bv applicable 1�w�.
<br /> l.ender shall be entitled tu c�dlect ali expenxes incurred in purwinR Ihe remedies provWed in this purugrLph 21. a , `V�'
<br /> . �•-i
<br /> includins.but not limited to.�eu+onuble attorne�s'ferti und cusls��ftitle e�•idence. 3
<br /> IP the poN•er of wle is fnroked,Tru.r•trr shuU record u nolire nf default in euch caunl��in a•Mrh uny part oP thc _
<br /> ' Prnpertv is located und shuN muil cupirs of such noUcr in the mrnner preticribed by upplirable lu��to I�orroxrr und lo � '�'�:�;" ' •
<br /> the uther percuns pre`cribed b}• upplicuble lua�. Ailer Ihe lime reyui�ed b} upplicuble Is�a,Truztre shall Af��e public
<br /> � nut ice o f sa le to t he persons an d in t he mu n nr r p rc,r r i b e d h y� a p p l l c u b l e l u�ti: 'l l r u s t e e,��•i t h o u l d r m u n d o n Borrower. , '-'
<br /> • shall sell the Property at public auction tu the hi�hest blddrr:�t tfie time und pluc�and under the lerms drrlKnutrd in �
<br /> . Ihe netice of sale in one ur more purcrls und in um nrd��r Tru�ke detrrmines. 7'ruslrr may poxlpone tiule of ull ar am
<br /> purcel of the Property b�• public annuuncement ut thr time und plper of am•pre�•iousl}�xcheduled salr. l.rnder or qs � ��;_: -
<br /> designee muv purchase the Pruperh�ut am wle. '��''
<br /> Upon receipt of pay�neM of the price bid.Trusler shull dell�er to the purchuyer 7'ruzlre's deed con�e}•in� Ihe s..
<br /> Pr�pertv. The recitals in the Trustee's deed xhalt Ix prhna fucie e�idence of the trulh nf the xtutementx mude therein. ,•
<br /> � 71�ustee shall applv tlk proceeds uf the wie in Ihr fidlo��•In}�ordrr:lu 1 lo ul!co�tx und r�prmrx uf exercisin�Ihe puw�e� _�,�m,�_
<br /> . �. �,•��.o
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