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. � � �.'. r:•,";7i��w.'F - �..• i .. "'�" ''' '�'��A . :ti.' . .....__.._ ,... .. ' 1' � .>,.:_ =_,..Q.n <br /> � , � ; '� t1-.ay�...- <br /> I�. �' :.L`: 1�. � "r i��'N'"'a.'h. ��� • �,��.:���:�, •.�... ry•k:�"�''�f'i:.t}�a. <br />. i._�..i-a►.. '•..�.�•�r..:...1.4�YI'� .�.�7�aii�Y .�.,�.� � �yt�+«s.�. <br /> —. � j . , _ . �,:�'' � M47�i7ff+�•'�"!��'Fi�eswt'�_• t.�. , .. w_. .. a� <br /> � '�?'�.. r. <br /> � �F.�:�� ���i — <br /> r ,. .,.,�..• - <br /> 'rtffJni�. :ti — _. ._.�_.�_ .. �. -_-�_._=__-`-__�.'"-�..-- <br /> • �.�.:,t�:=:�_::,� <br /> - 92— �.o24�Q ��-�;.�:rL..�__ <br /> :,L....:�..._-- <br /> � . • . ,;.r.. <br /> � pericxl.�h�u l.endcr requimv. Thc in+urunce curricr pmvi�ling ihc inxuruncc�h�dl fw chusrn by Ii�Kr�►wrr xubjrri tu Lcnc)cr's �*= <br /> .. ' uM+rnvul whirh�.hull nu�Ixs unrruxnniihly wi�hhrld. II'liurru�vcr fuilr lo nu�inqiin coveri�gc dc+crilkd iiM�vc,�lcr muy,ut �. ..::r,n..c;:s— <br /> � • Lenderk opti�m,ohtnfn r�wc�ugr io pr�xcr�I.cnder;rigN1�in Ihe Pru�xny in urcurd:mre wilh p;irn�tr+�ph 7. "�` <br /> ' � All insurunce�x�licies und nnewulx tilwl I Ix ncrepli+Mr�u Lende�und yludl inrludr��,I+m�lurd murlgu�sr cluu+e. Lender � <br /> ' zhull huve Ihe ngbl to h��ld Ihe p+�lirir,r and renewulti, If I.rndu�rcqui�c�,[iuRUwcr tihidl prumplly�ive w 1..•ndcr,�ll rccci�ti _ <br /> uf�aid prcoiiwns und reikwal �NNiccx, In ihc cvcni i�l'I��x,, I�nrrowcr,hidl givc prampi nutirc����hc incw+arcc currinr un�l ..:•�;;;�..yc�.:ayi <br /> I.rn�ke. l.cndcr muy nu�kc pra►f ul'lu.,il'nul mndc promptly hy Nnrrnwcr. . <br /> Unless l.enAcr nnd Hartower othenvise ugrec in w�iling,in+urnnrc pmcecdc�hull Ix u�lird�u�rs�nani�n or mpnir af ,ti, <br /> Ihc Proprny dumu�srJ. if�hc rrsior+nion or repai� is cr�mumlrully frn.ildc und Lrndrr: ,rruricy f, nn� Ics,encd. If �h� • � •• ' � <br /> • n.ioru�ion or rcpui�ix nut rcunomically Irn�ihl� ur I.endcr± +ccurity wuuW Ix kz.cned. Ilw in.urnncc pr�krcJh ,hnll M: . ` <br /> . ,��ri��a ��►�i,�.�����. u«��.�i ny �i�i+ Scruriiy Imtrumrm. wheihrr ur n�►i then duc. with imy cxre.� p;ii�l �u H�xruwur. II �. <br /> florrower ubundonx Ihr Pr�►�rty,or d�xs not un.wer within iq Jnys u nolice 1'rum Lendr� ihui ihe inwur.�ncn cunicr hax <br /> ofi'ared ti►sclUe i�cluim.Ihru l.rnd�•r muy c��llrcl the in�uruncc pnxecds. l.rmlcr muy use die pnxecds to repulr ur r�+wre " <br /> �he Prc►peey itt In puy sum.r xecured hy�his Security Inxlrumenl,wh��lher nr not th�n duu. The 30-duy p�ri�xl will begin when f <br /> Ihe nnlicr is given, , <br /> Unlesx I.ender un�l Bnm►wer uthurwi+r agree in wri�ing,+my upplia:iiinn ut'�x�xerd,lu principsd++hadl n�N exlen�l or , <br /> �xn��xmc�hc dur dulc ot'iho mant�dy paymcrnx rcicrmd �n in parngr��phti I mid 2 i�r rhun�u�Iia r�nwum ul'thu paymciNs. If <br /> undcr purogrnph 21 Iln� Nmperly is ucyuired hy I_rndur. H��rruwer; right �o imy imurunrr�rlicien,�od pr�xecJr retiulting <br /> . from dumuge t��Ih� Pa�perly p�inr lo Ihc txquizili�m nhall pus+lo l.cndcr tu 11�rxlrnt ol'Ihc zums sccured hy Ihi� Se�uriiy • - . <br /> In+irumant immedia�ely �xior�o�hc urqui�iiion. . <br /> 6. Ocrupuncy, 1'reservulNm. M1tuintenance und Prutection aP the Pruperty; Iinrrower'.� I.oun Appl(culion: �; ,�=-;�s:. <br /> I.cuseholds. Norrowcr shall rnrapy,esluhlich,und u�c Ux Prupeny us H��rrower's principul residcnrc wiihin sixry duys uQer • r'r�,'.:�' - <br /> Ihe rxecuiion ot'�hi,Srcuri�y In+wment ►md shidl cominur�o�kcupy�hc Prupehy us Nurrowcr�principul re+iiknce fi�rat � •:I �:""L'':�., <br /> . lenst one year tdic� Il�u dulc of ixrupuixy. unlexs lxixler othcrwisc uNree� in w�iling. whinc ��xi�enl xhnll ieH Ik . . <br /> • unrruumiibly wiihhuld,ur unlc+s ex�rmm�ing cirrum+umcr,cxi+i whirh arc Iwyimd 13orruwrr;rumrol. liurruwer�hnll �N�I • <br /> dcslroy,d�imagc ur inq�uir�hc Pnqxrly,ullow�h�1'ru�krry�u iklcriuraur.ur cunnni� wi��lc im Ihr I'ro�xny. 13urci�wcr+hull <br /> Ix;in JcfuaU if+my li�rl'riturr uc�iun��r prixcrding.whclhcr rivil or criminul. iti Ixgun 16+►t in Lendrr�goixl li�ilh judgmcnl .,:� <br /> could resuU in forfrinirc of ih� Pru�xrry or i��hcrwisc mnlrri�dly impair �hc lirn rreulyd by ihi� Suurity Inurumcnt o� , <br /> I.en�kr;security intrretii. liarr��wcr mny curr�urh ii�kl':ud�smd rein,�:ue.s�x provi�kd in pnrugraph 18.hy ruutiing thc xtinn , - ° <br /> or paxrcding to tx�dixmi+xcd wi�h ii ruling�hul,in Lcndcr�giNxl li�i�h dc��rminu�iun,prerludes lixl'citurc uf Ihc BortawNrl � •���'i. <br /> imerest in �Ix� Pro�xny or olhrr m�ucriul impairn�enl of'thc lirn crculed hy ihix Srrurity Inslrument ur l.rnder's securily 'w"� <br /> in�rrcxt. Rorn►w�r ,hull nl.0 Ix in drt'ualt il' 13urmwer, durinu �hc i����„ ����n�,����,�� ���K•�.�, gavc malcriully falu- or �" '"',� <br /> . inurrunnc inGmn�itian ar+iaicmrm�tu Lrndrr lur tiiilcJ w providc l.rndrr wilh any mutrriul inliirm�ninn)in ri►nnccti�u�wilb � F <br /> Uic loun evidenced hy �he N�nc, including. hut noi lirni�ed Io, ruprexrmidiuns conceming 13urrowcr; cxcupunry of Ihe -�'� <br /> Pmperty ax a principal rc�::idrnec. H'!l�is Se�usity lnc:trunzcnt ix an:t Ic:isrliold.liorrou•er�,h::!!coiilply Lti•i1h:c!!the prrn�ieions �� ,-- <br /> ol'�hc Icase. II'Borcuwcr+icquirc,fce�ide io�hc Prapeny.�he Ie�ischold�md thc fcc�itic tihnll nrn nxrgc unless l.endrr agrees <br /> lo Ihe mcrger in writing. � <br /> . 7. P�Mectlnn uf I.ender's Itights In tbc 1'rnpc�tv If tiurro�vrr 1'uilti t�� �xrfunn Ihr cuvcnnnts and ugr�emenls , <br /> romain�d in ihis Srcuriry�mirnt,nr ihere is a Ic�:al pr�xccdfng ihut muy �ignil'irimily ul'Icri�lcr; right. in Ihe <br /> Pr�►�xrty(�ucb iix a nnxcedinti in h:inkruplcy, pn�hulc,liir rondcmnc�linn�ir li�rlciiurc or lu rnfurrr I��w���r rcgul�diuml,tlxn , � <br /> • I.rndcr miiy du�md pay li�r wh:�lcvcr i�nrrc.�ary 1���x��lrcl Ilk vuluc of Ihr Pru�xrty �mJ I.cndcr:right. in Uk Prcqx:ny. � ��, <br /> Lender:uc�i�m.mny includr puyin� :my�ums xerured by u lirn which hu+pri��riry over�his Security lnarumem,uppeuring <br /> in court, payin�;rcasoni�hle�iuorncy+'I'ecs nnd entrrinE im thr I'n►peny tu nuike r�pairs.Althou�:h Lrnde�muy lake xtii�n ' . ,; <br /> imdrr Ihis parci�raph 7.I.rndrr d�x.nul huvc Io du�o, <br /> Any nnu�unh<li+burycd hy I.cnikr uiHlrr thin par�i�r:iph 7 ,h�dl Ixcumc additiunul drM��t'Burrowcr xccurcd by this <br /> Secu�ily Inxtrumem. linl�,s Burr��wcr and Lrnder u�ne�o oihcr�rrnis ol'r:iymeni.�hc,r;mwunls+hall Ix�ir intere+t f'nxn Ihe <br /> dalc ol'di�hursrment�u Ilx Molr r�u:�md ,hs�lt Ik payahlr.wilh inlurc,t. u�m no�icc from Lend¢r lu I�u�rowcr rryuesting ' <br /> � . p;►ymcnt. ! <br /> S. M1torf�;uge In�toruncc. II'I.rnder rei�uimd murl�+igr in+ur;mrr u�u rondiiion��1' Ihc I�u�n tircurcd hy this , ' <br /> ' , Sccurily Inxtrunicn�, liorn�wrr �h:�ll pay �hc prcmiom. rrquircd w mr�intaiin �hc mort�::iEr in,uruncr in rt'Icct. II'. tor imy <br /> reuxon. Ihc ntor�gugc in�uraixr� covcrng�• rrt�uired by Lcnder laputi or �cau+ 1�� he in eflcrl. li�►rrnw�r �.hull pay Ih� <br /> ' prcrminm� rcquircd to ohlain rnvrragc ,oh��unli�dly ci�ui�•:drni lo thc m�n��:igc imur:mr� prrviuu�ly in cfl'rrl, ut a ca,t <br /> �ub�l;�minlly cqui����lrnt lo Ihc r�i,1 1�� Norruwer�il Ilk murlg:�rc iu.uranrr prrvi�ni,ly in cltrrl. t�rom un uhcmalc mnrlg:igc <br /> insurer up�xovrd h,v I.cndcr. II'�uh+luixinlly�quividcm rnonga�r in,ur:urcr r�wrra�;c i�unt in:�il:�hlc.13nrrowcr,h��11 p��y lu <br /> l.rn�Ner rnrh momh t�,um rqu;d i��nnr•i�vrll'�h��1'Ih��y�url� mm��a�r in.ur;uire prcmiun�hring paid by 13orr��wer wlxn tlk <br /> insurnncr ruvrrsige I:�p,�d��r rra�ed I�i Ix�in rflcrl. Lender��•ill urc.�pl.utir and relaun Ihr+e paymrnl,si�a liiss rr,erv¢in li�u , <br /> of mongugr inxur+inrc. Luss rr..rvr pnynxnt4 m:�y no Inngrr Ix r.yuirrd.:u ihr opii�m�if'm��rtga�gr imur:��xc <br /> . ruvrrngc(in ihr am�►unt �md li►r Ihc�xri�xl Ihul Lc�ul.r r.quirr.�pnrvidrJ h��:m in,urrr ap�,nwrd hy l.cnJer i�gain F�curnex � <br /> avuil:�hle+md ix oh�uined.Nurmw�r sh�dl p�q��hr premium,rc�µiir�d lu m;�inwin nwng:�Ec in+ur.�ncc in rffcrt.or In provide u <br /> ? � luss re�crve,unlil thc mipiiremcnt tiir mortga�c insur.mrr cnd�in�icrordanrc wilh any wriurn ugrcrmrnl lxlwrcn Bcxrower <br /> � :md Lcndir ur applic:ihl�•late. , <br /> 9. Intiperlinn. I.rnJrr��r ii.a�cn� m:iy m:d..rr:�.�ro:ihlr rnlrir. u��un and in.�,ecUun,ul Ihc Pr�qk rly. Lcnder xhall <br /> give Nurr��u•rr noiirr;il Ihr iim.�il�rr�xiur io sm in,�x�rtiun,�,�•rilying rr:i.�,nnhl�cau.r I��r Ih�•in��x•rliun. <br /> �: � I 10. l'ondemn+dlon. 'fhr pnwrrd,��I;my aa•md ur rl.nm lur�I,mi:��r,,dur����i r�m,ri�urnli; runnr:l iroi wilh:my <br /> SmFlr I�.mnh •F:u�dr DInr�4'rr�Gtk�Inr I��IFI)R�I l�ti'1'RI'\IF'�'1 I�ud��nn('�nrn.wh 4'WI ��q�erl��jA�Mil'rU <br /> I ��,d��hyvn.lnr � <br /> i�,a,�„�.m i��N��M141l11 I flt IIIIr7YI•II7I <br /> I <br /> • � . <br /> • ` � . _ _. _ _. __ ._ _. <br />