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<br /> NWntea�nce pud Protection at lhe Property: Borruwer'�I.ann Applicatfon= p .,,�
<br /> , , 6. Occup�y. Preservolioa� �+�-
<br /> j,q�ehvid�. Borrower shall occupy,estab2ish, and usc the Property ae Borrower's principal reside�;e withm�ixly days _
<br /> �tfler the execution of this Security Inslrument And shall continue to uccupy the Propcny aw Borruwer's principal �esidence _
<br /> ' for at least one year a(ur the date of occupancy,unles� Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which a�n,em�hull nw be hr
<br /> unre�onably withheld.ar u�less eztenu�ting circumstances exist which are beyond&►ROwer's contral. Borrowcr shall not �
<br /> � deu�oy,danwge or impair the Property, Allow the Propeny tn.kt�rioratc,or wmm�t wastc on the Pmperty Fi�Kr�•wer shall
<br /> , be in default if any farteiture Action ar procecding,whe�her civil or criminol,ia beBun that in L.ender's g�xd fai�h judgmen� �
<br /> � caald rc�ult in forfeiture of tho E'�openy or atherwise materially impair the Ilen created by this Seruriiy Instrument or I.ender's
<br /> � securiry interest. Bonower may cure such a default and reinatate,as provided in paragraph l8, by causing the action or
<br /> i procading to be ditmissed with�ruling that,in l.ender's good faith determinatian,precludes tnrfeitwe of the Borrawer's
<br /> fi iaurest in the PtapeRy or other matcrial impairnxnt of the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's security
<br /> a
<br /> intereat. Bo�rowar shall also be in deGult if Boaower, du�ing the loan applic�tion prc�cess,gave materially f�lse ar�naccurate
<br /> infornwtion or statcments to Lender(or failed to provide I.ender with s+ny material infarmationl in connection with the laan
<br /> evidenced by the Nate,including, but not limited to. apresentations concerning Borrower'x occupancy of the PrapeRy as
<br /> , a principel residence.If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all che provisions of the lease.
<br /> � If Bonowor acquires fee tide to Uw Property,the IeauhoW and the fee nde shell iiot merge u�lesa Lendcr agrees to the
<br /> merger in writing.
<br /> 7, protectbn ot I.epder's Rl�htr ia We Properly If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> �; contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal procading that roaY significandy affect Lender's riglus in the Property
<br /> �' (such as a proceeding in bankruptc.y,probote,for condemnation or forfeiture ue to enfarce luws or regulatians),then l.ender .
<br /> ' tmy do and pay for whatever is necessary to ptotat t1�e value of the Praperty end I.ende�'s rights in the Property. I.ender's . •
<br /> ac�ions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument, appearing in couR, �
<br /> pay ing reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to makc repairs. Althuugh Lender may wke action under
<br /> this paragraph 7, Lender das not hove �o do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this puagraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> � � Sxurity Instn�ment.Unless Bor�ower and l.cnder agra to other terms of payment,�hese amounu shall 6ear interest from ` ,
<br /> the date of disbursement at the Note rate and sholl be payable,with interest,upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting ,•
<br /> p�yment. �}:,,
<br /> 8. MorlQ�e Insuranee. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> � • Security Instniment, Borrower shaJl pay the premiums required to mainain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any �
<br /> reason.the mortgage insurance coverege required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower+hall pay�he premiums �
<br /> °� required to abwm covemge subs�andaily eyuirulent tu tltic mortgagc in�ursace previously in Pffert,w a cost subs�enti�lly �
<br /> , equivalen[to the cost to Bonower af the mortgage insutance previously in e�'ect.from an alternate mongage insurer epproved
<br /> by I.ender.If subatantially equivalent mongage insurance coverage is not available,Borrawer shall pay ta I.ender each month
<br /> a sum equal to one•twelflh of the yeorly mortgage insuranee premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage
<br /> 1�psed or ceased to be in eifect. L.ender will accept.use and retain these payments as a luss reserve in lieu uf mortgage
<br /> insunnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option af I.ender, if mongage iasurance coverage(in
<br /> �he amcx►nt and f�r the periai�hnt LenJer reyuires) prov�ded by an insuror approved hy L.endcr ug�in lxcume.avs�ilable
<br /> •rnci is ubtained. Borrower shnll pay�he premiume requircd to maintain mongage in�uraure in cffeci. ur a�pr��v�Je a loss
<br /> reservc,until the reyuiremen[ ti�r mi�rtguge insurance ends in uccordance w�th uny wrinen s�greenun[ between &�rrowcr
<br /> vncl Ixnd�r ur applicable law. •
<br /> 9. Inspeclion. l.cndcr ur it�ugent m•ry make reusonablc entr�es upun•rnJ in�pcctiona��i�hc Prup:rty.L�ndcr shall
<br /> give Borrower ninicc at the timc ��f ur pri��r w an inspectiun tipecifying re:,s�muble cau+e tix �he ins�xctiun.
<br /> 10. Condemtwtion. The pnxeed,nf any uw•rrJ ur rluim fur Jamag�.,direc�ur run.equenti�l,in cunnectiun with
<br /> � uny condcmnation or uthcr taking uf any pun o(the Property,or for comcyancc in lieu of condemnatinn.arc hcreby•rssigned
<br /> and shall be paid to I.�ndcr.
<br /> In the event nt'a tuu►1 wking uf the Prop�'rty,Ihe prciceeds+hall be upplied u�thr sum++crured hy thiti Security Instnmxnt.
<br /> whe�her or not then due, with•rny excesc p�id tu Borruwcr. ln the event uf a purtud trkm� of ihe Pruprrty in µ•hich the
<br /> fair murkct valuc of the Propc:rty immediatcly Fxl'orc Ihe taking ix cyual tn�►r grc:�tcr than ihr amuum ��f the sum+ticcurcd
<br /> a Ay this Security In+lrument immeJiat��l�•Ixturc thc tuking.unk,ti Borrciwcr anJ LcnJcr othcr��•i.r a�:rcc in writing,thr+ums
<br /> xcureJ by thi�Securily Instru►nciu.hall Fx rcduccd hy thc amuunt nt ihe pnxceJ.mul�iplie�l hy ih�r (olluwing(rartion:
<br /> la)the total amoum��f thc.wns,ecurrd imnxdiately hefure the taking.JividcJ by Ih1 thc f:��r m•rrk��l valuc�d'Ihr Property
<br /> immediately bcfore the tuking. Any balancc shall bc paid tu Borruw�r. In th.r��m uf:�partial taking ot' Ihc Prn{xny in
<br /> which the fair mu�ket valuc��f the Propeny imrnedi:��cly tx�tiirc thc takinE i� Ic..than thr a�n��um u(thr�um��ecurrd im-
<br /> mcdiately beforc the taking,unletis Borr��wcr and Lcnder uthrrK•i.x a�rcc m w•riun�:ur unlc++appli�ahlc la�s•ulhrrwi,�pro-
<br /> d vides, the pr�xceds�hall hc applicd to the �umti ucurcd by thi�Scrurin•In.trumrnl���hrther ur n�►t ihr tiuni�arc Ihrn duc.
<br /> If the Propcny is uband��ncJ h�• 8�►rrnw�r. ctt d', a11cr nunrr h� LcnJ�r t��Nurn»�ci that di� �un.icnmur��ffrr� tu
<br /> , make an awurJ ur set�le a claim t'ar damagc�. H��rruucr fail.tu rc.punJ a� I.rndrr���ithin 1�)�la�+ �urr d�c da:c thc ni�hcc
<br /> , J is �ieen. l.ender is uuthoritxd to cuUcct and appl�•thc prcxccd.. :n rt.uptum.rnhrr tu rc.turatiun ur rcpair ul thr Pruperty
<br /> � or to the sums tiecured by Ihi. S�cunty Ins�run�enc,whr�hrr ur nut �hrn duc.
<br /> ' Unlcs�Lcnder and Bc�rc��wcr��thcrN•i.c ��rcc ui «•ritin�:. .i��� ap�li�a1����i ��I��r��i«<1ti t��nriii�ip:�l ,hal) i���t �at�nd
<br /> �� i ��r p�istp�mc thc duc d•rtc of thc mumhly paymrm>r�ferc�J lu m��.ir.i�raph+ I and���r.h.m�:��� , ;uix��sr.�ut wrh pay�ncnt.. �
<br /> � I1. Bor+•ower Nut Keleased: Forhearpnce B�• Lender tiot u R'ui.•cr. lit�cn.am �,� thr �unr lur {�a}mrnt �,r
<br /> m�xlitication of ami�rtitati�m ul�hc hums.ccurrJ h�•�hi.tir�un�y InstrwiKnt gr:�ntrd h� Lrndrr tn ai» ,ur�c�+ur m intcrr�t
<br /> ' of Borrow�r shall nut aperatc w rcMu,r Ihr h•rhility��f th�„riEinal Rurru���r ur Hurn,��c��, .u.�i,w�ry m mtcrr.i l.�nder
<br /> � shall not t�e reyuired to rummcncc pnkceJm��agamst an} �ur.e„�,r m intrre.t ur relu.r tn r�trn�l timr tnt payinent �ir
<br /> I atherwisc m<xiify am�,rlir.auun��f th��um.•ccurcJ t-�y�hi.tircunt�•In,trumcnt h� rra•un��I um �Icn�.m�1 ma�tc hy Ihc.,nginul
<br /> Bortowet or Norrowcr's succeauir�in mt�rc�t. Any fnrhear:inrr h�• LenJer in rrrrri.mg;�m ngM nr nnmdy .hall nut lx
<br /> I ..�_ .�_ .. ..i. ..M .0 r.•�ro•�1t�
<br /> a warver ui u� Nic.�u�� .��. .z.::;:: ....:::" �Er... _.. ._...__..
<br /> IZ. tiuccess�s and AssiRn� Bound;.l�dnt rnd tieveral l.iabilft}�; ('o•+i�;ner�. I'hr�����•iun�.,inda�rrrnirnh��f
<br /> , �his Security Instrument�h•rll hind an�i fxnrtit thc tivar�•ur,anJ.i,•i�m nt I.cndcr;ind Bur�,��rr. .uh�rrt tu�hr pr.��uu,n.
<br /> of paragraph 17. Borrowcr's c��vrn•rnt,•rnd uErc�m�m. �hall Ix�amt anJ+rvcraL Am Hurr����rr��h���•u�ign+th�+ticrunt�
<br /> � Instrument but Jues nat cxecutc thc N��tr. lal iti rn�,igninti thi,Sc�uruy In+trumcnt�,nl� tu nnmgagc.grant:md.um ry �hat
<br /> gorrower's intere.rt in�he Pri�xny under th� tcrm.ut�thu ticcunt� Imtrument: �hi i�nut �xr±nn;Jly ��hl l�'JIIYI lU pa� thr
<br /> sums secured by this Serurity Intitrument: and Ici agrcr�that Lrndcr anJ am��+thrr l3urn+��rr may aErr�i.�cvcn.L m�xlif}•.
<br /> � (urbear�x makc uny acc��mm�xluUam wnh re��rJt��thc tcrnn uf tt i.tirrunty In.0 uiurni��i thr\utc«�th„u�th.�l Nurrrn�rr'�
<br /> cunsent. °'�
<br /> I
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