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�>l� , �°`—,.. . .t �fh'�� .f'�, E 1 5;i:.>...{h ,,�,�y "r`: ,}� jr.,,;..'•t'��''t. ;�. . ��va —�„q.�� <br /> ,+ �. . .;� , j`: :+; ,c.�• , , � __ �� �_ .v.__�._..,.,� <br /> � � r �re r��, :S � .��{�,i .1:� �t+ �Y"W' f . _,�!f� �i <br /> -t�'I, h •'�,'�_,��j to �.��y�, � iir -.�t,.� ..a"f4�c;7Yy�� <br /> �.�_ '%" ' ' ._ .' .. . . �. r.. <br /> - . . s .. '�w; <br /> �t . .r � . .... ...4:ZAwni.u. �� ['����y�����yY��►.ny� i�15L+�i�M►':.�f>•.vM� .�F•�_h�•i l. -__—._ <br /> �` I. � � +M.�Maywiy f1Nq1�1'w{•�Mf. . � " r/ —_.. <br /> J. 1 l '.1 ��� <br /> . ..��lj!li,� W • ; <br /> 1 i�,M :� ..`.µ <br /> .vy . . ."'r�'�,1NQ�4:�II[s'd'^ ��r ... . — <br /> rIN1Yti�Wa. ..__---- -•-- _.. - . . . . �J.�_ _•s;r,_- ._ <br /> �`rt�4iu <br /> • I —�� <br /> ' �_—�_— <br /> � 92- 10246'7 __u-�-���-�-. � <br /> .. -�.�.�.�.�� - <br /> .. . � ��^ , -�� _ <br /> � �� UNIFURM CavHNANTS. Bor rower and Lendar covenmt end egrce as fullows: ,.,.i;:,w., <br /> ,, ,• 1. P�yment of Princip�l md Inlcrcak f'rep�ymcnt and I.Rte Chuaes. Bnrrower sh�ll prnn+pily p;ry when due k <br /> �he principai�f�nd mterese�n che dabt evidenced by the Nute end any prepaymen�end i.�le i.hargcv duc under thc Nu1e. *� <br /> �. �und�for Tpxei�nd In�unnce. Subject to applicable law oe to a wri�kn wai�er hy l.anQar, Horr�wcr shwlf � • _ <br /> pay to I.endcr on the day mon�hly payments arc due under�he Note. until thc NotC Is paid in tull, �aum l"Funda"1 for: ' _ <br /> (a)ye�dy�+�xcs ond aasasamcmr which n�y att�m pnunty over thia Security Ina�trumen�as a Ifcn un the�'ropGny.(b1 ycarly � <br /> ' . Iea«hold p�ynients or gcound renu on the P�openy,it any: (c)ye�rly haz•rrd or p�opeRY m�urancc premium�, (d)yearly �� • � � <br /> �ood insurance prcmiums, iF any;l�) yearly mort�a�e inyuronce prcti�iums,if ony; end (�any yumy paynhlc by Bormwer ` . <br /> ' tn eeeo�dance w�th tho provisfons�f naraRreph S,in lieu oF�he pay ment�f monga�e insura»ce prcm� _ <br /> itema are called"Bscrow it�ms."Lender may,at Any tiaie.collcGt ond hold Funda m an amount not to excccd the max�mum . <br /> amount a lender for a feder�lly relsted monQage loan rnay r�quire for Bortower's escrow occount uoder the fedar�l Rea) <br /> Estat�Se�tlrment Prrcedurer Acl of 197A as amoDd¢d f�om pme to time, 12 U.S.C. §2601 rl se•y. ("R�SPA"),onless � i <br /> ona�her law thr�t applies�o tha Fundx sero a lesser amount. It so,l.ender may,et any iime,collect rnd hold Fundy in an ' <br /> ornounl not to eacceJ the lessor rm��unt. l.ender may estimate tho amourit of Funds duc on thc basiy of current d�ta end r <br /> �easonable astimq�ec of exp.nAitu�es a,f f�n,re Erccow ltems or othenvise in ateordanee with epplicpble law. ' <br /> The�undi sh�ll be hcld in ae inclltutivn whus�depo�ita are insured by w kderal agency, ins�n�mentality, ur entity <br /> � IfncludinQ l.ender.if I.eader i� �u�h an institution)or in any Feder+l Home l.oan P�nk. Lendcr yhall apply the Punds to � <br /> pay�he E:crow Itcma Lender may n�r r.hnrge B�rrnwer tor Ix�IdinR and applyin�th�Funds.annuully anelyzina thc et�row <br /> rccount,or venfy�ng�hc Bscrow lums,unkss l.ender pays Botrower intarest on 1he Funds and applicnble lew permi�s I.ender • �� <br /> to makc ruch a chuge. However,Lender may rcquirc 9arrnwer�u pay a one•time charge for an independent rcal esta�c . �� , � <br /> 1ax rcportin6 aorvice uud by l.ander io connection�wth thi}loan,unless applicable Inw pmvida nthetwia Unless atl aQteOment <br /> � is rnadt or epplicabk law reyuires intcrest�o be paid,Lendcr�hall not be requircd tu pay Borrowc�any intcrext ur cernings � „ <br /> on the Fund►. Borrower and Lender rnay agree in wtiting, however,that interest�M�II be paid on thc Funds. l.ender shall � <br /> givc to Borrower,without ch�r�c,a�wnnual oecountiug of�be Funds,�ho��ing er�dies�nd debits ta the Fundy Hnd the purpoxe . <br /> for which each deb�t to the Funda wAS nude.'Che�unds are pledged as additional secutiry for�Il sums secured by this Security • .:�.�. <br /> aic, <br /> Ins�trument. == <br /> If the FunJa I�e1J by la:nda cxceul�hc.m�aunts pernuttcd to bc hcld by ppplicuble law,Londer Khall aeeuunt to Sonow�t - _ <br /> for the excess Punda in accorJ�nce w1�h the requiremente of applicable lpw li the amount of the Fundc held by Lender at "�' <br /> aoy tfn�e ia not�uffieicnt ta pay �he Escraw ltcros when due, Lender moy so notify�orrower in w�itln�,and, in buch case <br /> Hortawef ahall pay to Lcnder�i�o uww�u ur�cYenry to mekc vp thc defieiency. BorroM�or ehdl maka up tho doliefency in <br /> n�more thun twelvc monthly LenJcr's sale diicretion • <br /> Upon p�ymant in fuii oi rii yun�s�ccwr.J by thls Security 3nstrumeni,l.cssder sl�a!) p:nmptly refund to e+�+t�aw�r ; . ,� �•� <br /> en��hultds held by l.ender. If,u nd«parA�raph 21,Lendar shall acquirc ur arll U�r P�openy,I.ender,pri�x t���hc ncquiaition � <br /> ur s�le of thc Property, ahall apply any Funds hclA by Lendcr at the tfine of acquisilio�or s�le es a crcdit a�uinst the suma i� <br /> secured by�his Secunty Instrurnent. �� <br /> 3. AppllcMtlnn of 1'pymeats. UNes� ypplicable 1aw hrovldes a�harwlse. �1� pYymenu i�xeivcJ by[.cnder onder � <br /> paragraphs I nnd Z ahall bc any pn:pByment charger due under�he Note;second,to amount.payable under �„ <br /> para gra ph 2; third,to interex� duc; f�ur�i, tu principal duo; ond lASt, to�ny late cha�ges duc undcr the Nnte. ��'t <br /> A. Chargeat Lkns. ��Wrowcr shaU pAy all laxe.r,a9sa�smcnte,cha�g�s, fines ond imporiciana attrlbuwblc w nc� � <br /> hropeny�vhich m�+y attoin privritY evcr this Security loauumcnt,atd Itaaehold paymcn�s or ground rentw,if eny. F3orrowcr .4 <br /> ahall pay�hese obhgat�ons in tt�e manne�provfded in par;►kn�ph 2, �r if not paid in that menner. Horrowcr shell pay them . <br /> on time direcUy to the person uwed payment.Borcower shall pron�ptly Furn�sh to l.ender all notices ot amounes�u t�e pa�d . <br /> under thls pxra�raph.I[HoROwe�makes U�ese paynxnts riireedy,�orrowcr 9hn11 prompUy fuMsh to L.cndcr rcceipts e�►dencing <br /> �he poymcncs. ' <br /> Borcower ehall prc+mptly Jischer�e any lnn which hos priority over thls Security Inctrumem unless Borruwer: �a) <br /> agrces in writinQ tn thc paymern of tl�c obllqet(on secured by thc lien m a manner aeccptabk to Lendcr;(b)conte,rte in g���d <br /> failh rhe liee hy, or defendy agafnst enforccment of the lian in,lc�nl pruceedings which in the Lender's upinion operatc ta <br /> prevent the enforcemen�of tFx: lien; or (c) secu�es from the holder of the licn an agrcement sa�isf�ctory to I.ender subor• <br /> dineting the lien to this 5ecunty lnsttume�tt. If Lcndcs dctermine� thot any pan of the Pr�perty is aubject to�licn �vhich <br /> �nay anain pric+rity over lhis Seenrily In�tnnnrrn. �,cnder may give Aortowef e f1o11CC identifj'iDR�Q litn. Borrower xhall <br /> �ntisfy the lied ar Wkc one or mo�e of�hc ac�ions set forth ubove within 10 dnyc of the Qiving of notice. <br /> 5. Har,prd or Prop�rty lnaurence. Bortower shnit kecp Ihe improvemNnls nnw exiating ur hereafier crccted on <br /> tha Property in�ured againrt losc by fin, ha.:arda inclucl�d wi�hin thc Mrvn "rx�rnded coveraQe" and env other haxerds. <br /> r including flaads or flooding,for which l.onder requires incurance. 7'his ineurence Rl�al!tx maintafned in the amounts nnd <br /> 1 f�t the penods ihat t.cnder requires. 1'he invurance rarrler providtag�he insuran���hnll bc cMo�cn by Borrower tiubject �o <br /> w Lender's 0ppiovul which ShAll tl�t be un�easonably witld�eld.If 11rn i��wcr faita t�maintam co��rogu dnsc�ibed ab�+ve,[.ender <br /> � � may, al Lender'x option, oblain coveregc. to ptotect i.ender's rightc in the Prnpetty �n acmrdance w�th paraRraph 7 <br /> All insuranee policies and�enewal�shnll be l,ender and shall inclucie a�iandard morttage clause Lender <br /> Ishal)have tlie ngtit lo hold the paltc�es and ienewals. If Lc��der �cquircy,Svr�vwtr Jia11 p�om�tly F�wc to l.cnder ull receipic <br /> � of petd premiums and renewal nonec:e. lu the event of lo�s, Botro�ver,hell gi��e p�ompt nalice tn the inwrnnce cutrier and <br /> ' Lender. l.ender may make prewf of loss if t�ot made prompUy by Do«o�vcr � <br /> � Vnl�ss t.endc► and Borrower utn�r.�isc �gree in u�nting,insurnnce p�acc��sh.�u h��rri,�a w�r.w�s<<�►,�r«�.��� <br /> , uf the Pr4pcny damogcd, �f the restuiaUn�►ur rcpair is ccunomiaill�� fcasible anJ l�nder's ••�cunry is not lesticttcd. If the <br /> resloratien��r repnii �a not ecoi�+iu�c�lly feari�,lc or Lcnder's sccurny would be ics>cned,the insurancc praeeds sfi�ll br <br /> applied to the sum9 secwed by this 5ecuruv la�trument,whi�ther or nut then due.W�th eny e�ce.s puid ta Bormwci lf 9w�uwc� <br /> � abandnn9�he Propeny,ut da:a nut :mswer w�thin 30 da}�s a notire from Lender U�at the insurancc carricc h;����fkrcd �o <br /> ! cetile a claim.lhen Lcudrr inav colleci thr insurau�c nr�cecdx. l.endei may use ihr pn Kceds to repau��r rrstore thc Pro�x:rty <br /> � or to pay sums secured by this Serurdy lnstromcnt, whcthcr ur not then due. 7he :4�-day per�od will t�egm when lhe m�ticc <br /> �s g�ven. <br /> Unl�«Lender and Bt�trowcr othcra•isc a�teC in ��nUnµ, any applic�uon ot prcxceds tc+ pnnripnl sha11 nat eti��nd <br /> �r postpone the due�ute af the mnntldy puymeni�referred to in p,�ragrnphs 1 and :��r d�un�e the am�unt o!the paprncnts <br /> If undet peragraph 21 tne PrnEnrty isacqui�ed by Lendc�,Burrow•es's r�ght to eity insurancc polic'tcs anJ procceds tesult�nR <br /> frum damagn to tha Properly �d��t to tIl! n��uf�ilfrn�I�at1 �nss�o Lendec to Uie exi�ns of�he sum,•a:ured by th��Securiiy <br /> Instrument inunedfetely ptior tu the acquis►tion. <br /> i Fo�m�071 4i00 rpapr:�/�row��! <br /> f <br /> .� . <br /> ° a <br /> � � <br />