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<br /> ,x..�,t�--=-�,��r.*'. T(KiETH�R WITH ull thc im u►vcmcnt�nnw i�n c�r�ut'ler crcrtcd on�hc ru rt unJ ull cu,emrnl�.u purtcnunces,
<br /> • " ' und fixwrc�now nn c�rcoftcr u pan�►f th� P�pPcny A�� mP�+�cmcniw und nddiliu�r�ull u��u lx'�nvered by thix Sccuniy �%-====
<br /> .. Inwrumen�. AU�►f the fumgaing ir�nfen�d to in�h�.5ecurity ln+�rumcnt u�thc"1'ru rt " —_._
<br /> BORROWER CUV�NANTS�hai HoRUwer�+�aW��ully uiseJ uf�hc e+tutn c�rchy wnvcycd unJ hu��hr right to�,rant �,.�;,,_,
<br /> . �•,. , und eunvey Ihr Prc�{xhy und Iha�the Pru�xny i+unrncumhercd,exc�pt ii,r encumbrunerti uf recard. Horrowcr wurrunls c�nd —� y,L =_
<br /> • will dcfend gencrully thc title Io Ihc Pmpeny uguin�l ull c1Afm�and�kmund..tiuhject�o uoy cncumtxunceti of rcrord. �;::ti:^�ry�s�'=Y_
<br /> TH15 SECURITY INS'fttUM�NT combin�+ uniti,rm covcnan�, li�r natinnul u.e nnd n��n-unili�rm covenumz wi�h __—
<br /> _.. -n ' ^ limited vuriuli�m.r by juri.dicti�m lo consti�utc u uniform ucurity ins�rumrnt cuvcrin�e rcul prupcny.
<br /> ����-�
<br /> � � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Born�wcr unJ Lcndcr rovcnunt und ugRC u.tidlowti:
<br /> " 1. Payment of Princlpal and Inleresl;Prepa,vment s�ad l.ate('bur�es. R��m�wcr shull prumpUy puy when duc ihc .������k,.
<br /> y ' Y P P Y EL•�,;�.�i �;��,�,.
<br /> •' . principul ai und intcrc.i on thc dcht evidenceJ by the Note und un rc a mrnt und lutc char�ecs duc undcr�hc Notc. f �=�c '_M '
<br /> 2. Funds tor 7lwxes and InsurAnce. Subjcct to applicaMc luw��r tu u writ�cn wui vcr by Lcndcr.BaROVVCr�hull puy lo -
<br /> 71
<br /> • Lender on ihe da moMbly puyments urc Juc undcr tiK Nmc,un�il thc Nac is puid in full,n sum l"Fund±') for: (ul ycurly �,�'�'�:�'��--
<br /> Y Y �u�t-=.-���-_.
<br /> tuxes und as�ssments which muy uuain pnoriry��ver�hi�Securiry Imtrument uti u licn on thc Property:(b)Ycurl Icuxchuld ��� Y� �L
<br /> ..,'�'c.°C..,:.�
<br /> puymcntti or ground rentx on the Piroperty. if uny: Ic> ycurly haiurd ar prapcny insuruncc prcmiumti: IJl ycurly flood . _. . . y._
<br /> � ;, insurance premium�, if uny; le1 yearly mongage insurunce premiumr, if uny; und if� uny sum+ payuhle ny S°n°we��° �,;:,.� �
<br /> Lendcr, in ucrordunce with�hc provi�icxi�:o f purug r•r p h S.i n l icu af the pa ymcm �f maA�uge insurunrc premwms. Thc+c : .�. •• . . �.•.-
<br /> itemx are called"6umw Item�.' Lendr�muy,at uny nme,coUect und hold Fundx in un amaunt not�a exceed the muximum �_
<br /> � umount u lender for u federnlly relnted mortgugc loan muy myuirc for Borrowcr's excrow ucruunt under thc fedcrul Rcul _ . „��,_�1
<br /> Estare 5etUement Proccdures Act of 1974 As amendt:d from time tu time, 12 U.S.C. ��(�►I c'►seN•l"RFSPA"1•unlc�+unother -'. ^.c��,•�:—°
<br /> low that�pplies!o the Funds se�c u lesscr umouot. U so. Lender muy,ut any timc,collect und hold Funds in an umount nu1 to �
<br /> � excced the lesser umount. Lender muy e,timate thc umouni of HunJs due on �hc bu.is of currcnt da�a and reaconable ���E
<br /> estimates of expenditures of future Eticraw Items cx olherwi.c in uccordunce with upplicuble law. —�F, ;
<br /> The Funds shnll bc hcld in nn in+�itutian wlx►u depoxhs are insurcd by u federal agency, inxtrumentulily. or entily ,.
<br /> �' (including Lender,ii'Lender is such an imtiwtian)or in uny Fedrrul Home L.oan Bunk. l.endcr s��ull upply the Fundti to pay . ,,,.._.�,�
<br /> the Escrow Items. l.ender muy nol chnrge Borrower fix hnlding und upplyinF the Fundti,unnuully unulyr.ing the esc�uw Y;<<, _ ;.
<br /> uccount, or verifying the Escrow Item+. unlexs Lender pay�Borrower intere+t on the Funciti und upplicuble luw prrmi�s •
<br /> Lender to muke such u charge. Howrver. Lender muy rcyuirc BoROwer to puy u one-time churge for an inckpendent reul ��:��r
<br /> � estate�ax repohing service used by l.ender in connec�ion with Ihis loan,unles,applicubk law prc►vides otlxrrwi+e. Unles,un `���
<br /> ogreemcnt is mode or applicablc law requires interext to be puid,Lender tihull not bc reyuired to pay Borrowcr uny iMere+t or . '.r
<br /> �'�+ � earnings on the Funds. Sortower und Lcnder muy ugrce in writing,howevcr,tha�interest�hull be pnid un�hc Fundti. Lcndrr
<br /> •� shall�ive to Botrower,withoul churgc,un Annuul uccounling of Ihe FunJ+.showing creditti und debi�.w�he Fund�++nd thc :,�s+::
<br /> . P �: P B' Y y .,>��
<br /> u re for which cuch debit ta the Funds wus mude. The Funds rue led ..d as udditionul xecuril for all sums+ecured b ��il t
<br /> -_------' = Ih�sSecurity In.Uwuaiit. `- ��: -
<br /> If the Funds held by l.ender exceed the umnuntx perm�tted to be held by upplicuble law. Lender +haii auount ics . : �
<br /> Borrower for�he excess Funds in uccordance wilh Uw rcyuircments of upplirable law. If IM: umount of the Funds held by `
<br /> � Lender a1 any time is not sufficicnt to puy the E.cniw Ikm�when duc,Lendcr muy so natify Borrowrr in writinti.und.in '
<br /> such case Borrower shall pny to Lender the umoum necrxwry ta muke up the deficiency. Borrower xhull muke up�he .;�
<br /> ' � defiriency in no more than twelvc mnnlhly paymcnlx,ut Lender:tiole discrotion. ';
<br /> Upon puymcnt in ful!of ull.umti secured by�hiti Seeunry Instrument.Lender shall pramptly rcfund to Barrower any � .:';;,;� .. ,�
<br /> � � Funds hcld by Lender. If,uncler parupraph 21.Lendcr+hall uryuire or,cll Ihe Property. Lendcr, prior to thc ucqui.ition or E ` � �-
<br /> " xule of the Properly. shull apply uny Funds held hy LcnJcr ut the time of ucyuisition or sulc ay a credit ugainst the �ums ' :�yJ,� �
<br /> secured by thic Securiry Inslrumem. t '�f
<br /> 3. Application of Payments. Unlc„ upplicahlc luw provides otherwi.c.all puyment� reccived by Lender under . `
<br /> parugruphs I and 2 shull be applied:t'ir,t,li�any prcpuyment churgcti dur undcr the Note: �ccc,nd,to umount+puyublc under :.,�.',','
<br /> „ pamgruph 2;third,to interest duc:f�xinh,to principal duc;and last.ln any luh charges due under Ihe Note. �
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowrr xhull puy �II taxe+, us.e,+mentx.charges, finc+and impositionx a�tributuble �a the
<br /> ° Property which moy attain priority ovcr thix 5erurity In+trument,and IeuscholJ puyments or ground rent.,if any• Borrowcr � -Y_
<br /> shall pay these obli�utions in the manrkr provided in purr�raph?.or if nin paid in thut munner,BoROwer shull puy them on . :
<br /> ' time directly to�he penon owed paymrnt. Borr��wer shall prompUy furnish to Lrndcr nll notice�of umaunt,to Ix�paid urnicr ,Y.f��,.�
<br /> • . Ihis paragraph. If Borrower mukes thesc puymrnt�direcily.Sormwrr shull promptly furnisb a�Lender recciptx eviderrning , -n.w�
<br /> � ��`' �
<br /> � - . the payments. ..
<br /> � Bortower shull promptly discharFc uny licn whirh hati priuriry ovrr�hi,Sccurity ln,trumem unlr�s Borrower.(a)agrc�. ''+�,`, ,
<br /> in writing to the paymcnt of the abligauon ticcurrd hy the 1 icn in a mannrr ucceptuhlc[o Lend�r:IM)contests in gocxl faith the � '
<br /> . lien by,or defcnds aguinxt cnforcemcnt oF�hc licn in. IcFal pr�xccding�which in �hc Lcndcr�opinion operate to prevrnt the �
<br /> enfbrcement of the licn;or(cl sccurc,from thc h��Wer of the licn an ugrcenxnt.u�i.factory tc�l•rndcr subordinnting the lien ,
<br /> � to this 3ecuriry Instrument. If Lendcr dctem�inrti thut ;uiy part uf�he Pr��Peny i'subjert t°a lien which may attain priority k
<br /> over this Securiry Ins�rument.L�ndcr ms�y give Borrowcr u iH�tirc identifyin�;tlx lien. Borrower shull wtitify the lien or takc f
<br /> � one or more of thr uclion++et forth atwwc within IU Jt►y�of'thc giving of noticr•
<br /> 5. Hazurd or Propertv Insurance. BorruNCr .hall krep thr improvrmrni.n��w rzi.ting or hereatirr crceted un the ;
<br /> Property insured against los�hy lirr,ha�arels m�luJ«I uithin tFx tcrni"extrnikd cuvur•r�r°and any ather hat.ards.including ,
<br /> floods or ticading, tiir which Lcndcr rcyuircs imurun�c. Thi. in.uranrr .hall Ix rnaintamc�� in �hr amounts •rnJ for the
<br /> . Fiwm J02tt 9�40 l��er=r�)n�uxe�� '
<br /> � �
<br /> 1
<br /> I
<br /> ' fi '
<br /> '1� �1
<br />