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r1...... ��,.x 'Cr '�eti:...Y.•^_ . . M ' _ <br /> � ^' wv � ;�„', <br /> ._.�'_.. <br /> r;" _ . 7: . � � .. <br /> ; <br /> . - :��"`�,t�,�.:... - — — - <br /> � -- -��=--.�..�,�r� .... .. _._ ...... .. --- �_ .�. <br /> --. .. 92_' �o � - <br /> �..;,.., .:b • -. • � �J�� <br /> . . Y.. <br /> ��'�"� ' rundcmnntiun ar���hcr tuking u1'uny pu�t ol tix Nr���xrly,or lirr cunveyuncc m licu ol condcmnutiun,un Ikrchy u�xiyi�J u�ul =- <br /> _ t,�'.r..•�•�'• 'b• �hWll bc puid to l.cndcr. ---- <br /> � In Ihc cvcnt ot'u lutul tukmg ol' thc Pn►�xny,Ihr pr�xced. xhull ix upplird �o thr .rum+ srcurcd hy �hi, tirrurily <br /> .. ° . I n+u u m r n t, w hriNcr or nu1�bcn dur.wi�h uny�xcrtiti puid lo Nurrowcr, In Ihc event i�l u purlful lukfng al'�hr 1'��rymrly in <br /> � which�hc li�ir markc�vuluc ui'IIk 1'�u�xny immediu�cly Ixtim ihr luhing i+cyunl U,ur gre�Urr dum tIK�unuum o f t h�,um+ <br /> - ,. ,.J�� n�cured by ihi+Srruri�y In+irumem inu�icdiutely Ixlirc.IIk �u Ming.un le.. [3i�rruwcr und Lrndr r o�he rw i,e u�trec iu w�itin g, <br /> � :' : " �. Ihc stun+�`curcd by Ihi� Sccuriiy In.�rument�.hull Ix rcduccd hy�h�umnun� ot'ihc pr�wrrdr multiplird hy th� f�dl�►wing <br /> -� fr:wiian: lul thc wtul umuunt �,f Ihr,um,.crurcd immrdi+i�cly ixfurc Ihc tukin�:.Jivfded by Ih)th�fuir mnrkc�wduc��f Uic E _ - <br /> ' • '°, Propeny immc�dlutely Fx�furc Use lukin�!. Any hulunre shull Ix� puid w Born�wcr. In thr rvcnt of u puniul laking af Ihc <br /> " ° Property in which IIK fuir murket vuluc of�hc 1'n►�xrty immediu�cly t+eforc�hc tuking i� Ir�.Ihun�hc umnun�of�he ,ums <br /> � ' securrd immediutely Ixfore thc lukinµ, unle+� Born►wer und Lendcr o�henvi,e ugrcc in wrilinti o�unlrs. u�►IKUbIc luw <br /> ` ' othenvisc pravidex,�he pr<xeeds.hrll t►e upplicd to�he tiunt�tiecured by�hi�Scrurity Instrumcm whc�hcr��r no�thc xums ure <br />�•': , ' �hen duc. — <br /> . If�he Propcny iti nbandoncd by Borrc�wcr, or if,ufter no�icc by Lendcr to Bortnwcr thu�ihc cun�mn�ir oifen���makc a:.= = <br /> ' � un uwurJ or retde a cluim for dumu�!es, Bnrr��w�r fuil�to res�xmd lo Lender within 30 di►y+al'ier the dale Ihe notice is given, � , <br /> ° � Lender ix authorized ta colkct and upply thr prixecds,ut its op�ion,rither to rcs�oru�ion�x repair of�he Prapeny or�o �he = — <br /> ' . - �ums xecured by thix Security In��rumeni,whelher or nrn thcn dur. <br /> Unle��Lender und Borrower otherwi�c agree in writing,uny upplicu�ion��f proceedx to principul tihall not extend or <br /> 'n pa+�ponc the dur Jutc�f thc momhly puym�m+referrcd lo in parugraph+I unJ 3 ur chpngc thc umount of such payments. ___._ .. <br /> 11, Horrowe� Not Released: �orbearance By Lender Nut a Waiver. Extenxion oP ihc time fnr puyment ar <br /> .`r:;;,,��, • malificutian of amcxtizntion�f ihc+umx,ecured by�hiti Seruriry Instrument Rrunted by L.enckr to uny ,uccessor in intereu <br /> � of Borrower whall not nperatc �o rekutie the liubiliry of the origmul Borrawcr or Borrowcr's tiuccesxars in intcreti�.l.ender <br /> ":����`�`•����� � xhull nM Ne required lo ccxnmence prcxeeJin�.+u�uin,t any succesxor in imerest or refuxe to extend time Pix pa����rn, or '�' - <br /> ';� '" otherwise madity umortizu�ion of the sum��ecured hy thi+Security Instrumcn�by reuson oP uny demund madc by the ori�inul � .�_._ <br /> ��` � ""`; � Borrower or Borrower;,uccetisors in interetil. Any forbeurunce by Lender in exercising uny right or rcmedy shull not be a _ <br /> � wuiver of or preclude the exercise of uny ri�ht ar remedy. �'. <br /> � ,.,•. 12. Successors and Assigns Bouod;Jolnt and fieveral Liability;Cagigners. 'I'hr covcnunts und ugreement.r• of thiti �_�°�_ <br /> . �t�',��°. , ' Security Insirument tihall bind und benrfi� �he succexsorx und usxigns of Lender and Borrower,xubject to Ihe provisions of =- <br /> .�',��,�'' ' purugraph 17. Bnnawcr�covenun�s und a�reemen�s shall tx joint iind �everul. Any Botrower who co-sign+thi�Security �„�a; <br /> �"��'� In+trument but does no�execu te t hr N o t e: l u l i s c o-z i g n i n�t h i�S e c u r i t y I n+t n�ment onl y to man gu ge,grunt und conve y thnt �j,,�:•;�., <br /> ;.;,,�.'i:'� o�t <br /> . �.. .�.:�••�• , Borrower�intcretit in the Pn�peny u►Kicr Ihe Icrrn+of thix Security Instrument: lb)i+not personully obliguted to puy ihe sums � _ <br /> xecured by thix Security In�lrument;und(cl ugreex�hut Lender and uny othcr Borr�wcr muy ugree to extend.mcxlify,fcxhear Q�:;�=__ <br /> or muke uny nccommodatiunx with regard �o Ihe ierms of Ihi� Security Inztrument or the Nde without that Borrower'a `�"' <br /> ' ". • con�cent. <br /> 13. Loan Char{tes. If the loun ,crured by this Securiry Instrumcnl i��ubject �o u luw which selx moximum loun �w%_ <br /> � � � churge,,und thut luw is tinully interpre�ed,o�hu�the irneres�or��ther loun churge.coilecied�n +u{,e c..iiecte.i ir�cannection = <br /> . .. �vi�h the loun exreed the permiued limit+,then: lal uny such loun rheirge zhall be reduceJ hy the umount neces,ury�o reduce <br /> the churFc to the�miill�d limil:uixl Ibl any�umx utrrudy rollrcleJ from Born�wer which cxceeded p�:rmitted limi�s will be <br /> refundeJ t��Bonower. Lender muy ch�x�sr io nx►kr Ihi.refunJ Ny rcJucing ihe principal owed undcr the NcNC or by making u <br /> ° �� dircct paynxn�to Borri�wer. If a nfund r�duc«prinripal,the reJurtion will tx�reuted us u puniul prepnyment wilhout uny <br /> . prepaymcnt rhurgc unJri thc No�c. - <br /> . li. Notice�. Any nntirc lo Norrowcr pnwidcd tix in ihi.Srcuriry In.trumcnt .hall tx�givcn hy delivering it ur hy <br /> muiling it hy t'ir.i rlu,.m.iil unlr„uprliruMc laa•rcyuin.u.c uf.muthcr nxth�xl.Thr n�xir�+hull Ix directcd���th�Pn�prAy. <br /> o „ AJdrcti+.�r�my otlxr uddre.. Borrnwcr dr.iEnutc.hy noticr lu I.rndcr. Any nutirc w Lcnikr,hull t►r givcn by lir.�clus. <br /> • muil lo LrnJ�r±uddrc�.,�a�ed hrrrin ur uny ut her udJrc+,Lendrr dr.iEn:u�.by nuiirr lu Burmwcr. Any niNice pruvided fnr <br /> in Ihi,Security In+trumrnl .hall Ix d.cmrd to h:ivr Ix�n Eivrn ��� Norr��wrr ur Lcndrr wlxn givrn u�pr�wided in �hix <br /> .. . p•rragraph. <br /> IS. /iuvernfnR I.uN; tic�erubilUy. 'fhi,S�curily In,trumcnl +h:dl Ix �urrrnr�i by tc�krul luw anJ Ihc luw oi'Ihr <br /> . juritidiction in whirh Ihr Pm�xny i.I�xuled. In Ihr rvrnl Uiu1 un�•pnwi.iun ur cluu,e of thi,Srcurily In.irument or ihe Nale � <br /> ' conf'ticls with;��pi��=�ni�•law.,uch ronllic�.h�ill n�w aflcri uthrr pruvi.iun,of d�i,tirrurity Imtrumcnl or tlx Nutc which can � <br /> ° 1►e given efl'rrl wilhuw �Ix �i,ntlicling provi.ian. 'fi► Ihi+cnd tlx pr�wi.ian.of thiti S��curiry In.trumrm�nJ tF�Note uR <br /> . derlurcJ tu Ix�rvcruMc. ` " <br /> 16. Horrower'z Cop}•. Norrowcr�hull h�givcu unc cunli�rmcd rupy ot'�hc N�N�and uf ihi�Srrurity In.lrum�nt. <br /> 17. 'I�unsPer of'the Propert}o�a Benefiriul lnterrst in Bnrroxrr. If all��r any pan af�hr PmFxny ur any intrrr.t in � <br /> il i. +nld or tran.l'crrcd lur if u tmnrlicial intrrr�� in I�urro��cr i,.oIJ ur Iran.l'�rrcd and Hurruu�rr i� nrn a natural �xr.�m► <br /> wilhuut LenJrr;pri��r�vrincn run.rm.Lrnder ni:i)•.:u ii,upliun.r�yuirr imrocdi;nr pa�•mrnt in full at'nll tium..crur�d hy <br /> thi�Securi�y Instrumcnt. Ha��cv�r.lhi.u�xiun,h�dl nul lx crrrci,rd h�• Lender if exrrri.e i.pwhibite�by fcdersd It�w us ot' � . <br /> thc dulc of�hi,5crurity In,lrumrnl. � <br /> II'Lrndcr rrcrci.r�thi.„pliun.Lcndrr�h:dl gi�c B��rr����rr nutirc ol arrrk rali�m. l�hr n�uicr.hall pruvidr:�prri�xl ot' . <br /> • not Ic«than;0 duy.frum�hr didc Ihr nutirc i.drlivrrcd��r mailed��ill�in ahirh Iturr����.r nw.�pay:dl,mn�ticcond by Ihis � • � <br /> Sccurily In.rtrumrnt. It' Bornn�rr I:�il�w p,�y �hr.r ,um� pri��r a, �hr c�pira�iun al'thi. �xriad. Lrndrr nm�• invu6c uny ( <br /> rcmrJic,�xmiiurd hy Ihi,Srruril� In.trumcnt aithuut fur�hrr nuiire ur drm:uid��n I���rr„���r. , <br /> � • 18. Borrow•cr's Itiuht Io Rc{mlulc. I t liurru��.r mert. rrnain rundiliun.. Harru�crr +hall h:ivr �hc right lu ha�r : <br /> t enforcemem uf thi,tirrurily hi.lrumrnl di,rnnlinurd :n:im timr��riur���Ih�carhrr ul: uu 5 da�.iui ,uch��thrr prriixl a� , <br /> smElr I�.mul� Funnk�1w•:FYcddk�lw•l\IFI IR�I I\5'fRl\1F:\1 1 mluim l'u�.•n.mi. 4'qll ��ti�cr J,�/n�n�en� <br /> . i � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> ' <br /> . <br /> .- _ . ....__.: _c. . <br />� • <br /> I I. <br />' . .�_ <br /> . � <br /> T <br /> I <br /> ' � — _._1 <br />