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<br /> , . ..� . � . .. __-:Yr°«
<br /> �+�t.,d,167R7k� `� ---.... . • -- .�._
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<br /> . „ �:.��..�:--
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<br /> =4.
<br /> ,.. ,,.�,+,: °. rcfcrrcKl tu in p+r:�aruph 2. ur chAnge Ihc unnwnt uf�uch p�ymcm�.. Any rxrc.ti pr.kccd���vrr un uuwunt rcyuir��!t��puy�II �;-::.__:-���----
<br /> .r� . aulrlwrlin� indcbtalnc.s u�uirr thc Nnte unJ thiz Secu�iry Instrument.holl he puiJ w Ihe a:nliry Iegully�nIi11�K1 theretu. f�:_f...._
<br /> ,�,��•�,,,f.. �� _ _
<br /> h"H.: _
<br /> °�" g.rekw.l.enJer may rnlleci fees und charges uuthorixed by the Secretury. �;�, �_,;;,;;:;--
<br /> � � . .i . " . �.L..--� Y1'l,I-
<br /> :,,,;�..y�,,�, .., 9.Grounds far Acceler�Uan ut 1)ebt. �.�A_�.:,'-� "��-
<br /> . sa, ..
<br /> „ .� (a) UefRUlt. l.ender nu�p. �xcepi uti IimiteJ hy regulati�m+ itiwcJ h�• lhc Scrrclary• in Ihe ruu ��f puymem deluuh�. �=_
<br /> ��'f==__---------�
<br /> , ' require inunediute puyment in full of all tiums+ecurMi by�hi�Security In��runxnt if: � r___,__
<br /> �: . lil&�ROwcr Jefuull�by fuiling to pay in full any munthly paynx:ni n�yuircd hy Ihi.ticcurily Inr+lrum�nt rri��� h►or
<br />- . an ihc Jue Jute of the ncxt m�►nthly puyment.or � �s�"'�-
<br /> .. ' I+ h Puilin�. i'or a cnud ui thiny duy�. to Fxrli�nn uny��Ihcr��bli�su�iun�, cnntuined in this b�.,�,_, r � ..``.-�<K: �
<br /> , liil B�xrowcr Jctuu t Y E p
<br /> • �. Sccuriiylmtrument. 1 :_�:;;-:_;_.
<br /> � ti•-,:-•-
<br /> , . ,mtittctl h u Ikublc la�� und with Utc priur appmvul u1;� ""'..-.".'`_""'"`�''�`��`�`'
<br /> . (b) S�le Without Credlt Approval. LcnJer.halt. �t p. Y (�p
<br /> .• Serrclury,reyuire immcdia[e payment in full af all .umr,«urcti by Ihiti Security In.trument it': �,�,,,__
<br /> • .. •� lil All nr pan of�he Pr��peny, i�r a txr►eficial interest in a tru.c owning uU nr puri �►1'Ilw Pmpeny. iti�uld�ur t ;,::.,_{_
<br /> otherwisc tran.fcrred lothcr than by Jevi.e��r dc,xentl hy the&in�.Wer. :uiJ . ,;•a.�,:, -
<br /> liil The Propeny is n��t cnrupicd by the purrha+cr or gruntec a� hi, un c�r principul n.wfdc+H.'�:. ��r Ux: -� .-Q-= -
<br /> � purchuser or grumce d�►es,u�xcupy the Pmpeny but his ur her credN h�..nc�t heen uppr�rv¢d in un.tirr�dunrae wi���� �-��-.'=_
<br /> requirements of thc S��cre�nry. --� -_��.
<br /> . , U� �'t,":a
<br /> . , '►. .
<br /> �'1._
<br /> � (c)Nn Walver.If circwnstuncc+�xcur that x•ould permit L�nder to rcyuire immeJiatc paymcnt in twll.hu�L��nJ�r Juc� ��;. � _`•:`—
<br /> � not reyu ire such puyment�. LrnJer dex�n�x waice its right,a�ith respeci io .ruh�cyucnt rvem.. � :.��;
<br /> � , . ld) ReRulwtion.�oi HUp tiecrctwry. In muny cirrums�anre.regulutiim� i.,urd hy �hc Scrrrtary will limit lsnJcr'. ��;•:;,;�:�
<br /> � • �:���,.
<br /> ' ri�hts in Ihe ca.� .�i paymcnt Jcl'uult�lo rcquire immcJiatc paymcnt in full and I'urcrin,r if n�ri puid. This Secunty ,..
<br /> �{:,
<br /> InstNmcnt J�x+not uulhorize•rccelenNion or t'orerl��+ure ii'n�N perniittrJ My regulali��m�►f thr Secretary. „r:;�',!'K'
<br /> :'• `;"r�
<br /> s .b4i A
<br /> � le) Dlortgagr Nnt In!�ured. BoROwer agrcc�that �hatdJ Ihi�Srruri�y In,trumrnt aixl thr N�itc+ccurcd therrby nui Ik ;:.J�:;! :.
<br /> - •/i�Y' •f !�.
<br /> " cligihk i'or in+ur•rncc unJcr thc Nutianul Hi�uxing Art within 60 day� (rom ihc Jain c�reuf. l.cnJrr may.at it, aplHm • °��`;:�:.
<br /> und n�nwi�hstanJing any�hing in purogruph y, require imm��iiatc paynKnt iu i'uii ui'.�ii Wlih �C�Uiid h}r this Srrunty --. .- - - ---�-
<br /> In�lrumc:nt. A wriu�n ,�utement oi'any au�hurircd ugem ut thr Scrrc��• Ja1�J�uh�cyucnt tii h0 Jay. fr��m th�dalr ��.�;� ,>-.
<br /> �• •• hcreof, dc�lining�a insurc �hi+Security I�i.trun,cm anJ thc No��.ecur�rl thcrchy,+hall Ix dcemcd r�mclu+ivc prc„�(��1' ' "�'"
<br /> .uch ineligfhiliry. N�xwith,ianJing �hc ti►rcguing. �hi���ptiun may na�h��xcrciurt Ny LcnJcr whrn thc unuvailahili�y � ,',k".lt
<br /> ':;;"'�':.
<br /> of inwrancc iy,olrly due t�i Lcixler'�I'uiture w rcmit u ro�ingag�in.uran�c prrmium�o t hc S ccre w ry. , t;.
<br /> 10. Reiintatemenl. eurru�vcr hsi. u righ� ta hr rrin.�atrd if LAixkr ha, rcquircd immcJiatr payment in t'ull hccuux��f �,
<br /> ,:�
<br /> , � • Bixniw�r'+ failurc ti� pu}� un amount Juc unJ.r thc Notr ur Ihi+Security Imtrunk-nt. Thi� righ� appli�+rvrn ut'tcr liirrcl��.urc .'t,.•.�",��
<br /> prc►cecvling�arc in+litulcJ. T�� rcins�.�tc Ihc S��.uri�y Imtrui»cii1. B�irr��H�r,li:�ll I���J�r iii a lu�tip �u��i��II un�•�un�ti rcyuir�d to . ;±��,:;;;,.�-
<br /> . bring Burrow,r',arcuunt rurrem inrludinu. ia thr cxtcrn thcy urr��hligati�ins nf Bi�rrnwrr undcr thi, Scrurity Instrumcm. � '�'.`��,�.,�_
<br /> .:�� fnr�wlo.ure co�t. anJ rea.�muMc uixl cu,�rnnary auomry�� Icc+ anJ crp�nv. pr���xrlr as+�►ciatrd wilh the li�rc�lu+urc -
<br /> ' � pnxceJing. Up�m rcin.ia�cmcnt by Burnx►•er.thi,Scrurity In�trumcm anJ�h���+1 igati��m ih•ri it �rrurcti.haU remain in ciTect :��^-.^
<br /> u. if L.c�idrr IuJ nnl rcyuir��l ironkJiatr pa�ment in fulL Hmve��rr. lAndrr i, nut r�yuircd lu permit rrin+tatement if: �i►Lcixfer ' . - -
<br /> ha> •rcc�ptcJ rcimiatement ufter thc rnmmenrcntrnt ul' ti�rerla.ure prurrcdingti��ithin ncu ycar+ immediatcly prc�edin�! thr , ; „'
<br /> .�=�=w�.
<br /> ., ci�mmcnrrmcm uf u rurrcnt thrcrlu,urc pr�ke�.fin�, lii► rcin,laicnunt �•ill pr�r•lude tbrc�luwrc un Jiffcrcnl gruurnlx in ihc �. „e,��_�::.
<br /> futurc.crr�iii►r�in��utcmcnt will aJ�•rrul} ultc.l thc priarity o(Uic li�n rrcutc�l h} thi,Sccurity In,trumcnl. , '"��
<br /> .3�.��.
<br /> , 11.R��rn►w•cr Not Itelcu�ed:h'urlxnrunce B� Lender�ot u��'ui�cr.li�icn,um��t tlic time of pa�ymrnt ur nxxlitirutiun ui� �',.,, . . ,
<br /> unu►rtii:�tiun��f tUe wnu�rrunJ M� Ihi�tirrurit}• In,�rumcnt gr:mtrd h� Lrn�rr i�� any wrcr�.i,r in intrretit af Darruwer+hull
<br /> ixn uperatc lu r�ha+c thc li•rhili��•af thc���iginal H��rr��wrr ur 8urr„��rr'.,ur«��nr in imcrr.i. l.rndcr.hall not tk nyuir��l ta } .
<br /> r��mmen.c pnxc��ling+agaoisl:uiy ,urrr����r in inlcrr,l�x rclu..•a��rtrnJ linx li.r paynxnl ur��Ihen�i,r nxxlit'��amoniiatiun ' .
<br /> , �rt' thr �um+k�unYl hy thi, Srcurity In�truminl h� rra�un ��I :ui� drman�l wa.tr I,� ihr ��nginal Harruwcr ur Ii�ttr��wrr'� •
<br /> .ucrr++im in intrrc.t. Am• li,rh.aranrc I,� I.rndrr in c�rrii•ine .�n) n�ht �n i.•m�•�I� ,h.dl nut hc .i ���aivcr ul ur prccludc�h�
<br /> rxcrri+r�,1'an}•right ur remcdv.
<br /> t ��-4RINE1 '� ' ''
<br /> t 1 I '
<br /> �1 _ --- -
<br />