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<br /> � � .�� ♦n T(XiETH�R WI'fH ull thc improvcmcnir�nuw or Ix�r�uf'tcr crectcd�x� ih� �ro�hy. und ull raticmcn��.uppuricnuncr.r. ��=r.`=--;w °-_.
<br /> � "�� ��•'��'�'� � and fixturc�now an c�rcut'tcr u pur�uf 1hc property. AU repluccmrn��und uddi�i��n+ +hull ul�u Ix cavercJ by lhiti Sccurity �� ��-�=
<br /> � ' ° . ' Imaument. All�►f�hc fureguing ix mlcrrcJ ia in Ihi�Sccurily In+trun�en�ur Ihr"{'mryx ny.° `
<br /> � BARROWER COVf:NANTS thul Hnrruwcr i+luwfully,ci.rd�►f Ihe r+twc hcrrhy rc�nvcycd and hu,thc ri�ht lo�raud
<br /> •, ., und cumcy�hc F'ro�ny unJ thul thc Pru(nny i+unrncuml+crrJ.excrpi li►r rncuinlxiu�cc. of rrrurJ. Nurrowcr wurcunts and � -�._ —
<br /> }, � • . . �:�ill ckfend g�ncrally�hc�i�k to thc Pr�� rt uguinst all claim*und�kmunJr,�uhjrcl ta uny cncumhrurxc�uf rcci�rd. � _ --
<br /> • �• Y �;,:."
<br /> ..- '- --., . T N I S S li l'U R I'1'Y I r IS1'Rl�MHNT cumhine. uniturn� covcoant, li�r natiunal wc and numunifuim c�wcnuntx w U h __r
<br /> -.___�_T�:--=
<br /> � -
<br /> limited vuriuiiun,hy juii+Jiciiun�o cun.litule s�unifurm xcurity in.trumenl cuvennE rcal pri��ny. . -
<br /> UNIFORM CUVENANTS. Burrowcr u�J Lrndcr covenunt uud agrcr a.G►Uawti:
<br /> �:a� 1. Payment ni'Princip�l and Interewt;Preppyment and Lute l'hurRe�. H�►rrnwer+h:►II prumpUy paY when due thc _
<br />' � principul of and inlcre+t un ihc Jcht evidcnced hy thc Nar urnl uny pr�paymcal unJ lule charge�Jur un�k r Ihc Note. _ �
<br /> ' 2. Funds for Taxtw And Insurance, Subject to upplicuhlr luw ur la u wriucn w•riv�r hy Lrndcr,Rorcowcr shull p•ry tu ___ __
<br /> � L.ender on tlx Jay mon�hly puymcntti urcduc unJcr thc Note.umil Ihr Nu1e i� }�aiJ in I'ull,u .um ("�ndti'1 t'or:lul yeurly --
<br /> . ^ • taxes und rti+e�xments which muy uuain priarity ov�r thix Securily Instrumenl���+i licn��n 11� 1'ro�r1y: IBl ycurly Ieasehold __� --
<br /> . , puymem, or gu�unJ rentti im Ihc Praperty. if any: lcl ycurly huiurd or pn�erly insurutN;e premiums; IJI yctu'ly Ikxx! _____
<br /> imurt+ncc prcmiums, it�•rny: (e) yeur�y mortBpB� insuranre premiumti, if any: und ifl any�um. p+yublc by Burrowe� to
<br /> Lender. in aceord+uicc with thc provi,ium oi parngraph R. in licu uf thc puymrnt ol'nK►ng•r�e�insunuwe(xcroiumti. These
<br /> ' items ure c�llcd"�.crow Item+.' Lender muy,ut an� ume,collecl and hold Fw�d+in an amount nut �a rxcreJ the muximum _
<br /> � amaunt u IcnJcr i�►r u i'eJerully rclatNd mortgage lo.in muy reyuiru fur Burmwcr� curow u�count undcr tlx federal Rcul -
<br /> ' Es�u[e Setdement Prcxedurcs Ar�ol'1974ir Amended fn►m time ta�imc. 12 U.S.0# -��1 ��+•�r�l•1"RESI'A"l.unlczs unuthcr L
<br /> • �uw tht�t apnlic�a�the FunJs�els u lesser lm��ant. If�o,l.ender muy,ut uny lime.cal I�tit anJ hold FunJ,in un amount not tu ��.:�__.
<br /> . •• ` � exceed the lesticr umount. Lender may etitimate thr amount of Fund,duc u��th�hutiis of current duw anJ reusonahle r,_,—__ _
<br /> . ;:_ -,
<br /> . .,- " e�timate.of expeixliwre.o(fuwre E�crow Items or otherwixe in uccurduixc wiih applicublr luw. *--,�--
<br /> Thc Fundr +hall lx Ixld in un inzliiution whose depo�itti urc in,umd hy a I'cdcrul ugency. inurumcntulity, or cntity 1 �..�. s-���
<br /> lincluding Lcnder.il'l.cnder i,wrh an in�titu�ion)or in any Fedcrul HumpP y�►��Bunk. Le�xl�r.hull apply thc Fund��o paY • , •--
<br /> � ' the Escrow Item�. LrnJer muy nat churge Barrower for holding und +� 1 in ��h� Fund,,unnuully unulyiing�he excrc�w __�,,;___
<br /> accaunt. or vcrifying �hc E.crow Itcm,.unlc+s Lcndcr puy+ Bonowrr inlcrc�t on ihc Funds and applicablc luw permits `;�;�,,.
<br /> Lendcr��►mukc tiuch u rhurgc. Howcvcr.L�ndcr muy rcyuire Burruwcr tu puy a�+nc-�imc chargc fnr un indepcndent re•rl ;'4„�„0,�
<br /> estu�e tnx repnning ycrvice u�ed hy Lcndcr in ronncction wi�h thi+lo•rn,unlcsti:z�licuhlc law providc�othcrwi.c• Unles�un �;��,,;:v:__�
<br /> ugrccmenl i+muJc��r upplicablr luw reyuir��interrs�to bc pnid.Lcndcr�hull nc�t he nyu ircd to puy Bi�rrowrr any interc+t or : .-�..1. '
<br /> eumings an�hc FunJ.r. Barrowcr vnd Lendcr muy ugme in wri�ing.IK►wcvcr.ihul intcrc+t �hall ln ps+id��n�he Fund.. Lender ••
<br /> �;hall�ivc to BoRi►wcr.wiihuut chur�tc.an unnuul acc�iuming ui�hr FunJs.sh��wing cr�alil��+nd Jc�ils to�hc Fundr und the .�� ��
<br /> purpoxe for which ruch debii tu�he FunJx wuti mudr. '('hc FunJ+ure pledged uz acldi�iunul.ecurity(or ull xumti securcd by ,;� `�
<br /> — — --
<br />