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<br /> � ° � �' TOCiE7'HER WITN nll Ihc improvcmentti naw on c�r�af�er erecicd on�hr pro�xrty,und ull cuxcmcm�, appunenuncc�. _____
<br /> ° and fix�ures naw or hereafler u paul oi the propeAy. All replucemrmx und uJditi�►nw.rhull ul�o Ix covered by thiK Secu�ity �
<br /> ,,°_ ° ' „ Instrument. AU of the foregoing ix mfcmd�a in Ihi�►Scrurity In�lniment ux thc"Hro�xny." ����
<br /> ,. BORROWER COVENANTS Ihut Bortuwcr iti lawf'ully.ci+cd of�hr crlulc hrrchy runvcycd imd hu�Ihc ri�ht tu�rc�m f`��T�f�`���
<br /> � and eomey 1he Propeny and�hut Ihe Pro�xny i,uncncumhrred,cxcept for rncumhrunce.of recurd. Harruwrr wurrunte und �'�� , ;.,,.�„-�,-.:
<br /> ,• ' .�� �Ii . :"..
<br /> �t will defend generully the�ide to the Prop�rty uKuinx�oll rluim!�unJ dcmumlx,�ubjrc�w uny cncumhrunce,ul'rrror�L E . . �
<br /> THIS SCCURITY WSTRUMENT comhinrr uniform c�wenum. liir natiunul u�c unJ n�m-uniform cnvenunt+wi�h `. __,._::.�,___,_�_ -
<br /> .. -- •-�-TM.--"__-_-._:_._�.
<br /> o ,�., limiled vuriationx by juri+diction�o canslitute u unifomi security in+trument covrring reul prup�hy. °i��.A�____ _
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawcr und Lendcr covenant und ugrcc vs follows: ,. µ.. , ` ���.�
<br /> z, ,, � ,r �" 1. Payment af Principal and lMeresh. Preppyment and Late Charges. Borrowcr shall promptly puy whcn du�the �..;..:., :�,�.,�;t_,-�
<br /> p principul of and iaterest on the dcbt cvidcnred by thc Note�nd uny prcpuyment und lute rhurge�due ander thc Note. � � h`�Y y`T•,`�t�{;,:�
<br /> • 2. Funds for TAxes and Insarance. Subjcct to upplicublc law or lu u wriuen waivc�6y 1_cnder,Burmwcr�hall pay ta � •�
<br /> - ° Lender on the day monthly payment�a�e duc under�he Notc,until thc Notc is puid in full,n ,um("Fundti')fur.(u)ycurly '�-� :�;;f
<br /> •. taxes und ussessments which muy nttain priority uv�r�his Security ln�tnimem us u lien on the Propeny:(h)yearly Ieu+ehulJ .� ��4�`°���•'"+��•.:.-
<br /> . .� r7.�9:ar:'::�
<br /> paymen:s or graund rents on the Property, if'any: lc) yeurly huzurd or property insurAnc� premiums; (d) yeurly flewd ., �r� .
<br /> ° � insurancc premiums, if any; le) yen�ly mongage i�surance prcmiums, if uny: und l� uny�um+ payublc by Barrower to ,��:���,�;• ••
<br /> ..y�ll'�»��- ., ..
<br /> ° � Lender,in uccordance wilh the provisions of purngraph R. in lieu ai'the puymeot of mortgagc in,uruncc prcmiums. These • ;t ,;.�.;;. ...:,
<br /> • � items are culled"�scrow Items: l.ender mny.ut any ume,collect und hold Funds in an umaunt not to exceed the muximum
<br /> �• ' amount a lender for u federully rclatcd mcxt�age loun muy requirc for Borcowcr's escrow account undcr thc fcderal Reul t.. • • ��-��_�-�
<br /> ' Estute Settlement Procedureti Act of 1974 us urnended from time to time,12 U.S.C.#26Q1 ersrq.("RESPA"),unleys another � • • :� �
<br /> .�;�_:��.
<br /> � law thnt applies to the Funds sets a lesser Amounl. If so.Lender muy,at any time,collect and hdd Funds in un umaunt not to � '�'"-�-
<br /> � ,,, �y exceed the lesser amount. Lender mny extirnate thc umou�zt of hunds due on the busis of currenl du�u und reasonuble ,. ',-��
<br /> ' � ,:;,. �'„ estimates oP expendiwres of future Escrow Uems or rnherwixe in accardance with upplicuble law. � . �} � '•�f:.,:
<br /> � The Funds shull bc held in an intititution whose deposit+ are insured by a federal ugency, instrumentulity, or entity �•���.
<br /> � ' � ` (including l.ender.if Lender ir such Un instilutian)or in any Fedcr:�l Hamc l.oun Bank. L.ender sh•rll apply the Funds to puy •,,. __
<br /> •;�,,;:; � the Escrow Ilemx. Lender may not rhurFe Borrower fbr holding and upplying the Funds,unnuully unalyzing the escrow =
<br /> •� account, or vcrifying the Escmw Item�, unless Lendcr pay� Borrower interest on the Funclti und applicuble law permil+ , _ _ _
<br /> l.endcr to makc such a charge. Howevcr,l.ender may rcyuire Bortower to puy u onc-time charge for an inckpendcm rcal .. ., .. ��-°---,
<br /> -� � estate tax repc►rtin�service uud by LenJrr in conncction wilh this lonn,unless applicuble law provide�othcrwisc. Unles.un '`��;::�a::'
<br /> • ugrecment is mudc or upplicaNlc Iuw �cyuireti in�crest to bc paid,Lcndcr rhull not bc required to puy Borrowcr nny interest or . , ,:�
<br /> cnrnings on the Funds. Borrower und LenJcr may ugmc in writing,however,thut intcre�t shall bc�puid on the Fund.. Lcndcr
<br /> shall give to Bormwer.without churge,an annunl uccounting af the Fundti,�howing credits und debits ro the Fundti und the �`A t,
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus made. The Funds ure I�d ed ax udditionAl�ewrit for vll sumti�+ecumd by �-��:��.:�• `�. �-�
<br /> P ' R y .: .. .r....;.;..::: w
<br /> ' ' --_---- this Sccurity lnstrument. ---- -��-�
<br /> , .•� � ' If the Funds beld by Lender excced the nm�unts permitted to Ix: held by upplicaMe law. Lender shull uccoun[ ta �.
<br /> Borrower for the excess Fund� in accordame wilh thc reyuirrmentti of s�pplicable law. 1.°Ihc amount oi'the Funds held by � .�� t, '
<br /> Lender At Any time is ncx sufficient to puy Ihc Excrow Items when due,Lender muy tio nniit'y Borrower in writing,�nd,in ( "''
<br /> "' such cuse Borrower tihull puy tn LcnJer �he amoum necestiury to muke up thc deficiency. Burrower xhall mukc np the E , •�°•'
<br /> deficicncy in no marc thar�twelvc mcimhly payn�ent,,at l.�ndc�+.olc di,cretion. � ` `'
<br /> Upon puyrm:nt in fLU of ull+umti�ecureJ hy Ihi+ 3rcurity In,lrumrnt,l.endcr shall pn�mptly rcfund to Borcower any .�•
<br /> " Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender�hull ucyuire ur.rll the Propeny. Lenikr,prior to the ucqui�i�ion iK , +
<br /> , sale of the Pmperty, shall upply any Funds hcld by Lrndrr ul �he tima of ucquixi�ion or alc u� a credit against �he tium� � .,.�...,.�=
<br /> secured by thiti Sccuriry Instrumcn�. ;
<br /> 3. Application of Pnyments. Unle.� applicuble luw pruvide+ othcrwi,e, ull puymcros received by Lender under , '�-
<br /> paragruphs I and 2 yhall Ix upplicd: lint.to uny prupayment char�e+dur under thc No�r:kco�xl.�u umcwn�+pays�ble undcr � :•+-�. �
<br /> pnragrap h 2;I hir d,to in tcres t d u c:(o u h h,l o p r i n c i p:d d u c:a n d t u s t.l o u n y l u t r c h u r g c+d u c u n d c r t h c Notc. � --
<br /> . 4. CharRes: Liens. Borrowcr shull pay uU taxr,,as,c.smcnl�, chargc,, tinc, unJ imposi�ionti attribu�uble�o the , , _
<br /> : Propeny which may�ttuin priority over thiti Security In+�rumrnt,and Ieu�chold puyments or�round rent>• if uny. Barrower
<br /> shall puy the�c obligutionti in thc munncr providcJ in puragraph 2.�x if no�paiJ in ihu� munner,Borrowcr,hall puy thcm on �
<br /> • timc dircctly tu the per+on owed payment. BoROwcr,hatl pmmpUy fumi�h lo Lender ull nolire+of umounts�o I�e paid under
<br /> . , this pnragruph. If eorrower muke+ �luxr puyment�directly.Hormwcr tihall pmmpNy t'umish�o Lendcr rcccipts evidencing � . .
<br /> the payment�. � • .
<br /> ' Borrowrr shall pmmpdy di�charEe uny lien whirh hu�priority uver this tircurity Imtrumcnt unleti+Bonowcr.(s�►a�rees ,
<br /> in writing to tlx payment of�hc ubligation.rcurcd hy�hr licn in a mannrr:icccptahlr to Lcndcr,(b)contcslti in good failh thc •
<br /> lien by,or ckfenJs uguinst enforccmcnt of thr lien in,lcgal prckceding+which in�he l.cn�kr'.opinion oper�tc tu prevent 1he
<br /> enfurcement of thc licn:or lc)securc�from thc hotJer��f thc licn an�grorment sa�i�fu�tury tu Lendcr.ulx�rdinating the lien '
<br /> to this Security Instrument. If Lendcr dctermincx that any part uf thc Propeny iz.uhject in a licn whirh may attuin priuriry
<br /> ,. . over this Security Instrumem.LenJermuy give Borruwcr a no�ice iJrnufying thr lien. Bom►urr shall x•rtitify the:lienor tuke � ,
<br /> onc or morc of thc uctions xet forlh aiwvc within 10 Jay�of thc giving of rnNirc.
<br /> '.� , � . 5. Hazard or Property lnsuranre. B�Krowcr�hall krrp thr improvrmenl.now� �xi.ting or hrreafter rrected nn thr
<br /> Property insured agnimt los,by firr,hararJ. included «ithin thr trmi"cx�endrd co�•rra�r a�xl uny othcr hur.arJ.,i�uludinE
<br /> ' ' flaotls or tlooding, for which Lendcr requircx intiurancc. Thi+ in.uranrr yhall hc ma�nlaincd in thr amuunt� and for �he
<br /> � FnrmJ02N 9/90 yM�.¢r:�dn►�u,er��
<br /> I
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