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<br /> . 9artowK daipn�la by notia to L�nd�r. My noUa to L�nd�r shal b�piwn by 11nt d�s�m�N lo L�fQir e�ddr�i i1��erfh��ri a any ' � __
<br /> ,. olher�ddraa L�nder dwlynria by notla�to Bortowa. My noqc�provWW for In thls S�arity Instrum�nt�h�ll b�do�mrd to h�v�been i ��
<br /> ' �Iven to Bortower w Lmd�r wh�n ylwn as provWed In thla parapr+�ph.
<br /> • 18. Govornina Uw; Sovorabllity. Thb S�wiity Imt�um�nt�h�p b�yovemod by f�denl law and iha law of th�jud�dklbn N � _
<br /> , I whbh th� PropMly Is bat�d. In lh��v�►t thd my proW�bn or ciww ot this S�aufty Intwmant or 1h�Nota conOkts wllh�ppUc�bl� * . . -
<br /> law, eueh aonllicl�h�N not dl�cl othar provlslone o1 lhls 3ewiity Inekument a tha Note whkh can be pNen efleal wUhout Ih�conAlctlnq �'
<br /> �. provislon. To thle end ths provlalons ol lhb 3ewiity Instrument�nd th�Nots are declsued to b�severable. ;. ••
<br /> 18� Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrow�shap be yiven one confortned copy o1 tha Nota and ol lhls Seeurity InsUumen4 f �
<br />_ 17. Transto� of tha P�oporty or s Baneficial Intarost In 8orrowar. II oU or any part ol lhe Property or any Inle►est _
<br /> in ft i��old or iransfert�d(or H a b�llcl�l ht�roat In BorrowK Is sold a trrn�farsd�nd 8orrowar is not a nalual per:on)without Lend� �
<br /> er'a prlor wdlten eon�a►t, Undw m�Y,at its optbn,rsquke ImmedlaU paym�nt In IuN o1�M sums s�cured by thia 3ecur(ly Instrument.
<br /> Howevar, 1Ms opUon �hdf nc1 bs�cerdaed by Lender H exerd�e is prohtbitad by ledenl law�s o1 the dete ol thia 3ecu�ity InaWment.
<br /> " 11 Lender exeaisea Ihls optlon,Lender thaU pNa Bortower notica o1�ccelerallan. The noUce shaU provide a pe►lod ol not less than 90 `
<br /> days irom the date the noUee b d�livered or meAed wqhin which Bortower must pay aN auma secured by this Securlly Instrument. H
<br /> Borrower taYe to pay these eums prla to tha explraUon o/lhls period, Landar m�y invoke�ny remedles PermUted by thls Security Inetru• ,
<br /> ment without further noqae or d�und on Bortow�. � .
<br /> 18. BO�rOwer's RIgM to Ratnstata. If BoROwer meet�cerloln eondlUona,Bonower she0 have Ihe►Ight to hava enforcement :
<br /> � ol Ihla Securfty InaUvment dlaconUnued at any Ume prlor to the earUer ot(w)5 days(or such other perlod as epplicabla lew may specily
<br /> ; for rekistatement)be(or�sele oi th�Roperty purouent to eny power ot ade conUlned In ihis 3ecudty I�etrumenC or(b) eniry d a Judpment
<br /> � enlordnp tNa Secu�ity Instrument. Those condiqona are that BoROwer. (e)pays Lender all auma which then would be due under this ,
<br /> 3ecudry InsWment and the Note as N no acceteretbn had occurred;(b)cures any deleult oi any olher covenants or aqreements; (c)pays all ,
<br /> ezpo��es incuned In enforciny thls Seeurity Inatrument. Including, but nol Amited to,reasoneble ettomeya'teea;end(d) tekes aueh Action • . �
<br /> as I.ender may reasonobly require to�asure that the Ilen oi this 3ecixity Insirument,Lender'e rights In ihe Property and BoROwer's obllya• • :��°_
<br /> tion lo pay Ihe sums eecured by this Security Instrument shall conpnue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bortower,this secudry `?'•
<br /> Inatrument and iho obqpetlons secured hereby sheA remain fully eHectiva as N no aacelerallon hed occurted. However,ihls�Iqhl to reinsleto s
<br /> sheU not apply In the case o1 acceleraUon under peragraph 17. �
<br /> 19. $ale Of NOte; Changa of Loan Senric�r. The Note or a peAlal interest In the Note(together wilh ihis Secudty ;
<br /> Inslrument)mey be aold one or more times without p�lor nopce to Borrower. A sole may reauit in a change In ihe entiry(known ae Ihe •
<br /> 'Loan Servker")that collects monlhly payments due under the Note pnd Ihls 3ecurily Insirument. There also may be one or more chanqes ol ;
<br /> the Loan Serviser unrelated to e aale d the Note. II there Is o ahanye d ihe Loan 3enicer,BoROwer wip be given written notke o11he chonqe �`t
<br /> � . In aecordence wlth peragraph 14 above end appllcoble law. The nol�e wiq etate ihe neme and addresa oi the new Loan Servicer and ihe -�� -
<br /> address to whtch payments shoWd be nwde. The noUee witl also contain ony olher inlormation requlred by eppAcable law, �
<br /> � 20. Hazardoua Substaneos. Bortower ehall not cause or permit the prosence,uae,disposel, atorage, a reteaee ol a�y Hazardous
<br /> ' , subslancea on or M lhe PropeHy. Bonower ahatl not do,nor allow enyone elae to do,anylhlny aNeciinq the PropeAy that la In vtoletton of
<br /> any Enviraimentel law. The precediny iwo aentencea sheN not apply to ihe preaence,use,or storeye on the Property ol 3meq quentities of � �r
<br /> Ha2ardoua eubetencet thet are 9enereliy recognized to be epproprlete to normal resldentlal uaes and to meinlenance oi the PrapeAy. r
<br /> � 8orrower shall promplly glve Lender wiiqen nollce ot eny Invesligatlon, claim,demand,lawault or other eclion by eny govemmenal or ,
<br /> re9uletory opency or private parly InvoHing the Praperly and any Hesardous Substence or Environmental Law ol whkh Bortower has actual , ,
<br /> knowledge. H Bonower leama,or la notlRed by any govemmental or regulatory autho�ity,thet any removal or other remedlatlon ot any Hazardous �
<br /> 3ubstance oNecling ihe PropeAy is necesaery, Bortower shall promplly teke all necessary remedial acllons in eccordence with Environmental Law.
<br /> Aa used in lhis pa►ayraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances'are those aubstancea detined as toxic or hezardcus substances by Envkonmentel
<br /> Law and the foAowing eubstancee: gaaolMe, kerosene, other Ilemmeble or toxic petroleum products,toxla posticides and herbtddes,volotila
<br /> solvents, mate�lala conteining asbestos ar farmaldohyde,and radioective mate�iola. As used in Ihls pereyraph 20, 'Environmantal Law'
<br /> meana federal laws end lewa ot the�urisdicibn where ihe Property Is located that retate to healih, salely or environmental protectfon. ,
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bartower end lender lurther covenant and ayree as lollows: .
<br /> 21. Accele►ation; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleration following • .
<br /> Barower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration
<br /> undar paragraph 17 uniess applicabte law provides otherwtse). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b)
<br /> the actton required to curo the defa�ilt; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to
<br /> Borrower, by which tha default must be cu�ed; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date
<br /> �',, specNied In the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by thts Security Inslrument and eale
<br /> N of the Proparty. The notice shall further iniorm Borrower of the right to reins4ate after acceleration and
<br /> ,� the right to bring a couR action to assert the non-exlstence of a default or any other defense of Bo�rower
<br /> to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified In the notice, Lender
<br /> at its option may require irnmediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> .� , further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedtes permitted by applicable
<br /> law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies p�ovided in this
<br /> paragraph 21, Including. but not limited to. reasonable attorneys' tees and costs of title evtdence.
<br /> If the power of sale (s invoked, 7rustee ahall record a notice of default in each county 1n which any part
<br /> of the Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law
<br /> to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. Atter the time required by applicable
<br /> law. Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appUcable taw.
<br /> Trustee. without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the
<br /> � time and ptace and under the terms destgnated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any o�der
<br /> �_ � �� _ ..� ..s .ti� o....,o.t� hv n��hlic nnnouncement
<br /> 1fU8t6@ Qete�mi�es. =�utfulet �i�uy NvaQMvi�e ao�e v. w. vi o�� j+a�:... .. -r-•-• -• -
<br /> 1 at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or ifs designee may purchase the Property
<br /> a�any sa�o.
<br /> � Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, T�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed
<br /> conveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth
<br /> ot the statements mada theretn. 'frustee shail apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order:
<br /> r (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale. including the payment of the
<br /> Trustee's tees actually incurred, not to exceed 3.0009'0 of the qrincipal amount of the nvte at the time
<br /> � of ttie declarallon of default, and reasonable attorneys' fees as permitted by law; (b) to all sums secured
<br /> by this Security Instrument: and (c) any exaass to the person or persons le�ally entitted to it.
<br /> � )0�97��m �591) p�pc 4 v1 S f01'IIl 3028 9190
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