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<br /> If 7�f::��i`.�..�i..�_.>��i �1��"fbl�.,�7}�?I�k S'k7'1�, 7�.�'�9►Nrn�f�J�r rw.11%ii.J�,�' �r_r,, :t��i. .d��4,�_e.•�.Ka '�"!S�_.�
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<br /> Wh judpment could►auN In forf�llun ol th�Propwty or othrrvvb�m�t�►Nnp�k th�Ym aMbd by this S�wrfty M�Uument or La�dar's ,:TfY��,�— ,
<br /> . ��eu�iry Intaest. BortowK nwy aun suoh �dat�uA �nd�elndaa,��provided In Wrapnph 18.by cau�hp the�ctlon or proeeedinp to ba � . ',�-*xi,F,-:�_
<br /> P.."
<br /> d4mi�eed wilh �niliny tfui,M1 Und�►'�pood 1aNh dotwmirntlon,pr�cM�d�s forleilur�ot the Barower's Intera�t in Ihe Proparty or olhar matafal g'�:��—
<br /> , impakmmt of the Aen arMt�d by thls Jacurlry Irnwmad or l�nd�'s acuriry Interas� BoROwer shell�Iso be In deMult U Bortower, du�inq Iha ,,: .�``-
<br /> . i lon appllcatlon proaf�s,q�v�rn�tKlaty faluor Y�eau�te Inlomiation a st�t«n�nt�lo L�nd�►(or I�Ibd to provld�Lander wllh any matwial i . ,.-'�:;;�'��
<br /> u�
<br /> Inlorrnotb�)In connocUon wRh ihe laan avideneed by the NM�, Indudlnp�but not Ilmll�d to,roprasen t a t l ons co n c a m i n 4 B o R Ower's occu pm c y of -
<br /> � th�Property�s�pr4�dp�l rpld�na. II lhit Secwity Indrum�nt b on�IM�ohold,Borrow�r sh�U compty wlih oN Iha provisions ol tha leaee. 4�
<br /> � II Bortower acqukes IN WN to th�Property.ih�le�sehold md ih�IN ptl�shd not marq�unle�s Lende► pqrees to tha merye�in writir►9• ` ��'�
<br /> , 7. Protoctton oi L�ndor'4 Righl� In tha P�ope�ty. II Barowx/aA�to perlorm tha covenanls and agreements conulned � �
<br /> N Ihia Seeurity Instrum�nt,or Ihw�Is �la9d P�oued�q thU m�y slpnlllantly�Beci Lendar's �iphts in tha PraPeAy(such aa�prxe�dinp
<br /> in beMuuplcy, prob�te,ta condKm�tlan or brteNure ar to enforce I�w�a reyulaGone),then Lender mey do end psy la whatever is neceasary ;' .,
<br /> to protect lhe vaiue ol the Property�nd Lend�r'a rl�hts h 1M Proparty. Lender's acUona m�y Include payinp any wms aecured by a Iien which
<br /> lus prbrity over Ihia 3ecurily InahumenL appearYq in wuA,peylnq reasonable�ltomeys'faes�nd enterin�on the Propeiiy to malce repelro.
<br /> Mhouph Lender may teke�clfon under thta p�raqraph 7, Lender does not have to do ao. � , �
<br /> � Any emounta disbursed by Lender underthis parapreph 7 aheN become addiUonal debt of BoROwer secured by thls Secudty Instrument. .
<br /> Unless 8ortower a�d Lender apree to other Iflrrns oi peyment, thesa amounts shap bear intere�t tram the date ot dlsbu►samenl at Ihe '
<br /> Note rote and shvll be poyabte,wflh i�terea4 upon nolke lrom Lendet to 8orrower requeatinp payment. '
<br /> s 8. Mortqage Insuranco. (f Lender�equired muAye4e inswance�a�conditlon o1 mekfng the loan secured by ihia 3ecurity Instrument, � �, ��-:
<br /> ! 8orrower sheU pay Ihe premiuma requked to maintaln tho mortgape Inaurenee In ettect. fl,1or any reason, the moHgage insurance coverape r �."���w�
<br /> � requtred by Lender lapses or ce�aes to be h eflect. Bortower shall pay tha premluma�equired to obtain coverage subatenttoNy equlvale�t to the
<br /> ; mortyepe Insurance prevlauey In eMect,at �cost aubau�ntay equNalent to Ihe cost to 9ortower ol the moAgefle Insurance previousy in eHect, ' , .
<br /> kom on a8emate mortpaya Insurer�Pproved by Lender. If aubstantlally equlvalent mortgage inaurance coverage is not aveilebte, Borrowor ahell pay �;�•�,
<br /> lo Londer each monlh a sum equd to one�lweiith of ihe ye�rly moAyega Inaurance prertdum belnq paid by BaROwer when the insurance coverago � ��•:�+-`'
<br /> bpsed or ceased to be in eHect. Lender vA accept,uae and retein these peyments es e bss reserve in Ileu of moAgege insurance. Loas reserve p�
<br /> � � ,;�,;: �
<br /> . p�yrnentn may no lonqer be required, tl theopUon of Lendu, H mortgaye Insurance eoveraga(In the emount end lor the perbd Ihat Lender ;';:�:,',�};:,�
<br /> � requirea) provided by on Insurar approved 6y Lende►�in becomes avaWebte ond is obtained. Borrower shau pay the premiums requkod to '���
<br /> mointaln mortgaqe Inaurance In eflect, a ta provWe a bss roserve,untN tha roqukement Iw martpaye inaurance enda tn accordence with any '..���A
<br /> wiltten agreemenl belwwn Bortowar and lender or appNcable law. ; ~ •�> •� ,
<br /> 9. In9pectlon. Lender or fls ayent may make reanonabie entdea upon and Inspectiona ot the Propaty. Lender shaA 9lve BoROwer ,�
<br /> notico a! !hc!!me ot or p�lor to nn lnep!K=tbn specityln9 reasonoble couso lor tho Inspeetion.
<br /> 10. Condemnetton. The proceed�of�ny award or clalm fa damayes� direat or consequentkl, In connection with any condemnotlon . �
<br /> a othar teking of any peR of the Roperty,a ta conveyanee in Iieu o1 condenx►eqon,are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. y� ,
<br /> ' In Ihe eve��t ol e totel t�klnq ol the P�ope►ty,lhe proceeds :hell be applied to the aums aecured by thla Secudty InslrumeM,whelher ar not � ' ��Y�j
<br /> then duo,wilh any exceas paid to Bortower. In the event ol a paAial takinq o1 the Property In which Ihe falr market value ol Ihe Property ��;
<br /> Immediately belare ihe teking Is equal lo or greate� than the emount o1 Ihe sums aecured by this Securiry Inslrument Immediately b e l o r e Ih e taking, , . :� ,
<br /> unlQas Bortoww and Lender otheiwlae agree In wdting,lhe sums aecured by Ihis 3eaurUy Inetrument ahell be reduced by the amount ol the �::,
<br /> proeeeds multlpNed by the falbwiny heclton:(a)the totel amount of auma aeeured immedlately beiore the taking,divfded by(b)the fak market
<br /> vatuo of tha Property immedielely befare the taking. My bdence ahaN be peid to BoROwer. In lhe event oi e perllal teking of the PropeAy in
<br /> which Ihe lak markel value of ihe Property Ynmedlatety belae the taking is leas then the amount of ihe suma securad Immedialely betora Ihe � . `
<br /> teking,unleaa Borrower and Lender olherwbe agree In w�fling or unlesa applicoble taw othenvise provides,the prxeeds shelt be applled
<br /> to the sums sacured by this Seardly Instrument whelher a not the aums are Ihen due.
<br /> II Ihe Property la ab�ndoned by Bortower, or It, afler mt�e by Lender to BoROwer Ihat the eondemnor oNera to meke en ewerd or aenle
<br /> �alakn tor damegoa,Borrower felis to respond to�e�de�vAlhin 30 daya eRer Ihe date Ihe�ollce Is ghren,Lender Is authorized to coNect
<br /> � end epply the proceeds,at 0t optlon,elther to restorotbn a repalr ol the Properly or to ihe suma secured by thls Secudy Instrument, •
<br /> ' whether or not Ihen due. '
<br /> Unless Lender end 8ortower otheiwise og�e+e In wriliny,ony epplicetlon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone Ihe due
<br /> date of the monlhly paymente relerted to N paregrapha 7 end 2 or change the amount o1 such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Roleased; Forebearanco By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension ol tho tlme lor paymenl or modifirslion
<br /> ol amorlizallon of the auma eecured by thb Sawdty Inatrument grented by Lender to any successor In Intaest ol 9orrower shall not
<br /> i � operate to release ihe Iabllity of lhe origin�l Bortower or 8orcower's succeaaars In Interest. Lender shell nat be requlrud to commence
<br /> • � proceedings againsl any succesaor In Interost or reiuse to extend time lor payment or othervvise modty amaAizallon of lhe sums sQCUred
<br /> by this Security Instrument by reason ot an�demand mvde by the orlginal Bonower or Borcower's suecessors in interest. My forbearonce
<br /> � � by Lender In exerclsing eny�Ight or remedy sha0 not be a watver of or preclude ihe exercise ol eny right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successor� and Aasigns Bound; Joint and Several L(ablltty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements ol
<br /> I this Security Inslrument shell bind and bene6t the successas and assigns ol Lender and Borcower, sub�ecl lo the provlslons of paragraph
<br /> 17. Bonower's covonants ond ayreemer�ta ahaN be Jolnt and severel. My Borrower who co-signs this Securlty Instrument but does not
<br /> � executee the No�e: (a) is co•signing this Security Insirument only to mortgage,grant and convey that Bonower's Interest In lhe PropctAy ,
<br /> under the terms ol this Secu�ity Instrume�l:(b)Is nol personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Securily InstrumenL and(c)
<br /> agrees that Lender end eny other Borcower may agree to extend,modily, (orbear ar make any accommod�Uons with regard lo the terms ol
<br /> ihis Security Instrumont or the Note wRhoul lhat Borrower's consenl.
<br /> 13. Loan Cha�ges. 11 the loan secured by Ihfs Security Instrument Is subjecl ta a law which sets maximum loan charges,a�d
<br /> Ihc�t law is tlnally interpreled so Ihat the Inlerest or olher loan charges coltected or to be collected m connectlon with the loan exceed
<br /> ihe permitled Ilmits,ihan: (a)eny such loan chorge shall be reduced by Ihe emount nacess�ry to raduce Iho charge lo tha permilted
<br /> limit;and(b) any sums already cdlacled Irom Borrower which exceeded permtled limils wJl be retunded to BorrowQr. Lender may choose
<br /> � lo mako thls refund by teduGng ihe principd owad under Ihe Note or by maku�g o tl�rec�poyment to norrowcr. ii a rciu��u�cKiu�CS N�����
<br /> cipal,Ihe reductlon wIN be treated es e paAial prepayment wilhout any prepaymenl charge under Ihe Note.
<br /> � 14. NOtIC68. Any nollce lo Borcower provlded(or M Ihis Security I�strument shall bo g�ven by delrvering It or by mailing It by 6rs1
<br /> class malt unless appliceble law requlres use ol another method. The nollce shall be directed to the Property Address or ony olher address
<br /> S �2e2.hm ��q�) ar�a J u�5 Form �02t3 9.90
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �� �
<br /> �
<br />