_ _ __ •• �,� _�.-
<br /> °..r
<br /> ��� . ...� ,., � ,- --
<br /> ��:�+:� �b�: _�
<br /> ...�.. __.. ��-
<br /> , .�p,T.�r.,•.� • -- - ___
<br /> �.�,•:��'�'s�:,- __ . �_.�%riYl�i.rrr+r�,�-. --- -.
<br /> �.�� .. ��� 9��. `1025i� - - -
<br /> ��.��. ::�:;�,���.�.
<br /> ��.,��,�,s�,. ..
<br /> ���.,:�;,�,;,��,,;: ; ..
<br /> ,;�,:'_��._,'"°��,�' a►ndcmn�tiim or o�hcr mking af uny pun of thc 1'ra�xny.ur fi�r c�mveyancc in licu ol'condemnu�fun,are hcreby usrf�ned+uid
<br /> :���---- xhull t+c puid to Lcnder.
<br /> _��;�,• ' �: �_, In Ihr cvem uf u wtul lukin�; of'the Propcny. �hc pnxee�l� +hull tx applied to ihe sum+ �erured by ihis Secur�ly
<br /> — , "�'."• • '`, In�mimcn�,whether or nut then duc,wi�h uny rxce.x puid�o Borrower. In�he evcm of u pivtiul taking af�hc Prop�ny in
<br /> a �� which thc fuir murkr�vulur uf the Pro�xrty immediutrly txfun thc�uhing i.cyuul t��ar greuter thun�he urn�wm ui the xumx
<br /> • ':;�� �� r:ecurrJ by�hic Securny Intiirumenl immeJfutely Imti�re the taking,unles� BoROwe.r anJ l.ender ulhenvfse ugrec in wri�ing,
<br /> . ; : ,, . .
<br /> '.� � �• �. . �he sumx .ccured My Ihi+Serurity In.trument �hAll t+e reduccd by �hr amount af the prcxccdti muhiplied by Ihe fallawing
<br /> ��- •�-" ' fruc�i��n: Iu1�he ioiul amount uf�h��umy sccun�d fmmediaiely hc f��re�he tuking,divided hy Ih)�he foir markel vulue of the
<br /> �- ProExny immcdiatcly t+ef��re Ihe �ukfng. Any bulunre s:hull hc puid to Bcxrowcr. In thc event aP n puniul tukin of the `--
<br /> :.�'.. �
<br /> Property in which the fuir murkel vuluc of the Pmpcdy immrJiutely txfan�he tuking iti Icxs thnn the umaunt of the sumK
<br /> x e c u r e d i m m e d i u�e ly i x f b r e t h e t u l:i n g, u n l c+, B�irrower und l.ender uth�rwive ag�ee in writing or unles� Applicuble Inw
<br />�, ,� '••• � otherwi�e pmvides,�he prcxxeds�;hull he applied ro the wm,;K;currd by thix Security In�tNment whether or not tha sums aR
<br /> k, . • • then duc.
<br /> �• (f Ihe Prapeny i,ah•rndanrd hy Bnrrnwcr,ar if,after natice hy Lender to B��rrciwer�hat the candemnar offen to mAke
<br />;a.R, un uwurd ur settle u cluim fur Jumugr,.BuROwcr fi�il�.to re.Fxmd tn Lrnder within 3(1 day�i�frer thc dutc tlx�nutice is given, �____ ___
<br /> . .. , Lender is aulhorized lo collecl und apply Ihe pmcerJ�,:��i�s opti�m,ci�her�o re�toration or rcpuir of�he Property or lo the
<br /> rums ucured by�hi�Securiry Inx�rumcnl,whelhcr c►r nnt then duc.
<br /> � Unlrr,Lender und snROwcr rnhen�•isc ugrce in writing,any upplicu�ion of pmceeds to principul.hall not extend ar
<br /> ; postponc thc due da�e of Ihe m�+nthly puymen�s rcfcrreJ to in purugruphti 1 und 2 ar chunge ihe umnunl of such payments.
<br /> • '� . • „ 11. Bor�ower Not Released; Forbewrance Ry Ixnder Not A Walver. Extensi�n of �hc time for puyment or
<br /> ' ' / �'��• ���», mcxlification uf umnniialion nf thr.um,+erured by thiz Security Inxtrumrnt Fmnl�d by Lendcr to any xuccer�or in inlenest
<br /> _ ••'"�1 '':�:;:i,:`t�� � ut'Borrower xhnll not nperute�o relcaxe�he liubility of �he arigioul Borrower ar Borrowerti succeszo�s m inlerest. Lender --
<br /> �� `�"y� "' �hall not be reyui�ed to commrnce pnxecciingc vguinu any tiuccehsor in interetit ur rcfu�r lo extend time for payment ar
<br /> o , � ' othenvi+e modity umartizu�ian oi'the,umx secun�d by�his Secu�ry In.�rumem by rca�on c►f uny demund mude by the ariginul r.���.9=
<br /> " ° Borcawer or Sorrower:succes,ors in interc,t. Any fortx•rrunrc by Lender in exercising uny right o�remedy shull nrn be a =_
<br /> � , ,..: waiver oi'or preclude the excrcitic of uny�iEM ar nmedy. �;';-
<br /> ' • 12. Successors and Asrigns Round;Jalal and Several l.iability;C'asignen. The cuvenuntr und ugmements af this
<br /> .. �;;;.�. �• , Security Insln�ment tihall bind unJ Ixnciii�hr.ucrc.+ors and a,siFns of Lendcr unJ Born�wer..ubject to the provisions of �,_,;n,,,_,
<br /> • � puruRmph I'I. Bonnwer+rovenunts unJ ugn.�emrm.shidl ta:joint and �everul, Any Borcower w�ho co-xigns this Security �°--�=—
<br /> �� (n.rtrumenl but doex na exrcW�Ilu Notc: lu)i�ci�-+igning thi.Secu�ily Inswment only lu mortgagr,grunt und convey thot r:�__,
<br /> � '.. Borrower+in�erest in�hc Propeny under�hc trrm�af thi+Sccuriry Instrumem: (bl i�not penonully obliguted ro pay the sums ��A=T�-
<br /> secured by thiti Sccurity Inxlrument;unJ lcl u�r�c�that Lender und uny o�her Borrower muy agrce to cxtenJ,modify.farbeur �,,5;,.,,,W•-
<br /> � or make un y uccommcxiutionx wilh reganl Io thr temi�of this Seeurity Imtrument or the Nate without Ihut BoROwer: •�.�;_�.__
<br /> �.�_� -
<br /> �r; ...� consem. FY.'t:__�,,;:-
<br /> .�. _T__� •�.T !3. l.oan C'hnr��. If�he lo•rn ucureJ by thiF Scrurily Inslrument iti subject to u luw which.rcls muximum loan --
<br /> churges,und thut luw i.finully intemretcd so thm the intare�t or other laun chargex colkcied or io he collected m connec[ion �^==-^___
<br /> " � with�he loun rxceed the�xrtnineJ limit�.�hen: (�!uny tiueh loun chu�ge shull he reduced by�he amount necexs�ry�o reduce o
<br /> � the churge�a thc{xrnnilted limi�:und Ih)uny�um�alnrudy rullcrtcJ fnxn Borrowcr which cxccrded{xrmitted limi�+will lk �_
<br /> ,: refLnJc�!to Bom�wer. Lende�muy ch<�se to make thl�refund by reJucing Ihe princip+d��wed under Ihu No�r or hy muking u i, ___w,.
<br /> � • dircct payment ti�Bomn�ver. If a rcfund n:duce�priixipul.�he rcductinn will he trcnted as u nniul nt u mtlnt without un ��°'j�'"`"`
<br /> P p P Y Y �a�.�...
<br /> prepayinent churg�under thc Nole. �-��---���-
<br /> • • 14. Noticex. Any naticc 1u Borrou�cr providcd tix in thiti 5ccurity In�ttument xhull ix�givcn by dclivcring i1 ar by `z�.+�.,4�� *. �-�
<br /> " � mailing it by iirst clux�mail uuies.upplicaMr la�c rcyuirr,u.r of'unother method.TFw nutice+h:dl lx�din:cled to thr Property
<br /> Address or uny other:nldrr+. Borrowrr dr�ignalc, hy nuticc lo l.end�r. Any iwticc to Lcnder shall t+e given by tir.�rlu+. .
<br /> � muil to Lencicr's uddrrti��tuted herrin or any uther uJJrc.+l.cnJrr ikri�nutc+hy nutice to Borri►wcr, Any nutic�proviJ��d tiir
<br /> ' ' in thl� Security In.troment tihull Ix dr�mcd �o have txen givcn w Sorrower or Len�kr wlkn �ivrn uti pruvided in thix ;:. ,.:��_;:�,;_
<br /> ..�. ,..
<br /> :u�l•:-:r '..r
<br /> purugruph. ':-• -...-_: �..
<br /> �� 15. (ioverninR Law; tieverabilfty. 1'hi, 5ccurily bi�trumrm .hull I►c puvrmcd hy I'cdcral laa :ind thc law of tlx� �,�1`•��_ �
<br /> ' • jurisdiction in which thr Propeny iti I�k i�led, In 11x ev�nt�h.0 uny pruvi�ion or rlau.e of thi.Securiiy In+��ruimnt or�hc Note . ,.,.snvr:•-�_
<br /> conflict.with upplirublc luw,.uch c��Ulirt shall no1 aflrri uthrr pravi.iun,uf thi.Seruriiy In.tn�mcni or thr N�ac which cun -.�-'��?�:�=--_-
<br /> . ,� , be given effert withuw thr ri�n0icting proci.inn. Tii this end Ihe provi�i��m oi thi*Security Inatrumern und �he Nate arc ti�:.-.-r;:-: -
<br /> � declsucJ lo lx�cvrraM�. `.:'
<br /> 16. Bnrrower'+Copy. Burrowrr tih�dl Ik Eivcn one cunti�micd cupy al'Ihe Nute und of Ihi,Securiry In.irumenl. , :^-'�`�
<br /> ,:.r�.
<br /> •� 17. 7lransfer of the Property or a Heneticiul Interetit in Borro�ver. If ull or un�- part ol'thr Praperty or any intcretit in �`v'`�='� -
<br /> . it is so1J or tram�fcn•ed(or if:�henctiiial interc.l in B��rro�.�r i,+��Id or IramlercrJ imd B��m�wrr iti nul i�nequrul �xr+onl ._.J-; _�y7��
<br /> withoul Lendcrti prior wriuen con,ent. Lendcr m:ry,al ii�up�ion.rc��uirr immrJiutr puym�m in full ul all ,um��ccured by ,_-
<br /> . thir Seruriry Imlrument. Hawev�r.lhi+optiun�hull nnl Ix rxrrci,eJ hy Lend�r it'rxrrci,c i+pruhibiteJ hy tcd�rul Inw u�of ,..,"•"`.�:`:--
<br /> _� -:�
<br /> • • the drte of 1hi,Scrurity In,�mmcnt. ..
<br /> � If Lcnder cecrci�rs Ihi.uplion.Lrndrr.hull�i��c RoRO��cr n�Nic�at'arrrlera!inn. Thr nolire+hall pruvidr a�xriixi of
<br /> • � not Icti.thun 3p duy+fnNn thc datr Ux naiicr i.drliverrJ ur mailrJ��iihin��hirh Rui7u�ti�r mu,t pay all,um„rcurcd hy thi. '
<br /> .. ' • Security Instrutnenl. If H�,rruH•rr fail� �u pa>� Ihr,e rwn. priar tn Ihr �xpiraiiun of thi. �kruxi. Lrndcr may invake uny �.
<br /> remcdir,perniiucJ h�•ihi,Securily In��rumcrn��i�huui 1'urlhrr uo�icr ar drmanJ on H��rru�ver. �
<br /> , IS. Borrowcr'x Rikhl to Rcin�tuh. II' H��rruarr mr.i. .•crlain cundm�m.. H�,RO��.r ,hall I�;n•r thc right to h:rvr
<br /> entimen�ent o(Ihi.Scruri�y hi.�rumrm di.r�mtinurd:u any iimr priur n�thr r:vlirr„t: �:u 5 da�,�nr.urh uthcr peruxi a.
<br /> t .
<br /> lmglr hemdy• Funnie�1w FYiddie Vur t�II�IIN�I t\tifHl�1F.n 1 I�nd��nni'��.en.�m• 4 WI �p<�cr�l��l��p��c�•�
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> '
<br /> . . � _ .. .. _ _. _� _ . .
<br />