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4 i' : .,'!1�"F'___ . r{},• ..i F Fk' t. . .� i.d 4r� �,�. �• Y'::r�� ..+`.-� tat7� r --- - . <br /> �i`� �t'. � ! + 4. {�f j #J% "t� . ..��':• . �"k�t�t,,,� 'f� ° _. <br /> L,;�; -1 Al1Y:A.}u�.u.�..e.µ �•� I .�f'�,l�. . . .. .. I�A7SA�2, _... <br /> �� F. . ...5...•�o�.. . . . - tp:�,I±�,j.n� �... .ra: .. .� _a.,' . . _......._.v�.,a��.� ... .., �r�oT.r. . Y.__... <br /> ���• .. aSFa�i. '!� <br /> II ��� �{{�'�' ' a{'Jt�l+ S'16f11K1�fl�i+/fi'�i:� " �•J�.:— .—. <br /> ���n� <br /> . � . .�L.� <br /> .. - _.:l~ ..•l�� <br /> .�., <br /> �.Zr�.9f�nl•'�.m <br /> ' . e <br /> �� ___�������__ <br /> ° � 1 U 24 '70 �"� �- <br /> � , ,,. . 92 ��..���r:: �� <br /> . . , ���::-���-�- <br /> , J 'Q�". applicuble law may apeciiy for ninhtutemcnt)bcfore salc of thc Propcny punuunt lu uny �x�wcr uf hulc cuntuincd in Ihix , ,'-, �`'-�— <br /> �� T -.. .��. <br /> '�°' . - " . Securily Instn�ment;or(bl emry of a judgment enfurcing thlx Security Inrtrument. Thn�e condiliony urc Iha� HuR�wer: lul -- -� <br /> . puya Lencicr all sums which then wuuld bc duc under thix Securiry Inn�rumunt und tbe Noic us if no a�ccleralion had �Y___ T"' <br /> nccurred:lb)cures uny defuult of+�ny other crnennnls or agreements;Icl puy�:All expcnhes incuReJ in eM'arcin�t�h+�Scrurity �: `�,__�y��� <br /> Instnimcnt,including,bul not limited �u,rcuxonable uuorncys'fcrti; and (J)lukcn +uch action u� l•ender may ri�u+unuhly ��;:�_ <br /> .,�_—,. ,. <br /> � rcyuire�o aysurc�hul the lien uf�hix Sccudty Insltument,Lenderw righ�x in�hc PropertY und B��n'��WCr+uhllgutiun to puy the �;-;=nti._. <br /> - -- -. � nums secured 6y thia Securi�y �n+�rument shall cunlinuc unchungeJ. Up�m rein�tulement hy Sorrawer, thiti Security ,—'--�kl,—..a��� <br /> ja. • J �,,���'.. <br /> �' Instrument nnd the obligAlions r�ecured hereby shall remaf�fully etfective us�I'nu accul�r•r�iun hud cxcurreA. Howevrr.�hi+ �-� <br /> � • right to rcinxtute shall not upply in the cu+e of accclumtiun undrr purugraph 17. . . �,a,,.:.„ • <br /> 19. Sple of Note; ChwnRe aP Loan Servker. The Notc or u puniul intcrcyt in thc Notc ltugeth�r with this Security •� . � <br />� �' � Inbtmmentl muy bc wld one ar mure times with�►ua prior nutice to Borrowcr. A �alc may rc+ult in a chan�tc in the cnti�y ''�L.�'^� _ <br /> � fknawn as the"Loan Scrvicer"1 thut collecl�m�mthly puymcnts due under thc Note and this S��urity lnti�rument. Thcrc ulso <br /> m�y be onc or mare changca uf�hc Laan Scrviacr unrcluted io •+ule of�hc No[e. If thcrc i,u chan�tr of�hc Loun Scrvirer. : ,sr , , _ <br /> Ba�rnwer will be given wrillen n�tice ai thc chunge in nccatdunrc with purugraph 14 utxwc uixl uppl�rub�e�a"'�• '1'he no�icr ' <br /> �' will ctate the namc and Address of the►►ew Loun Sarvicer und the uddrerti to which puymenlx should Ix made• The ncxicc will '� r.,.�� �,�r��f.:; <br /> ... -.,.. . • <br /> , �,.., :...�.:;. . <br /> ulso cuntain any othor inf�►rmutiun reyuired by applivable luw, y r�.,�,� � j r _ <br /> 20. Hazardous Substences. Borruwer shull not cuu�e or permit the presence,use,di��x►sal,storugc,or rcle•rtie uf un _�". <br /> ' Huzardous Substunce.r• on or in the Property• B�rr�WCr shaU not do,nor ullow nnyonc cltic to d�►, unyihing affecting thc ��n�• <br /> � Propeny thut is in violAtion of'nny 6nviranmentu l Lnw. T h e p r e c e din g two xentences.hnll not upply to the pretience,uk.��r � 'e--,,ti,,��.,„; <br /> , � '' • storuge on�he Propeny uf timall yuuntitiew of Huzurdou�Substances that are generully�ecugniaed to be nPPropriatc to normul .i,P,, ,=_��:, <br /> • residential uses und to maintcnunce af the Propeny. <br /> � Borrower shull promptly give Lender wriuen notice uf any invetiiigation,cluim,demund,luw,uit or wher action by uny ��'��:.�f• <br /> . �ovemmemal or regulatary ugency ar privutc purty involvin� thc Pro�eny and uny Hvznrduus Subytuncc or Envi�onmen�ul � <br /> ' Ls�w of which BoROwer hus uctuul knowledge. IC Borrower lenrns, or is notified by uny govemmemul or regulutory : <br /> c�uthoriry,ihnt uny removul or other remeJiulion ot'uny Hazarck�ux Sub�lnnce uffecting the Properly iti necestiury. B��nower �� w,.=N ,i�_ <br /> � shall prompUy take all necesKnry remedial ucliuns in acwrdance with Environmcnlul Law. �,� ; ,�.: • <br /> A�used in this puragraph 20,"Huzordoux Subzlunces"are those substances defined as toxic or huzardouti substanres by �;:,. <br /> ;�• ., Environmental l.uw and Ihe followinb +ubstunce�: gusolin�, kennen;�`h��fi��Ideh dc,�uwN1 rudi�ucti c pmrter ula��Ati � � <br /> • pesticidc�und hcrbicidc�, viila�ilc snlvcnts, matcriulx cornaining a.rbc t Y , `'� """�r" <br /> �;�.;,. .�:.�� <br /> u�ed in this ps+mgruph 20."Environmental Luw"meuns federul luwx and laws of the juri�Jirti�m wherc the Property i�Icxuted . <br /> ' ' ' thAt rclute to heulth.safery or environmentul prateclion. .;,, <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortowcr and Lender furthcr covenanl und agrcc ux follows: <br /> 2l. Accekratlon; Remedies. Lender shall�ive notice to Borrawer priur to ncceleration P��Ibwing Borrower's .. ,�,;�q� <br /> breach of gnv covenant or agreement in this Securily lnstrument Ibut not priur to accekraUon unAe� paragraph 1'7 <br /> w��� <br /> unless applicable law provides otherwisel. �'he nuii��e�i�+�ii Fper3t'�': taf!he defaull;!b1�he s�ction required to cure the __ _ _ , .::•.�'`:: <br /> deFault:lcl a date.nut less than 30 deys Prom the date the nutice is�iven to&� which the dePault must be � <br /> � � cured;s+nd Idl Ihat failare ta cure the default on or before the date speciiied M Ihe notice may result In ucceleratiun of ' .1: <br /> Ihe sums secured by fhis Securily Inslrument and sale oP the Prnperty. The notice tihall Purther intorrn Borrower of :.;;�,;�.. � <br /> Ihe rfght to reinstate aner ucceleration and the riaht to brin�a court action to asserl the non•existeace oF a dePault or � . �,,` <br /> aoy other defentie of Borrow•er lo uccelerallon and xale. lf Ihe dePuult Is not rured un nr before the date�pecitied in f ;: � <br /> Ihe notice.l.ender At its option muy reyuire immrdiale puyment in Pull oF all xums+ecured bv this tiecurity Instrumeni k�� � <br /> without further demand and may invoke the power nP sulr und uny other remedics permitted by upplicable law'. '�•;,` <br /> I.ender shall be enlitled lo collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedies provided in tAls parapraph 21. � , <br /> inctuding,but not limited tu,rraxnnable utturnevs'fees und co+ts oP litle evidence. <br /> - tf Ihe pnwer oP xale iz invuked.7Yutitee shull record a natice��f dePuult in euch raunty in whkh anv part oP thr � <br /> Property is I��cated und�hall mafl copiey oP surh notice in the manner pr��criixd by applicable luw lo Borrow�er and to J_ <br /> the other persnns presrribed by�upplfcable luw. Af'ter Ihe timr required by upqlirable law.Trustee shall kive public <br /> notice oi sale to Ihe persons und in thr manner prescrlbrd by uppUruble luw. 'll�uxlee.without de�uund on Rorrower, I <br /> shall sell the Pruperty at public auctinn t�i Ihe hlµhest flldder ut Ihe timr und place und under the terms desipnated in ` <br /> the notice of xale in one or mure parcelti xnd in uny order 71�ustcc dMermines. Trurtee muv potilpone sale nf all or any ' � <br /> parcel��f the Property by public unnouncemenl at Ihe time und pluce�if um•previously scheduled wle. Lender or its <br /> designee m�y purchusr the Propertv ut any salc. . <br /> Upon receipt of puyment of the price bid,'fru�tee shull deliver lo the purchutier Trutitee'� deed conr•eyin�Ihe � <br /> Property. The recitals M the Truster y dced shull hc prima fucie e��idence of Ihe trulh of Ihe ztulementx mude therein. <br /> 71�usteeshall apply the pruceedr of 1he sulc in Ihe ti�llo�tilny;order: lul 10 aU corly and e�Nrmrti��f e�errisin�the powrr t <br /> ...,�c� .. <br /> t <br /> , . ' . <br /> } <br /> � i <br /> Mi�rn�W13N 1W� y��rl�a n����rd;r�� <br /> � <br /> ' �� — � _ — -- -f _ <br />