+ rL'A y l•��+��:4F.r r`"�":.t k y,� I ,,:s<• `7w�xF"1°`'4�,v r�'�f_i-�� -,�: , •. '. i{.. -_ , —
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<br /> '� �+S� n_i A�/A.1� Li+��- 'w 'l�'�� .c i . , ' C':lf f r -1�cH, - -- � ,.....� .
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<br /> • ' Il.r� �^11.6,.�ar -- t@`�_.v?.?__c_:;, '.�- �:�ri:rr...a.ai`Z7'�+.'
<br /> -.;1._ __.__�e. ..._-'.-. -' ' r ,.i.�rix. ..-., ... . .._• �-— -
<br /> � r�1 !7 '�;,q:;�
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<br /> � • p��o-. :),"' 1r.;'V-.'ti..'.,.._ -
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<br /> • _ � _ ...�. -- �y..�..---- �'S-zv�r.:-;--_---
<br /> _ �` �=; � 92-- iC�24'79 �;-��__:____ - -
<br /> i; ,f;l;". ,y��" ;;ir � -�--
<br /> �! IIJSf� �i �--_.
<br /> . �• rondemnutinn��r u�hcr�ukin�s ol'uny pan��f�hr Pro�ny.��r 1'or rwrvcym�rr in li.0��I r�►ndcmn�xiem,are hercby u..igned und .r,,..y W
<br /> .. n, shull he paid a�LcnJcr. �':,�`:._`°•�'�-------
<br /> ''`� In thc �vrnt nf u wtul iuking of �hr Pro�xny. INe pnk.cd+ .hall ix npplicd �u tiw ,umx +ecured by thix Security
<br /> . . � In�irun�ent,whc�hcr�►r nw then dur.wiih uny cxcr•,pui�l �n H�nrawer. In�he rvrnt��I'u purliul lakin�C uf�hc F'ru�xrty in -----
<br /> �� , '' • . ,. ". whkh�hr fair murkrt vulur o(�hc I'mprtty iimncdiutcly hulure thc�ukin�s i.ryuid 1��ur grcu�cr ih�n thc um�unt��f�hr,um� .�,:..:,.-.-
<br /> � .. ,ccureJ by�hi�Suurity In�lrumrnt imnudiu�ely Ix1iKr d��Inl.inµ.�udr,. Hurru��rr:mJ l.cnd�r olherwi.c agrcc in writin�. ��-�_f--
<br /> • the tiumr ,rcured hy thi,Srcurily In.trumrnt�hull tx redurrd hy UK,mu�unl of�hr pr�KCedti�nuUiplied hy tlx foUowing ��>:��'��==�-- -
<br /> . fractinn: lal thr aanl i�mouni��f��he,um..rrurcd inunedi:nrl} IxG�rr ihr I;il�in�:.dividrd by Ihl the fu�r murket vuluc�►i'�hr �_;_��i��
<br /> . '. .. . . Pmpcny immediatcly Ixforr Ihc lu�ing, Any hul;�n��c +h:dl 1.►� paul io 1lurruwcr. In dx rvrnt ut u partial �aF,ing ��t'ihc �.'.',yL.u��j�b�:;�-
<br /> • Prop�:ny �n which thc fufr m+irkrt viduc uf�he Nn,�xny i�imxdi,urly h�li►rr�Nr tul�inp iti I�,.�han thc amuunt uf�hc.umti ;,�n..-�� -• .
<br /> - � .ccured immcdiutcly Ixfare �hr tukiu�!. unlr,. H�►rruwcr :md I.rndrr rnhrrwi�r ��Ere�� in w•riiing ur unles, applicuMc luw -
<br /> . othcrwi�c provide�.Ihr pnxrcd,�hull Ix��pplird to thc.urn•ticcum�l hy Ihi,tirruri�y Intilrurncnt whcihcr��r noi�hc.um+urr ..,,,-y�r:�7.;41
<br /> �, ^ then Juc. ��•- •�..�-,
<br /> � � If ihc Pru�ny i.uhanJonrd by Harcawcr.ur il'.ulicr nu�ire h� I.rudrr lu Rurn►wrr�hu�Ihr c�mdcnmor otl'rr,lu maku __�—�
<br /> � � un awarJ ar uul�a claim li�r dumogc+.Rorruwrr I'ail�lu re,�xmd N+ I.endrr«•i�hin ►0 d:n. :dirr thc du�c thc nuticc i.givcn. �,�.,��,�:__-�
<br /> Lender i,umhoriicd u►cullrct und apply��hr pr�kerd..al it.up�iun.c il hrr 1��rc.�ar;nii�ii��r n p:�i r i�t'tlx Pru p erl y or to thc �, �,a��;. ="" �= :�,
<br /> ". . • sumx.erured by ihi,Srruriry In.�rumrnt.whethcr o�uat Ih�n du�. �-�.�-- ...,
<br /> . . , �i ��I nk•�•e;lti lu ri�xi al�h+dl not cxlend or �:R� n - -
<br /> �� Unlrs.Lrndrr und Barrowrr athcrwi.c a�rec in «rilin�.. uny :��ry�Uci�ui n __
<br /> �, ••:,,,.; � po.tFxmc thr Jur du�c uf ihe munthly puymrnu rofrrrcd lu in p��ruEr:�ph� I und 2 or h�m�:r ih��;�iaunt ul,uch pc�ymcnt.. ��..�:_._�.�..
<br /> ,..�ti�.-_,._----
<br /> ' `�` �.' � 11. Hurrower Not Relras;ed; Forl►earunce By l.eader Nnt u Wuf�cr. I:r��n+i�m ut� ihr dmr A�r puymenl ur _...�--,-.-.�
<br /> n: ..,:rifYIE.�`°'-
<br /> �, . , rn�xlification uf umoniiati�m�►1'thr,um+,ccurcJ hy ihi+5rcurity In.trumrn��:r.�n�cd hy Lcmkr �u uny.urrr„or in imcrc,t . . ... =-u,�_—��.
<br /> - of Burr��wcr shull ni�t u�xruic t��rcica.r thr liuMility ul'thc originul f�urrawrr or Nom�N•rr:,uccr.,un in imcrc,l. Len�lcr �. �.�,..-_"�a--
<br /> . , shall not he reyuired to rommenc� pr.keedin�*�a�aina:my ,uccr„i�r m in�rrr.� ur ru(u,c lu v��end limc li►r puyment or ,;_._,_, _ _
<br /> ' .:� ' ' . � othcrwisr mixlil'y amortizuti�xi uf'thc,um+,ccurcd by thi.tierurily In+trumrnl hy rc+i,un ul any�Irnu�nd mi�dr by Ihc uriginal .Y�,,+�y �----
<br /> ' Burcowe�nr Borrowcr:�ucceti.i�n in in�crc,t. Any liirlkura�xc hy Lendrr in cxcrri.inE uny ri�hi ur mmeJ}• ,hull not he i� �V�� ;`__,
<br /> � ' wuivcr ot'ar prccluJc thr excrci�r ul any righl ar rcnmdy. . " '�':� '
<br /> 12. Successors and Assi�nx Bound:.Inint and tieveral I.fubilil}•:('o-,iuners. �1'hc c��ve��um�.m��:iFr�cmenl+ot�thiti '���; _r--
<br /> Security In+�rumrnt.hull bind .md lxnrti� Ihr ,uccc.tiur. unJ u..iEn,ol'Lrndcr und Rorn��vcr. tiubjrrl Iu Ihr provisions uf
<br /> .. pura�raph 17. Hurn�wrr'. rovenunt.:�nJ u�trcrmcnl. tihall hc j��int and ,rvrrnl. Any Ii�Krouer ��I�o cu-,i�n, ihi, Sccurity -��:�
<br /> • ' ' lnstrumem bui d�k+not cxrrutr thc Nutc: lui i.r��-,i�!ning ihi.tirruriry In,lrwnrm unly i�►nwn�a�r.Erunt anJ cunvcy that _ ,;4.•, -
<br /> Borr��wcr±intcres�in�hc Pro�xrty undrr�hr irnn,of ihi�Srcurity In,lrumem: �h►�,iH►t�x r,�xu�lly uhlign�cd Iu puy thc.umti
<br /> secureJ by thi�Sccuriiy In.trunnm:and Ir1 a�rce.that LcnJ�r unJ:my ulher Burruuer ma> ;iFrrr lu rtlrnd.nuKlit'y.forlxur . . �.
<br /> � �x mukc nny arr��mmixlutiais wilh rr�s�r<I lo Ihc Icim+ oi' �hi, Sccuriry In,lrumrnt ur�hc Na�r ailh��ut thu� H�►rrowerti .:.i;^;� µ; '
<br /> •.t - � ._
<br /> cnmrnt. �''",.• �"`
<br /> li. Loan ChurRes. If Ihr laun ,rcureJ M• ihi+Scruriry Im�nmirnt i� ,uhjerl lo a law ��hirh ut� muximum luun 'F ..r... : +..
<br /> _ - -- char�c+.unJ that luw• i�linully mlcmretcd,u Iha��ix imcrc,l ui�dh�r I.�an.har�:r:rollcrtit!�K t:,�•�•�dlrrioJ in rnnnrcliun �`TM���
<br /> wilh thr loun�rc�cJ Ihc pemiit�rd limil..tlxn: lul uny�urh loun ch�ir�r.hall Ix rrdurrJ hy dk am��um iucr„urv iu reJuc< < ..�
<br /> thc rhargc�u�hr(xrn�iucd Iimit::inJ Ihl.�ny•um�:dreuJy rullrrlcd from Bi,rro��•�r whic1� �,x«`•ilrrllli�,�����ri'ni111h"�1 � � r:
<br /> rcfunckd lo Born»vrr. l.cnJrr ntay rhnu.c ta make�hi�rcl'und h�reduring�hr prinrip.�l��+.d un > i p
<br /> direc�puyment�o Burrnwrr. If:i rcl'und reducr,p�incipul.lhe r�dur�i��n ���ill Fx ircin�cl+i, :�p��niul pr.p+�}mcnl aqhoul uny .�;. . �•
<br /> . �� piLpuymm�t rharge unJrr thc Nc��c. .�
<br /> � I�. Noticc.r•. Any noticr la Rurtvwrr pro��i�led li.r in thi.tircuri�� Inrinunrnl �hull 1�� �i�rn h� dr6�rrm�: il �K h�• .� �
<br /> mailin� it hy tir+t cli�xs muil unl�..:�rrr�:�ni�luu•rcquirc�uu ul:mud�rr mrlh�Kl.'I'hc�wii�c,h:�ll Ix•Jirccicd 1��Ih�Pm�rty ` .'a� '
<br /> AJdrc., or any ulhrr�Kldre,+ fiurtuwrr dr,ignair. hy n��ticc lU�.CII��Cf. All\ IH�IICC ti,Lrn�kr ��I:11� Ik' �!{��'ll h) IIfM C�il»
<br /> muil w L�nclrr:uJJrr+,,�:ded hrrcin or an���ihrr uddre.,L�ndrr�Ir,iEn:ne.h� nuli��r u�liurtu��.r. :1m nuu.•r pruvidrd tiir f �s,c.^.�
<br /> � in thi� Scrurity In,�rumrnl .h:+ll tk Jcrmed iu huv� hern �i�•en tu I�ui7o�ticr nr Lrtuk•r ah.•n ����•n a. pr��vidrd in �hi, 4 -.
<br /> , Purugn�ph. f
<br /> 15. Governin}; I.uw•:tie�•erubilit}. 'I'hi, ticcurii�� h�,irumrn� .hull h�� }u�ernrd I.� Icil�•ral I;�a .md Ihr Li�� uf �he ,
<br /> .. juri.diction in whirh�hc Pru�xrlc ir kk;ilyd. In Ihr rvcnt�h:u um pru�•i.iun ur rlau.c��I th�,tir�•unt� In.lnnnrni ur th.Nu�r
<br /> _ c�mtlict,with.�nrr�:►ni�I:���.,urh amllicl�h��ll nu�:�Ife�•1 othcrpr���•ninm ul Ihi,ti�.unl� In,lrum.n���r Ih�N��ir��hirh�un l
<br /> .. • Ix givrn cl'icc� �vith��ut �hr c�mlliciing pra�•i,iun. 'li�ihi..nd ihr provi,i�,n,��t thi. 1ri uni� h�.irumcnl :ind Ihr Nulc urc , _ ,�•y:,
<br /> dcclurcd N�he+cvcr:ihlc,
<br /> 16. Borro�r•cr�l'up�. liurru��rr�h:dl I,r L���n unc r„nl��imrJ r,����ul ihr Vuir ;m�l ut ih�,tic:urn� In.�rumrn�.
<br /> 17. 7'runsfer oP thr 1'rupert}or�i Beneficiul Intere+t in Ilurrua�er. II:dl��r:m� pan�d t h��I'nryx•ri>u� ;my inlcn.� in '
<br /> it i��uld or ir:m�tcrrrd iur il'u Ix•n�firi:d int�rc.t in N�xr„�►rr i, ,��Id „r�ran�lrirrd :md li�Kia���.i i.nnl .� n;uur;d �xr.u�u
<br /> without l.rndcr'y priur��•riurn cumrnt.L�•nJrr m:�). :U il,u��liun. rrqunr�mm.•diatr�v,i��ncm �n tull ul :�II,wn. .r.uird h� .
<br /> �hi.Srrurity In.trwnrnt. Hu��evrr,thi,o�,�ion�hull n�� Ik crcrci�.•d hy I.rnder il r�rrri•e�•�,��dul,�ICd I.�trdrrnl I:n�a•�,t . .
<br /> Ihc dutr ul Ihi.Srruril�•In,lrununl.
<br /> � If Lcndcrc�crci.r.�hi,upti�m.Lrndrr,hall �i�rli��rn���rrn���irr ul:��r�Ir1:�h�q�. I�hrn�+l�«•�h:dt pn+�tdi•c��x•�iud nl
<br /> • ' iH�t Ic.�Ih+ut�0 d��y�t�um thr�lalr thr noticc i.dcli�rnal�+r m:iilyd��illun��hirh Buir�n�r�nw.t p.i� .dl,uiu..r�inr�l 1,� 11��.
<br /> Srcuritv In,Irumcnl. II Hurr����rr I:nl. 1u pay thr��• ,um. pnur I��Ihr r�pir:m�m ��1 Ihi.�k•raKl. I rnder m,i� m�ul,�• .im
<br /> rcnmdir.�krmiltrd h�•Ihi.tirruril� In.trum.nl��ilhuui I wlhcr nnu�•c nr drmanJ��n B���ro.��•i
<br /> 18. Korro��er', Iti}!ht lu Reintitute. II li�n•rua�r oirr�, �.•n:un runJiuun.. {ini�����ri �h,dl h.���� �hr i�eln ���h.��.•
<br /> rnforccnxnl ul Ihi,tirrw�il�� In�u�umrnl�Ii�r��nunu��J.il :m� �nne ��ri�n In Ihr r.uhr� �,t: i.0< <I,��.��n �u,h ���hr� priuNl :��
<br /> � SmFlrl.nml� Punnfc�IncFrcdJfe\Incl\IPIIR�II\�INI�IF\I Ind„����� �„���.���i ���10 �:�., . � ,,.r., �„
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> ,
<br /> '�) � _ _ _
<br />