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��ilY'` : �`:�"�,'W.` .. fA��1 � c1. �. �„;.�fJ..��� j 4''�F +�� t ., ' • r4'.iP'....... ;(Z��'�.'1'ti4- * �'S�\9��^�7'S�N�iH. <br /> �/��t��j1r��! M` ��II�Yi1�0�i.1 � �,t++Y^!��t�a'a���:r _t,.1'�r: 4` ---• . .._,�..�. �:.u.,..��. r ;�. �"�.•-y ._ . . <br /> - - � � ' r" ..17'• _ _ .,,...... <br /> �}'. . ��w+�r�� «ti:��� n -..+w�� <br /> . • ' . .•raut��wt:.:r.Y..R� �. __-. <br /> �.• <br /> - _- ' ' _ _ _'c.r..- • � 'J._._"`� '•i_'-- <br /> , 1024�� ��_�-____- -. -- <br /> , , . � 92_ �___ -�-- ---a- <br /> . �.. <br /> �� �,'° :.�_ <br /> � h. •� � ^ cut�denmutian ur uther taking of uny purl of Ihc Nr.ryceny,or 1'or cunvcyuncc in licu ol'anNlrnmiuiun.nrc hcrchy u�rigixd und r ,�,:::- <br /> • e.;,-y��j . <br /> xhall be puid ta Lender. �-='"`-�`—�— <br /> � '' � In Ihc rvenl uf u I�NUI Inking of Ihc Pn►�x ny. Ilu pr�KCeds shull Ix i�pplicd a� ihc xumx .ccureJ hy ihi� Sccurhy -- . <br /> • Inv�runknl,whclhcr or not Ibcn duc,wilh uny ezcc�x paid to[iurruwcr. bi tlw even� nf u p:uyiid Inking uf Uir I'ru�x�ty in ----_..� - <br /> Q ., which Ihe fo�r market vulue uf Ibc N�o�xtiy imnmdinlcly ixl'ure ihc lakin�:i��q�ud lu ur gi�ulc�•Ihnn ihc+nnuunl uf Ihc�:um+ <:,;.�.;�_..-.:_--- <br /> ,•"�s;aaQri�.�..� <br /> „ �s �ecured by�hi�Serurily Inz�nnnem immedia�ely Ixfure�hr Inking.tndc+�l i�►rruwrr nnd Lrudc r o t lk���i,r+�gmr in writio�. ._„� �,,.__.�, <br /> Ihe gums secured hy ihix SecurUy Inslrwnenl xlu�ll lx reduced hy the anwu�U ol'Ihr pr�►�red,mulliplird hy Ihe fo0�»ving �.•��r-°�-�:+I�ilIF3�lua <br /> fr:�cticm: la)Ih�I�NnI umnunl af IIM timnti�rrurcd immrdi�ucly bcfurc Ihr�+�kin�,dividcd hy Ih)Il�c f�iir v;d�w ul'thc � ,-._.. . <br /> � Praperty immcdiu�dy I�efore Ilie tuking. Any bidunc� shull lx puid iu liurrowcr. In ihc evcni a�l+� p�uii+�l �a{,ia�ul'Ihc L.�. �',�y. � <br /> .. - Propcny in which tha fufr murkc�viiluc ot'�hc Pr�qkr�y immcdiu�cly Ixforc thc iuking i. Icx. ihn�i Uic +unaunt uf�hc ,wns ,:.�,•::..,:�,•r,=3, <br /> � •� ' mcdiutel i�ef�,re the iukin . unlc.s l3��rrower und Lcndcr uihcnvi+� u�rrc in N•ri�inti or unlc+z iip{�liruhlc law �. , . . . <br /> s�cured mi y R <br /> , „ , utherwi4e provides,Uie pnx:ceds shull Ix:upplieJ io ihe xumx ucureJ by this Securi�y h�slrunxnl w1�cU�cr ar nul thc xwnr:��re _` •:,;.:!`�'. ;:�•��:�. <br /> thendue. ., ; ����-��'.'�;.v.a:;. _. <br /> If Ihe Properly is abanduned by Diircowcr.i�r if,uf�cr no�icr by Lcnder�o Burruwcr lhut Ih�c�rodcmnur ufl'en w muke <br /> a�uward nr seUlc n clnim for d��mnges,earruwer(uilx �u rcti�wmd Iu Lrndcr wiihin 30 diry�nfter�hc dutc ihc iu►t ice is given. � <br /> Lendcr ia authnrized ta cc�llcc�und apply thr prc�cc� its op�inn,ci�hcr tu res�orution��r rcpnir ol'thc Pru�wny�K tu ihe <br /> sums secured by Ihis Scru�ity Ins�rumcnl,whcthcr ur nut Ibcn duc. <br /> � Unlesa Lencler�ind I3�irrowcr ulhcrwik ugrec in wriling. uny upplic�ui�m of pr�kccd,�o pri��ripnl yhull nul ezicnd or . . ;,�t��"�:= <br /> .,�,....... <br /> . postpone Ihe due date c�f Ihc nnmtldy pnymenls refeRed 10 in paruga�phx I�►nd 2 or chungr Ihe umuuN ol'xuch pnymemti. ; - ,,,:,�,_. <br /> ' ll. Uorrowc� Nat• Released; Furbearnnce By l.ender No1 a Waiver. Gxicusion of thc timc 1'�x puyment or �• �;��r.;���W <br /> ��':�;':. � malificulion of umonixuliim uf Q�c sums secured Ay thi�Securiry Inxlrumcnt g�unted hy Lcuder lo nny xurccssur in interenl �� �� • <br /> �.�...�_ <br /> � of Borrowcr shull not opernw�u relciixc thc liubilily of thu originul Rorrowcr�,r liorr�►wc�k tiucccsxurs in imrresl.l.cuJcr •• .�� <br /> . snall not bc requiraJ to runtmc�xc pr�xccdinFx aguinst uny sticcetisur in inlcrrtil or rcfusc to cxtcnd limc for p�ryu��siu or . T�.-�n. <br /> `.•��� ' othenvisc madify mnurtixutian��f Ihe sums sccurcJ by thiF Sccurity Instrmnenl by rca.on�►I'uny dc�nnnd mude by thc nri�inul I. <br /> BoROwer or Borrower's succecscxs in inlere4l. Any forbos►rm�cc by Lender in excrcising uny right ur remedy shull t�ri lx:u �' <br /> � • waiver uf ur preclude the exerri�r uf amy ribht or remedy. ' � � .t •'��� <br /> 12. Succes.�orA and As9iRns Isound;JuiM an� Several Llabilily;Co-s{�ners. 'I'hc cuven��rns unJ ugrccnxn�s of thiti • , _., <br /> Securi�y lnslrumem shull bind And henefi� dx successo�x unJ assiFns of Lender unJ Horruwer,xubjecl�o Ihe��rovi�ions uf . �?�;•��_ <br /> puragruph 17. Borrower� covenants und i�@recmenls shnll t�e joint nnd sever�il, A��y f3�►rr�wrr�vin,cn-signs �hiti Srcurily ..; .:,, �: <br /> .. Insirument hu1 Jcxs not exrcule�he Nuie: lnl is ca•si�ning Ihix Securily Inxtrumcnt<ndy to nurc��u@e.kruni+md anrvcy U�ut ,.;°,._,- <br /> ' �• Borrowcra in�crest in tlx Pr���hy undcr the�crmruf this Securi�y Inwirumcnt: (b1 i+nut personully�ibligi►tcJ�u pny Uic sumti ' , ' • ,' <br /> secured by thic Security Instrument:aixl(cl ugrres ibut LenJer und uny o�hrr 13nrr�►wer ms�y a�grec lu exlend,moJify,furlx���r ���� <br /> • or muke nny acaimmalulion. w it h regur d lo t he ternis n f Wix Secunl y Intitruoicnt �►r ll�e Nu�c wiUN�u� �hul Harrowcr's iirdli� <br /> �"- <br /> '. ' cansent. <br /> • - 13. Loan Charges. If Ihe loun secured Ny Ihis Securily Intlrumen� is ,uhjeci tu u luw which tielx nu�ximun� loun �'�.;;-: <br /> charges,and lhat IAw is finafiy interprcted so Ihni Ihc i�N�l'�tii tit u1hCi Io:In clt:+r�es rc�!lec�ed or li• ��•�►IlecieJ in wnnectian � . �:�' . <br /> . , wllh the loan exceeJ U�e�xrn►ilted limiis,tlxn: (a)�iny+ucli losm chnruc xhull lx rcduced by U�e umuum necessary�o reduce � . . . <br /> " tl�e char€e�a thc pennilled limi�:i�nJ(N)uny sum�ulrc�idy collected I'rum Fiurruwer which exreeded�wmiitted limil+will Ix� ';,.,,.::�� � '1�.. <br /> refunJeJ to B�mo��er. Lender muy ch�H�se to mukc�hix mt'mxl hy reducing the principal uwcd�mdcrthc Nutr or hy m��kiup n ;'' <br /> dirert pi►ymcnt to Borrowrr. If ti rcfund reJucc��xincipnl.�hr reduc�iun will Ix Ires�lcd u�a�purlial prepnymen� witlwut any . .•� , <br /> nrcPuymcnt chairgc undcr�hr Nulc. <br /> 14. Nutfces. Any noticc w liunowcr pruviJcd (ur in thi,Sccurity In�muncn� sliull Ix Eivcn hy dclivcring it o�by <br /> rnailing il by linl cluss muil unlc,x i�pplicuhlc law rc��uirc�uzc nf un�,ihcr med►��I.'I�hc nulicc x6all Ix�directal li��ha I'ru�x:rty � �� <br /> AJdrcss or any otl�cr anldrezs l3orruwcr drsiFnt�lcx liy ie�lice 1��LriHtrr. Any�H�tirc w Lrnd�r�:hall I,c�ivrn hy lint rls�ss r _ , <br /> �nail W Lcndcr's tiddrr+x slulcd hcrrin ur tuiy othcr nd�hc��Lrndrr dccignulr�I�y noiicr lo Rurro�vcr. M►y iwlicr providcd f��r _ :4 <br /> in this Sccurily Inarumrnt �hsdl ho d�rm�J lo hnvc Ixru givcn to liurrua•rr ur l.cndrr whrn givcn u� pruvidcd in Ihix _ <br /> parugrnph. .' " <br /> 15. GuverninR I.u���; ticverabNily. Thi+ 5ecurily Inslrwurnl tih•rll � guvenrcd by 1'cikral law and Ihr luw ol'Ihc <br /> jurisJictiat in which thc Pruperly is kkn�cd. In Ihc cvcnl tlml uny provision ur cln�i.c��f�hi.Scc�u•ity In.lruu�cnl or lhr Nolc � <br /> conllicls with upplicid,k law,such cunllicl shull nul:�I'lec�uihcr pruvi�ions ol'Ihiti Srrurily In.lru�iicnl or Ihc N�NC which r+m � <br /> lie givcn el'fccl wilhuul lhc conllirling provitiiun. 'li�Ihix cnd Ihr pnwi�iun�ul Ihis tirrurily Imtrurncnl and Ihe N�Nc arc ... <br /> ck�clured to hc.rrvcruhlc. : '` <br /> l6. l���rruwer's Copy. liorrowrr shull lx�ivrn onc amfurmcJ a�py ul'Ihr Nulc:md uf Ihiz Sccurily Inslrumcm. � •. •,?:�•. <br /> 17. 7lrunsfer uf'Ihc I'roperl}'or u Benefidul lotcresl iu liorroaer. If aU ur uny puri uf Ihe I'ru�xrly ur tmy iiucnxt in � �y,y,��r+;•. <br /> i�is sold ur trunsfcrrrJ lur if u IxnrGci:d in�crc�i in I�nrrowrr i� solJ ur��rcd:md 13orru��•cr is nul u nutur+d prnon) � ' �^�: _ <br /> ...„. <br /> withuut Lcixlcr's pri��r wriucn cun,cnt.Lrndrr rna�•, su il.upli�m. rcyuirr immrdi;N�paymrm in tidl ul'al� �uin..cruirJ by , . `• �.. <br /> Ihix Security Imlrumenl. Ilm���vcr.lhis uptiun shnll n�N Ix excrcisrd hy I.cndrr if exerci��i�prohibilcd h��ledcrul h►w ur uf � <br /> tl�c dmc of�his Sccu�i�y In�uvmcn�. i <br /> If LenJcr cxereiux ihis opiiun.Lendcr�hull�ivc Burrowrr nuticc ul':�crrlrraliun. 'I�hc nitli«nhaU pruvide u�x`ritxl of . <br /> �wt less thun 30 Jnyti Gum�hc diUc�hc n���icc ix Jclivend ur nwiled��ilhin which Bu�rowrr mu,��r,iy��II+►un+secureJ I,y Ihis <br /> � Scrurily In�trumcnl. If I3orruwcr fnil� lo pz�y dK�c �um, priur to 1hc cspir,diun „f�hi��+rriod.Lcndrr ma�y invukc uny , <br /> remeJicx�xrmiurJ hy ihix Sccuri�y It�ti1rUI�ICIH�vilhaUl(ul Ilk�IIn11CC��r dcm:md un liuuu��cr. <br /> ' 18. Ifurro��•cr's Ri�;hl lo Itcinslalc. II' liurrinrer mrrl. crrl:�in rondi�i�m�, liurru��ci �liall I�uvr tlic righl lu huve <br /> enlurcement of thi�Security Intilrwnenl Ji.runtiuurd limr prior tn tlir cail�rr ul: I:u S d:�y.lur�urh��thcr�xriixl us <br /> 5�u�:lc I:��wy--h'nonk Dfue�Freddle Mnr I�IP��N\t IN�1 Nl'�II•:V 1'. 14u���nu t'��..�ruu. 9'411 �p�i�r d�/n�ni.�c�� <br /> �i� � <br />� -1 - _ _ - <br />