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`r,�l� �^. =���t� � �i� _.. �v'• `t'� i"� ���a y-�,.` .n•i ty .�. " - - -- - - .. A .. ------ <br /> .''C'141�y1 (� -�.nre <br /> �.�-J�t++�� � _il..__. � •_"'1.a"' ._ .. . .. ' . _ <br /> r2 � <br /> ��� �. i k . - s.� .-- - - _ _--- _ <br /> • , '.:l�A:J�:�... •- <br /> . _. rrr.r�K'. . . � .�-._._._._. .'_'�_._.... ,II- <br /> •.!�.�� <br /> ij ..�. "'_-_— <br /> . , .. 9z, 1U;�5� � �..:=-- - <br /> r.. �-.:�:.��. <br /> ., �'.; .�__• .._ <br /> r: � • � periaiw Ihut Lcnder reyui�er. 7'he insurancc curricr pn►viding Ihr inxuruncc tihall ix choun hy Hurrowrr�uhjrrl lu l.rndcr± �� _ _.�-• <br /> �'a ' ' APpruvul which.r•hall not hc unreu�onubly wi�hheld. If Barn�wer luil,�o muintuin rovcraKe dc,critxd ufwwr.l.rn�kr muy.a� - <br /> � � °' Lender�aption,obwin coveruge tu protect Lende��righ�+in the Rapeny in urr��rdunce wi�h paragruph 7. __ <br /> - � ' All insurnnce policiex nnd renewul�shull t+e�cceptuble�u l.ender und rhull inclu�tr u+�andun!mungugc cluu��. L.ender ___�.-- <br /> _ ' • , , shall have the right to hald�hc p�►licie�und renewnl+. If LrnJer rcyuires.Burruwcr,hull prump�ly�:iv.lo l.enJrr ull rccript� ■�'..Sw,��_:, <br /> � " ' ' of p�id premiums und renewnl notices. In the even�of lo.x, Bc►R�iwer�hidl �tivr prompt notirr w tlk in�urunce cuRier nnd <br /> b:, <br /> � Lender. Lender moy makr pr�K�f of Inr.ti if no�made promptly by B��rn�wer• -.,- -__- ______ <br /> _..-A,,. L= _'' <br /> � Unlesti Lender und Borrower rnhetwik ugree in wriling,imurunce pnxecd.+hull Ik upplird�u rc+turuiiun ur rcp•rir o( -�`� <br /> _� ' � 1he Propeny dumuged, iP�he re�t��rntion or mpuir is eranomicully feusiMc �nd l.cnder� �rcuriry i+ �x�t Ir.�enad, �f the �_,.�� <br /> � , . , re+toru�i�m or�epair ir not cconomically feu�ible or Lender; +ecuri�y would l�: Ic,ticned. thc in+uruncr pnxeed.+hall txr ��-,,-;�:-_-- <br />- .,,.� applied �o the sum� +ecured by thir�Security Inrwment.whe�her ur not�hon due, wi�h uny exc«,puid tu Horri�wcr. It' __.,Y <br /> ' • Borruwer u6;mJons the Prapeny, ar dcxs not :u�swer within 30 Jays u noticc fmm Lender thu� thc in.rur.�nce currier hu� �,.p-„�_.__ <br /> ' offered w senle u cluim,then Lender muy colleci�he in.ur.�nce pr�xerds. L.ender muy u.e�he pr�xeedti w rcpuir��r res���re �r;�^;�is;..:__��� <br /> • ., the Propeny or to pay sums+ecured hy Ihix Security Inh�niment.whether nr not ihen due. Tlir;��•duY Fkri�"1�"'i��b�B�n whan �y_��, , ,�____ <br /> ' thc nc►tice i�:givrn. �''�'Y"'`"� <br /> � Unlexti L�nd�r and Borrowcr aherwisr ugne in wri�ing,any app�icution��t prcx�tid�tu principul Khull nat ex�end or �Ced��••- <br /> .. . pus�pnne Ihe due dute�f the rn�mthly pnymen�s refeRed to in paru�raphs I �+nd 2�ir chunRc ihc nm��unt of tbu puyments. If ��,_ -�i <br /> . undnr parugmph 21 thc Propeny is acquired by Lendcr. Borrower�n�M to uny in+uranec �x►licie,und prcxred.resulting ��;��__. <br /> , fmm dumugo�o tha Property prior to the acywwtbn�hall Lend�r�o the extem of�ha+uma�erurcd hy thi,Security r,_,��.� <br /> � ' " Ins�rument immediut�ly prior to the ncquisiticx�. �-���� - ��_`� <br /> 6. Occupanay� Preservation, Maintenance and ProtecNon uf the Propertyt Burrnwer'w l.w+n ApplicAtion; �,;=-_ <br /> � � ' l.easehdds. Barrower shidl�xcupy,e.tubli+h,und uxe the Propeny�.+Borrower+principul resiJencr wi�hin sixty doyx ufter �� _ <br /> the execulicM of thiti Security Inxtrum�nt und xh•rll runtinue to occupy the Propeny u+Burc��wer� prineipal re.r•idcnce for ut `�-�x.�+�°--� <br /> leu+t one year after the dote of occupuncy. unleti� LenJer athenvi.e ugrees in writing, which contient shull nut be <br /> � � unrcuzonably wi�hheld,or unles�ex�enuuting circumstunces rxist which:ue lx�yonJ Bom�wer+can�rc►I. Borrower shull not � <br /> �, destroy.dumage ar impair�he Propeny.allow the Propeny to deteriara�e.�,r commit wu,�e on thc F'ru�x;ny. sorruwer+hull �_�F'�•- <br /> be in defuult if uny forfeiture aclion or prcxxeedinF, whether rivil or criminal,i�l�gun thul in Lender+g�xx1 t'uith judgment <br /> could resuU in i'oM'ei�ure af the Property �x other�vise matrrially imp:�ir the lien crca�ed by �hi.Srcurity Instrument or �,;��;�;�._ <br /> . Lender's.ccurity interetit. BoROwer may curc tiuch u defuul�imd reimtute,us provided in purugruph 18,by cuutiing the ar�ion ���- <br /> or prcx:eeding to bc di�mixsed with u rulin� � Lender+�iwd failh detcm�inution,precludes forfeiture ot'thc Borrower: = <br /> � interest in the Prc�►eny or othrr ma�eriul irnpuirmem of�he lien creuteJ hy �hi. Securily In�lrument or Lcnder..ecurity ��,, <br /> intcre��. Borrower shall ulso bc in defaull �f Borrowcr, durinF thc loun upplicution prcxes+. guve msurriully Fultie or ==_- --_ <br /> inuccurule inl'ormution or� Lender lurfuiled topruvide Lender with uny moieriul infcxmatiunl in conneclian with � <br /> the loun evidenced by the Nale, including, hu�not limilyd �o. represenwtionti ranceming Borrawrr's occupuncy uf the <br /> — —� --- Pmpeny as a principul retiiJence. If Ihi+Scrunty inslrument is un u Iea.chuS.l.Bormu•cr�;h•s!!cnmply�+ri�h:�II Ih�provi�innr "-_:.. `�• <br /> �� of'the leu+c. If Borrnwer acquiR�:tce tide to thr P�a�xny.ihr kusrhnld und thc fee tiNe,hull not mergr unless LenJcr u�rces '_� ; <br /> . . . to�he�mrger in writing. �.::,::•�:•: <br /> � 7. ProtecNon of Lender'ti Rl�hls in the Propertv If Bortowcr luil. to �xriorm the r�wenunts and ug�emcn�ti <br /> � .. , <br /> c�m�uined in �his Security Instrum�nt, or there i. a Iegal pnxeeding ttwt may �ignificandy affect LenJcr's righ�� in thr �'. <br /> Property l+tKh u�a proceedin�t in hankrup�ry,p���u�N.���r�unJemnauii�n or tiirFeitum��r to rnfi�rcr luwx or regulutiontil,ihen :.�� .,�. E <br /> " Lendcr miry Jo und puy for wh:never is nrce,�ury U�pro:ert ihc valur of thc Piropeny und Lendrr+rights in thc Propeny. _ � •<;�;. <br /> Len der's uc�ions n�uy inc lude paying un yccumd h y a lirn which hu�prioriry ovrr thi,Seruriry In+tn�ment,upExurin$ ; ',.,;�� <br /> ..:x.r�y, <br /> • � in court,puying reusonublc uu��mry�'1'cc. und enlcrinE �m thc Pro�xrty to mukc rcpuirs. AllhauEh Lender muy luke action � #�• <br /> under thix p•rmgrnph 7,Lrndcr J�k+nut huve�o dn.i�. _ -- <br /> Any umoumx dishurred hy LenJcr unikr �hi. par��graph 7 .hall lxr��mc additionul JrM ol' Borruw•rr �ecured by �hi� f• •--;._ <br /> Security Instrument. Unlrs�Bam�wcr:mJ L�ndcr agrrc ta uthrr tcrm�ul p.�ymen�.thr+c umoum+.hall ixur interesi from the � ,� <br /> �, dute of Ji,iwr.rcmrnt a� �hc Note rmr and ,h:dl Ix� payahlr. with inicrexi,uFxm notirc 1'rom l.endcr to Bnrrower reyucsting � �-ti� <br /> ' paym�:m. ' � - - <br /> ' S. Murt}�u�e Insurance. If Lendcr Ryuired mun�.��!�in.urancc a. a ronJitiun��f muking thc lo•rn �rrured by thix <br /> • Srcurity Inzirwncnt.Borrowrr+hull puy Ilx prcmium+ rryuircJ lu main�rin Ih� mortgugr in,uruncr in cffect. If. ti►r any ..- <br /> rcuson. Ih� mortgi�ge in,urunce covrragr rryuircd by l..nder lapx. ur cra�rti l0 1x in rflert. Borrow�r ,hall puy the <br /> • prcmium.r reyuircd w ohtuin ri�vera�r .uh�tuntially eyuiv:�lem tu �hc nH►ngagr in.ur:mce prcvi��u.l}• in u co�t `` <br /> ' substun►iully eyuivident to thr co�t ta Bnrruwer af tlk mun�:agc in,ur.mcr prrvi�� in rfi'rrl.1'rum un altemu�e mungugr , . • <br /> in,urcr approvrd by I.cnder. II'rubstanliully�yuiealrnl man�ngr in.uruixc cov�ragr i+not availablc. Burr��wcr+hull pay to � <br /> Lencler each m��mh u sum eyuul to onc-�wcllih i�(thc yrarly murtg:+ge in.uranrc premium hrin�:puiJ by Borr��wrr when thr ' _ ...,� - <br /> � n:...�,;- <br /> insurnncc covrrogc I;��.�a�,r«:�.«i<<,n���,���r�•�. �.��,��«�•�u u«.��.�•.:md ret:iin Iln,r paymrnl.a.a lu••r�.crvr in licu �.. �,.,�.,.,,�. . <br /> oi'monguge inwnince. Ln�,rctirrvr pa)•menh muy n�� lunger tx �hr op�ion ol'Lender. il mungag�in�urance ' ��. <br /> • cuverage(in the amount nnd li�r the Exri��d Ih:u Lender myuirc,►pro�•id�d hy un in.ur�r approceJ hy l.ender aguin Ixcume� <br /> � i►vuiluhlc und is oht:�incd.B�irruwrr+hall p:�y�hr prcmium�rryuired li�mainuun m��h�::iFr in.uranrc in cllcrt.ur to proviJc a <br /> lo,.rc,crvc,unlil�hc rrquiremcn� liir morlgaEc in.urunrr arrarJanr�a ith+in����riurn aErc�mrnl ixnvrrn Rurn�wcr <br /> .' and Lrndrrur npplicaMc I;nv. <br /> � � � .. 9. InxpecUon. Lender ur it.:�geni ma� m;�{,c rr:i.unahlr rntrir,upun:inJ in,�xr�iun.ul'�he Pru�xrt�. I.rnJrr.hall <br /> �ive B�ttn��vcr notirr at Ihc timr�if ur prii�r a�un in.�xrti�ai.�x�if�ing�r;ium:ihlr rau•�li�r�hr m.�xru�m. <br /> 111. C�mdemnalion. 7'he prnrr�J���(:nt) a��ard�.r claim I��r J:inw�r,.dir��rl��r run, runn�ruun��ilh any <br /> /, , timpk I cmul� Fnnnk�lur•Mnddie\Inc 1�Ih'OR�I I\ti I Nl�1E\'1' 1 ml�mu l'����•nant. V WI ��a�er+.,1 r��a�er�� . <br /> �a.•.n I.i�•..I��m.hx � <br /> I���kd•r�'-tll I IMM��MI�!1.1'Id f N W���7'll 11.11 <br /> � � <br /> f � �I __ __ . __ , _.._. _ _. . . _ <br />