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--.��J�', ���;. _ . � `.r• •..4n�.1��.t� �Fr�`�•::;�q�. � -t ''i/i6YiYUa.d,:f�91'�c:werlmnat. . <br /> �,. . ...• .�t .._.- .-.� .� •{ n i .Y`�TL':.7R7�. <br /> �. <br /> .� , . .. <br /> __ _ . _ . .� !r . ' - -- ...._'-�.__ <br /> � . .. . . . - _.. <br /> ���k� ` • • a� "��nw•+�-�++�..�....� �_ _ � .-' <br /> ���.�✓.�.,,. ., „ y�;�,.;;. �� -' <br /> ,-,,, � _- <br /> �,�?�,• — <br /> . . '. ,.... • -`'"-- <br /> � -:�",.,�y• . �. ... - <br /> _.. <br /> � <br /> �' ' "' __ <br /> � _ _ � 92� 1 U247 b =--- --- <br /> -.-�; ,� . � `�'"�'�„ `. • 12. guccescorR ond Aw+l nr &wnd=Jolnt pnd tieverAl I.iabilityi C�rSlRnetx. Thc ccwenunt� uiul ugrccmentti uf this <br /> � '.� a.. R — <br /> :�:'�''" •,�!"'�Y�{`��f:::�; Sccurity In�trumern ahall bind c�nd l�enefi�the surce.rsar.j unJ urcignK��f l.crulcr uixi &►rrower. �ubj��� to thc pravinionti uf <br /> . ::�..,,_..,_ . .s _ <br /> , � _�; paragmph 9.b. Bc�ROwer'++ mvenant�u�d u�reements ,hail t+e joint and +cveral. Any &��ruwc� whu r�r,igm tbi� Securiry _�_ <br /> � � �� Instrunxnt bw J�x:ti n��t ex��cute the Note:lu►iw a►-�cigning �hi� Serurily Intitrumem unly to munpugr. grunt u�xl cuiwcy thut <br /> � . Ban��wer'�intercy� in the Prnperty unJcr ihc tcnns of thi�Srrurity In�irument: Ihl i, no� {xrxnuvlly�►hligut��l tu p•ry�he sums —__- <br /> •�;"wsk�r�'(:E ��• fy_a.c. <br /> ,�-,.ti .�;:.•.• secural hy�his Security Instmment: wKl Icl u}tr��ti thut l.c�xlcr utxl uny alhcr&�rruwcr may ugree lu rrknJ,rn�Klify, furt�ear nr <br /> _ __. _ .. ' make any acrnmmndalionc with regLrd to Ihr Iern�uf this Secudty In�trunxnt ��r th��Nutr with�w� thut Fk�rrower',con+em. "' � "°� ��' T — <br /> , h:'� ��:'�_'___' _ ' ____'_"_ <br /> n � � , 13.NaNces. Any �unice w &�rr�►wcr providecl fiir in thi,Serurity In�trun�rn�hull f►c givcu by drlivcring it or by mnilinB -_—-- <br /> , it by lirxt clas.mail unle�s sipplicuble law reyuires u.c uf un���her nxehal. Thc nolice tihull lx Jir��.���1���the Prupeny A�kiresz -- <br /> �"� or any other addre+s Bi►RUwer dcrignute+ hy n�itice to L.enJer. Any notice to IAnJer .rhall he given hy first rlu�� n�ail to ��: <br /> • l.e�xler'c acldre�s titaled herein��r any�addretis l.enJer designateti by n�►tice t��&�rr�►x�cr. Any notice pruvided li►r in�hi�Sccurity ��°=""61°'� <br /> . Instrument.r•hull be deeme�l ta huve Ixen givcn ta Born�wer��r l.rnder when given as prnvided in thi+�parugruph. `° <br /> 14. Governfng law�: tieverablllty. Thi� Security Inx�n�ment sh;Jl lx �tovemed hy feJcrul luw und thc luw of thc �`--- <br /> •� juriulirtian in which the Praperly i�Irx•rtal. In the evcnt tha�any pruvisicHi��c rluuu of tlii+Srcurity Imtnimem ur the Nou: <br /> wnflict,with opplirable luw,wch c��nfliri�hull not uffer.t other nn,wi>i�xi+ut'd�.i,Sccuriry Instrument or the Note wbid��rn be �.���F�.:.:- - <br /> given ePfect wiil�iut the��nllirting praviswn.To this eiul the prcni�i�x►s vf tt�is S�uri�y Inurument und the Note nre d�clwrtei v <br /> � : to be sevcr�ble. <br /> _ . .._ .. <br /> ,• - -- . ---- —- <br /> � � �,� ' IS,Borrower'w Copy.Burrou•itr atwll be given one conformed cup�uf thi,Se�urity Imtrumcnt. �---- <br /> ' '�;,.�'" �„;.: <br /> „ 16. Assi�nmeat oP Rents. Rur�u�.�v ur+cv�,ditiunully u��i�n. :icut trrn.t�n in Lcnd�r all thc rem. anJ revcnuc.r of the f��,-__ <br /> . Propeny.Borrower uuthnriies l.endcr�x�lA•rtiirr's a;�nk t��cullec�the renas ac�a��enue�und h¢reby dir��K:eucb tenant ut'the �"='_""�' -. <br /> � ' • Propeny io puy the rents t��LcnJer ur L�:nder'x agent+.Howevcr.PtIIN W Liik�t':'� n��tice tu&>rrowcr��r&xrower'.breach uf 'A''L°''���� <br /> ' any cuverwnt or ugreement in the S���ricy lnunun�nt. Burraw�tr�tul! colkce a�i Rreive ull rcnts and re�rnue�uf tiv:Prapeny � ----.- <br /> .��,, as tru.[�ti far thc hencfi� of Lendcr and &�rruwer. This �.yxnxaaet of rcnts ronstitules an ab�;olute a+tiignment •rni not an - - -. <br /> • � �? assignn�nt for additionul recurity only. S". <br /> � �,. <br /> , �� : . : _ �, <br /> ,� • � If Lender givc.noticc of brcuch to &�rrowtr: ta)all rent+ receivcd by Burrower shull hc held by &�rrower a+ trust�r fi�r °:^-� � ,�; <br /> — benefit of Lender unly.te t+e u�+}?lit�.l�� th��!im. <ecure�l My Ihr Security Imtrunknt: 1b1 Lencier,hull lk en[id�d w roUect anJ ., '' • <br /> .. ,; ,� F'� 5': 'pr Y � P'Y p ����;�p .--+ <br /> � reccive ull �►f the r�nth uf �he Pm n and Icl each tenvnt M' the Pn n +hull a ull rentti due and un aid to Lendcr or � <br /> , ,.:.��.•�:;',��• I.endcr's agcm on Lendcr'�written demand a�the tenant. , '; `' ! <br /> Burrowcr h•r,not exeruled an�•pri��r a..ignmem of the rent�und hus not uad wil l no� perform uny uct lhut would prevcnt ....;,., _ : <br /> ' I.enJer from exercising iu right�uncier thix paragruph Ib. '�'`�'?��;'i'�`• � , <br /> ,��� .. '.:3tt' :_ <br /> ,.,rt'::��t'.S: � ":w <br /> ' ;:.. >,�..•.. ` l.enJcr shall n�N be rcyuireJ�o emer u�m,take cantrol ui or mtiintuin d�e Pn�perly beforc or aFtcr giving noti�r�+f hrearh �,r+:a«., l. <br /> s�; . .�vr�.:�•• <br /> ;:, .'.. , tu&�rrowcr. Fi��wever. L��xler ur u juJicially ap��int��l rercivrr mt�y di� so ut any lim� �here i� •r breurh. An>' applira�ion uf � ``� <br /> �„ • � rcn�ti shull n�it curc�ir tvaiec an�• JefauU or IIIV:lI1ll8ll':llly athcr ri�ht or rcnxYly ��f Lcndcr. This ussignment of rem.r ni'the �'� ' ' � :w <br /> • - Pri►perty shaU icrminate u•hen�hc Jrbt�crurrJ hy Ih�kcurity Inxlruinrnt i�puiJ in fiill. ---- <br /> ..,�� ' . <br /> ,.. ., . .. ' ;�+:':-: <br /> •'� � NON-UNIFORM COVF.NANTS.BumiHCr anJ l.cndrr furthcr rovenam and ugr�c u. tidluw�.: <br /> - ' 17.Fnreclosure Proccdurc.lf I.cndcr rcyuinw i�ron�Ktiutc payment in full undcr puruy�ruph 9, Lcndcr mav invokr the � � <br /> pm�•cr of tiale ond am other rcmcdi�� �xrmitled by upplicohle la«. I.cndcr shall Ix rnNUcd tu rull��ct ull cxpcnsc+ �•�'�, <br /> . � incurred in punuinR the rcmedles undcr thW�wru}�ruph 17, includlnk. hut no� limqcd to.reawmablc uttorneyti fe�and , ,�.;.�.•�,r:"�`" ''' <br /> costs of'tiUe evldencc. � , W <br /> ,.,,,: ',.., ,.,,'•,���,-,��. <br /> f r <br /> � If the poHrr oF sulc is imnk�d. Tru�t�r �hall ntiord u nnticc uf dePuult in cach counh in «hich am• part oP the � • �s•;��' <br /> . Prnpert��is I��rutrd und shull rnuil cnpi��oP+uch noticc in thc manncr pr�hcrllxd b} applicul►Ic lu�� to Borro��cr and to � •.. 1_.�4,,��=- <br /> - the uthcr perwmx preruriixd b�•applicublc la«. Aftcr thc timc rcquimd b� up�licahlc lu«,'1'rust�Y�shull uivc puMic notkr . <br /> oP sule tn the pen�mx und in thc munner pr��cribed b� uppliruble lu��. 1'�utite�. ��ithout demund on•rll �ell � . <br /> '�:,;;;.. the Property ul public uuctlon to tlic highest bidder ut the timc und plure and undcr thc tc�m+d��ri�;nuted in the noNce of k <br /> � , wlc In une or mure purcek und in an} order'I'ru.tee delermine�. 1'ru�ter mu� �w+tp�mc.ak uf aU�►r un�• purcel oP Ihe � � . <br /> • . , PropeM�• I►�• public unn��unce�nent a� the timc �wd pl.�rc ul' iw� pre�inuJ� uhcdidcd .:�I�. Lender ur it� dc.i�nec ma� . <br /> � � purcbuse thc Proprrt��nt anv wle. I ' <br /> �-4RINE1 '',,:'.�'° � <br /> � � <br /> �' .r'. <br /> � ' '•+ � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> i <br /> { ' <br /> . _� _ _ <br />