� �!'.,1�j�. f • ;�a�. J�1�'�.��'��?�,� �"��r�l:r;�; �'. :.t� . � . :� ����F•,: ___
<br /> �Jt;� -���r-_- � - - _— _ _ - — -
<br /> : ��� �.-,�-�,;�,. . - - .,�.:�.� .._.._ . .• _----- -
<br /> k 'r,+�M .,,o-.
<br /> ,.ir1� �:w-SLS" ..
<br /> i _
<br /> .Y.a. -__._...,••— , - ----
<br /> �; . . :� 92, 1U247F:' ��.;��.--- --
<br /> ��--_--
<br /> . ��'° 4. Mire. Fl�nd and(hher HAZUrd Insurnncc.&�rruwer+hrll inwrc u!I im ruvrmcn�. ��u ih� Nru n ��hc�hcr iH�w in �'YQ'�---
<br /> _ ' P fk Y• r�;::.-. ..
<br /> " ' ,f�-�-•• � ,- cai�tcnrc or+ubscyucnUy errrtcrl. uguin��uny huiurJ�, l'UtiUUllll'ti,unJ romingcncir�, inrluding lire, tix which IxnJcr rcyuirc. �-� ... =`r�"�
<br /> �. �,...' ''�� . inruronrr. Thiti in.uruncc,hull Ix muimuinrd in thc anH�untti und 1�►r thc peri�►J, Ihu1 l..nd�r rcq�iir... Fi��rruNrr ,hull ul.�� ---�=--
<br /> ; y,�-
<br /> ' " _ • , in.ur�ull impruvcment.on thc Pr�ipcny.whc�hcr nuw in cxi.wnrc��r,ubuquentlg cr�cird.u�;uind lu„hy fbN�l�ar�hu cx�cm �'� `_
<br /> �.,:;''=
<br /> . �cyuir�Kl hy tl�r Scrrctury. All in.urunrc+hull F+e carri�J wilh rump;mir+ appru�rd hy I.cuJrr. 1'hc in,ur.mrr ��lirir,anJ uny �`;Li�a`�'=:-""�""--
<br /> - 1 ^ �.,;.;;;,;, .�,; ' renrwuls xhall lk held by l.cnder und+hull inrlude In�s puyuhle cluutie�in low►r nf.•r�xl in��lin7n ucrcpluMc lu, lAndcr. ��
<br /> . . �-,-,_�,.,:�..:��:.�-
<br /> � In �hc cvcnt ul'lu.rs. &�rn►wrr,hull givc I.c�xlcr imm��liutc nuticc�by nwil. l.cndrr m:i� roalr pr�N►f uf I���. il'nut muJc �... .",: .
<br /> „ �� °. . promptly by &►rrower. Eurh in,urunrr r��mpany c��urcrnrJ {� herrby uuihnri�ed •r�xl Jirerted tn mal,e paymcn� li,r,uch I��tis ���.�'��°-•°,•°�'•°�
<br /> . Jirccdy to I.cnJcr. inx�cud��f to&�rruwcr unJ io I.cnder juinlly. All�rc uny pun uf thc in+urunrc pr�kccJ,muy hcs applicJ by w�•L� '.
<br /> r' .� ' � i'L4L'r'Ai4�iIL�:;..—"
<br /> , � l.endcr, at il�uption. cither lul to ifk rrJur�inn��I'thc inJchicdrk.� undcr thc N�nc und Ihi, Scruriry In.irumunt, tir.� to any �+� ��
<br /> �...,�.�.��.�,.:.
<br /> " dclinqucnt umuurn.uppli�in thc orJer in puragraph 3.und then tu prcpuymcm uf principaL or Ihl ta thc rr�lurati�in�ie repair �r*-� , ; �,
<br /> � ' af thc Jum•rgcJ Pr���xrty. Any applicatiun of thc prncecd� �o the prinrip•rl �h�tll nm •xtrnJ ur p��ti�p��nc �hc Juc da�e af tlu ��''�-�-+i�•,,µ,,h,;;;;;R;;;,E;�s
<br /> • . momhly puymen[s which ure�eferrcd�u in puragraph 2.ur rhunge the umoun�al',urh paynkntti. Any csce„in�uranre pr�k�edti .�"^:'k��:'��••--
<br /> ovcr an um��unt requircd u► puy aU outstuixiing indebteJne,c undcr thc No�c und thi. S�wurity InUrumcnt �hall ik p•rid to�hc �,.� — __
<br /> ' ' �ntity I�gulty entideci theret��. �--R� ,-,--
<br /> � °, . In the evem �+f fi�red�►sure of �hi� S�curity� In+trumem or uthcr transter uf titlr �o the Prapeny Ih•rl extingui.he. thc =,r_
<br /> • indebtednez,. ali nght,title und intcreti���f&�rrowrr in unJ to insuranre p�►liric+in ti�rrr�hull pu.+a��hr purch�.er. --� -_ _.
<br /> ... �s��•:
<br /> 5. (kcupancy, Preservation. lfaintenance and Prntection oP thr Proprrty; RorroK•cr's l.oan Applicndon; ��
<br /> • • • I.easehnlds. &irmwer slwll ix:cupy. eslubli�h. and use thc Propeny uti Borruwer'+pri�xip•rl rc+i�knre��•ithin ,ixry Juy�ufter t' � °� �'�
<br /> thc excrutian uf thi,S�wurity Imtrun�nt and tihall runtinuc �o�kcupy thr Prapcny a�B��rrawcr', prinr�pid rr.idencc li�r ut Icu+t . �°�-�-'_�'�
<br /> , • unr yeur ufler the Jatc oi'�xcupanry, unless tlx�Scrretary Jetcrmine,thi. rcyuircnurn w-ill cuus;c unJuc harJtihip li�r&irr�►wcr. � ;�;,. ; '_-
<br /> .,,.�• ar unles. extenuating rirrum,tunrr. cxitit whirh arc b►���md Burrowcr'+ runlrol. Burrnwer shall �wtit'q L.cndrrs ol' any ���i;'':��.,_..�
<br /> . � � ' cxtenuu�ing rircum+tunccs, &�rruwer,hull nid commit wu+lc ur de+truy. Jumugc �►r,ub,laniiully rhunge the Pr��pcny or allow �.�,:,<:._:-
<br /> . the Pro�xrty ti�deteriorute, reuu►nuhle we•rr unJ trur excepied. Lender nuy impect thr Propeny if tlx Pr��prhy is vacunt ur �'.c.,�r,��
<br /> uhanJon�i ur �hc lonn i, in dcfault. l.cnJcr m•ry tuke rru.�muhlr uctiun to prutcrt anJ prr.crvc .urh varant nr uhanJu�kd �..
<br /> .. ' �r';..�:H,�� .
<br /> Prupeny. &►rri�wcr shull ul+n lx:in Jefuull if&►rrowcr,during tlx loan upplicatiun�rorrti�.�!uvc mu�cri•rlly fal.c ur inarcuratr _
<br /> ke�..��.
<br /> ,, intimnution ur.tutcnxnta tu Lcndcr(ur failcd to proviJc Lcndcr with uny ma[enal inli�rmatiim�in ronncctian with thc I��un ��.:�.,,�;.• ia'�
<br /> ----- --_ rvidrnrc•d by �hr N�,te. inrluJing. hut nut limi�ed io. rrpre�entatium r��nr�rning B�irr�iwer'. ��cuparky of the Pr�ipem• �.�; u ---
<br /> ' principal residcucc. If thi,5cruriry In.trwnrnt i. un u Icusch��ld. B�irrawcr ,haU rumply with tlk pruvi�iunm ul Ui� Irasr. If .. `'
<br /> Burr�iwer acyuire+I'ee title ui Ihr Propeny,the Ieu.cl�►Id und I'ec�iUe�IwU nut hc nxrged unlca,L.ender u�trce�tu thc mcrger in
<br /> �• . .
<br /> . .. writing. �:'.:`�.:.,• -
<br /> ���:;,,, .
<br /> ' �� � 6. Char}<<w to Horrnwer and Prot�Ktion of Lcnder'x Riuhts in thi�Propert�. Borr��wrr .hall pay ull g�x•rrnmrntal ur ' , s,�`
<br /> municipul eharge�. tinc, aixl impi�.itian,thul are nui inrludcd in purag�aph _'. Nurn►�vcr tihall pay thc.c uhli�aliun��m timc ,
<br /> dir�•rdy tn Ihc cnlily whirh i+ourd thr paymcnt. If I'ailurc a�puy w�iulJ.iJvcncly�Il�rt Lcnd�r'. imcrr,i in ihc Pmpcny.upon � ''t�
<br /> Ixrxkr'�rcquest Burr�iwcr.hull pr�nnp�ly I'urnish to Lc�xicr r��rip�,r��iJencing thc.r puymcntti. r '.
<br /> � °'_.;;.
<br /> If&►rruw•e�luil.to mukr�n�.���.��»��n.�,��n�raymcniti rcyuirrJ hy paragr•rph?. ��r f•rilti tu perli►mi any inhcr covenuntti �: ,;�;.=
<br /> und ugreement�cimluined in thiti ticcuri�y Intitrumrnt.��r Ihcm ir a IcEal pnxreJin�that ma} ,ignitirantly altcrt lAnJcr'.righh . .
<br /> in thc Pr�qxny�wrh a.a pnxccdin�t in hunkruptcy. li.r r��i�lcmnan�m ar io coti�rrr lau.��r rcguluti�mtil. Ihcn I.cndrr may Jo � •-�m=._ ^
<br /> unJ pay whatevr� i. ncrr.u�ry� U, prolrrt ihr v:dur uf thr Prnprny aixl I.rndcr'. right. in thc Pru�xny, inrludin� p•rymcnt uf � �-�;�=�:'�"-
<br /> laxes.huiarJ insurunre uixl othcr item+mrntiunrJ in p�r•ruraph 2. �°., 4""•_��c:,_
<br /> . �_ ti; -
<br /> .'��' ;, Am� amnunt�di�burxJ hy Lrndrr unJcr thi,paragruph,hall hrrumc an additi�mal dcht ol'&�rcowcr anJ I+r �crured by �; y��-r
<br /> thi,Serurity In.trumenl. Tlie�c amuunt�,.hall hrar intrrc�� I�om Ihr datc uf dishurticmem.at thc N�xr rulc,and •rt thc option of ' ��?�"'i=`�
<br /> � l.cndcr.tihall hc immediatcly Juc anJ pvyahlc. }. �',3�' -
<br /> ., 7. Condemnation. Thc prurecJ+ ul'uny a«�arJ ��r rluim liu danr.��r,. Jireri or run,ryurnlial. in ronnrcli�m �vith any
<br /> ronJemnatiun or �Nher Wking uf anr p•rrt„t'the Pro�xrtc.ar Iiir ramr��anre in plare ol runJrmnatiun. arr hrrch}•a�.igneJ•rnJ
<br /> shall Ix paid to Letxlcr ta thc rtlrnl al Ihc full anwum „1 thc mdrhirdnc..ih�i�rrmainti unpaiJ un�kr�hr Nuic:mJ thi.Srcuriry
<br /> Itl>IrU�1lClll. I.CIh1rr�h:Jl :�nri. wrh pr�nrcJ,a,�hr rr�luru�m nf ihr indrhtcJnr..undrr�hc N�nr :ind �lii�ticrurii� In.irwncnt.
<br /> tir�l 1�� an) d�linyucnt antuunl, applirJ in Ihc ��rder pru�id�il in p:u;ier:iph ?. :uid Ihcn lu n���:i�m�nl ��f prinripal. Am
<br /> • upPlir.uiun uf thr prurrrJ. 1�� tlic prinripal .hall nu� rvrnd ��r p�,.ipunr ihc�iur J:qr ��f Ih� nwmhl� pa�meni.r. ��I�i�h arc
<br /> . �•4RINE1 �•,.r� �•,��.
<br /> T
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> ��
<br /> � �
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