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P�yrm��t of Pr1nolpW and Int�nst; Pnpaym�nt �nd Lat�Ch�rp�s. 6arowM sh�d prompty p�y wh�n duo Iha `;, -- <br /> pnc�ipol of uid IntK�t an 1h�eMbt�vid�nc�d by th�Nat��nd�nY prp�ynNnt�nd wl� ehup�s du�under tha Nota. '� <br /> 2. Funds for Tattws�nd In�unna�. SubJat to appllcwbM bw a to� w�tten w�hr�r by Under, Borrower slt�p pay to Lmder on k , : r _`� <br /> ih�d�y monlhy p�ym�nu �n du�undw th�Not�.untA ih�Not�b pdd h IW, •wm("Fund�')lor: (�)Y�adY Uxss�nd��as��m�nl�whlob r . ,.,,y.+x;�;�;«r::,� <br /> rt�y Nt�In prlority ov�r thi� SoourUy Inolrumant as a pon on tho PropeAy;(b)yeerN�eeaehokf psYma^�e or g r o u n d r e n t a o n I h e Pro p e r t y, � ' <br /> . . M�ny; (�)YMdY hmrd or Prop�ty Nwranu prwnlumr, (dl Y�N tlood Inwhnc�pnmium�.A any; (e)YeaAY mort0ego Inwnnce premlums, ','�:f:_..�:; <br /> .,,,; .. ,.. , <br /> �� It�ny;and(Q�ny sums p�y�hl�by Bortower to L�nd�r,in�ocotd�no�wilh IM provislons ol panpnph e. M liau ol IM p�yment ol mortyeqo �.��; .. ..:�� <br /> � <br />- � Insuronee premium�. Tha�qmu u�aNed'Escrow Itams'. L�nder rtuy, tl�ny Ume,coiect�nd hotd Funda in an amounl not to exeoed • -- <br /> the maximum amount�Nndu fa�federaly rdtlod moRqape loan nwy rpulra tor BorrowK's asaow account under the federal Real ' ., <br /> � Estate Setllement Prooadur�Act of 107�a�mended ham 1Nne lo Uma,12 U.8.C,�28p1 �t�eq.('RESPA'),unless �nother law Ihat appllea to �� _ <br /> the Funds eels�lesur�nwunt. fl so,Laide►m�y,d�ny Ume,coilect+nd hold funds in�n amount not to excaed Ihe leeeer�mount. Lender ! <br /> may eatimate Ihe amouM o1 funds du�on Ih�bnls ot curtant dd��nd roa�on�blo artlmrtes cf exPenditures ol luturo Esaow Items or olheiwise � <br /> � <br /> In�ccordance wilh apppcabU I�w. � , <br /> The Fund� ahall b�hetd In�n InaUtution whoae deposits�ra Ineured by�fedaral�gerwy,instrumentality,or entity pncludinq Lender N Lender � <br /> ; Is such an Institution)or in �ny FWenl Home Loan Bank. Lender shap�pply the Funds to pey the Eac►ow Itema. Lender may not charye �� � <br /> � BoROwer lor hoidin��uid appyinq tho fundt,annwlhr�natyzinp the asaow account w veriy4►y lhe Eauow Itema,unlesa Lender paya Bortower -,dy;,,�y <br /> interest on the Funda�nd applicable law permito Lander to make sueh a chuqe. However,Lender rtwy require'Borrower to pay a one�pma eharge � • :���`' <br /> . ! for an independent �e�l esteU tax repoAk►9 eervlce used by Lender M connaction wfth this loan, unloss epplicable law provldea olherwlse. Unless f <br /> � � � en agreemenl fa made a appUcabla law requirea intereat to be pald,Lender ahaU not bQ required to pay Bortower any interest or eamings on the ( � <br /> Funds. Bortower and Lender may ayree In w�itlnq, however,that Intereal shal be pe�d on ihe Funds. Lender shdl give to Boaower,without ' � ' �:"II <br /> charye,an annuat accountinp of the Funds showinq credGe ond debll�to lhe Funds and Ihe purpose lor which each debN to the Funda � a •�_' <br /> ' �:s` <br /> was mede. The Funde�re pledped�s�dditlonal seeurfly br aq sums tecured by this BewrNy Instrument. � ','�'`"`—�- <br /> II the Funds hetd by Lender axeeed ihe amounts permltted to be held by�ppoceble law.Lender shall accouat to Borrower lor the excesa � <br /> Funds In acwrdonce wNh the requkements o1 applicebte law. I(tha amount ot 1M Funds hetd by Lender at any Iime la not sulficient lo pay the , �.`- <br /> ��r <br /> � ., Eacrow Itema when due,Lender m�y ao ootify Borrowe►In wdUny,�nd,in eucb ase Bortower ahaW pey to Lender ihe emount neeesaary to meke � _ __ <br /> up the deliclency. Bortower shell make up the deflciency in no mae th�n tweNe monlhy paymenta,at Lender'a aole dlscrelion. i ���� <br /> � <br /> Upon payment In IuG of W 4ums eecured by ihia Sew�ily inatrument,Lander�hap prampty �elund to Borrower any Funda ha�d by Lender. II <br /> . under paragroph 21,Lender thap�cquke or seU Iha Property,Lender,prlo►to the�cquistdon or aale of the Property,shaH�pply eny Funds hetd �j� <br /> , by i.n��dm ai ti�e Qr�ie af acquisltiot� ar alc s�a crrdlt aysinst the eums eean!d by tMw Security InsWmeM. �l � <br /> . � 3. Applieatloo of Paymants. Untess epplicebte law provlde�othenNiee,all payments receNed by Lender under paragraphs t and 2 <br /> shatl 6e appNed: Arst,to any prepeyment cherges dua under the Note;aeaond, to emount4 payable unde► paragrcph 2:thlyd,to Intereot due; t . � <br /> � .�1 .•' <br /> lourth,lo pdncipal due;�nd last,to any late cheryes due under Ihe Note. � ;F . <br /> a. Cherges; Li6ne. BaROwer shall pey aM taxea,essessmenta,charyes,finea and Impoaillona ellributahle to the Property whlch mey <br /> altain prlo�ity over lhis Secudly Instrument,and leasehold peymenls or qround rents, il eny. Bortower ehaU pay Ihese obllgallons in the manner <br /> provldod In paraqreph 2,or B not pald In thet manner,Bonower shall pay them on time d'veeliy lo Ihe person owed payment. Borrower ahall <br /> � promptty lumish to Lendar aY noUces of amounls to be peld under thk parepreph. N Bortower makes Iheae peymente d(reclly,Borrower ; ,:.��.,{. � <br /> ; ehoN prompliy Iumish to Lender receipts evldencfng the peymenta. .� <br /> Borrower ahep prompty dlschuge any Aen which hes p�lorlry over ihls Securlry Inslrument unlesa 8orrower:(a) agrees In writing lo the pay <br /> ment of ihe obligation aecured by the Aen in e menner acceptabte to Lender:(b)eontest�in yood(aith the Qen by, or delends egetnst entorcoment <br /> ' ol ihe Nen In, legal proceedinps which in lhe Lender's opinlon operate to preve�llhe enforcement oi the Ilen; or(e) aecures trom the holder ol the � , <br /> Uen an agreemont selisloctory to Lender subordlneling the Ilen to this Security Inalrument. If Lender dotermines Ihal any paA ol lhe Property is , 5�; , <br /> subject lo a Ilen whlch may�qeln prlority over Ihis 3ecwity Insirument,Lender rtuy yNe Borrower e nolice IdentYyinq the Ilen. Bortower ahaN <br /> setisly the Yen or take one or more ol the ectlons set toAh above within 10 daya oi the qiving ol notice. <br /> 5. Hazard Or PrOpYI'ty In8ur8rIC6. Bortower ahall keep Ihe improvemenis now exisling or hereatter erected on the PropeAy insured <br /> againal loas by tire,hazard�Included withln the term'extended coveraye' and any olher hazards.Including Iloods or Oooding,lor which Lender <br /> requirea Insurance. Thb insuranca shall be malntained in the amounts and br ihe periods that Lender requlres. The insumnce canler providing <br /> the Insurance shall be choaen by Bortowe�subJect to Lender's approval whkh shall not be unreasonably wilhheld. II Bortower lafls to malnteln <br /> coverege described obove,Lendo►may,at Lender's optlon,obtein coverape lo protect Lender's riyhts In the Property In eccordence wlth , � <br /> . . peregraph 7. <br /> AN Insurance poYdes and renewals shep be acceptable to ihe Lendc+�and sholl Include a standard moAgage clause. Lender sheA have Ihe <br /> .. �� dght to hold the pollcles and renewats. If Lender requlres.Bortower shell promply give lo Lender aN recelpts ol paid premlums end renewal <br /> � y. nolices. In the event of losa, Borrowc�ahell give prompt notice to the Insurence car�er and Lender. lender may make proof ol loss It not made <br /> �'� promplly by Borrowcr. <br /> � Unluss Lendcr end Bortower otherwiso egrce In wriling.Insurancc procceds ahuN be appl�ed to resloration ar repnir ol IhQ Property damagad,it <br /> Ihe restoretlon or repak is economically leasible end Lctnder's security is nol lessenod. II lhe restorntion or repak is not economicaMy IctasfblQ <br /> ` or Lender's security would be lessened, ihe{nsurance proceeds shall be applled to tho sums secured by ihis Security Instrument, whether or not <br /> then due,with any oxcess paid to Borrower. II Bonower abandons ihe Properly,or does not answer within 30 days a notice Irom Lender lhat the <br /> Insurence ca►rler hes oflered to aerile a clalm.Ihan lCnder may collect lhe Insurancv proteeds. Londer�iay use tha proceads to repafr or restore <br /> Ihe PropeAy or to pey sums secuted by Ihis Security Inslrument,wholher or not then due. The 30•day period wi11 begin when the notica is given. <br /> Untess Lender and Bortower othervvlse agree M writing,any application ol proceeds to principat shall not extend or postpone tho dua dato <br /> ol the monlhly paymeMs relerred to In paregraph 1 end 2 or change Ihe amounl 01 Ihe paymenls. II under parugraph 21 ihe Property is <br /> ecqutred by letnder,8orrower's�Ight lo a�y insuronce policles end proceeds resulting irom damage to thcs Properly prfor to the ecquisitfon <br /> ahell oass to Lcmder to the extent ol the sums secured by ihfs Securiy Inslrument Immed�a;ely pr(or to the acquisitlon. <br /> � 6. Occupancy, Proservatbn, Matntenance and ProtecNon of tho Prope�ty; Borrower's Loan Appiication; - <br /> Leaseholds. Borrower shell oeeupy,eslabGsh,and uso Ihe Property as Borrower's print�pal rosldence within sixly doys afler lho oxecution ol <br /> thls 3ecurily Inslrumenl end shall contlnuo to occupy thu PropeHy as Bonower's princlpal rasidence lor al le�sl one year aher lhe d2'. <br /> occupancy,unless Lender olherwise ayrees In wrilfng,whlch consent sliall not be unreasonably wflhhetd,ar unlass extenualing circumst.. :es eust <br /> whlch erc beyond Bortower'a eonttol. Borcower shatl not destruy.damaga or Mpair Ihcr PropcAy,altow tlie Property to detcrioratc,or commii <br /> wasta on the Property. Bortower shall be In dalault II any forfefWro oclion or proceeding.whether crv�or a�m�nal, is begun that m Lendcr's gocd <br /> i <br /> � Form 9018 9i90 <br /> JO$91.trm(JN1) paQr 1 0l S <br /> � � <br /> t�yi <br /> . �! <br />