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�� . . - - - - - _ . <br /> . .�v ' 't , A i•..� ••I' __ __ __ �1i:•'.�`,�'r.: n' L�t� l� — <br /> ' I w A'". • " .. i � •" � � <br /> � .. :'• � .� . .�.. ��.a <br /> . � :. . � ' ' - � � �-.. _..�._ �c '''� t 7..t� •�:. <br /> . . -...--..r_. -...., - --- <br /> --��'• ��►n! - . --- - <br /> � ,.M.. .., y � `,:H6rQ. <br /> H7 <br /> .. � <br /> � .` «._— <br /> ' .. .i__. �''. <br />- :� ^ . . 91- i�;�479 � � <br /> � �, peric�dti�hut l.ender require.r. Thr inwrunce rurrier providing the in+urunce�hull tx chaMn by B��m�wcr hubject�u Lrnderi+ _ <br /> � ��';,��1�•b • approval which xhall nnt t+c unreuwnuhly wilhheW. If Burrnwcr li+il��u mainwin cuveruge dcuritxd utx►ve,LcnJcr muy,ut --- <br /> ,,, ��, ' , Lender's aption,obtuin coveruge ta protect Lendrr:rightw in�h�I'ropeny in uccordunce wi�h purugruph 7. <br /> • " •• • All insururnc�lirie�und renewal�.tihull Fx nccepluMe tu Lender und�hull inchid�u�IUnJard mnrlgugr cluu�. Lender � <br /> . vhall huve Ihe ri�ht to hold ihc p�►licie,un�l renewaL•.. If l.rndcr reyuirrx.NoROwrr,hull pnnnplly givc �o Lrndcr ull reccip�a �-.-- <br /> �� � � , af puid premiurn+und renewul notice,. In�he even� uf lu+,.Hom►wer+hull�siv¢prumpt nutire�u ihe inwuru�wr currier und <br /> . . � Lender. Lender muy mukc pnx►f.if lu+x if nM m+nlc pr��mp�ly hy H��rrowcr. <br /> • :'= �•� -' . Unlc++Lcndcr and Borro�crr nthcn�•i•r a�rrc in writing. in.urimcr pnx•�rd�.hull Ix uppBcd tn rc�toru�ion ur repuir of - <br /> , � - __-- - <br /> , the Piroperty dumuged. if the rc+te�ra�ion ur Rpair iti ecunamirully ir��.ihle und LenJrr; .ecurity iti no� Ic.uned. 11 �he —_.,— <br /> retitoruiiun or repair iti not ec�xrc�micully tcu�ihle��r Len�kr: +ecu�iry would Ix I��+rned. �hc in�urunre prcxerJ� shull be <br /> upplicJ to the tiums ,ecureJ by thn Sccurily In+lrumrnt, whe�hrr ur nut then Jur,wi�h uny cxcc�s puid �o HuROwer. If <br />'S'' „ &irrower ub:uidonx the Prop�:ny. ur d��es no� an.w•cr wi�hin �II duyx a nutire fn�m Lcnder Ilwt ih� inruruncc runicr hux ____ <br /> � offered to scule•r cluim,then LcnJcr muy c�dlec��hc in.uruncc pr�xred.. l.enikr nwy use �hc pr�KCCdti to repuir or rc�tore <br /> • the Propeny or ta puy sum.xecurrd hy Ihi�Sccurity Intitruimnt,whe�h�r or not then Jue. The 30-d•ry�xrii�d will Megin when � __ <br /> . � the nalicc iti Fiv�n. —_-°-----�-�-___.�_. <br /> • " Unless l.ender und Borcuwrrnthenvi+c ugrer in wriling. uny upplirution of proceeJs to principul+hull nnt extend i►r �- <br /> . postpone the Jue dute of thc montMy puymcnt�mferrcJ to in puru�ruphx I and 2 c�r chunge the urnuunt uf�he puymentti. If —__ _. <br /> „ under paragaiph 21 the Pro�rty ix ucquireJ hy Lrnder. Borruwer:ngM tu uny incur�nce �wliciea und pnxeed+ rexulting �--- <br /> from dumuge to the Propeny prior�o the ucquitiiiion,hull pass to Lender to thr��tent of the sum�wcured hy this Securiry �—''—'�^ <br /> Instrumem immediutcly priar tothcucyuitiitKm. -- _- __ _ <br /> � 6. Occupancy. Preservetiun. MainlenAnce and Prutection oP the Property; Borrower's I.uan AppllceNon; � - <br /> � Leaseholds. Borrower xhull ocrupy,estubli�h, uncl u�the Prupeny us Borrower�pnncipn)residence within+ixty duy!�after �;w,:_,� <br /> ' �he exerution of�hi.�eeuriry In+tmment cind shull c�minue to ixcupy�hr Pruperty u, Borrower's principal a�idence Par ut �-=- <br /> � • leust one yrur ufter �hc dute ol'ix:cupuncy. unles. Lender othenvise ugreez in wriling. which ronsent .huli not be Y,�r_ , <br /> unreusonubly withheld,ur unles,extenuatin�rircumstunces exi.i which ure tx�ynnd Borniwer+cuntri�l. Borrower shull nol �'J"�� <br /> . � . �• dexlroy.dumage or impuir Ihc Proprny.alli�w the Pr��xrty to dcleriur�lr.or rummii wus�c on thc R��perty. Borrowcr.hall - <br /> ..:".'`.. �'o:"s�_-:_:_ <br /> . • be in defuult if any i'orFeiture uctiim ur pr�xee�iing, whether civil��r rriminul, ix i►egun thut in Lender+g�hx1 fuith juJgment :�.--===-- <br /> rnuld result in forfeiturc of the Pmpeny ur���hcrwisc ma�erially impair thc lien crru�ed hy this Sccuriry Intitrument or ....- __ <br /> " Lender+xNrurity interest. 8orn►wer muy cure+uch u def'uuh unJ rein.tutc,u.pravided in parugruph 18,hy the ucliun =-� <br /> ' ' or prcxeeding to tx�di.mi,.ed wi�h u rulink�hcu,in Lender+gix�d 1'uith Jelemiinu�ion, prcrludes fcx(eiwre ot'�he Bnrrower+ • ' '•-,-_..- <br /> . interes� in the Propeny or iHher muterial impuimirm i�t'�hc licn crcuteJ by thi. Serurily InsirunKnt or L.cmler� ,crurity �•�•,rs��,�_ <br /> intere�t. Borrower tihull ul�o lx in dei'uull if Borcower,durin� the luun upplicutic�u prcxe�y, gavc muteriully fulxe or ,,..,.��:,�Y�n.�� <br /> inuccurute inG>rmutiim or��utemrn�ti to Lender(ur 1'uiled to providc Lrndrr with uny muteriul infnrrnaii�►nl in rannection wilh � <br /> •� Ihe lorn rvidrnced by the Notr, including,hw not limited 1��, represrn�utian. ranceming Bormwur; �xcupuncy of the �"!:: �i <br /> _ ._�__ Propeny us u princip•rl resiJence. If thi.Sccurity ImtNment i.on a Ieu.chold,Borriiwcr+hull comply wiih all�he provi�ionti <br /> • ' oP the Icu�c. (f Bnrrowcr ucyuims fec tiUe ta Ihr Pru�rly.�he IeuxrholJ and Ihe fee hUe tihall not merFc unletis Lendcr a�rce. �.,�,;:::�:_�' <br /> to Ihc mcrgcr in writing. <br /> � 7. Nroteclion uf Lender'g Rights in the Properly. If Burruwcr fuil+ �o prrlorm the rovrnunts unJ ugreements ,,. ,� <br /> cuntuinrd in thi. Scrurity Im�rumcm,or ilx�re i. u Icgul pnxcrJing tha� muy xiEnificuntly af'tect LcnJcr's right, in the -.-, "'v�;;,. <br /> Propr.ny Isuch a.r u prixceding in iunkn�tcy.pmMa�e.ti►r condemnution ur ti►rtcilurc��r to enforce Ww,or regululion.l.then { .t;�,:, <br /> L�ndcr muy du und p•ry for whutevcr i�nece+�ury w pro�ect thr valuc of thc Propeny anJ LenJcr+ righ�ti in thr Propeny. • � :�;; <br /> Lendcr:uriiims muy incluJe �:rying :my swnti krured by a lien which hti.priority uver�his Seruriiy In.irument,up�uring j � <br /> in coun,p�ying reusonuMe auarney�'I'cr�unJ entrring im th�Pm�xny to muke rrpair+.Althou�h Lrnder muy luke action ,.�;� . � <br /> . under thix puragraph 7.Lcndrr Jix�nut huvc u�do�o. ' , . :'��qd�, <br /> • , Any um��unts Ji.huned hy Len�kr un�kr �hi. parugruph 7 .liall ikrumr adJi�ionul�eM�rt' &�rruwer .ecurcd My this ` � .��. ,,T-;:� - <br /> � Securily Instrument. Unlcss Burrow�r�m�i Lcnd�r u�rcr lu�Nhrr trrni�of puyment.Ihcsc umouN+ ,h�ll heur interest from thc ( - <br /> • dute of dishunemcnt ut thr Nuie ratr nncl .hall Ixr payuhlc,with imerc�t. upon noticr f'mnt Lcndcrt�� Borrower reyucsting , __ <br /> . paymem. 4 _ � <br /> . A. MortRa�e In.r•urunce. II Lcndcr reyuirrd murtgugc in.urimcc a+:�condiiion ut'muking ihc liian secureJ by Ihiti -- <br /> Sccurity Inxlrumcnt. B�m��wrr.hall p:i� tlx rrcmium+ reyuireJ���maimuin �hc mnngu�r in,urcmce in eftcct. If. i'or uny � � ;.�s�:;.:; <br /> . � rca,on. �he monguge insuruncr coveru�c reN u i rr d h y Lr n c ler luptirti �►r cr:�,e. to he in ci'fect.Bi�rrawcr ,huU puy Ihe � _ <br /> prcmiums reyuircd w ohtuin ti�vcrugc whuaniiall�• ryuiv:il�nl lo Ihr monE�gc in.ur:mrr rR��W+iy �n �re«�. at u ru�l � � <br /> ,uhstuntiully cyuivulent ��,thc co,i tu Born�wrr�,f th.m�,ngiigr in+uranrc prcviou�ly in cff'cri. i'rom an alt�mnt�mongugc ��_`�'}�.. <br /> in.r•urcr uppmvcJ hy LcnJcr. If suhstrmially cyuivuleni mon�±utir in.uraucr rurcrage i+nut avuilahk. Burcawcr�hull puy w f.' ' <br /> l.endcr c�rh mimlh u tium�qual toi�nr-�wcllih ut thr yriirly mongugr in,urancr��rcmium ixing rael hy Bortowcr wlten Ihr =__� <br /> in�urance cuvrragc I.ip�ed��r rea��d to Ix in el t�ct. Len�lrr«•ill accrpt.u•r;ind r�tain thr,e paymcm�u,a lu++re..�:vr in liru ��y'"��-°° <br /> of murtga�:c insurancc. Los�rc,crvr payment,may nc� I��i�:cr Ix ih�option ��I'I.cnikr, i(murtgaEr insurancc �. <br /> � . coveraEr lin ihr amoum imJ ti�r the �xrind tha�Lcndrr nyuirr,l pruvidrd h�•vi in,urrr appru��ii hy Lendrr a��uin Ixromex <br /> uvuilaMr and iti uMainrJ.Boi7o�vcr.hall�a�Ihc pr�miwn.nyuirr�l Iu mainluin mungukc in.uranre in to providr a <br /> lo�,rcxrrvc.unlil Ihe rryuircmcnt ti�r nwrlEag�in�uranrr�rrurdanrr w•ith am ��riticn a�:rcemrnl Ixtw��n Hurrower � <br /> und LrnJcr ur�ppliraMr law. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lrndcr or ii� aEcn� ma�• roul.�rca.onahlr rmnrr upun ;uxl in��,rciicm.ut �hc 1'roprm•. l.�ndrr.hall � <br /> pivc Bunuwrr no�ire;u the tinu uf��r priirr lo an m.�xruun,�ieril'�ing rca.unahlr�•au.r I��r Ihr in.�xr�iun. <br /> ; � 10. ('ondemnalion. 1'Im rr�kecJ.ul an�a���ard ur rl;om I��r dam:i�r,.Jirrct��r�•�m.ryucntial. �n runnccn��o with uny <br /> '. ��ncic I•ami 1�� Fannk�lue�hnddie�luc l\IF/IR11 11S'I'Rl 11F:\I• l mt.��m����rnm�. 4'411 ��a��r±.�I��/���c��� <br /> ' ��n•��IaM�••Na.m�•..I��m.hx � <br /> I��IN�H�'.II I�ItIX�i:11M1:1'1.1' 1•1\1{IlrTlll�ll:ll <br /> � <br /> � 1 _ <br /> ' �� � _ . _ _. . _. _ _. _._ . . <br />