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L' [� <br /> .. .. . ;s o:>1 :�,•.:„ ,e,iFt • ..i;�:s.,.;_..,s..i ;: 1 1 , �— <br /> . — ��'41` ,'��'� ��,- _ z,w•�•.L•,;. -.-_,.—��-� --:_—-- _ . . -. _. <br /> I � -r„ �o: al� ?fr"N7�^"�"�""""'"'_'"'�.—.. � _.- <br /> ��-*Y :h1.���'..I...�.i <br /> r .w?^� . _ •� ... _. ._. '" - <br /> a .��i4'��w 4�vR:a.`....� � ...v� <br /> ��� -.t ..._ __ <br /> ...� ��r �yT-i��� <br />....� '� �iu.a���.ai_--_— -. <br /> . `� . . 92����2519 <br /> .. � ," �1@MUfr.N4u1M� � <br /> ai, ° �x:ri�xl,�hut l.rndcr requircy. Thc in�urunce cuRicr pmviding Ihc in�uranc�+qu II Iw cquKn hy Bormwrr+uhJcct m LcnJcrw � -- <br /> .. . '� �" upprovul wMrh�hull not I+c unrea„unuhly wUbheld. If B�►ROwc�luil+t��muln�uincuvcruKc dcKrft�d uM�vc.Lcndet may.u� <br />�krk opti�►n.uhtuin cuvcrupc u►pm�ccl I.�uJcr��ighl�in Ihc F'ro�x rty in aca,nluncc with purugruph 7. <br /> ".%• �-� All in�ur+u�rr�xdicir++md renewal,*hull Ix ucceptuhle i�+Lcndc� an�l ,1u11 Mk IuJr u siundard m��ngugr cluu�e. 4enater <br /> � . � '. �hAll huvc Ihc righ��u huld�hr�►licie+und renewul.r. If l.ender rrquircv,R.�nu�vcr�hall promplly give tu LrnJcr ull rcccip�ti _— <br /> � � •� af pufd prcmiwm und�newul n��tirew. In Iho cvcnl ul I��y+. Nurn►wer,hi�ll Ei ve prompt n�nicc tu the in�urunce c�rrkr und -- <br /> � � ° l.endcr. L.cMl��r muy mule�r�M�f uF Imti if nut m�nlr pr„mptly hy Hnrn�wcr. <br /> , ` - , Unlc��Lcn�icr und H�+cruw�r udk rwi`e agr�c in H• pr�kr�J��hull Ix uppHud�o rr+�nriUion �x re�uir ut �-_.� <br /> •� .. � � ' ihc ('�openy dumuged. ii thc resloruiiun or rcpuir is ccanomicully 1'cu,it�le unJ Lcndc���.ecu�ity i, nul Ics�c�ed. II the <br /> „ . mzlorutinn�►r repair i.r not cconamicully feusihlc ��r Lendcr;.rcruriry wi�ulJ i+c Ic�wnrd,thc in�uruixc pracecds �hall be <br /> �• . ' applied to Ihc xum�+ecured by thi+Sccuriry Inslrument,whethcr i�r �n�t thetti du�,with uny excers paid tu Bom�wer. If <br /> r ' . Barrower ubandons ihe Property.o�dc�eti not unxwer wi�hin 1l1 duyti u naic�from LenJer�hut ihe inxurunce cu•-der ha� - <br /> ' ,, IheePro� rt or lo caA1 um e ured 6y�ihiK Security In+tn►m nt,wh th�or nut�then due uThe�11�-duy perind will ibe�in wh n <br /> . , Pe Y P Y• �-- __ <br /> • , the notice is given. " <br /> Unlc�s l.ender and Borrower othenviu ugree in writing, unv upplicniion oi �xoceedti w principal xhull�otexlend or <br /> • " postpone thc due dute of the monthly payment+reterted to in puru@ruphs 1 uid 2 ar chunge the umount of the payme�us. If <br /> under parugraph 21 Ihe Praperty i� acquired by Lender,Bortower+ right tn:.�ny i nwrunce policies und proceed+rewlting � _ _ _ T,_ <br /> " from dumagc�o the Property prior to thc acquisition shull pnx��o Lender to�F�e ex tent of the sums secured by this Sauriry <br /> � Insln�ment immediulely pr�or ro thc ucyuisition. - <br /> � 6. Occupaacy. Preservatbn. Maintenance and Protectlon of' tYe Property; Borrower's Loun ApplkAtion: <br /> �,• - l.easeholds� Horr�wer shall cecupy,etitubli�h,und use Ihe Piroperty us Borrower!s principal residenre within sixtydays afier <br /> � • the execution of thi+Serurity Ins�rum�ni und shull continue to occupy thu Pa�peny a+ Borrower's principnl residence for at -. -- - . �-. <br /> ° • leust one year nf�er the dute of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise agrees in writin�, which cansept �ha11 not be ^. <br /> • . ��� '' • unreusonubly withheld,or unkss exlenuuting circumztunces exisl which urc b�:yond Borrowers control. Bortower shall not �-__��_ <br /> �� " ' ` � destroy,damuge o�impuir the PrapeAy.ullow thc Pn�pchy to deterio�ule, �x c expmit wasic on the Property. Borrower shall —_ <br /> � � .. • ' '.'•'. " be in defuult if any farf'eiwre uction ar prcueeding.whether civil ar cnmin�l, isbegen thnt in Lender's good faith judgment _-_ __ <br /> could result in i'orfeiture of ihe Properly or o�herwixe muteriully irnp•rir Ihc lien created 6y this Security [n�rument ar __ <br /> � � ". . l.ender's security intere,t. Bcxrower mny cure such a defuult und reintilale, us provided in parugraph 18,by cnusingthe ection �,:,:.,�=_ <br /> � or proceeding tn be dixmis,ed wilh u rulinF�hat,in l.ender�good fui[h detem�ia�tion.precludes forfeiture of the Bortower R • <br /> interext in the Propeny or other muteriul impi►innent of the lien cre�xed by �pis Security Instrument or Lender:s secudty <br /> interetit. Borrower shall ultio be in defuult ii' Sorrowe�, during thc lom -rpplication pracess, guve m�teriully false or a.. <br /> � inuccurute informutinn or tiwtements�o Lender(or tuiled to provide Lender wit h any mnterial information)in connecdon with <br /> ' the loan evidenced by the Note, including, tx►t nat limited to, represenu�ioin conceming Borrower's occupancy of �he _ <br /> _. =-- p�op�Ky a�a pcincipa!residencc. !f thi�Security Instrument ix on n Icu�ehdd. Borrower r,hull comply with all theprovisions —__. <br /> '..•.'.� . , . , of�hr leuxe. lf Borrower ucyuireti Pee tide to the I'roFxrty.the leusehold andihe ke tMle shuU not merge unie��La�ici a�r�s _ <br /> to the merger in wriling. — <br /> � 7, Protection oP Lender's Ri�hts in the Property. If Borrowcr(:�ils to perform the covenunts und��reements ;,,�, <br /> �. . _� <br /> conwineJ in this Seruriry ImtrumeM. ��r Ihcre iti u Icgul pnx:rcding tF1nt niay tiigmficantly affect Lender� rights in Ihe ����—_� <br /> property(such ux u{►nxecJing in hunkruptcy.pruBa�e.firc condemnutian ork�rfeiturc or to enF�rce luwx or regula�ionsl, tl�n ___ <br /> Lender muy du und puy Por whatevcr i+ncretitiary a�pr�Nrcl thr valuc of ih�Ropeny and Lendcr's rights in tk Property. �,;;��_.._ <br /> Lcndcr's uction,muy incluJc payin�any+um+serurcd by u licn whirh h as priorit y over this Securiry Inrtrumcn6�ppeuring � <br /> in court,puying rca+onuhlr uuorneys'icr+unJ cnlering�m Ihe Prop�ny tum ake repuirs,Ahhough Lender may lake uc�ion ��n�'-` '`'"` <br /> E <br /> ' undcr thi.puragruph 7.LenJcr d�+cti nui huvr u,du.o. ��. <br /> ` Any umount.dishur,rd by Lendcr undcr�hir pura�:rupl� 7 .hull hecom�wiaiiiiunal drht ��f BoROwrr,ecnred by this � <br /> �•..�.':.�° .. <br /> ' Sccuriry Imtrumcnt. Unlcs�Burtuwcr unJ Lrn�k r agrcc li►uU�cr trm�+��f paynxnt,ihr�r umount.shull hcur intcre,t from the � � <br /> Jvlc ot'di+bur+cmcnl ul thc Nutc ra�r c�n�l+hadl Ix ps�yahl�.with intcrc�t.�pem ncilke fmm l.endcr to Borrower rcyuctiling �-��_-�___ <br /> � puynxnt. ", ``�;�°W <br /> 8. Murt�uae Inxurunce. It'Lcnder rcyuircd mi�ngugc inyurtin�c �t�condilian of making the loun+ecur�J by Ihis :, <br /> Scrurity Imtrumcm. Burruwcr.hull pay Ihc premium.rcyuircd io mai����in ih� mortgagr in.uruncc in�ffert. It'.for any • .�.:.;;;"- <br /> rcason. �he mong��gr insurancc r��vrr•rge rcyurrcd by LcnJrr lap�c, ��r c�ux� �o Ix in eFfert. Bi+ROwer ,hal1 pny the .. .., ... . - <br /> premium. r�quired �a ��htuin covrrage +ub,luntially cyuivulent �n th� nu�1�.aFc ie.uranrr previ�►utily in effrct. ut a cost � <br /> . sub.�untiully cyuivulem tu thc cost a� Borrowrr uf thc mon�agc in�uranrep�cvii�u,ly in rt'tcrt.from•rn ahem:�e m�xeg;►gc ' - <br /> ' imurer uppmvrd by Lencfer. It'su6hlan�ia�lfy cyuiv.dcni mongu�c in�ura�icc�uverag� i�not avuiluhlc,Borrowcr�hull puy�o � _ <br /> . L.ender each tnonlh a wm ryual to one•IwrUih ot'thr ycarl��mongagc in,wa�ice�rcmium txin�paid by B�xrowcr wh�n the . - <br /> � ;.,, in,ur.�nce coveragr lap.ed or rru.ed a�i+c in elTec�. l.rnder will:�rcr�.u,�andretain thc�e paymem�a�a lo,. rekrve in lieu <br /> ..�,•� .,; of mortgu�r in+ur�nce. Lotiti rrsrrve pnyrornlc muy no I��nErr Ix rryui nd. ai ihc opti�m uf Lcixler. if nuxtga�e insurancr � .. ..*` <br /> �.,„ ' c��veragc lin the umoun�:md ti�r�h��xri�xl thui Lendrr reyuirc,l pn�vid�dh�•�n in+urcrapprovcd by Lcndcr again hecome� <br /> ' avuili►blc and i,ahtainrd.Horruwrr.hall pay ihc��uircd �o manu�+inn i�xtgugc imurancc in efl'�c1.urlo �xuvidr a � <br /> . • lutis rr�ervr.until 1hc r�yuirenxnl (or murtgu@c in.ursnxc rnik in ucrunl:uK�wi�h nny ��ritten agrermcnl Ixtween Burrnwer <br /> ' �� unJ Lcncler�x applirahlc luw. F <br /> � <br /> , 9. lnspecliun. Lrndcr ar il.agent ma) nr.�l�c mawn:�hlr cntrk. upn i,mi1 in,�xcli�m.�,f Ihr Pru{xny. I.�txler �hull .. <br /> ' .... Eive Born�wcr notirr u�ih��imr�,f ur priar tu an in.�xrtiun,prril�•i��g rc:�wxi ahlr cau,c liir thc in,�xrii�,n. <br /> 10. Condcmnvtiun. Thr pr�xced+��f:m�� :���ard„r rl�iirn ti�r�1am:�gc,, dirrri ur r.,nn�clM�n with an�' <br /> ;.� � <br /> tiin�:l.l.und� F�nole\Iuc�F'reddle�lur l\IFI)R11115fFi1HN:\I' -t mium�('mrnaot. 4�411 tp�w•?,d��/h�e�•�� <br /> Iar.J L�►P+Nu�IPh F�W�. In r • . <br /> Tnllnlefl:pll I�Yq.`C1141q!I:t I:F\\eM�•7t11•II'fl <br /> ! <br /> . � . . . . � _ . .._ _ ._ __ .' __ _. . <br />