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<br /> - TOC)E7'HEIt WITH ull lhc impruvcmcni�nnw or hercaftcr emctcd on�hc propcny,and ull cascmcmti,uppuncnunccs. �,_.
<br /> . �.n.�.,•,�. .. unJ tixturex now on c�rcuflcr u pun of�hc propeny. All rcpluccmcnt�und udditionti shs�ll altiu bc cavered by thic Secutity —
<br /> � � ° ;� Instrumcnt. All of�he fareFoing is referred to in thix Sccuriry lnstrumcnt us the"P�openy." �
<br /> ° � ' BORROWER COVENANTS thu�Borruwcr ir luwFully scised of'thc c�ta�c hcrcby cunvcycd und hu+ihc right to gronl
<br /> •� " �• ` unJ ronvey thc Prc►pcny und�hu�ihc Pn�perty ix unencumbercd,cxcept for cncumbruncr.��(record. NoROwcr warran�s and a
<br /> will Jcfend gcncrully ihc iiUc�u thc Prapcny ugainst all claims und demunds,subjcct to uny cncumbrancc+uf rccord. _–_.
<br /> •• � � . " THIS SECURITY INSTltUMENT combines unifi�rm rnvenunt. for nutionul usc and nun-uniform covenuntx with ` _ _
<br /> . � � lim�ted vuriu�i�N�,by ju�i,Jic�iun G,contitiwte a unifortn tiecuriry imtrumem rovering re�d pru�x:r►y. �- __s�.�.;_.
<br /> � '• UNIFORM COVENANTS. B��ROwcr unJ Lcndcr cuvcnunl und ugrcc us folluws:
<br /> ''" � 1, P�yment oP Principal aad laterest;PrepaymeM and Late ChargesR. Borrowcr+hall prumpUy puy whcn due Ihe _
<br />�- princip:�l uf and intere+t on Ihe debt evWe�xed by Ihe Notr und uny prepayment a�xl lute charges due under the Note. -�
<br /> ' 2. Funds far Taxes and Insurance. Subject 10 upplicuble law or to u wriuen waiverby Lender,Borrower xhall pay to __
<br /> Lender on�hc dvy m�►nthly paymcn[ti are due unikr ihc Note.until thc Note i�paid in full,a�um("FunJs")for:(a)yesuly _
<br /> ° �a�ce�au►d ussexsmems which muy nttuin priority over Ihis Seruriry Instrument as u lien on lhc Property:Ib)yeurly leasehold �
<br /> � - payment+ ur ground rents on the k'ropeny. ii' any: Ir1 Ycurly hsu.ard ur propeny insurance premiums; (d) yciuly floal ---
<br /> ., insuruncc premiums, if any: (e1 yeurly monguge insurAnce pmmiums, if nny; und ifl uny sums payaWe by Borrowe�to �
<br /> � Lendc:r,in accordanee with thr prnvisionti uf purngraph R,in liru of the puyment of mongu�e insurnnce premiums. These
<br /> •�� items ure culled "Escrow Item+." Lcnder muy,ut uny time,cuUec�and hold Fund�in un umount nut to exceed the muximum �,�____ __
<br /> umount u Icnder for a feder�lly rcluted memguge loan may rcyuire for Borcower ti escrow uccount under the federal Real �
<br /> ' • �stutc Setdement Pirocedure+Act of 197-�as nmendcd from time to timc. 13 U.S.C.� 2G01 r►seq.("RESPA"1,unlesx another �___
<br /> Inw Ihut applies ta thc Funds tiets a le.�er umount. If sa,Lcnder muy,at any timc,collcct und hold Funds in un umount not to ��_.
<br /> ' exceed the lesser am�xmt. Lender may e,timute the amount af Funds due on thc basis of current dota and reasonaMe
<br /> estimutes of expr.ndirore�of future Escrow Items or othenvise in vccordunce with applicuble luw. =_-" ` --_�L.�
<br /> Thc Funds shall bc hcld in an in�t�lution whose depo�its ure insured by u frderul ugency, instrumentuliry.ar entity ����
<br /> •� (including Lender.ii LenJer is,uch un instituti�ml or in any Federul Home Loun Bvnk. Lender�hall upply Ihe Funds to pay
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender m�y not churge Borrower for holding and applying the FunJs. annually unulyzing Ihe excrow =__
<br /> • account. or verifying the E+cruw Items,unle�s Lender pay� SoROwer interest on �hc Fundx und upplicuble Inw permits
<br /> Lender to makc +uch u chargc. However. LenJer muy reyuirc Borrower to puy a unr-�imc churge for un independent reul ___�
<br /> � eslute tux repoRing service useJ by L��nJer in connection with�his luan,unlear applicable luw provides utherwi,e. Unless un
<br /> �� ugreement is made or upplicublc law myuirc�intere.t to Ix puiJ,Len�kr tihull not hc rcyuircd to puy Bortower uny interetit or
<br /> euming+on thc FunJ.. Borrowcr und l.�:nder may ugrcr in writing,howcver,thu�intcm�t shull be paid on the Funds. Lender �� _
<br /> ' shall givc�o Borrotivcr.witlx�ut chargc, un annuul arcuunting of thc Fundx,xhowin�s creditx un�l debi�+w thc Funds And Ihe � .
<br /> � purpose for which ruch debii t��Ihe Fvndr was mude. The Fundti ure pledged ax acldiiional tiecurity for ull sumti xecured by . +� :..
<br /> • Ihis Securiry In�trument. , � `
<br /> - --_ -- If ihr Fuud� hcld by l.cndcr ex:erd thc unuwnt� �r►niucd to I� hcld by aQplicabl� law, Lendcr .hall sccounl to .f;;,r. :
<br /> Borrowrr far thr exces+Fund. in aucordanre with the requircment+af upplicuhle luw. I(ih�amount uf the Fund� held by �,.
<br /> Lender at uny time is nc�t.ufticient tn puy the E,crow Rrmz when due,Lender muy xo nutii'y Borrowcr in writing,and,in
<br /> v,.;.r�r. .
<br /> sunc �u.e Sorrowcr shall pay to LrnJ�r thc anwum nrcc�.ary to make up tl�deficirn�y. Borrawcr xhull m•rke up ihc ;..}__s_..„�,; '
<br /> Jeficiency in no more than�welvr mun�hly payment..ut l.endcr'.zoly discretion. �'°"''�..
<br /> Pu P'Y '�..,,�,;_,«,��
<br /> U n r mrnt in full of ull+unu ,ccur�d by ihi, S��u�ity In.trument.Lendcr shtill prompdy rcfund tu Borrower uny .. �•
<br /> Funds helJ by Len�kr. IF,undcr par:ry;raph ?I.Lr�xler,hall acyuirc or+cll�hc Propeny,Lcnikr, prior�o Ilx�ucyuitii�iim or ,.
<br /> . salc uf the Roprrty.,hu�� upP�Y any Fund. hcld by Lrnder ut thc�ime of ucyuisition or�ale us a credit aguintit�he tiums - �
<br /> � secured by thi. Securi�y In+trument.
<br /> 3. Application of Paymentti. Unlr+� applicaMc law pruviJes uthcrwi+c, all puyments rerc�vcJ by L.cndcr undrr � •��
<br /> ' parugtiphs 1 and 2.hall Ix applicd: fir�t.tu any prcpuyment rhur�c+dur undcr thr Notc,sc�ond,to nmuum+payablc uixlcr �,-�,-�
<br /> paragrrph 2:[hirJ.�o in�crr.t Juc:fuunh,tc►principul Jur:and last,ai any I•rte chargr,Juc under Ihe Ne�le. � `��n___
<br /> 4. Chrr�es; Liens. Burruwcr�hall puy all taxr.. a�.rssmcnt,. churgc+. fine. and impotiiiiun. •r��rihutuble tc�Ihr t _ ..
<br /> Piropr:rty which may attain priority uvcr Ihi�Scruri�y In�trument,anJ Iru�chuW paymcm+nr �:round rrnls, if any. Borruwcr
<br /> shull p•ry thesr obligaiion.r in�hr maimcr pruvidcd in puraEraph 2,nr if not paid in tha� manncr.Burrowcr.hull puy�hrm on i –•--• -
<br /> . timr direcdy�o thr per,on uweJ paymeni. Burrow�r,hull promptly furnitih ai LenJrr all notice+ol'amoum.���Ix paiJ unJrr { '`>:•'`:_
<br /> this puragr•rph. If Bixmwer make� tlktie payment�directly. BoROwer�ch•rll pr��niptly t'umi.h to Lender receip�y evidencing ;_ ';'°;,��.�-•.
<br /> . thc payment.. , .-
<br /> Borrawcr shvll promptly Jixhurgc any licn whirh ha.priority uvrr Ihi+Sccurity Intitrumrnt unlcy�Borrowrr:la)ugrccs .,
<br /> in writing to th�paymeni uf thc obl igaiiun�crurcd by thr licn m a mannrr acccprrhlr lo Lenacr:lbl conlc.t,in g�x�J fuith ihr ..
<br /> lien by,or defrnds ag�+imt enlurcemc�n uf thc licn in.Icgal pr�kcrJin��whirh in�hc L�ndcr;upiniori operatc tu prr��rn thc
<br /> enforcement uf thr licn:or(rl�ccurc.t�rom the holJer uf Ih�licn an agrccmcnl sati.factory to Lender+ubordinatin�.thr lien ,
<br /> to this Serurity Inxtrununt. li Lendcr determines �hr�any pun uf ihr Pru�:rly i�tiuhjrcl lu a lirn which ntuy uttuin priorily
<br /> ovcr this Securiry Instrument.LcnJcrn�s�y givc BoROwcr•r noticc idrnufying ihe lirn. Hamiw�r shull s•rti.l'y thr licn or iake �
<br /> . * one or more of thr uctiun,set funh :�buvc within II►Jays of thc gi�•ing ol'nourr.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Properly Ipsurence. Borru�vrr.r•hall kcrp thr impruvrn��ntti nuw eti�tinE ur hercalic�rrected on thc ,
<br /> Roprrty insured again�t lo,y by(ir�,haiard.inrluJcJ wiihin thc�crni"exl�nJrJ rover.��;c":md:�ny uther h�rrrJx,including
<br /> flacxis ur tluoJing. fur which LcnalcY�cyuircti m�urancr. '1'hi. inwrancc �hall hr nr.�inla�ncJ in �h� amount� and fur the
<br /> F1Km.t021i 4�411 �r,�er:���n�wer��
<br /> • �� _ � -- — -
<br />