1 . .� . .:;:�ti`.. ...� .�-�_.�l� ''1{!/`�.�.�__'.�'':.�i'� rfs�T tny. :• ' , 7/.'x'•• :Gir�a��-v�c��
<br /> i •� � ' ' he���j ��. 17 d 1 1_��A I .y(!1��Y�._''4� ' — __ _
<br /> ����.l.._!a_.T"�c�T'rYtL-1i �� ._�L.l.s..� ' '•'�`'�f "'�� -— - — -.-_..
<br /> � . TF.T:T'G' "rf^."�i' iiQ4• /��t�s'9��rN ��
<br /> ' , .. � . . - "_ __. -- _ . . . .Y1W+Y �� -.
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<br /> _ �..+1. — - - -.._ .. , . _.
<br /> :�+_
<br /> ° 92-- 1�24"7Q �;�-_ _
<br /> � TOGETHER WITH ail tlx: imprrnemrms now on c�maftrr crcctrd un�hc pru�xrty.unJ aU ca,�mcm,.appunenuncc,. �=._.-- �.,_��
<br /> , � � � ' and flxturcti now or hereuftcr u pan ot'the prap�:ny. All rcpluccmcnt.ond uddiiiun.shull ulw� I+c ce►vered hy tUix Securily -=-�--
<br /> ----��.,,::-:
<br /> � Instrument. All of the li►regaing i�referrcd tn in this Sccurity In.irumcni u.ihr"1'ru�xny." �,:
<br /> � �� BORROW�R COVENANTS Ihut Bnrruwrr i+luwt'ully yci,cd oi�1hc r,��1c herehy ronvcycJ and ha�thc righl lo Erunl • _
<br /> �� unJ convcy the R�►perty und Ihu� thc Pro�:ny i.unrncumlkrcJ,rxcrpt li�r cncumhrimcc.uf rcr.xd. Ri�rc��wcr wurrunt�und � � �
<br /> . will defend generully�he title to Ihe Propeny uguinxl ull cluim.unJ demand,..ubjert io:uiy erxunihrunce+ul'rcc��rd. , .• �
<br /> THIS SFCURITY INSTRItMENT comb�oc� unitorm ruvcnun�. Ii�r naliun.�1 u+r unJ nan-unifurm ci�venant. wiih ^����'��---=-�-
<br /> " ' - limited vuria�ion,by ju�ixdiction to con�li�ulc u unifumi+rcurity inti�rument covcrmg rcul pn�p�n y. ,
<br /> • UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barn�wcr und Lendcrc�ivcnunt unJ ugrrr u+IiiUuw,:
<br /> l. Payment ot Princfpal aad Interetit;Prepaymenl and I.ule Cha�ges. B��m�wcr �Iwl l prumpUy pay whcn duc Un .; �;�,;�;�.��f=;;
<br />� principal of and interest on thr JeM eviden�eJ by ihe Not�uixi any prcpuymrnt und luk rhurges elue under Ihe Nc��e. •, � : • � �
<br /> • 2. Funds for 7laxes And Insurance. Subj��l to applicablc luw or tu a wriucn wuivcr by Lemlcr,Burrowe�shull p•ry to .. „�,.�,3,;�;,,�Na,,; -
<br /> ' � � I Lsndcr on tpe duy moMhly paymems are due widcr thc Note.until the Nute i+paid in full,a.um l"Fundti"1 I'�.r:lu 1 yrarly ,.,':����,;.' " -
<br /> ` tnxes and,a,se.,ment.which may uuuin priori�y��vcr this Securiry Instrumcm u.u licn�m thc Prapeny:lbl ycarly kuKhuld . . •,,.�..�:. --
<br /> paymcnts or ground rentti on thc Pr��perty. if uny: Ic/ yrarly hw.urJ or pr•�perty inxuruncc pmmium+: Id1 y�urly tl�xxl � . . . '
<br /> insurance premiumti, if uny: Iel yearly mongu�ee in.urunce premium., it'uny: and ifl any+ums puyaMr hy Qorruwer to f?'r••�•��. � �i;•
<br /> , Y:�'��'".�.�! —
<br /> ' Lender,in uccorJunee wi�h the provi,icx►` of puru�!raph 8,in lieu of ih�puymrnt of mongage in+urunrc pnmium+. Thr,e - �;•�
<br /> , •�: �'�s•..•.
<br /> ' item. sue callyd"Escrow Items.' Lender muy,ut uny time.collcct und hold Fund+ in an umount nol lo excc��i the muximum •_� �.�:,_...
<br /> umount u lendcr far u federally rclnted moAgugc loun muy rcyuiro fur Borrowcr.c.crow xc�wn� under thc f'cdcrul Rcul . ,7„,,,,;,__..___
<br /> :,:1�,•, Etitute SetQemem Procedure.Act of 1974 a.umended from timr to lime, 13 U.S.C. �2Gt11 rr s��y.l"R�SPA"I.unles.anuther _ �o!_""���--
<br /> `��_�-----
<br /> IAw that upplics la thc Fundx set,u Icy�cr umount. If�o, Lcixlcr muy.at uny timr.rollect andhi�IJ FunJ�in un amount not t�► ha.-��•„�;�
<br /> exceed the Iesser umount. Lrndcr muy e+timatc the umoum of Fund+ due on thc basis af currcnt duta und reusnnublc � i• `�=' �
<br /> �r.0
<br /> estimates of expendilures of future Eticrow Itcm�or otNerwi.e in uccorduncc wi�h appliwhlc law. '�` � �;r
<br /> � The Fund�shull be hcld in an inytitution wh���c deposi�s urc insured by a fedcrul ugency, insirumemul i�y, or cMity � �
<br /> (including I.ender,if Lendcr i.such un in�tituliom or in uny Federal Humr Loan Sunk. Gendcr�hall apply thc Fundti to nay • �..._ ��
<br /> ' • • � the E�crow Items. Lender muy ncN chargc BoROwer fur halding und applying thc FunJ,,annuully unalyzing�he esrrow ,-_�
<br /> uccounl, or vcrifying thc E.craw Ucm+, unlctis Lcnckr payti Borcowcr intcrrsl on thc Fundti anci applicahlc I•rw permit� �_ :.'
<br /> Lender to m�+ke tiuch u churge. However. Lender may require Borrower lo puy:►unc-ume ctti:uEe far un ind�pendent real F L�.
<br /> . � estute�ax rcpartinF rcrvicc uxcd by Lendcr in ronncction wi�h Ihi�loan,unle�+upplicuhlc lu�v pmvidcs othcrxi�c, Unlc+s un 'Y-.!��
<br /> . ugreement is mnde ar upplicablc luw rcquires intcre�t to lx puiJ,L�nder shull not tx:Ryuiredto pa}' Borrowcruny interc.t ar
<br /> � eaming�on tlx Fund.. Borrower und L.ender muy ugr�r in writinF,howevcr,lhui intcrest shuU he�u►id on thc FunJti. Lcnder % � �
<br /> ' • shull givc to Borrowcr,with��ut ch:�r�c,un annuul ticcounting of dx FunJ�,.hawing credit+and dcbit�lu�Ix FunJ.and thc ,
<br /> pu�ou for which euch debit to the Fund.wus made. The Funcl,ure pledged u.additionul secunry for all sum++ecured by
<br /> ��IcS�ruritylmtrumenl. , '=. 5
<br /> If the Funds held by Lendcr cxceed �he umountti permitted to lx held by upplicablc iaw, Lcndcr ,I�uil acc�ru�ti tu r ��,
<br /> Barrowcr for�hc cxcc+.Fund.r in uccunluncc wiih thc rcquircimn�.of upplicablr law. If'thc amoum iif the FunJ� hcld by , .Z•;��
<br /> Lcnder ut uny timr i� mH sufliricn�tu p•ry ihe E�cm�v Item�whrn dur,Lendrr may ,o notify Bnrrower in wriiin�,und.in � .
<br /> such case Bam�wcr xh•rll pay to Lcnckr thc amoum nrcc..ary w mukc up thc Jcticicncy. Borrowcr �hall mukc up thr �. ;j ..
<br /> deficiency in no morc thun�welve nx�n�hly payment..ot Lend�r's tiule di�creliim. i ' '��
<br /> � . Upon puymem in t'ull u(all +umx.ecured by thi, Securily In.�rumrnt.Lrndrr,hall �xnmptly refund m E3orr��wer any • f
<br /> Funds hcld by Lendcr. If,unJrr parugr,�ph 31. Lcndcr �hall ucyuiro or scll Ihc Pro�rty, Lcn�lcr,prior w thc ucyui�iti�►n or
<br /> salc of thc Pro�xrty, shall upply uny Fund�hclJ by Lr�xkr al Ihr limr uf acyui.i�iun or ,�k us u credit again�l tlx sum+ � _�
<br /> ,ecurcd by thi.Sccurity In,�rum�nt. ! �A
<br /> 3. Applicatbn oP Parments. llnlrx, applirahlr luw providrs �Nhcrwi.c, all paynxnt+rcmcciveJ by l.cndrr undrr '
<br /> parugmphs I •rnd 2 shull tx�applicJ: t'ini. �u an�•prrpaynxnt rhargr.Jur undcr thc N�nr: xemnd.t<�umour�s�uyrhlc unJrr ,
<br /> par�gr�ph 2:third.to interc.t dur:fourlh.to pr�ncipal Jue:anJ Ia�1.1i�uny latc char�e.due undcr ih�:Note. � -
<br /> 4. Charges; I.iens. Burmwrr xhall puy ull �axc+. a..r+�mrm+. �hurge+. iinc� anJ irn�+itinn. andhuiablc lu thr
<br /> Property which m:►y ultuin priori�y uvrr thi.Srcurily In,uumcnl.und Ica,rh�dd puyment� ��r ground rent+, if uny. Borrowcr ,
<br /> shall p•ry the�c ohli�ation.in thc manncr prnvidrJ in p.�ra�:raph?.ar if no�paid in�hut m.mner.Burrower slwl l p•ry �hem on
<br /> time direrUy u►th�prr.on owed pa�•ment. Rorro�err.hall pr��mplly 1'umi,h lu LenJer ull nuiir�,uf umount.w Ix puid undrr ,
<br /> thi, paragraph. If Borcower muke.ttxu paymemx diractly. Batruwer.hall prompUy Iumi,h tu Lendcr rcceipts evidencin�: � .
<br /> the paymcnts. �
<br /> Borrowcr,hull pmmpily di.rhargc.iny licn which ha.priurily o��rr�hi.tircuril�• In,�rum�nt unlcs�Bortuwcr.l al a�rc�, .
<br /> in wriling w thc p�ymrnl uf thr ohli�atiun,ccureJ hy it�c licn in a m:mnrr arcc��.�hlc t��Lcnder,�h►runt�.t,in gaxi f•rith thr
<br /> licn by.ur defends ag•rinst enfurrcm�m of ihr licn in.I�g:�l pnkredin�.u•hirh in thc L�ndrr', upinion uprrak tu prcvcnt�hr
<br /> �nforcemcnt�►f 1hr li�n:or Irl�crur�.Gum ihc huldcr of Ihr licn an a�rcrmcnt tiati+facto�7•io Lcnder�utxttdinaling ih� licn
<br /> t�i this Security In.irument. If Lendcr dctemiinc��hal any prn ul th�PruFxrty i. .ubjcrl t��a licn «•hirh may :Utain priority
<br /> over ihis Sccurity In+trumrnl.L�ndcr may Eicr BorruN rr a nuti�c iJrnlit�}�in�;thc licn. H�maw•rr.hull,ati,l�•thc lirn��r tukr
<br /> � � one or more of ihr action.+rt f�inh atM�v� �vnhin 10 day.ol Ihr gi�ing o(notirr.
<br /> 5. Haxard or Prnperty Inxuranre. Burru��rr�hall krrp�hr impruvrnknn nua rri.ting��n c�rcatier�nctrJ un�hc
<br /> PrnExny in.urcJ again,t lo.s hy firc. harud�inrlud�J�vilhin�hc�erni"cx�rnJcd ru�cra�:r"and any u�hrr har:ards. incluJing
<br /> tlaxls or tkxxling.liir which LaiJcr rcyuin�� in+urancc. 7'hi. in,uranrr .hall tx rnaintamcd m thr am�wnl.and li�r ihr
<br /> ♦iNm M12N 9i9tl �/rd¢���n�Ap��pev
<br /> 1
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> .��
<br /> � � -
<br />