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�t�r�.( r��I 1 7 � �„r. ���'. �r����1 . �s. n ! 'i., , a. . rr�� `� uw�� <br /> `�I� S��s'��� � -f � �-- t� - -�-_ x ,,�, r_ <br /> 7��1� _ . l ��"l�kh: . I � �' ii :i...�'A.�e1f.8M1�_ R�i#. <br /> , �., <br /> : _ <br /> • . <br /> •�.• <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . , <br /> �lirr �— ._' _" � . _.i..� � -._ .� . .�..._' ._. "_"�...t_ <br /> ' __—_ ' "_ � _ __ _ — _ N � . . . ___...__ _ . <br /> _ }.�-.. .. T.�. .� . _ � '"�. t�,. .... � ._ <br /> IY'! }� Wy�l1��t��M" . � : . <br /> C`r.f...MU4 . _. . <br /> �,�.,,.�• ''r�,y"-!� „- d+qb .�M'ti A <br /> :.�. � '�'��:. - :"-- <br /> -- f�;e4'L'r"14:1i'z::' •, - .�e.— �i.-�. <br /> . .�.�Y!_.. <br /> h �.!�./I�Yyi,ti/�M' .� " _ <br /> � 92- 1 U2 51 �� �=_�.--- _ <br /> � � r. ���� '�� <br /> _ •,,,�,�x,k;x�:�•.-� : �.�.� <br /> - applicablc luw muy ap�:cify far rcins�aternenD 6efore sule of thc Piropehy puryuunt a►any {x►wer of xule cuntuined in Ihis �___ <br /> �:�`�'''�'' �'� Security Instnimem:or(bl emry of u judgment enforcing�his Sccu�lty Inxtrument. 'fb��se condi�iun�are tiwt Barrower. tA1 �_ <br /> � • •"�� pnyx Lendcr aU suma which then wauld be duc under Ihix Sccurfly Instrumem and the N�►te u�c if nn uccelcrution had --- <br /> •� -• ' • � nccurmd;�b)curew any defuuh of uny aher covenunts ar ngreemem4;(cl paya all ex�enxes incurred in enfi�reing�hiti Securi�y ��_— <br /> . � Instrumcm. including, Mut not limiced to, rearanablc ut�omeyw'fee.r•; nnd Id► tokcs xuch ac�ion ux Lcn�ier muy nusc�nahly �^ <br /> �• ... <br /> . �_4� <br /> ,.��..*��.���:.�,;. ' require to asxurc thal lhe lien af this Srcurily Instrument,Lcndcr K tights in Ihe Propeny and Bonawcr's obliguiion lo puy�hc ��__�------ <br /> ���..�,xv;:�•.`,:���_.��r sum: secured by this Secu�ity Instrumeni .rhall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Burrox•er. thi.r Securily =-- ` __ <br /> ,;':". • Inairument and the obligutions�urcJ hrreby tihaU renwin fully cffectivc as if na nccelernti�m hud�KCUrred. Howevcr,thiK �__-_°��_ _ - <br /> ,� right lo reinstate shull not apply M the cu+c of uccelcrutian under paragruph 17. �s___ <br /> 19. Sale of Nole:Change at Loan Servker. The Note or u pontul in�ere+t in thc Natc ltoge�her with�hi� Sccuriry �-�.._ <br /> �:;A.=_-� <br /> -- Imuumentl may t�e sold ane or more iimes wilhout prior notice to Borrowae A sale muy re.ult in u chun�e in the entity �^_�1.,��.^��� <br /> q};:�"— Iknown as the"Lonn Servicer")thut colleas moNhly puyments due under�he Nae And this Security In►tnimcm. There alho � <br /> may be onc or more changes oi the I.oan Servicer unrelpted to n cale of the Note. If�here is u chunge uf ihe Lnrn S�rviccr. ��''=°=°�� <br />� ' Barrower will be given written notice of the change in uccordance wi�h purngrnph 1�3 ubcrve and upplicablu luw. Tho nuticc ''."�•Y�''� <br /> �..._:..: . <br />�:. `� � , • � will state the name ond address of the new Loan Servicer u�►d tho address to which p�ymemn shauld bc mada. Tha nrnice will <br /> alsa contain any other infarma�ion reyuired by npplicnble luw. �,��!•w�-v=_ <br /> : 6 • 20. Hazardous Substanees. Borcower shall nat cau�e or pertnit Ihe presence,usr,di+posal,xtorage,nr relvu�e uf uny ��__Y :`- <br /> • Haznrdous Subs�unces un or in the Propc:ny. Burruwer�hall nrn do,nor Allaw unyone else to d��, amy�hing uffecling the , -,�— .. ,.._--,�-.— <br /> , "�, • ,,,; Prapcny tha�is in viula�ion oi any�nvironmentul La�►�. Tho preceding two sentences�liull no�upply�o thc preticnre,u�e,or ;_ . .,;��;� <br /> , storAge on the Prc�perty of small yuantiti�.oi Haznrdous Su6stuncer�hut ure gene�ully recognixed ta be appropriate to normal ' t;;._:__,T� <br /> � residentii+l uses nnd�a maintenance of the Propeny. <br /> -� ' Borrower ahall prompUy give Lender wriuen notire of uny inve::tigution.cluim,demand,luwsuit or uther uction by any __ _ _ <br /> � ,:� govemmemal nr rosulutory ugency or private party invalving the Property und uny Ncvurduus Sub.tuncc or Envirunoicnlul „ <br />?` ' ° Luw of which Borrower ha+ nctuul knowledge. If Borrower leums, or i+ notHied by uny governmeMUl or regulutory __ <br /> ' „ ..�. nulhority,�hut uny remmul ar aher remediuiion af any Huzurdoux Su6xtuncr nffec�ing thc Pr��perty i�necc+sary. Barmwrr ,Y�.:' ,�' _ _ <br /> � shall pmmpUy tnke all necessary remediul aclicmx in uccordance wilh Environmentut I.uw. ,-- <br /> � As used�n thiti paru�raph 20."HuzurJouti Subxtunceti"ure those�ubxtanceti detined u+toxic or huxarJous sub,tances hy •A=�=���-".____ <br /> d � Environmentul Luw und the iollowing zub��ancex: gusaline,kerosenr,o�her flummublc or taxir petruleum pmcluc�s,tozic � .,,,�-- <br />; . pesticidex and herbicides, volutile snlvents,muteriulx comaining as6es�os or farmuWehyde.und ruJioaclive muleriul.. A. ._ . <br /> " � used in this purugruph 20,"Environmental Law"mcuns fcdcral luws�nd luw,of�he jumdiction whcre�he Ropeny i.l��cated - _,� . _ <br /> � that relute to heulth,safety or envircx�mental protection. � _ <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Born�wcr und Len�kr funher covcnunt und agree a�fnllows: ` ` <br /> �iS:��Y r <br /> ° 2L Acceleratbn: Remedies. i.ender sliell give notice lo Borrower prlor lo acceleration folluwing Borrower's �f�`-•_�-� <br /> " breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Inslrument Ibut not prior to accelerallon under para�raph 17 ����<.;- <br /> � •..:x.. � <br /> -_ : uutess appiic�ble l�titi'pro�'Ides otherw�se►. "�'he�°�ice cball specify: lal the default:lbl the uclion reqnired to cure the __� _ __ _- <br /> ' dePaulh,Icl a date,not less than JO days from Ihe date the notice is Riven to wbich the drfwult musl be � 7�:��-'^ �= <br /> . �=�:�,.:- N�. . <br /> �, cured;and Idl that PaHure to cure Ihe default on ur befbre the date speciiied in the notice may resnll In ucceleraliun of � , __li__ <br /> the sums gecured by this Security Inst rument and sale of the Property. The notire shall Purther inierm Borrower of �;. ..•,:., '-- <br /> • the right to reinstale aiter acceler�tion and the rlRht to brinR a court�etion lo ussert the non-exixtence of u deiuult ar ' ,�`°�:=a_ <br /> nny other dePense of Bnrrower ro acceleration�+nd wle. IP the defuult is nM cured on ur beiore thedate specfiied in . ��• <br /> the notice,l.ender at its option may rryuire immediate payment in full oP ull!iums tiecured by Ihis Securit,v Instrument '; <br /> without further demund und may Invakc the power of sule und any other remedies permitted b� upplicable law. a�� <br /> Lender shall be enlided to collect ull expenses incurred in purruinR Ihe remediec prnvided in tMc para�raph 21. �w�.- <br /> including.but not limited to,reasnnable alto�nevs'Peeti und rosts of titk e��idence. `•°�"�' <br /> :z_:�f::�u. <br /> � If Ihe power oP sule is im�oked,7�rnHee xhall reco�d u noticr of defaull in each c�wnty in xhich anv ps�rt of the •�•.,=o'-F __ _ <br /> Property is lucuted und+hall mull copies nf�uch notice in the muaner pre,c�fbrd b�•upplicable luu• tu Korrnw•er und to �,;•_t:•r • __ <br /> Ihe olher persons prescribed by upplicoble lu�v. APter Ihe lime reyuired bv upplicuble law.TrusteeshaN�i�•r public " ' � .�: <br /> " nuNce of'�sde to the persons and In the munner presrrft►ed by upplicahle lua�. 'I�uxlee.without demand un Burrower. � <br /> � Ahull sell the Pruperty ut public aurlk�n to the hi�hest bidder al the time und plucr and under the terms desi�qnuted in � �r�;`•_. <br /> . the noNce of sule in one ur mnre purcels und ln un}�order Truslee determines. Tru�tee muy postpnne snle nP ull or any • �- <br /> • „ purcel of the Properly by public anaouncement s�l thr time und plure of anp pre��i�wslv�chrduled �le. Lender or its .'�: _'" <br /> dcwipnee may purchuse Ihe Propert�•ut any �ule. • �'`'`_ <br /> ° Upun receipt oP pa��menl oP the prtce hid.Trustee xhull delicer h►the purchutirr 1Yustee's deed conveyin�the h: ._ <br /> . ' Property. '1'he recituls in the 7Yust��e'�deed shull lx primu Pucir e�i�ence of the truth of'the ztutem��nts made Iherein. _ <br /> 'I�uxtee sball applv thr pr�keeds of thr wle in Ihe folloa•inR urde�: lul to all custs and expenses of exerciHing the power <br /> . :�,' -_ <br /> - ;,.. <br /> 1�, <br /> i � <br /> I� <br /> Furm 11171i 4NU ryut�.c,�e/�dCru � <br /> . . . , <br /> I <br /> i <br /> �l <br />