��'.` ��siitv�i���l�t1!) ��i�11.� °Ji�rr��flc�+%lr.r,.�F ^.. s.�!Y�'�y,ik4i�%:;'''�""• . . ,rE. +N►�
<br /> �.i. - - - - e.-_--- -. _ _...
<br /> '�����se ia.K.=#�r - - -
<br /> ��I�;' ..p.,�.� ' . . . . . ..}. -�_.�
<br /> ��� '2:Y�^�c,::•:.e�. kt, n•�
<br /> . . ,s'LL
<br /> . ........rrrfM��6 .._J.���.....�._ .
<br /> �, _.—_ ----
<br /> ��- �-'— ____.,_. ._.'_. �
<br /> � 92- 1 U 2 4'�"� =�:._
<br /> " P P� Y• �'r�a.;:�"�'-__-
<br /> • TO(3ETHER WITH ull the impravemenis ��w on c�rcuftcr crt�ted an thc ro rt und ull eukments, rights, � ___
<br /> �-.��,�.a...:, ' pppune�wiuc�, renta, royaltics, minerul,ail utKl gay rights ond prufi�,, watcr righ�,and�axk und all fixture.niiw or hercaRcr a - - �
<br /> • pun of thc propeny. All repiacement+und additions r:hull �Ixo be cc►vered by thix Seeurity Instrument. All nf�he 1'oregaing is �`"""._�
<br /> � �: R , referrai to in�his Security Inurument as the "Prapeny." __ -
<br /> � ' . . .. . , ..:.�,---
<br /> � � � ° BORROWER COVENANTS thal Barrower is luwfully tieir��l uf the e�tutc hereby c�mvcy�wl unJ ho.th.right tu grum and �-;�_-._____
<br /> :e
<br /> . � convcy the Pr�►perty und thu�[he Property is unencuniMered, except fc►r cncumbrunr.e+uf rcc�ud. &�rrowcr wurrums unJ will ���:�•4i,���-,rks�nr*•--
<br /> �t�3ar.s��—� �
<br /> � " � deFend generylly the tiUe to the Propeny againnt all cluiro�unJ dcnw��dr.subJect to any encumhrunre+��f rcrord. �-___ -____-__
<br /> �ltlT�� -_
<br /> . , •H�i:�' �.
<br /> , ,V , 1. Payment of Principal. Intereat and Lale Churp�c. &►rruwer rhall puy wh�n duc the principul��I', und intcre�t on, the �������
<br />�e:' � • debl evidenced by the N��te wui la�e charges duc under�he Note. �0�-_-----
<br /> . . '�w=�.,-------------
<br /> , ' .. �:�'w.�a-:,
<br /> , 2. Monthly Payments o�Taxes. lasursmce end Other Char�es. &�rrnwcr yhtdl incluale in curh mon�hly puyment. . •
<br /> toge�hcr with the principal and intere�t ux�et ti�nh in the N�nc und any lute chu�Fc�. .m im�ullmcm of any la►taxe�und specisl
<br /> ' u+ussmentr Icvieci �x ta be levied ugain�t thc Propc�ty. (b) leasehuld puymnnt� ur gruunJ rcnts nn the Propeny. and (c> _ ,,,�.�,�,a,,,�,,..�,�.,;-.
<br /> premiums for insurnnce required by pu►ugraph 4. �'?-�y3:---
<br /> .,.. . �:M.'•>��':� .
<br /> - ' Euch manthly inc[allment for ieems la).(b).and (c) shull eyuAl one-twclRh of'thc annus�l am�wnts, as rra�mably estinwied :Y.�•�- -;_,,,y
<br /> .. '.��.Ty�
<br /> ' by L.ender,plu�an um�unt sufficient lo muintain an udditionul Maluncr of not mnre than�me-.ix�h of ttxt e+timated umuuntx. The _r��_ _
<br /> • full unnuul amuunt Par euch item �hull he uccumuluted by lxnder within •r peri�xl endins one m�mth t►eliire an item would '�;�Y`�=�y_
<br /> � . � become delinquem. I.ende� shall hold the amounts a�llseted in trust to pay item, (u). Ib), and (c) bef�re they bec�me :;.�,,j{ �^s„m,�
<br /> delinqucnt. '�"�� � :_r,;
<br /> � � •u._ ♦
<br /> • If at any titne 1he IotAI af ihe paym�nt� held hy I..cnder for item. 1�1. (bl. u�x1 1c►• u�ge�her with thc luture m�mthly ;�� ';�>�'-
<br /> puymentti fi�r�uch items puyuble�o Lender pri��r t�i the due dates of wch items,exceeds by nH►re thun urn:-sixth the estimuted f,,. a," `
<br /> �:'��', ��..
<br /> ;..;,,:'' um�wnt�d'puymem.r rcyuir�l to p•ry surh items when due, anJ if puyments on the Note a�e runen�, thcn l.�:ndcr shull either .r���:�.
<br /> mcnts or credit thc excc,t uver one-,ixth of thc estimated u n�ent�tn '�;`,•:".,. �•:.=----
<br /> � refund thc: exce�s over one•sixth ut'Ihc e+timAtai pay p Y .
<br /> subseyuent puyments by Borcnwer, at the nption of Borrower. If�hc tutal of thc puyments m;Nle by &irrower fix itcm 1�1. Ibl. � .
<br /> or c is intiuffirient to u the item when Jue, then Borrower �hall puy to l.ender any umount neceywry to muke up �he .. . , _'.+�-
<br /> 1 1 P Y :�, _
<br /> ,.,,. . •• cfeticicncy on ar before the dutc�he item beromes due. •;����;'�" �° ��
<br /> . �
<br /> �� �� . A.used in thiti Security Imtrun�ent. "Secretury" meuns the Secr���ury ut'H��u.in�and Urban i?evelt�pmem ��r his�►r her .':''l��:��..:•.�y�=�
<br /> dc�ignee. In any ycar in which ihc I.enJer muM puy u monguge in�uranre prcmium to the Sc�cretury. r:Kh nwn�hly puynxnt ,•: ,
<br /> ' tihull also incluJe either: lil•rn in.rtullm�rn uf the unnual m�m�uge imur•rnrc prcmium t��he p•riJ by lAndcr ti�thc SecrMary.or +`�',�<
<br /> 1ii► a nxmthly charge in,tead uf u mortgage in+urancr p�emium if �hi> Sccuriry In�trument i� helJ by the Srcretur�•. f.ueh .
<br /> " monthly in.�ullment of ihc mungage inwrun�c premiam shall hc in un umuunt.ufficicnt�o accunwla�c ih� I'ull annuul mungaRe '� .� .
<br /> insuruncc prcmium with L.�ixicr�x�c nwnth priar to thc dutc th�full :mnual mnngugr inwru�we pnmium i�Juc tu thc Sccrctary. _ '; �
<br /> . ur if thi. S�tiurity Instrunxnt i,hrlJ by thc Scrrctary. �urh ntunthly chargr tihall I►e in an umnunt cyuul tu unc-twclfth of
<br /> one-half perccnt ut'the uuttiiunJin�;prinripul bulancc Juc��a thc Notr. ��`;;�
<br /> If Burr�iwcr ienJcr�to LrnJcr thc r�u r:,y�„�„�„���u rum+,crurcd hy thi+Sc�urity In+�runknt. Borruwcr'�a�r��unt �hall .. `` �
<br /> Ik rrcditeJ with th�halancc remuining lur ull in,�alhnrnt. ti�r itrm, lul. �h�. anJ �r1 and any m��ngugc in.urunrc prcmiunt
<br /> in+tallnunt thut LenJcr hu.r n���Ikconk ubliEut�rl la pa)� li��hc Srrrclary. and lAuJcr tihall pru�nplly rcl'unJ any cxr�,�funJs tu
<br /> Bormwcr. Imnxdint�ly priur ���a turrrlu�urc �Ic ul ilir Pruperty ��r i�, aryui+iti��n h�� Lcndcr. &�rruwcr'� uccount rhall Ne � . �r„__
<br /> ' • • cn.�lileJ wilh uny bulunrc rcmuining(or•rll intitullmcm�tiir itcm��a).Ih�.aixl irl. o
<br /> ��'LL�T•�,--
<br /> '��:-�_.. _.
<br /> y���rW�=
<br /> . 3.Applkatiun oP Parmcntti. All pa�mcnt�un�cr parugruph+ I aixl�.hall hr u�licJ h� Lrmlcr u,li,llow.: �; �' �`��_
<br /> �. First.�a�hc mm�g•rEc in,urancc pmmium lu br paiJ hy Lrndcr i��thr Srcrctary��r���thr �mmthly rhs�rgc hy U�c Scrretury � � .
<br /> inrtcaJ uf thc nwnthly munEugc in,urancc prrmium: .,
<br /> Scrond.ta any taxc�.S�IkCI�I A»C1�t11NDlti.Icuschi�ld p:�ynunt��►r gruwxl ren�.,+u�l 1 ire. II�KKI anJ uth�r h•riarJ insurancr ; -•
<br /> premium..a�r�yuircd: f
<br /> 'fhirJ,to interest Juc unJer the N�NC:
<br /> I�uunh.to amortiialinn ul thr principal.�I�hc Nu�r.
<br /> , Fifth,to lule churgc�Juc undcr Ihc Nuic.
<br /> �-4RINE1 � '. ..,�`'
<br /> m
<br /> r
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> . ' '� .�1 r __ _
<br />