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� . �. ,.a, ..• i�;j. •s7a.,.: ::;� �T, -' �,,'`',`:>�t?1Zd��ti'"��. _- — --- <br /> '..�a: <br /> _ ��'S*k:��'b_ . . ___ ��=,[:.....a... ' ' — -' <br /> ---,-- t -- --.. . ... ., <br />-',.���.�.L_r ,�:Ytt.-�:�"._.�..-_�F�-_..�---_'—_..__.-.....----� - <br /> �n�'�.1�� ' � v� ��i r. ' .-.��_ <br /> 1 <br />. - ' � ._ .--'.. �..._.� - <br /> • •.!.Yy4119� •r�•� � ' . "- <br /> ryi�-:•�i�yb,•:(t- - - ' - <br /> -- — _ -- `� <br /> Y _ <br /> ��.._tiM-. - <br /> - � :;r:�:.::.��..a{ a y 92--- 1 U 2418 �,=- <br /> *.,� , � . <br /> � s��,,,,tr;,,,�,.•,::' candcmnalion��r�Hhcr tuking t�l'uny pan uf Ihc Nm�xny,or fnr canvcyumc in liru�d cundrmniuian.ure hrrchy uyr.igncd a�ul �,.M _- <br /> `S•: ,.. xhall t�puiJ�u l.cndc�. —_ <br /> � .�;d«�•`�,'�� "� In Ihc evenl�►t' a Io1ul tuking uf Ih� Pro�xrty. ihc pnKecds +hull tx upplicJ to�hc tiumw ucureJ hy ihi, Sccurity i <br /> � ,." '�,�:..� Iny�Nmem. whethcr��r n�n ihen dur.whh +�ny cxce..puiJ w Burcuwcr. lo�h� evcot ��f�� puni:d iukin�uf�he Prupcny in <br /> ���;^�•� �°^ w hich Ihe 1'�ir nturket vuluc ol'�he I'ro�xny immeJiu��ly Ixli�R �hr Iuking i�eyutd u�ur grcu�er�hun�hc umount M'i1x:+um� <br /> �curcJ hy 1hi�S�curi�y In.inmmm immrdiuicly I+rti�rr thc�ukin�t,unlc++ Horr�►wrr und I.cnJ�r o�hcrwitie a�tRC in writing. �=- <br /> -��''�'"��."�'"�.�..�;, ih� wumw+ccurrJ hy �hf� Srcuri�y Imuumrnl.hall tx�r�duccd by ih�om�wnt uf IIk pnkrrd. multiplicJ by ih�: Ii�Uawing <br /> '� .� fructinn. lu�Ihr Iotul umount af� ,ururcd inmudiu�cly txfurc�hc tuMinE!,divided by Ihl�hc 1'uir murkc� valuc of�hc �.. <br /> �� ° �o �:� o Propcny immediu�ely hcfnrc Ihc tnking. Any huluncc .hull Ix paid �u l3urrutiver. In thr c��ent nt :i partial uiking ��f thc � --- _-_�.-�.._- -. <br /> �.�-__ <br /> `�' ' . • . Propcny in which�hr fuir murkct vulur��I'thc PraFxAy imnkJiutcly Ix�forr tlx iukiog i, Ic.+Ihun ihc umount uf Ihr zum, <br /> •� �cured immcdiu�ely Ixforc the Iuling. �mlcti+ Burruwer unJ Lendrr�Hhenvi�c o�rcr m wri�ing ur unlc�� upplicuhlr luw• <br /> .. utNcrwi+�pravide�,thc pr�xrcds.hall Ix upplKd t��thc�um��currd I�y ihi,Sccuri���In,lrum�m whc�hcr ur no�dx:�umti•rrc ���• �•-- <br /> - � � ' .. �hcn duc. �"-""- <br /> ° � If Ihc Propeny i,ah:�ndoncd hy Hi►rruw•cr.ur ii'.aficr ni,licc hy Lcndcr i��Harruwcr thut ihc cuod�mm�r mukc 6 <br /> . - °n un uw�urd or uulr u cluim for dumugc..SuROwrr fuils�o rc+��nd to Lcndrr within 11►duy�af�cr�hc du�c ihc nuticc i,givcn. �;.:��•�;7,`_ <br /> �'_-._-,::. <br /> Lender iti vu�horized to rullcct imJ upply �hr pr�xeeJ..nt il+optiun.ridkr�a rr,turati�►n or repuir ol'1hc 1'm�:ny or Io Ihe _ - u�- <br /> � xum�tiecurcd by thi.Securi�y In��nimen�,whethrr or nai�h�n due. <br /> Unle.n Lender und eorrow�r athcrwix u�rer in wri�'n�. uny applicution ��f pr�xeed.a►prinripul +hull nut e�trnd or __ <br /> � " postp�me Ihe dur dutc aP�hc monthly puynunt�refernJ to in paragruph+I�+nJ 2��r chunge�hr amnum�il'.uch paynknt.. -- — <br /> � 11. Barrnwer Not Released; �arbearunce H Lender Nol a Walver. Ez�cn.iun ui' �hc timr Ibr pa�•mcn� ��r "�'=�""- <br /> � , .' . . . Y ��_-�--.` <br /> ° m«li�cuiiim nf umohizution of Ihr�um� xerured by thjs S�curi�y Inztrum�m grameJ by Lcnder to uny succes+or in imerc.� ���__ <br /> � � � of Barmwcr+hull not operr�e u� releu�c thc liubility i�f ihc original B�xruwcr��r BoROU•cr:,ucrr..or, in intcrc�t. l.endrr r�:.:_.._: <br /> ° � shull nd t►e rcyuired to cnmmence prncceJinFs uFuins� uny•�uccesxor in interest��r refuu �o extend �ime fur pa��ment or �� �^�t�'` �-: <br /> � othenvi+e modify amonizution��i'the,um�yecureJ by thi�Sccuriry In��rumrnl by rea,an�►f any�kmund madc bp the ariginul t :. .:: -= <br /> ' Bormwer or Burrow�r's succesxon in imerest. Any fbrlxurance hy l.ender in uny rig ht or rcmedy.hall n��l lx�u ���:r; .'�'�--- <br /> 7,.i� ; f,._��_� <br /> , ,., ;,�t,, waiver o f or prec lu de t he exrrri+c��f'any right ar mmed y. 5 ,,;;::''1;°:•;�.,.�-.�. <br /> � . _.. ��,, 12. Successars and Assi�ns Buund;.loint and Several Liubilily:Ca�i�ners. Thc covenuntti und a�rccmrnl+of thi. �� , ::� . ._.:-:•.�- <br /> � '"'�� � Securily Inxtn�mem shnll bincl and henetit �he �uccexson und iix.iFns of Lender und B��rcuwrr,+ubject to the pr�wi.iim+ nf �.�i,��n�,•:;::,'-__ <br /> ;I�,`.:,:_;� ' „ .. ,,,_� <br /> :�,;r':� .:•:'�c'•;�� parAgruph 17. BoROwer's rovcnant� und ugrcement. shidl hc joim unJ.c vcrul. Any Burrowcr who r��-+ign+ Ihi.Sccurity , . <br /> .��'�.R>TV��z <br /> � •'' �� Instn�ment but dcxx not exrcute the NMC: lul i�co-signing�his Securiry In+trumem unly to mortgage,grant and romcy Ihut �•:�'�• '•:' .;'.ivr.°�— <br /> . �•�;;iz,y:;:.:;:;'..: . . <br /> • , ,,,,;,;,,,,, ,,,, Bortower�interes�in�hc Pmprny under thc iem�s of'thi�Security Inxtrum�m: 1h1 i�n��t prrsonully ubligateJ a�pa��thc sum. • °°°` <br /> ;','.:�„��. :•:;;• xecured by thi�Secu�iry Insirumenc und(cl agrcrs thai Lender und uny oiher Burrnwrr muy aprcr w rxlrnJ.m�xlify,forbcur �•� � <br /> . �:",�•:;,�,, �.� . or muke uny accommnciutions with mgurd to the termr of�hi, Serurily In+lrument ar the Note without that Borrower� •�,Stit ,,.,,,i�� <br /> . . cons�nl. - �°�i <br /> 13. L�wn Charges. If thr loun.ecurcd by thi: Srrurity Imtrumrn� i+ tiUI1J►l'1 IO 8 Ii1N' N'Illl'Il +.rl� m•rrimum luun '' -�- <br /> --�-- char�;e,.and thas lau•i�tina!!y iosrrpre�cd,u that thr int!•rc�i�•r�,th�•r I��in rh:�n�c.coUcr�rJ or to tx rullectrd m rannection •. -:� -., _ '' <br /> .. with the loun cxcced ihe�xmiiucd limil�.thrn: la�any,urh I�,un churgc yhall Ixr rcducrd hy�hr anwuni ixcc..ury tu redurr � ti..�..�• <br /> the charge u,t;�r peRnilted limit:unJ Ih►,�dnady culkcled from Borcnwer whirh exc�edrd�nnitt�d limi�, ��ill fk � . . <br /> refundeJ t��Borrowcr. LcnJrr mc�y ch���u iu nuikc thi,rrtunJ hy rrdurin�! �h�r���,��n:d uwed un�kr Ih�Nnlr nr hy ma�,in�:;� <br /> � dirrct puyirent lo Born►wer. If a ml�und nducr.primip:d.�he reduclion will i+c Ireutrd u+;�punial prepu}mrnt wiihuoi�ui�• E . T�,,' <br /> p�ep•ryment churgc unikr�hr N�i�r. ; . <br /> la. NMices. Any nolirr 1�� R�►RU�vrr pro�ideJ lur w�hi, tierunl� In.lrum�n� .h+dl hr �i�ru hy Jrh�.�ring il ur h�• � ,�;,,a <br /> � �� mailing ii hy lir�t cla.ti mail unl�,.upplicahle I:ra re.�u�rr.u����►f anulhrr i���ih�xl.�fh� naur��.hull Ix dir�ticd iu N�e I'nhx rly • <br /> AJdrr,.or any i�thrr uddr.�+ H��rr����rr dr,i�nulc. b�iHnirc lu I.cndrr. :�m nuiirr tu Lrud�r+hnll tx�i�en hy lir.l rl�n, • • <br /> , muil t��l.cndcr',addre,..t;urd hrrein ur:�ny nlh�•r:�ddr�•��l.enilrr de+i�n;ilc�h� nnUCr Io Rnrc��urr. An}n�Nicc�r��v�drd lur <br /> .�,.. in �hi,Sccurity In+Irununl .h;dl Ix d��rmed �o hi�v�� Ixrn�i�rn 1„ NurroN•rr or Lrndrr ��h.n �ivrn u. �xi►viJcd m Ihi� -:'-i;-, <br /> par•rgruph. � -5��'- <br /> IS. (:overnin�;LuK•: tie��crubilit�•. 1'hi,tierurii� In.�rumrm +h:dl he �u�crn�J h� Irdrr:ll Ii1N ,mJ Ihr la�� ul the v �':,��:'_ _ <br /> juri.diction in which IIK Priqxny i.I.katrJ. In�hr rvcnl Ihat uny prnvi.i��n ur rlau,c ul thi,tircuri�� In,�n�mcnt ur�he Nu�r �� ,,.�.�;,•_. <br /> con8ictti wiih applicuMr la�ti..uch r„nlli�l+h;ill not all'rct oihcr pr„'ihi,tircum}• In,lrumcnl��r Ihc No��w•hirh ran '�'�.'�'•T <br /> , tk given cffect �vithum Ihr r�mllirtinE��ru�•i�i�m. 9i�Ihi, en�i Ihr proci�i�Hi. ��I Ihi, Srruri�y Inti�rumenl tmJ the Niiir :�m � '�y�:{ <br /> . declureJ tc�Ix,rveraMa ! ��%�;%w <br /> 16. Burrower's Cop}�. Nurroti er�hull Ix gi��rn unr runfunnr�l r��p� ut Ihu N��t�:md ol thiti Srrurit� Imtrumcnl. � ?`^'� _ <br /> ,.�r;--- <br /> . 17. 7Yun�Per of'the Properly or n Benef'iriul Inle�est in Norrowcr. II i�U or any p:irt��f thc 1'rupch��ur any iniere�l in � <br /> it i�sold�tt lor ii'a Ixn�ticiul imrretii in Borru+�rr i,,oIJ ur Iran,t'crred and Hurro���r i, nut u natural Exroonl E• � ,•�r„�:T <br /> withou�L�nckr'.pri�x w•riuen cun.em.l.end�r muy.a�i��uptiun.rryuirr iiumcJiair pa�nunl in tidl.�f all wm.�erured hy I` ' :��..:=-=�.. <br /> .. thj,Securily Inx�rununt. Hi►��•rvcr.this aption ,hall nui Ix csrrci�cd h}I.rndcr i(cs�rci,r i,pri,hihitrJ h� lidcral I.n�•ii,uf : ' ^�''__ <br /> h ��{Q!�. <br /> thc dute of Ihi.Sccurity Imtrumcnt. ;' ' -"""' <br /> If LenJer cxerci+c,1hi,opti�rn. Lrndrr,h:dl�iv�13�irn�wrr n��ticr ut:irrrl�ratiun. "I'hr nuurr.huU pruviJr a�xri�xi ai' : ' <br /> not le�+than ill d�y,fn�m�hr Jat�Ihe ni,tirr i,�kli�cr�d�xmailed aiihm ��hirh Hon•����er mu,1 p:�y all�um.,��rureJ h� thi� � <br /> Srcurity Ins�rumcnl. If Burrow•rr I:iil, to pa�• the,r �um•priar lo Ilx rvpir.��iun„f�hi, �kr�oJ. L�nJer m��� im•��Ac uny <br /> rrmcdic�rxrmilieJ M�hi.Scruriq In�irunmm ��ilh�,ui IurUxr nuti�c��r dcm;uid an li�,iru��rr. , <br /> 18. Horrower'� Iti�;hl lu Reintilute. II Burn,��.r nxrt.:rrtain �•�mJiuun,. I�urru��rr .hall h:��c lhc ri�!hl tu hu�r • <br /> �nforccm�ni of thi, Sccw•ily In.trument �li.rnnlinurd at am unx priur tn ihr rarhrr „I: �.0 S Ja�.��n•,uch ulh�r�kri�K1:�. <br /> timFlcl:mid> Munak�lur�Fra•ddlc�Wcl�It�1R�11�tifNl�th�f 1 ud��iiut���rnan�• 4411 ��„i¢,•J��/n�u�c,�� <br /> .�i <br /> ��� <br /> . . . '., ._ <br /> ' <br /> � <br /> ( <br /> � 1 <br /> � <br /> • �_ <br />